Bezawit Solomon found murdered
in Oslo, Norway
A 19-year-old woman named Bezawit Solomon, who is a Norwegian citizen of Ethiopian descent, was found murdered in Norway yesterday (Monday) morning.
The victim’s body was found in one of the apartments in the Anker Studentbolig complex in downtown Oslo, just across the Aker River from the popular Grünerløkka district.
Police have charged the victim’s 27-year-old husband, Yafet Kassa Gebrewold, and issued warrants for his arrest both in Norway and internationally. He is a citizen of Ethiopia, says Inspector Hanne Kristin Rohde.

Yafet Kassa is charged with
murdering his wife
Police withheld many details of the case, but said they found blood in the apartment that quickly led them to believe the woman was murdered. They were first summoned to the complex shortly after 1am, by an acquaintance of the woman.
It is reported that Bezawit came to Norway in 2000 and in 2006, she was granted Norwegian citizenship. The husband came to Norway in 2004 as a student. The two got married in 2006. “They had good relationship. They were to to celebrate their second wedding anniversary this month,” says Temesgen Kahsay, a friend who knew the couple.
The police want tips from the public on this issue, if you have information, please contact the police at tel: 22 66 99 66
Ethiopian man in Alexandria VA charged with killing wife

Murder suspect Mesfin Hussien
ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA — Police have charged Mesfin Hussien with the murder of his wife Hawlet Mohammed today. The victim died at the scene. An autopsy performed today has determined the manner of death to be homicide.
Hawlet is Alexandria’s first homicide victim of this year (2008), according to Alexandria Police.
A few weeks ago, another idiot in Arlington, Virginia, strangled his wife to death. Yesterday, in Norway, yet another woman from Ethiopia was killed by her husband. Is this becoming an epidemic in our community? What is driving these men to murder their wives?
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NEWS RELEASE, JUNE 23, 2008 #08-024
Alexandria Police Identify Homicide Victim; Make Homicide Arrest
Alexandria police have identified the victim of yesterday’s homicide as Hawlet Mohammed, a 27 year-old Alexandria woman. Police were called to the 3000 block of Park Center Drive around 11:55 p.m. for the report of a deceased female. The victim died at the scene.
The victim suffered trauma to the upper body. An autopsy performed today has determined the manner of death to be homicide.
Alexandria detectives arrested an Alexandria man for the murder of Hawlet Mohammed earlier today. Mesfin Hussin, 35, of 3001 Park Center Drive, was charged with Murder. Mr. Hussin is the husband of Ms. Mohammed.
This is the first homicide in Alexandria this year. There were eight homicides in Alexandria last year.
139 thoughts on “Another Ethiopian man charged with killing wife”
It is better to say nothing. I am sure these guys are upset with their wives. I am one of the victims but for the sake of my child I will not harm her. If I wasn’t a devoted christian and If I ddn’t have a child, I would have done the same thing. My wife did to me the worest thing on earth that a female can do to her husband and to her baby’s father but I gave it to God. I will not revenge and I am sure God will revenge her.
I mean I wouldn’t blame these guys for what they did.
I am not yet married ,as much as I wanted to ,am scared to death to sign that contract and end up single father-serious,
this isn’t out of being selfish,it has to do with the offspring to come . I want my kids to grow feeding on both parents love .As it stands this days, this (the thought)is becoming an ideal thought than a practical one.
Anonymous replies:
March 26th, 2012 at 12:59 AM
Those who kill their spouses and children are more likely to be influenced by their culture, or downright have low self esteem and are not equipped with coping mechanisms.The Ethiopian Community Centers need to work hard in educating new comers as to how to cope with the demands of life in America. Marriage is a social contract that could be broken any time by one or both parties when incompatibility surfaces. It would be helpful for would be couples to participate in an orientation sessions before they venture to vow for life time relationship. Agencies and churches should also adminster tests before they issue certificates of marriage just like the test to obtain a driving license.
Why would one kills somebody and distroy his/her own life no matter how bad the damage inflicted by the victim ? I was tested and overcame. My fellow Ethiopians in the diaspora,please don’t take yourself seriously .When things get worse your response would be like these things never happend before.Lighten-up,take it easy,BEKELALU YAZUT… .
“What is driving these men to murder their wives? … A valid question!!!
Additional question, I may add is what are these women doing to their husbands that made them so angry to the point of killing them?
We, Ethiopians, have always been a tolerant society, we have been welcoming all kinds of people to our country: Ethiopian Jewish people, who descended from the tribe of Dan and wandered south, to Muslims, who sought refuge in Ethiopia from persecution in their land. We lived peacefully with all major religions of the world.
Some how Ethiopians of the generation X living abroad and in Ethiopia are totally messed up. Those Ethiopians of the “baby boomers” age have done so much well for themselves and for America and wherever they happen to live in.
May God have mercy on the lost souls of the Gen X Ethiopians.
Well – Habesha female have gotten it wrong on USA and they are confused with keeping their culture as the same time “becoming American” at once. These ladies keep hearing from non ethiopian that they are beautiful and so on all day long and when they have any kind of argument with their husband the ran ans sleep with other men. Or – they watch too much of Ophra and they thing that all marraige should be like the one they see on TV. They are confused about sex and the husband works over time to support her and her family in Ethiopia and he may not have the energy ot satefy her sexual need in the bedroom. Where as the “black american” guys could satefy her due to the fact most of these guys dont realy work and they live check to check, have enough time to work out and mentally they are not stressed out. So – my advice to habesha men is – please work less and work out more, please make sure ur women works at all time and she is tired just like you and go out exercise and build your body mass. I have a friend who once told me that he rather have his women work and spend her income on herself than she spent his money on her. Even if things go wrong, the man will be in a better shape if the women is working. If she is a sit home mom, when divorce comes – the husband will be forced to give her 50% of his income for about 10 yrs and child support every month. And trust me – the women will go around and fuck all your friends after divorce but will not get married until 10 yrs if passed – espcially if the alomony is a lot of money. SO – my brothers – lets stop putting a rope on our head and letour sisters work thier ass off just like us. Keep them working all year round and be ready for divorce at the time and have you $$$ hide some where for rainy day. adios
Vegas Phil replies:
December 6th, 2011 at 4:05 AM
I’m from Haiti and I have a baby on the way by a Habesha women. Your funny but I have to
Agree with you. The Habesha men are to passive and let these women flirt with their friends at the hookha lounge
When their in a social setting together. She should know her place as well as you. She should flirt with her girlfriends
Not claiming that’s my cousin,when she know he wants to do
Her lol. If you let her work she might still cheat but at least she will have less time on her hands and more appreciation
For your sacrifices. Also always remind her she’s beautiful and tell her you love her. Don’t be physically abusive but man up. If she fucks up give a second chance. If it repeats itself you can do better. When you’re at the hookha lounge take charge and be a man. Say to your friends give us a second were trying to spend time together were trying to spend a romantic evening alone. The girls like to see you take charge if your not hangin as a group. If she calls it control she’s not for you. On the aspect of marriage to eaches own. If my girl behaves I’ll do it for the sake of my child because I need to teach my daughter the right way. If she cheats or leave me I’ll help her with anything she needs for my daughter . It’s not about me or her I can get another Habesha or Asian girl :). Sign out:Vegas Phil
Anonymous replies:
May 9th, 2012 at 1:40 AM
These are some of the most ignorant comments I’ve ever heard.if you people are so unhappy with America,why don’t you get the hell out of our country. I’m so sick of you third world mf coming here and complaining about our country,but you continue to reside here.FYI To all Ethiopia men,wake up,Ethiopia women are shy with you all but they are pure freaks with other races and no matter how many times they get f$&ked,they all claim to be virgins,yeah right
Marraige is not a simple social contract. It is must be more complex than that. God orders us to stay in marraige unless there is adultrey from one of the couples.
It must be mental sickness or being possessed by devil that drives some one to commit murder, particularly murdering his wife. It is impossible for me to comprehend such a behavior, because it is not only destroying another life, but it is also destroying oneself. This guy is screwed for the rest of his life. No matter how angry the wife might have made him, he could have just walked away.
Sym got the issue right. Most Ethiopian ladies are in some sort of identity crises. It is unfair in the first place for the man to work day and night and the lady sitting there especially for some mentally corrupt Ethiopian ladies. For those single guys my advise is not to marry any lady who lived in diaspora for more than 3 or 4 years. How can one trusts people whose dream is just to grab some money by cheating the government as well as any body who come by.
Although it is sad to hear death of somebody but it is most likely that the guys are pushed to this situation by the ladies themselves. At the end, if she commits adultery she deserves the punishment and the guy deserves jail for the killing.
Some Habesha women can really be difficult. They make your life a living hell… I mean real hell. I have been thru that a couple of times where I was about to lose control of myself. The solution is not violence or killing. Pack your staff and get the hell out of there and as far as you can. That is the smart way of dealing with a difficult wife or girlfriend. At the societal level, there seems to be moral bankruptcy in our community. From the patriarch on down all the community leaders, politicians, businessmen… are all thieves, liars, selfish assholes. So the young generation is growing up without being educated what’s right and wrong.
Listen up Abesha men!
I agree with the fact that our women are in some kind of crisis. However, there are a number of immoral abesha men who shamefully go after married women. I knew many who are mentally corrupt men who are responsible for such mess.
Country men, when you fuck around with your fellow brother wife, you shouldn’t forget for a second that the same thing will happen to your ass. Thus, the blame is not only with the screwed up abesha women but also the idiot abesha men who go after a married women.
Let’s use our senses! Yagir lig
No one has the right to take another person’s life. However, the behaviour of most Ethiopian ladies live in diaspora is getting worse as time goes by. I am in the receiving end of the abuse by my girlfriend of 10 years, who’s betrayed me, done owful things – including sleeping with afro caribeans and arabs, in secret, behind my back.
I moved on leaving the revenge to my Lord!
As a community, we ought to have a discussion about the issue, before it gets passed to the next generation…
for me all this i hear it’s so disastrous!! what happen to Ethiopian man what ever happen it’s ot right to kil no way guys Amlak mastewaln ysten
Many habasha men are difficult. They think they live in Ethiopia in the old ways where the man is the only bread winner, the adulterer and the lord that reigns over his wife and children, where women are passive recipients of praise or punishment from their husband. Habasha men want a lord and servant relationship to continue here in the West and when they can not do it, they get screwed up and take actions like the king: punish his wife and even take her life. This is the main reason why our men kill their wives.
Ofcourse there are lots of mistakes committed by our women too. They have taken their right in the West too seriously without any regard to the traditional upbringing our men lived for centuries. They go to the extent of abusing the rights given to them. Women can cheat, lie, hide some money in the closet, even commit adultry etc… but these are very few section of the women population. Most women are hard-working, mothers and supporters of their husbands. We must also not forget that women are vulnerable in this society too and need support everywhere and all the time.
We men need to come out of the old thinking. Women also have to realise that these laws in the West are not to be taken seriously. There will always be family problems wherever we are but what is lacking here in the West is our own community that can help us resolve our social problems. Where there is no an Ethiopian community, we have to use other communities to resolve our family and marraige problems. If need be we should be able to ask these other communities to help us restart our life. There are many organisation that give support for families in crisis. However, this is a temporary solution.
There is some truth in what our commentator above said
” At the societal level, there seems to be moral bankruptcy in our community. From the patriarch on down all the community leaders, politicians, businessmen… are all thieves, liars, selfish assholes. So the young generation is growing up without being educated what’s right and wrong”.
We brought with us all the ills of our society we left behind. But we should learn from other peoples around us and from our experiences in the West and be ready to change. It is high time that we build our own Ethiopian community where we share our experience and support each other. And above all where we learn (class room, formal education) about marraige and family laws, about us and find solutions. The lasting solution remain to be educating ourselves both men and women.
change we can!!
Communication is needed when difficulties aries. Unfortunately, many Ethiopian men are not socialized ( as many men in general) to discuss issues, feelings difficulties or any major problems within their relationship. One must understand that a union of two people requires constant communication, patience and respect not to mention understanding and love. Misunderstanding begins when we feel we are not appreciated or valued by our partner for various reasons assumed or imagined. It starts small then it grows to more resentment and at the end rage and hate. If given a chance two people who got together for love have the same needs.
Women tend to hear to too many OP advice which is not always good as it can be misleading. I suggest people begin research on line and educate themselves on how to improve communication. The online community can also make one realize that all marriages have issues and it is how we deal with them that matters. One should NEVER lose respect for one another or for oneself in a relationship. Our community does not use self help books, meditation, faith healing or psychology.. most advices are gained over drinks in bars or hair salons. Also unfortunately those who love rage more. Foolish pride coupled with insecurity and inability to deal effectively with problems leads to careless hateful behaviors which end up hurting both people. People Keep the dialog going.. honest dialogs with patience.. if things do not work out … walk out.. understood or having nothing else to say… proudly
Patience is a virtue…
very sad story
Just an incidental observation.
As Danny comments, the moral bankruptcy particularly of sexual immorality in our society is old and widespread.
Adulterous relationships are everywhere and they have literally killed many marriages.
We need a renewal. Marriage, as a covenantal relationship needs renewal. It is a sacred relationship and should not be defiled by one partner using the other as a means to an end. Both partners are ends in themselves. As the philosopher Martin Buber says, it is a Thou-Thou relationship and not a Thou-It one.
My heart goes out to all those involved in this tragedy.
Very interesting and educating comments about our women in the U.S.!
Habesh men could not stomach a liberated woman. They want physically to live in America but they do not want to adapt to the American way of life. But our sisters are adapting the life style faster than our brothers and that is creating a clash of civilization.
I think we as a people have an issue if most of these comments is pointing the finger at the Women. No matter what she has done, no matter how ‘un-Ethiopian’ she may seem in the eyes of her husband, he has no right to take her life away. He has a right to leave, the right to pursue a divorce but if he kills her HE IS THE ONE AT FAULT NOT HER! I am embarrassed at some of these comments pointing at the woman. May the Lord eradicate the neanderthal mentality a good number of you have.
Every one pays for his/her crime according to the law of the land. Crime is not an opition and is not worth the after effect.
Every problem can be solved. But the key question is to find the KEY itself.
However, we need to know also that the major part of the propblem is not really in the family who are deliberately turning evil but in the distant and near situtations to a large extent.
What are some of these situations?
1. Back home in Ethiopia our culture is basically patriarchal, whereby the husband is normally suppose to be the unquestioned head of the family who earns bread and butter for his home. This also means that he is the source and symbol of authority as has always been prescribed by the cultural and value patterns of that society.
Of course these values and division of tasks do change even there due to increased education, urbanization, professinalizations, cultural and value liberalizations, gender equalizations, etc.
But such snail paced change would have been very very slow and quite unnoticable just like the rotation of the planet earth that takes place once in 24 hours but nobody ever takes notice of the phenomena.
2. Away from home, thanks to the medieval Ethiopian minority dictatorship, now Ethiopians are forced to be completely uprooted from their familiar physical, social and cultural environments and suddenly placed in the strange and unfamiliar physical, social and cultural environments which certainly causes serious problems of adjustments and culture shocks, resulting in to such dramatic human tragedies.
Here in the strange foreign physical, social and cultural environments the roles of family members are reversed and actually placed up side down on its heads, compared to the roles we have accustomed to back home.
Here patriarchalism does not work as a wife/a women can also freely go out to study, work, talk, walk, and have free and leisure time and may bring material and financial resources to the family and act as a matriarchal head of the family.
In thiss efforts of the wife/woman’s role, there are lots of sympathy in the new soiety such western women who are more than willing to help third world women and try their best to empower and strenthen them, while at the same time being very suspicious and often times discriminative against husbands and men from the developing countries such as Ethiopia.
Men’s role would then change from being head of the family to being the tail of the family or even may be isolated, a role which may not be acceptable to most men, at least very smoothly and easily.
In reality it may also be just good enough even if women may get good education, good salary and become good head of the family too. But they need to learn to be humble, modest, nurturing, understanding, tolerant and enabling towards her man and the other family members. Boastful, aggressive, arrogant, argumentative conflict generator and publicly cheating and dispising women character causes more harm than good to themselves and the entitre family.
Instead of supporting the family as a composite unit in order to promote gender equality and inter family democracy, most western women jump just emotionally stereotyping and falsely labeling all men in blanket as women oppressors bad guys, thereby promoting the process of family tragic conflict and family disntegration.
Hence the trick is in mutual understanding, understanding of the changed situations and changed gender roles as well as parenting roles and how to make healthy adjustment slowly but surely.
They need to use informed and competent multiculturor at the very early stage of the conflict situation. In this effort immigrant associations and host country professional governmental and non governmental organization can be of great life saving help.
Being proactive and taking the problem to be hnadled by impartial and copmpetent expert organizations and own local association may save lives, limbs and nerves.
So long!
Dudes, this happens all the time but we used not to hear it because there was no internet. Nothing new, it happpened in the past, it’s happening now and it will continue to happen.
I pray to God for His comfort to all involved including Mesfin Hussien. Also, to forgive and give them wisdom to those individuals who made such generalization comments about their Ethiopian Sisters and American brothers. I wish to express my condolence to both families who lost their loved ones through death and jail.
Lemlem Tsegaw
its so scary,,,,i really wondering what’s goin on in habesha socity that instead of dealing our problms to get this point,,,GUD NEW!!!
Give your life and your problems to Jesus. He will handle it to you. He is solution for any troubles. Come to Jesus. Don’t waste time.
To Elias (the “iditor”), if he wrote this, everything is black and white, simple. Do not judge, pls.
Well, I cant beleive some of the guys think they have a right to panish their wive, and somehow they justify the action taken by the sick men. I am sure if the killer himself would do it again, how can you sit back and say i almost done it i am a victim. Every men who kill their wive when they file divorce are very selfish and they only care about themselve and their money, they depend on their wive so they cant go on with out em thats why they chose to kill and go to jail or some do sucide. It only show how most Ethiopian men are weak.
Our childhood has some answer to these current tragedy of Ethiopian women being killed by their husbands. If we grew up seeing our mother beaten up by our fathers it is most likely we need help.
As a husband myself I have disagreement with my wife like most married couples and the best thing to do for ourself and families is just to walk out if living together is impossible.
There is no “shimageli” here and we have to make that decision even if it might be wrong. Nothing is tragic than taking a life of your wife.
WOW so you have already tried and found the man guilty? What ever happend to innocent until proven guilty? And worse yet, you all seem to have worked out the motive. Please hold your horses let justice take its course.
Wake up call to our Ethiopian community. Families, please try to solve your problem peacefully. No one should think that she or he would win by forcing the other partner.
I feel sympathy for these men and women. They are simply the product of a corrupt and moriband ethiopian society. In all aspect of life from killing spouses and selling land to foreign governments is the sign of hell raining on we ethiopians. These is exactly what is written in the book of Revelation.
Eventually, Ethiopia will stretch her hands to God and repent!! Till then, let them kill and sell their land.
The whole world is watching us!!
It is a cultural shock, when mixing western culture of independence-women with home and family oriented ethiopian culture, it creates shock just like cold weather and warm weather sparks lightning and the fearful sound.
As many said, our women found it difficult to compromise between the two cultures. most of them want to be a good women but there is always the influence of medias, friends and magazines to be an independent yet attractive women who can decide for herself. The principle of marriage is that you are there for each other. Too much freedom is no good.
The other issue is that, in the west, the women are very outgoing and very adaptive. they get attention from many cornors of races due to their uniqe Ethiopian look. And it seems most women are inflated by such complements to the point of despising their Ethiopian husband or boyfriend that eventually creates friction and a fight.
Contrary to the women being so quick to learn the wester way of life, many of our men are too slow to adapt. Most of them choose to live the style of life and friendship they used to in Ethiopia by hanging out in restaurants with drinks and music throught out the year. This is economically harmful for the couple and can drive the women into gealousy. The men instead should spend more time in libraries reading, Gyms excercising (trying to get 6 pack if possible :) and take their women for a coffee out in a romantic manner)
My blames goes to the victimized femele spouse,though myself a femele.you may say how?It seems that many of our fellow country femele are detached from reality and trying to hooke up 100% to the western way of doing things.what they dodnt understand is that the west is realizing that the way they are handling family and social issues is wrong,and the good people are trying to return to the norm and to the original intent that we are created for.I am realy sorry about this incident,but wives let us try to be a biblical wife,is that not being subordinate ,but we will get the real satisfaction there.
Our sisters are spoild so quick by the western culture and are creating a problem that will bring a very bad consequens which remains being a tragedy for their families and for the pepole who nows them,this is what had happend in Manchester betwen two Ethiopian partners both killing each other and living latter their nine years daughter to report the event for a police .Let us try to be submisive for our husbands.
i completely agreed with dani comments!!eventhough there are many ethiopian women who tend to drive insain either their husbands or boyfriends due to lack of information about moral values and standardes and misinterpretation of freedom , noone deserves to be murdered. in my opinion, we shall investigate both men and women mental function to understand their psychic and providing an adequte solution for this social disease.this pattern is clealy social epidemic in ethiopian community and needs to be considered seriously.let us begin our investigation by asking what dirive us insain?
I agree 100 percent. There is a moral bankruptcy in our society that has reached crisis proportion and causing all these societal problems.
There is no free lunch in America. So why is it that one person has to work to the point of exhaustion to support a
wife or husband? Marriage is a big deal not to be taken lightly. We hear all kinds of disgusting things about these
marriages of convenience that end up in disasters like these. The best advice is know what you are getting into.
Don’t try to take advantage of people, stop being so obssessed with material things. If your life is out of control ask for help. Of course, if there was a strong Ethiopian Community Center that was providing marriage counseling services it will certainly help.
No one can comprehend why the deep secret of love between husband and wife quickly changes into a deeper secret of hate that leads to the death of a wife.
Of course, among the Ethiopian women, infidelity is one of the causes of their deaths. I have heard some married Ethiopian women say: “Oh that man is young, tall, good looking, and attractive! I wish I were married to him.” It is this type of wishful thinking that, sometimes, puts some of these married Ethiopian girls in a big trouble with their husbands.
Generally, Ethiopian husbands are “the bread winners,” and they are the ones that put the bread on the table, and they work hard to support their family. If something bad happens to the husband, an Ethiopian woman never stays with him more than a month; she will, I may be wrong, abandon him. I remember one Ethiopian woman whose husband was hurt in a car accident, and, on the same day, she asked me to give her a ride to a big store, which I did. At the store, I saw her buying a lot of expensive makeup, beautifying and making herself attractive like a new bride.
Most Ethiopian girls are unfaithful, and they always cheat on their husbands whether the husband is handsome or not, so to marry an Ethiopian girl is a great risk, especially in this country, where the husband’s or the wife’s parents are not around to watch or judge who is wrong, the husband or the wife.
My advice to you, the Ethiopian husbands, is to get out of the house if you believe your wife is cheating, and if you are intolerant; don’t kill her; just abandon her and go somewhere else. I’m sure there are some Ethiopian husbands who don’t care whether their wives cheat on them; they still stick to their wives, and these are exceptional, and may God bless them.
PLease Ladies respect your husband that means don’t put him down infront of his friend i lost connectiction to casin becouse of his devil wife she don’t need his familly she is controlling freak. guys don’t tollerete to this abouse from your wife you have to learn to say NO sometimes.
Like it or not, marraige is no more giving oneself to the other. It has become just a live in contract, which can be called off any time for any reason.
My fellow country men, do your best to be the better spouse, hope and pray that your spouse will be fair to you. If things don’t work out, pretend everything is alright and prepare your exit strategy. Always be a winner.
What a bad luck! We ethiopians should consider our culture, even we live far away from ethiopia. Our women have to respect their husbands. In this case I may think she may have a relation with other people which she didn’t get from him, But they can work out to be a happy family.
Most people think marriage is a must have at certain age and they get into it. What determines marriage is not whether you are old enough and physically ready, it is a readiness and growth of the mind and perception about life and family. If you still in a state of selfishness and in a mind of ‘me, me’ or ‘all what I said is true’, or ‘I know everything’, you better stay out of it. Marriage is not about love and physical attraction, it is full of sacrifice, compromise and commitment.
When you have over 1,000,000 ethiopians in the Diaspora 3 homocides in different corners of the world is not something that should be seen as something out of this world.
The same goes with Ethiopians dying of car accidents. Some 20 years ag when I first came to the US it was rare that we hear Ethiopians dying of car accident. It is now more common, not because Ethiopians have become more reckless drivers but so many of us are driving ad the chance of getting hit is much higer.
Homocide is the worst type of crime. But as our number increases from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 in another 20 years or so, we should expect the number of homocide to go even hier.
Tulu Forsa
Even though I agree that some women play a role in turning a normal man into a killer, there is no justification for murder. If the wife is cheating, or verbally abusive, or does any other thing that drives the man insane, the husband should be smart enough to break the relationship. Committing murder or sucide are behaviors of weak men, losers. Another point, Ethiopian men in the U.S. might want to consider marriage with African American women, because the Ethiopian women in the Diaspora are confused and don’t seem to know what they want. Every one tells them that they are so pretty and staff, and that I think may have messed up their minds. All Ethiopian men I know who are married to African American women are happy. One more point: Guys, take it easy on the booze. Spend less time in the bar, and more time in the gym or library.
It is really sad. I was vitim too but i’m alive, my husband who i lived for six years he he beat me up and he drag me on the floor and on top of that he wanna run over me with his car infront of my kids and his niece when they start screaming i was trying drag my self to side walk. My kids and his niece were scraming for help and calling 911 at the same time, at that moment he took off. Thank God! i’m alive for my family and for my kids!!
i don’t know why you guys blame Ethiopian women. as far as i know ethiopian women are the best and desrve a good life. No one is allowed to kill anyone.for those who blame your wife or girlfriends,ask yourself what you have done wrong first.
Brothers and Sisters, we are pepole with so much experience in our life time. We need to support NOT kill each other. We must lean to sit and talk and talk. If we don’t agree on an issue, give it time and try it again.
If still doesn’t work, say good bye in a civilized manner.
Life goes on, you will get the one that is meant for you.
The crisis of our community in USA is very deep. I do not think there is any community that has been hit hard by a cultural shock than Ethiopian community, especially women. I do not mean men do get confused. But it gets worse in women. When some men go to Ethiopia they tell women things different (lie) about their lives in USA. They tell them they own this, they have that… Women believe them and try everything in their power to come to USA. When they get here, all they heard was a BIG LIE! Do we really blame them if they leave that person? I do not. One thing men need to understand is we can not marry a woman who we have known a couple of days even a couple of months. It really makes me sick when I hear stories like this. Marriage is a sacred contract that two people enter to live together until death separates the two. It is not a commodity we buy by looking its outer content. One needs to take the time to study about the other partner. Needs to know about her family and friend. It is not a fast food.
I have also a thing or two to say to our ladies who live in Ethiopia. Do not try to appease men only to get to USA and leave him the next day for your old boy friend. The man who is willing to bring to you states has probably worked hard to save his money. When he tries to bring you to USA, he wants you to live with him and help him financially and psychologically. It is very low and even a crime to deceive men to come here and leave him the next day. Do you blame him if he wishes you harm after all you did to him? You cannot get out of poverty at the expense of others. You will not get a better treatment from the next person you meet. He probably knows your story and will use and get ride of you, which you rightfully deserve. My advice to men and women is please do the right thing even if it hurts you. God will vindicate you and things will get better for down the road. Poverty is not a vice!!
Very sad to hear. It is difficult to say one is guilty but no matter what we need to control our emotions as killing a human being is crime no matter what. I think some times it is a good idea to pray and share our grief to a priest.
Lets not commit a crime be it men or women, not abuse the favourable law, keep and learn our culture for those who are born abroad especially if you are engaged with a man/woman born in Ethiopia. Adultary is a crime and is not acceptable any where, it is not a sign of being modern rather it is a barbaric act just like killing.
The frequency of murdur amoong Ethiopians is increasing these days. Most cases are related to adultary both by Men and Women. This is really troubling for our children both home and in the west, obviously we don’t want our children learn crims whatever kind committed by Etiopians.