Bezawit Solomon found murdered
in Oslo, Norway
A 19-year-old woman named Bezawit Solomon, who is a Norwegian citizen of Ethiopian descent, was found murdered in Norway yesterday (Monday) morning.
The victim’s body was found in one of the apartments in the Anker Studentbolig complex in downtown Oslo, just across the Aker River from the popular Grünerløkka district.
Police have charged the victim’s 27-year-old husband, Yafet Kassa Gebrewold, and issued warrants for his arrest both in Norway and internationally. He is a citizen of Ethiopia, says Inspector Hanne Kristin Rohde.

Yafet Kassa is charged with
murdering his wife
Police withheld many details of the case, but said they found blood in the apartment that quickly led them to believe the woman was murdered. They were first summoned to the complex shortly after 1am, by an acquaintance of the woman.
It is reported that Bezawit came to Norway in 2000 and in 2006, she was granted Norwegian citizenship. The husband came to Norway in 2004 as a student. The two got married in 2006. “They had good relationship. They were to to celebrate their second wedding anniversary this month,” says Temesgen Kahsay, a friend who knew the couple.
The police want tips from the public on this issue, if you have information, please contact the police at tel: 22 66 99 66
Ethiopian man in Alexandria VA charged with killing wife

Murder suspect Mesfin Hussien
ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA — Police have charged Mesfin Hussien with the murder of his wife Hawlet Mohammed today. The victim died at the scene. An autopsy performed today has determined the manner of death to be homicide.
Hawlet is Alexandria’s first homicide victim of this year (2008), according to Alexandria Police.
A few weeks ago, another idiot in Arlington, Virginia, strangled his wife to death. Yesterday, in Norway, yet another woman from Ethiopia was killed by her husband. Is this becoming an epidemic in our community? What is driving these men to murder their wives?
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NEWS RELEASE, JUNE 23, 2008 #08-024
Alexandria Police Identify Homicide Victim; Make Homicide Arrest
Alexandria police have identified the victim of yesterday’s homicide as Hawlet Mohammed, a 27 year-old Alexandria woman. Police were called to the 3000 block of Park Center Drive around 11:55 p.m. for the report of a deceased female. The victim died at the scene.
The victim suffered trauma to the upper body. An autopsy performed today has determined the manner of death to be homicide.
Alexandria detectives arrested an Alexandria man for the murder of Hawlet Mohammed earlier today. Mesfin Hussin, 35, of 3001 Park Center Drive, was charged with Murder. Mr. Hussin is the husband of Ms. Mohammed.
This is the first homicide in Alexandria this year. There were eight homicides in Alexandria last year.
139 thoughts on “Another Ethiopian man charged with killing wife”
I totally agree with you Demeke when it comes to marrying African-American women…It is the best thing that ever happend to me when I left most of Ethio (sluts & hoes) women & decided to give it a chance to an African-American women…I don’t why most ethio men are obsessed with ethio women (after all they’re not the only women walking on this earth)
Such episode is increasing at an alarming rate. There has to be a program in each community about domestic violence, child abuse, ballancing our new discovered rights with humility and good will. The man must understand what is expected of him and the rights of women in the USA. The woman must also understand her role as a pillar of the family, without scaring the husband with a threat of the law.If the husband or boy friend has uttered “I will kill you and kill myself”, even once, the woman must immediately take steps to move out, to change state or have an erx-parte protection. Both must be a contributing couple for their welbeing and the children’s safety. What we should form is a multi-cultural domestic violence prevention center in each city. Contact Ethiopian Centers in each State to form this committee. Also I do not know how to convince them, encourage each city to have a faith based family conflict resolution education after Sunday’s School or Friday’s call to prayer. You should contact your orthodox, protestant or Muslim faith leader to develop a carriculum with American Social work collabortaion to save lives. We can only defeat this problem by combining western methods of counseling with faith based leadership involvement.I have been successfull in my own area, though we had 2 violence related deaths. There is no time for analysis and theses. We have to begin this immediately to save the lives of our families- men, women and children.
very sad !!!!!! may their soul rest in peace…
jah love and demeke,,, hi afrcian america are more in criminal than habesha, habesha is diamond , i think you can’t get habesha girl , don’t feel bad pray for god you will get one day hahaha we habesha we can’t live with out habesha ,,,, proud to be habesha
There are a lot of intersting coments in here. I am sure it is hard if we place ourselves on that position but I don’t believe in killing. Let me share you what I know of one guy. This guy and me live in same city. He is one of the nice guys in the world (education, religion, respect to people and family) that I know. I know his wife very well. she is nice, too, but to outsiders like me not to her husband.
He brought her here to USA and after she got her permanent residence card, she has done a lot of things. The only thing she accused him was ” I was expecting him to have a lot of money but he doesn’t have”. She said I don’t want to live this kind of life. She took the baby for a vacation to ethiopia and left the baby in ethiopia.Then she filed an order of protection against him by accusing him of rape, beating her and their child, and finance.
The judge dismissed the case but she started sending guys to attack him so that he can attack them back to make him look a bad guy to get the custody of the child. He tried his best not commit any crime.
I admire him for what he is doing. So we should learn a lot from a lot of people who are in the situation instead of being a part of crime.
As an advice for those who don’t like their partner for any reason:
1. Let’s discuss our feeling with our partner clearly
2. Let’s ask our friends/shimagle to help us save our
3. Let’s leave without hurting. Whether you like it or not
you had a good time with her/him at one time
I know it hard to deal with a lot of our ethiopian ladies but we should learn from each other. We should help eachother in every aspect. If some things comes, we need to talk and solve before it gets worse.
I know killing is not a solution but we need to teach our community: – on how we can solve our differences
– the men not to be agressive
– the women not to over react ( I am sure there
are a lot of woman who picked the western
culture but reacts to their husband in a worse
condition than even the western women do).
– men should advice men on how to be a man
instead of living like old ages
-woman should advice woman on how they can be a
good wife
-Most women are money minded and they should
think about it if they need a healthy family
Walk away from the relationship. Never kill your significant one. Please Ethiopian men and women have some sense in loving your children. Dont be a widow in jail. Our culture is domestic violence tolerant and needs correction.
For the little kids, it is better to have a prostitute mom than a dead mom.
To give response to Demeke, african-american women are I guess very hard to deal with than habesha, the only turn on they have is that you don’t have to hassle a lot to get a black american girlfriend but when it comes to Ethiopian women, you have to promise her the world and hassle a lot, lie a lot to make her like you, I am one of the guys who really are tired of habesa girls, specially we the ones who need a serious relationship, we want to love, be loved and get married to our own ethincity for family’s sake, for religion sake or for whatever, our culture is so unique and beautifull that after all the hard work in the west, we need to return back to our country, start a family and become someone while the women we wish to have aspire to become models and actresses, or like the ones they see in Hollywood movies, coming to the US is not a success but a stressful moment of life that pushes you to work hard and runaway, when I first came to the US, I thought I would become like Bill Gates but the fact is that there was no bank account ready for me to use right away and buy Hummer truck or something but what waited for me was a stressful hardwork that I am proud of, I have cleaned, been a cashier, have cried at night being homesick and missing my family, but now, I don’t want any girl, I don’t care how beautiful she is, I don’t want her to cheat me out of my fortune or cheat on me and hurt me, if she is ready to love me and recieve the love I can give her, well and good, otherwise, I better live appeciating hot women we see around and fantasizing about them and live till I finish my contract in this world, love is the best gift in life and specially if God gives you someone you will love forever and who loves you back forever, if not, God forbid. But there are other options than killing, if you are that angry, you can think of something that can make her angry, date another beautiful woman and tell her that you are happy that you guys are separated, nothing makes habesha girl angry than seing her ex with a woman with a better look and if you don’t want a revenge, give it to God and you will be rewarded the best thing ever, whatever that is.
To all the Ethiopian wives in diaspora,
Please read Proverbs 31:10-31.
May the good Lord help you!
It is a very sad story.This type of story makes couples to be strong and to look back their drawbacks.Evenhough Mesfin’s action is evil ,as same time it is teaching!
Please! Couples,Love should be your basic milestone for marriage not money,fame or beauty!
Let God bless all marriages!Amen!!!
yes one day i will do it. it is good action for habesh womens.they have a great problem . after they come to USA at any way they think to follow foreign style like sleeping different guys this is leads to lose their on life . I am sure no one kill their on wife.this is her problem.
any way i expect more similar action from habesh guys unless they correct their on behavior
ሁሉንም ነፍሳዠውን ይማረው..
Hi Guies, be realistic!
Is it not one of the side-effects of migration. Look, an immigrant can never solve a problem but he can change kinds of problems. So, try to minimize these side-effects and keep these victims in your daily prayers!
What we have heard so far is that an Ethiopian man has killed his wife in such and such places, but we have never heard the causes of the killing. Can any one tell us why, for example, Bezawit Solomon and Hawlet Mohammed, and other Ethiopian girls were murdered?
After fifteen years in the US,i went back home to see my relatives there i met beautiful out side deadly in action and unfaithful to me and i got rid of before she come here.Ayear and half after that i went home again and i got married to these lady whom her whole family knows me since i was a kid.I came back here and i started to help her with her collage education.She graduated succesfully and then she told me she don’t want me anymore.I said thank you and i closed the file.So i don’t have to kill her.I’m a man who can find suitable woman anytime i want.Why i have to kill her?Brothers,listen to me,THese to women did very very bad things to me before even they immigrated to the US.To me it’s a about their low level of conciousness.They don’t know who they are,what they are doing,where they are doing and with whom.God have mercy on them.
Marriage is a sacred gift given by God for humane beings. The only one who can guaranty a happy marriage is God. When couples joined in marriage they should know that they are doing their vows in the presence of God. When there are temptations to cheat against a partner one must realize that he or she is breaking the vow with God too. No amount of argument, spying on each other prevents cheating between couples but the fear of God makes oneself to respect his vows. When one decide to marry he or she needs to know first and most to choose a partner who is truly loves and fears God. That way you can guaranty a happy marriage.
I have a wife lived with her for many years without any argument or problem. I don’t try to impose my will on her. She is free to do anythings she want to do. I don’t question what she does as far as she respect the marriage. If she crosses the line, I can’t wait to pack and leave. “Walad Beaderbab Tigba” I don’t see any reason to do such creazey things that makes your life miserable
gyus if you think your relationship is not working out well please just walk out from it. i think it is such stupid idia to kill your partner.
ዎይ ኑሮ……. እንዲህ ያለ ዘመን….
ሰዉ ከሰዉ የሚባላበት ጊዜ. ያሳዝናል!!!!
My advice to my fellow country men would be to rely on the modern technology for those who wants to have kids or adopt one from Ethiopia. And just date. Marriage is no more a working institution especially for those of us who are from a different culture. There are weaknesses from both sexes but the ladies mostly try to learn so fast and miss out a lot of details about western life at the same time.
በጣም አዘንኩ ልበም ተረሽ ነብስ ይማር
ቤተስብ ጥነት ይስጥ
MOA, the person who posted his/her comment earlier said it all.
A very thoughtful insight on the matter. THE FEAR OF GOD IS THE ANSWER AND NOTHING ELSE!!!
I wish i could to do the same, but I learned a powerful word “Forgiveness”. That it is complete and forgetful.
Hey calm down please come to your mind and all Habesha Women are not difficult but it depends. Don’t judge and generalize us as we are not in good. Guys, be cautious in selecting your partner. Not by photo or through someone that is most dispora problem. You marry or you pick a women from ethiopia just by seeing photo so what do you expect to be good wife or girlfriend for you!? ye Habesa wondoche problem… pray to get good wife rather than collecting the pic. That is your big problem!
Guys,if things are not working out,just break the marriage.Please Don’t kill your spouse.We know how “Adam” was tolerant on “Hewan”.
#71,Haile-I totally agree with your idea,dating and use appropriate measures and in case there is a need to have kids–Adoption is the best-Killing two birds with one stone-Helping the poor and satisfying your need of having a child.
Beterefe–Please wives do not cheat on your husbands and husbands don’t cheat on your wives.FERIHA EGZEABHERE YIDERBACHIHU!!!!!!!
it is all in the mind we all must protect owerself from evil mentality by believing in day to day pray and thinking postive with respect to other like youreslf and don’t judge others in the wrong way b/c you will be judge the same way.
the journy of life should be and always in the hand of GOD. my deepest sympathy to all bless you all
When a man loves his woman he gives all he has but that will never guarantee a return from the woman. She will take what he gives her and think he is a fool. The question is “does she deserve being murdered for taking what he gives her and screwing another? hell no
When that happens what he should do is
1)calculate how many times he had sex with her and multiply it with the amount of dollars he would have paid to a prostite. He should consider her a prostitute. If he does this correctly, he will know that instead of killing her he will end up giving her or owing her more money before he says good bye. Then instead of wasting lives, he will skillfully negotiate to get his debt reduced.
2)When he finds out she is screwing another man, he should know the contract is over and he has his work cut out for him, means he will be free to screw many more beautiful girls and they should be single. No revenge on all women he should be selective.
3) Ethio man should learn from Ethio women, means dont eat kitfo all the time. Eat Soul food, Italian, Chinese, American, Thai, Spanish and so on. The choice is tremendous. Dont confine your self to a claustrophobic relationship. An Ethio man has a boiling blood, therefore; should never sleep on a magma. Again learn from the Ethio girls. They try all kinds before they get married. Though I dont believe mine did. In ONE year an Ethio girl who came from a remote part of Negele Borona dresses and looks like Paris Hilton. An Ethio man should learn to get a nice hair cut, fashionable dress, and adopt the culture. Though I believe it is corrupt and nasty watching some TV to get idea of the corrupt culture may not hurt.
4)Most of all if your significant one ( wife or girl friend) is nice, make sure you treat her with respect and utter love. She will most likely love you back. If you are back ward, agressive, suspicious, and greedy she will not only leave you but you will share the punane with some one else while you are together.
5)A man is a leader. If he cant lead by example he might as well stay single. If his woman doesnt have the confidence to be lead by a good man, he should damp her ass to eternity and let somebody else pick up the trash. He shouldnt get cought burning his own trash.
6)Always dialogue with any one, even a stranger on the bus. Let the steam find an outlet.
7)By any measure a woman by nature can be extreemley sweet and dangerously vicious, therefore; an Ethio man should be aware that he came thousands of miles away to a far land for the betterment of his life and not to be a sweetheart to some faggot in jail. We are talking about 30-40 years of living hell in jail.
8)For the weak mind Ethio man church or mosque will do fine. He should go every sunday friday for muslim. If he doesnt have it the religion will give him wisdom.
9)An Ethio man should love his children to the point of seeing his wife getting f****d and saying well to her children a mother who is a slut is better than a mother who is dead.
10) This has become an epidemic, all Ethio men and women should continue to dialogue on this subject. We should all remember that this and many other ills in our community are the indirect results of the Ethiopian political crisis of 40 years or more, therefore; we should never expect any help from any politicians those in power or out of power. We as a community should check on friends and relatives and try to nurture the culture of openess.
Apart from Berhan some of you see nothing wrong in killing and that taking someone’s life is of the same gravity as cheating grow up, if you wife or husband cheats on you either divorce them or if you cant live without them stay,but killing is wrong and as Berhan said the DEAD WOMEN are the VICTIMS and their husbands murderers and anyway what did they get out of killing their wives? they are going to jail for a long time, they are murderers as well as fools, what do they think it is is going to happen to them in jail? they only created more misery for themselves.
This is a said thing for any one to have to go through. I always tell my children and grandchildren no matter how long you have known someone that still does’t mean that you know what they will and will not do because you are not in their brain. It is very painfull for someone to kill another person or harm them in any way.Iv’e had a loved one in my family to be killed before and it was very painful. Some people just can’t walk away and get out of tha person’s life and go on with their own life. To loose a parent is painful but when someone kill them you always want to know why oh! you do want them to tell you why if they do not kill them self. Some people are very mean they seam like they were brought into this world to make other people’s life miserable. Some don’t want to use any manner’s that they might know.It is more pleasant to say good things to others than to just have a frown 0n your face and to be mean to them. When some father’s kill a child’s or children’s mother they have the nerve to want one of his own family member’s to bring that child or children to the jail to see them. He should rot in jail.
Instead of judging these individuals, try to learn the root cause of the problem. I do not know these men and their wives. However, I was forced to be in the same position of as these men in 2006. It because of Maryland’s Gun Law, that my x breathing and walking on this earth. I do not condone any form of violence and advocated for peace through out my life. However, you will never know how it feels until you are in that position. I was prompt to take such action because the woman I was married too a woman who put my kids through an agonizing experience in order to harm me emotionally. This peace of garbage and her shoddy lawyer did everything possible to turn my life upside down. When people are angry and upset, they do the unthinkable. This is what they call temporary insanity. I thank God that Maryland have the Gun Law that it has. It is easy to see things from the outside and blame people. It is only when one walks in someone else’s shoes that one can feel the agony of that person. So stop judging these people and try to make a difference by trying to change the legal system that puts so many men and women in such position.
When you are unable to conform to the Western Style of life (which you should do if you live in the West)and want to dwell upon the Ethiopian mentality of controlling and treating your wife like a dog and look at her shoulder all the time, better file a divorce and let go your marriage quietly for chances are, once Ethiopian women set their feet in the West, they began to inhale the air of freedom and more quickely adopt the new life style than the men who still want to hold on to, which I may call, the old remote control whose push button is jelousy. Thats when the problem starts. Remember, in a society where sheer necessity no longer obliges couples to stick together, love gets colder and gives way to independence be it morally, materially or emotionaly and the result of which often times is ugly. Better to let your wife alone to the mercy of her concious than burning in the sea of jelousy and turning yourself into a murderer. Or apply the old remedy “Eshohin Be Eshoh” and get over your anger.
Don’t commit your own side of the “crime” by overgeneralizing and stereotyping from few cases in to an all encompassing actitvities by trying to state that all Ethiopian men are being prone to killing crimes while Ethiopian women are prone to cheating and dishonesty crimes, thereby attracting hell on themselves.
These explanations are mainly in our heads rather than in the situatons on the ground.
Besides, we don’t need to be the police, the prosecutor, the judge and the hangman, all at the same time.
The law of the land must investigate and on the bais of suffiecient evidences pass its expert legal judgemnet.
Let us leave our great urge for the public stoning of the alleged criminals but try to understand the cause and the solutions while helping and providind mentally, financially, socially and in spiritual contributions to the management and solution of these individually and collectively traumatic perhaps rising pheneomena.
It is a disgrace to put the pictures of these people publicly on forums and public medias because our duty nneds to be for reintegration of “wrongdoers” back in to the society and community but not for excommunication away from the society and community like in the medieval times of darkness.
I am not a practicing religious person, but if I remeber correct, even during Jesus’s time over 2000 years ago, some people of his time were gathering and watching when a woman was eagerly washing Jesus Christ’s feet and noticed that the woman was some one publicly defined as sinful.
As Christ’s feet washing was still going on, some of the spectators approached Jesus and angrily demanded an explanation from him as to why he dares to accept such a service from a known siner.
“Let any one from among you who believes and feels is completely sinless, lift a stone and throw at the this women.” was Christ’s alleged response. As a result, no body dared to take the law in to his/her hand and stone the woman washing Christ’s feet.
I am sure such stories may exist almost in all religious philosophies and writings.
Involve community associations and enlightened multicultural social workers and handle the problems before it gets of hand.
Establish and train neutral and voluntary conflict mediation groups that settles communal and family conflicts in an impartial and confidential manners.
If registered immigrant associations establish such conflict mediation projects, certainly they can get good fundings both from the government and nongovernmental organizations because it saves even the whole society from such heart breaking rising tragedies.
The worst thing that can happen is that minorities and immigrants turn against each other both as communities and families instead of getting together, supporting each other, empowering and going forwards in unity and claim their place in the society.
You are out of your mind to get involved seriously with any Abesha woman who has been in the diaspora (Especially north America) for more than 3 yearst.
If there ever was a culture that destroys the feminine gender permanently and irreverseably, it is this culture. The subtle and daily mind manipulation, creates a self obsessed, self absorbed, intolerant individuals very quickly.
It is heart breaking and astounding to watch the transformation of our women from a kind, decent, dignified and loving person towards the typical north American women just in a matter of few years.
And this change makes most Abesha women incompatable with the typical Abesha guy creating a psychological divide and we quickly drift away from each other.
In reality, most abesha women are not better off economical than their brothers. They carry on low paying service jobs years after years with no prospect and very few would ever would match their husbands or boyfriends income level. And for the most case, they still are dependent directly or indirectly on their spouses.
So what has changed? it is their attitude and not their social responsibility that has adopted. In play English, it is all talk and no action. They want the freedom without the responsibilities that comes with it.
And finally, as crude as it may sounds, here is an advise to all abesha women who think f**king the white man or the brown man as a sign of social progress. It is not. Men are dogs they will simply screw anything weather she is Ethiopian or Martian for than matter. But I bet you, he will not stick around long enough to see you grow old and lovely!
And that is where we come in to clean up the mess left behind, in your past. Why do we put up with it? Because, no matter what and no matter where, you are still our sisters!
Here is a concept for Ethiopian men, YOU DON’T OWN YOUR WOMEN! YOU MAY NOT KILL HER FOR ANY REASON!
Look murder happens in any society its not the first time and it won’t be the last for Ethiopians to kill. However, we’ve got to face it, Ethiopians (regardless of ethnicity) have very grim opinions of women. How dare she does bla, bla, bla…… zeraf, zeraf! If she cheats on you, she talk back to you, or you don’t like how she is dressing, leave her and move on with your life. You have no right to kill anyone.
We keep hearing these sad stories over and over and some of you are trying to explain it away. New flash Ethiopian women WORK too. If she stays at home to raise her kids, its a choice you make together. That is unpaid labor, so what if you support her family back home? does that mean you have the right to kill her??? NO!
and please don’t make a ignorant ass stereotypical comment about African American or other ethnic group. How do you know if these women were cheating? If so, what makes you think its AA exclusively??? and more importantly don’t make that ignorant ars comment that AA don’t work! vast majority do. Good God, this is why I avoid reading comments on these articles. Some of them are down right embarrassing!
I am not surprised to hear such kind of things are happening in our community. I used to be a very quite devoted person in life,but by getting married to a wrong person i turned up to be an angry and frastrated person because of the attitude,the misunderstanding,the disrespect………. of my exwife. I am glad to be out of that relationship for the sake of myself and my son.Although still i am affected to establish a new relationship because of the bad exprience i had in the past,generaly i am doing very well with my life.So guys don’t hurry up to get married is not worth it.
Some of these women do not deserve to be wives or they are not/will not be/ fit for marriage. They prefer to make their beauty and flesh available in the market for the ‘best’ or ‘highest’ bidder. These are not only women but flesh selling whores. But they don’t deserve to be callously killed. Not at all. And I am not saying that these particular victims were such unworthy ones. But what I am saying is the evident truth. Look what our women are mostly doing in the Middle East and Europe (possibly here too). A man I know who had lived in one those conservative countries once told me what those Arab men were telling him when they had a fit for sex. They used to say to him: ‘I am horny; Let me go and find a Habasha, ‘Ethiopian’ women. Whose fault is this? Someone used to blame Haile Selassie for every thing. The Derg came and more such women were made available to a sex hungry market. It continues unabated to this day. Stop blaming systems and governments for such filthy behavior. Stop selling yourself. Follow the footsteps of great roll model women such as Yodit Imiru, Sinidu Gebru and Likelush Beyan.
In the meantime, they should put these coward and barbarous killers on the fryer until they smoke to oblivion. Or just drop them in middle of Mogadishu streets alone dressed up in the Ethiopian military uniform.
Elias, please make sure this posted.
Well, as my name clearly indicates I am a man, and a man of principle for that matter.
I don’t simply know the exact cause or causes of these particular tragedies, but from the comments of my male comentators, (eg. #86. Tesfaye) one can clearly conclude the fact that many of these Ethiopian male categories are not at all self aware and self conscious about the fact that they are carrying their back home traditional cultural and value baggages of patriarchalism, male primacy and masculine domination, where man is a head of the family and as such is entitled to the monopoly of self serving decision makings on behalf of the entire family. That might work in the so called masculine culture and traditions.
Most of the western countries and cultures are the so called feminine cultures upholding equality in genral and beween genders in particular.
Crying like a baby for the good old back home days where a man’s word is a rule and rule upholds peace, tranquility and family harmony is a lost cause. Here your wife, girl friend, daughter, or any other female possesses as much equality, security, benefits, liberties, freedoms of speech, and control over her spiritual and material resources. That is her absolute right that the male category needs to know and live with it. If you are aware, negotiate and accept the new equality of women you might just live very pleasant, rich and happy life even if you are not the family boss having the familiar right to the last word.
To think that men must isolate their wives or girl frieds from the empowering and democratic feminist surounding is to try to live a fairy dream world that does not exist any more.
What we may request from our female partner or would be partner is only understanding of our back ground and giving us men ample time for transition from patriarchal authoritarianism to equality, democratic and negotiated joint family decision making based on respect and mutual understanding.
Let the women face and interact actively with her surounding, study, work, have lesure times, control over her own personal matters and help the family.
Nothing is wrong with it except the mens’ lack of self confidence, self trust and desire to isolate and dominate the poor woman in their relationship. The relationship can also put to the necessary democratic test of freedom and if it can outlast such new tests it may easily last for ever.
Well, the situation is even worse among some Middle Eastern and South Asian communities where afmilies often murder their own daughters and female categories in cold blooded master crime claiming about broken “HOUNOUR.” or “HONOUR MURDER.”
Thanks mother nature we are not there yet!
Poverty contributes. May be I am wrong. No…No…I’m right. It is better to think the other way round. On the side of the victims rather than the side of the murderers .The victims need a behavioural change not to be victims. Most of Our ladies became so materialist. May be I’m wrong. No…No..I’m right. They (most of them) take dealing with foreigners or rich people as a life time opportunity bze of their poor extended family. You can’t help it once they developed a poor mind. We should think and be committed to work the other way round. On the side of the victims not to be victims. There is no single justification by any standard to commit murder, I agree. After all life is too short murderers plze take time to run other applications. “When one door is closed the other will be opened”.
People can find other avenues to get out of their problems/anger. NOTHING can justify killing of a human being!…oh, may be we can only realize that if the victim is our family member/relative.
People, WAKE-UP!!!!!!!! Killing is not the solution!!!!! NOTHING is worth spending the rest of your life in prison. No matter what happens (Cheating, whatever……..) it’s not worth life in prison!! Shake it off and move on!
Every one need to see these news very seriously. It is not about judgement but the NAKED FACT CONCEALED IN SUCH EVENTS.
No one has an original plan to hurt anyone, not to mention wives. How a man hurt his wife? Simple. She make him kill her. Some of us swalloed it. We swalloed our anger and rather get our ulcers and name more diseases, which men ‘prized’ as a result of wicked women.
I caughtmy’wife’-mother of my children, with a men.She didn’t have the patient to wait weeks. I passed it. She continued…it took me over a year to make her understand what she was doing was a ‘sin’. She was flying.It took me, prayers, meditating, reading & refering the result of such out comes in order to control my sorrow.
Finally I decided to sacrifice my life by forgiving and continuing living with her for the love of my children and for the ‘life’ of my ‘fool’wife. In the mean time our siciety was obssed in cheap gossips rather than finding out a means to support our rehab.
So please sisters do not cheap yorself. Keep your dignity. Men: ran away if you can’t forgive.
To this end I can not see any deep reason than sexual abuse for a men to hurt his life partner. And Jesus says if so Divorce. But remember, God is more joyfull if you Forgive her. If you can’t, there is no burden on you. Just go, you will come across with the better one. But if you have children…you are already surrounded. It is so complex.
But women it is in your hand pls pls…
Killing is imoral and crime at its best. My Habesha brothers, its safe and wise to get out of marriege without a single crime. We East African people have ample opportunities of marriage to a half of our age from back home. My advise goes this way,
1) When you get out of one marriege, don’t panic and commit the damb things. Your life for better, and most beautiful relations just opened for you. Its the beginning of your best moment to look for good Ethiopian girl.
2) Good girl criteria is a girl that was not born in Addis ABABA, have never grown in and around light life of Addis Ababa.
3) Go to your parents birth village out in the country, where clean and hard working families raise adorable daughter. There check out and approach them via old methods and ask her and her parents. I assure you many such families die to give their daughters hand to a western educated an Ethiopian man.
4) Once you get the privilage of finding your pricess, respect her, don’t expose her to corrupt cultures adore her and her family, for your life would be less complicated, the less you expose her to western orgies.
5) Whatever you do stay away from a girls that were born and raised in Addis Ababa for they have an expriences that may cut your careers and life too short!
6) Be very honest to your spause and speak frank when you’ve to. Never commit adultry while in marriage.
7) Never marry western educated or grown Ethiopian woman for she is fully corrupt to stay within our tradition.
8) Whatever you do, never abuse your spause, nor be abused by her, and get out in amicable way if you suspect abuse.
9) Love yourself and those around you and go extra mile to prove it.
10) Go to church if you got moments and help those who need your assistances at every level.
If you are loyal to God, so as your households and your traubles would end before it begins.
May God help everyone who are hurting, its sad to see so many Abaworas destroy their loves and themselves.
Remember, Ethiopian beauties are abundant back home go and choose and pick one that is uncorrupt. Love her as Abraham loved Sarah and have beautiful children.
This is my take on this social issue. I did face divorce with no fault of mine and went and got the most beautiful and rewarding wife way away ! from Addis Ababan life style. We are into our eleven years, and she was Avirgin and she is a queen of my life. I jump and do anything for her. Yes, she is less than half of my age, she does need more sexual needs I plan and do it to steaming point, if you know what I mean.
Million Ethiopian beauties can show up, nothing as perfect as my wife exists in Ethiopia or anywhere else this world.
I make her very comfortable to express herself in any disagreements, rarely when it happens. She trust me and I trust her with all my assests.
Things do happen to us as we cross oceans we still can manage our angers, affairs if we put our best thoughts to it.
Although i don’t know the real facts of these incidents,i can guss that how things get out of hand in a difficult relationship. I am glad i am not one of these guys.I can speak from my exprience that from being quite,gentle,respectfull and hardworking man,i become angry,frustrated and hopeless during my marriage time because of a difficult wife.I have been thrown out of my house because she had the upper hand im front of the law.I am very happy and healthy person again because i am out of that relationship,even my 6 years old son has benefited a lot because of the break up.
Fellas U ain’ have heaven or hell to put them after yo judgment … so don’ judge !
RIP Ms.Mohammed …
life is very short lets not bleam it on gender… if ethopian womens are becaming americanized let them be dont go and kill them we are trying to leave the AMerican Dream … we all know how we got hear so lets leave it .. happy life and keep our standreds that sperate as form others which is loving and caring for eachother .
This is so hard to understand. I was your friend Bezawit, and now you has been killing for NO REASON!!!!! You was the best person, and I will miss you so much. I remember when I see you the last time on the train, you was on the way home…to a home where your own husband killed you. I will miss you, Bezawit <3 Rest in Peace.
It is so abhorring to read most of the postings on these tragic stories. Thanks for people like #85 & #88 there are still some Ethiopians with some sense left which keeps me going. It is sad that most of us see things just in two colors.
Most tried to sympathize the men by justifying why these murders are taking place – that our women are Westernized (Well Obama said “Change” -if you are still trapped in the past, it is about time to question yourself on what you are doing wrong as it is always easy to point fingers at others); they are not making enough money ripping off the poor man (no one is twisting your arm to do that, get out of the relationship if you feel a woman is taking advantage of you – anyways that is what you get if you try to buy love with money) and besides I don’t know in which part of the world you live in most of the women I know work their ass off or take care of their children at home which unfortunately isn’t considered as “work”; dating other non-Ethiopian black men(which is none of your business -a woman has a right to choose who she wants to be with. I can go on and on.
If you are not happy, just move on, get over it. How hard is that? I am sure it is much easier that taking someone’s life. Killing is not justified by any means. It doesn’t do you or the victim any good. You will suffer all the consequences that comes after it – serve prison time probably for the rest of your life and never have a peace of mind b/c no one has a right to take away a life that God created.
Love, respect and forgiveness is the key. We all have ups and downs in life. Nothing new, it is just how we deal with it. Don’t take your marriage or relationship for granted. I think that is what it is. If you cherish what you have, God blesses it. May God gives us all his guidance.
Hi every one, this is just another shocking tragedy in our community. I don’t think we should blame women for this terrible tragedy. Two wrongs don’t make one right. If you kill your loved one, thinking you will get away with it in this country, think again. You are wrong. You will also die an agonizing death in prision. No one has any right to kill thier spouses. That is why we have a divorce court.We need to educate our community to first of all seek psychological help, when there is martial problem of any kind. We need to take care of each other. It is ok to get divorce and get married as many times as you wish. You don’t have to be from Holly Wood……….God bless Ethiopians.
I think the problem with most Ethiopian marriages is communication. Our culture and experience do not let the couples to communicate properly and hence there is a dozen of misunderstanding. However, there is no way the husband should murder his wife. I really see the from spiritual point of view and if the devil who is a killer is working behind the spirit of the husband, the husband will excercise the devil’s (killer’s) behavior and will kill his wife. People possessed by devil are mentally sick and controlled by this killer. One has to, therefore be born again and be a christian and receive Christ into his life as a life-giving spirit. I advise all husbands and wifes to receive Christ in to your marriages before any evil thing happens in your house.