Bezawit Solomon found murdered
in Oslo, Norway
A 19-year-old woman named Bezawit Solomon, who is a Norwegian citizen of Ethiopian descent, was found murdered in Norway yesterday (Monday) morning.
The victim’s body was found in one of the apartments in the Anker Studentbolig complex in downtown Oslo, just across the Aker River from the popular Grünerløkka district.
Police have charged the victim’s 27-year-old husband, Yafet Kassa Gebrewold, and issued warrants for his arrest both in Norway and internationally. He is a citizen of Ethiopia, says Inspector Hanne Kristin Rohde.

Yafet Kassa is charged with
murdering his wife
Police withheld many details of the case, but said they found blood in the apartment that quickly led them to believe the woman was murdered. They were first summoned to the complex shortly after 1am, by an acquaintance of the woman.
It is reported that Bezawit came to Norway in 2000 and in 2006, she was granted Norwegian citizenship. The husband came to Norway in 2004 as a student. The two got married in 2006. “They had good relationship. They were to to celebrate their second wedding anniversary this month,” says Temesgen Kahsay, a friend who knew the couple.
The police want tips from the public on this issue, if you have information, please contact the police at tel: 22 66 99 66
Ethiopian man in Alexandria VA charged with killing wife

Murder suspect Mesfin Hussien
ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA — Police have charged Mesfin Hussien with the murder of his wife Hawlet Mohammed today. The victim died at the scene. An autopsy performed today has determined the manner of death to be homicide.
Hawlet is Alexandria’s first homicide victim of this year (2008), according to Alexandria Police.
A few weeks ago, another idiot in Arlington, Virginia, strangled his wife to death. Yesterday, in Norway, yet another woman from Ethiopia was killed by her husband. Is this becoming an epidemic in our community? What is driving these men to murder their wives?
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NEWS RELEASE, JUNE 23, 2008 #08-024
Alexandria Police Identify Homicide Victim; Make Homicide Arrest
Alexandria police have identified the victim of yesterday’s homicide as Hawlet Mohammed, a 27 year-old Alexandria woman. Police were called to the 3000 block of Park Center Drive around 11:55 p.m. for the report of a deceased female. The victim died at the scene.
The victim suffered trauma to the upper body. An autopsy performed today has determined the manner of death to be homicide.
Alexandria detectives arrested an Alexandria man for the murder of Hawlet Mohammed earlier today. Mesfin Hussin, 35, of 3001 Park Center Drive, was charged with Murder. Mr. Hussin is the husband of Ms. Mohammed.
This is the first homicide in Alexandria this year. There were eight homicides in Alexandria last year.
139 thoughts on “Another Ethiopian man charged with killing wife”
I conquer with many that said there is a cultural angel to the story. Many Ethiopian men, especially those from chauvinistic background, when hit with adversities don’t know how to cope. It is also true many Ethiopian women who come from an oppressive and dominant men culture seem to lose all their decency when faced with freedom. When this two extremes meet it is like pouring gasoline on hay. That seems to be the case here. May God cleanse our soul to be good people.
I agree completely with Tesfa’s suggestion. Only Christ can save us from evil things. Let’s all live in Him. No matter what a good person you are, you will find yourself doing something wrong. Christ is the only solution for this, man.
Hey Ethiopians!
What is really wrong with our people. I know that life is not easy. It has lots of ups and downs, but we have to prepare to face all in our life. What ever the victims did, I do not think that killing for wrong doing ios the solution. Why are these peoples destroy their own lives. There is always a better solution and there is always a bettr future for all of us. When we loos some one we love it might seems that our life is over, but it is not there is always a life, a better life. So please my friends both men and women, lets try to tolerate and think our future. THERE IS ALWAYS A BETTER WAY AND A BETTER FUTURE.
I feel very sorry about our Habesha men and understand how to you suffer and unable to handel the ladies behaviours. I am a lady and have brothers, friends at aborad and worried very much about them and all Ethiopians too. Please please don’t take this is a means, killing your wives..that is killing yourself. Why? divorce is the right means. I read it all the comments, but all fingers targeted us(women). I advised you sisterly please please don’t do..leave her and live your life. Really I am very sorry.we,ethiopians, have own culture,reglgion and have good ethics so what happen these days? ladies, why you creat terrible situation? why you attack your husband? specially our men needs respect as we grew up like this..just be wife! respect your home, repect your husband, live as an Ethiopians not western type.whatever you educated? A wife is a wife, means respect each other..Habesoche–pls go to Church and pray to get peace. If you have free time, Please pass your time by reading bible and talking about GOD. EBAKACHU! we are Ethiopians…TWADEDU/ TFAKERUE…EBAKACHU..ATGEDADALEU..THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT WAY–PLEASE–PLEASE
Let us get our facts straight. We have no idea what happened in these cases all we know is the end results. Accusation is not evidence of wrong doing. We are entitled to our opinions but not to our facts. All of us seem expressing our frustration based on our own experience. Some have expressed opinion that makes sense and some have stated nonsense. Unfortunately, such things are rare in the Ethiopian community. The women, who express their opinion regarding Ethiopian men backwardness and not adopting the “Western” way of life fast, should be reminded the cases of Scott Peterson, another Peterson in Colorado, O.J Simpson, the Marine, in North Carolina, the shooting and wounding in California and of course the DC sniper, in a desire to kill his x-wife who end up killing several innocent people. Thus, the accusation that Ethiopian men are killing their significant others because of their “Third World Mentality” is baseless.
For my Ethiopian sisters who think that disrespecting your man is “Civilization” I ask them to think again. The majority of Western women respect their marriage and their men. If you want to remain independent do not get married. Marriage is giving oneself to another person. The problem usually is not men trying to dominate women, but women trying to be mothers of their men. Domestic Violence and murder is not Ethiopian specific, it is universal. It happens more within the American Community and has nothing to do with backward mentality and civilization; it has everything to do with anger management. As an individual who worked with several immigrant communities in late 80s and early 90s, I am aware how those of us who came from third world countries try to cling on our right without fulfilling our obligations. Women have rights even in Ethiopia, but they have no right to disrespect their marriage and their men. Ethiopian men are not threatened by the independence of their women, but marriage is threatened by women who do not understand that there is no independence after marriage. Marriage means giving up your independence.
Civilization does not mean lying to authorities when you want to inflict harm on your significant other, nor does it mean to subject him to an emotional abuse. As an individual who was falsely accused of Domestic violence, I am familiar with what Ethiopian women are capable of in abusing the system and how the use and abuse the term ABUSE. Several of you say people just should walk away. But, walk away from what? Knowing that my wife committed adultery, I stayed with her for five years for the sake of my children. I did not want my children to grow up in a divorced family. My X-wife who was a housewife could not even make time to cook a decent food for our children. One time, foolish of me, asked why she does not make time to cook a decent food for our kids, her response was “I AM NOT YOUR MAID”. Believe it or not, I did not respond. God gave me the patience of Job (Eyob). It is long and difficult to express what I went through (Read The Aborted dream when it comes out in mid July). This woman used to call a police in advance and try to push my button to make me angry. She was expecting me to react with violence. Fortunately, my patience prevailed. I had to live in my own home using audio tape for two month so I can have evidence that I did not do any thing to her. After 8 years of marriage and after five years of excruciating mental anguish, I decided to leave her.
I wish the so called “Civilized Ethiopian Women” learn from the Americans. American Women respect their marriage and their men. They know their rights and their obligations. They know their right does not give them the right to abuse their men emotionally. It is not civilization to assume freedom means SEDENET. Freedom has boundary. When it comes to marriage freedom does not mean to do what ever you want to do; because what you do affects the marriage and your partner. The mentality that I am an independent women, I do not want to be dominated by a man, so on so forth, is a mentality created by the feminist movement and by men who are unfortunately trapped in women’s body. I also like to express my disagreement with those who said no one has a right to take any ones life; this is naïve at best; sometimes killing someone could be a way to save your own life- are we familiar with the term “Self defense”.
please Ethiopians! we need to keep our built-in cultures and forms. we sometimes misuse the so called modernization.
I am very sorry about what has happened. Let me advise the husbands and wives here. Husbands: try to understand your wives and you need to know that they need your love. Husbands should love wives as Christ loves the church. Love is something the wives need from husbands. Wives: Respect your husbands. Sara’s who was Abraham’s wife live with her husband calling her husband “my lord”. So, you need to respect them. Husbands are the heads of the house. This is true in Ethiopia and also in the US. Don’t look these white American wives. They are completely different from us. Their background, their culture and their style of life are different from our ways of living. We these two things fulfilled, our marriages will be blessed. But, if any arugment happens, each of the couples is expected to just withdraw himself/herself from the scene and do something else. I am sure if one withdraws, the other might still continue to shout and speak loud in anger, but because there is no any response from the other side, this one will stop shouting and this way the argument will end.
#84 guest 123
Thanks my friend, you have put it clearly i can’t add any more.But for those people who are saying “get out of that relationship and get over it” things are not such easy to get out from a complicated relationship,always you tried to fix up things and even you don’t think worst things can happen to your family,specialy if you have got a children you want to stay in that complicatedt relationship for the sake of the children and most of the time your sacrifice and commitment will be seen as your weakness and you will be pushed more in to the corner untill you get snap.After all these things happened when you are out of that relationship they want you back again because most of the things which they took it for granted is gone.
women women women sorry not all
I am responding specifically to T.Samuel’s long writings. I do agree with many of your points regarding marriage and its boundaries. Having respect to one another and most importantly to remeber to treat your loved one or any one else, “the way you want to be treated”. But I do not agree with your statement “Marriage means, giving up your independence” I think marriage is keeping your independence and compromising on important things that will benefit both parties”. The other point, that I disagree with T. Samuel is killing is never justified unless an itruder comes into your house from the outside. Killing your wife or your husband because you are angry is totally outrageous and selfish behaviour. Just remeber, what ever you wish to do on this earth, you will live the rest of your life with the consequences. You will not walk away free. Just get help before it is too late. God bless us all.
Wow….what a thread..my heart goes out to the families of the deceased women. But guys please let’s be clear here. Do not generalize all women living in the west. We have well educated married women here; it’s not like only men are bread winners. I know men staying home and taking advantage of their wife’s comfortable salary. Women work hard whether educated or not. One thing Ethiopian men should realize is marriage is 50/50. Please don’t expect your wife to carry most of the load, put the remote control down and help. The time for “only men” to be a bread winner is long gone….give us women some break.
THANK YOU SIS TIZITA !!!!!!!!! you right its all about pure love !!!!
Do not blime the Ethiopian women, you guys stop spending time at the bar at night why your women is at home with the children. You said I do not have a wife even though you do. Just for 5 munit thing you lose your wife and you children, what happend to the good guys who help there family? Just think with your head not with your penis!
Well here we come with sad story. Where does the core reson lie to have all these shocking news and incidences? How could not we become rational to deal with things smothely? There are a number reasons rooted to each one of us. We really need to question ourselves morally rooted questions such as: why do we really need friendship? How we approach others? Especailly, the ethiopian diaspora need to remember how the top officials in the USSR were dealing with Stalin during the 2nd world war. When they went to the parliamentary office where Stalin is residing they first see his eyes, face, and body justure movements to identify his mood for the day. As we all know, since he was one of the old devil guys, his mood is so transient that no body tracks it. In order to make their day a day, they will use his mood to behave the whole day as him and go home. All these are for the sake of living their fake life. If we coorelate this scenario to us, I guess there are zillion people who run their life like that. Guess what is going to happen when the reality comes out….killing…murdering…all sortt of social crime. That being said, I really advice all Ethiopias….please be aware your environment very precisely…try to win the system and live a better life…don’t seek a bridge to make your life better…when establishing friendship, don’t come with hidden formulas…try to build formulas together instead…we all knew that no one is winner or loser in life as we all end up going to the same spot sooner or latter. Be clean inside…don’t try to taste an orange without peeling it…learn and enjoy the journey of peeling it instead. Thanks!!
Our sisters are spoiled so quick by the western culture and are creating a problem that will bring a very bad consequents which remains being a tragedy for their families and for the people who nows them,this is what had happened in Manchester between two Ethiopian partners both killing each other and living latter their nine years daughter to report the event for a police .Let us try to be submissive for our husbands.
what are you talking about. No matter what happens no one deserves to die. Man like you make me sick, “women should be submissive” you are out of you mind, it is man like you that commite this kind of hanes crimes.
አይ ምን አይነት ስዎች ሆን
Everyone has a reason to do anything, but Killing is never been a solution.
Im just shocked about the whole thing. Yafet did a horrible thing and what a man should do is to turn himself afterall she was his wife and no matter what they’ve done no one deserves to be murdered this way!!!
This person left her bleeding and shouting for help. this is just evil!!!!!
I don’t have any understanding for his situation…there was another way out. one could just walk away!!!
Yafet this is really devilish of u just to disappear like this how are u gonna live with ur self!!!helvetes mann!!!
R.I.P Beza may God bless your soul
This message is to Habesh-3, you shoud have probably said, let us be submissive to one another. There is no place in this society for men to be arogant and incortol all the time. Our fathers did it wrong in the past. It is never ok to kill anyone, regardless of the anger and anguish, the victims impose on the killer’s mind. Watch out Habesha men and women, if you kill, your going to jail here on earth, and you will most likely go to hell, when you leave this earth. You are violating one of the most important ten commandments, “thou shall not kill”. When life seems out of control, open your bible or Kuran and start meditating. Things will go back to normal again. Use all the resources you have around you, people, nature, animals or anything that will distract your mind………..
Peace to my Habesha people.
It could be about the Clash Of Civilization Theory. But more likely its not a scenario of (economically) dependend wifes.
People tend to paint in black and white and to ask for a big reason behind.
Both people were well educated. View the single case and also the social background and their 18 squaremetres (family/student) home. Religion is blending people since their books make it easy forgive all sins if you just ask frankly. Many abesha killers seem to be active church members.
My heart is with Bezawits Family…
pray,pray and pray that’s all we need.
its amazing a considerable number of males that have thus far posted comments have a lot to say about the ways in which our women “have lost their sense of identity”. Being Ethiopian is no exception to the common pitfalls of western culture , sure we have our traditions but we women do not come here to continue the ways of our stagnant, submissive, and inactive lifestlye of being a stay at home “wife”. Please acknowledge the fact that EVEN in our own calender , we ARE in the year 2000. Times change, and more importantly, our roles in society, in relationships changes as well. These women fell victim to their partner’s rage and suffered consequently because their actions inevitably touched on the most insecure and sensitive nature of the Ethiopian man. The fact that you think that your woman would NEVER and should never cheat on you.
Women seek other men usually because there;s something lacking in their current relationship. if you’re not engaged intellectually, emotionally , and spiritually with your woman, if you don’t have the utmost respect for autonomy, then my friend, you’re fucked. Because she will find someone else to fulfill those needs and more. And please don’t even hate on our African American partners, its not just the sex (albeit amazing), its about finding a progressive, understading,nurturing, communicating, passionate man that makes us happy. So all you Ethiopian men that think that these women somehow “deserved” or asked for this, check yourselves.
-An Abesha woman.
I am really sorry and sad to see an ethiopian man killed his wife. please let us think my people there is always other solution to our problem that we face in our lives…so killing is never a solution!
as i read all of ya said here in this page..it’s all true. All of u here shared what u though was right and wrong.I personaly think that this days there are too many problems in our lives than if we were to live back in ethiopia so WE HAVE GOT TO LEARN HOW TO LIVE IN THIS WORLD. the world we are living right not is very distracting for men and women in general.
so all of habesha women and man please think hard before u get involved with someone cuz if u don’t it might me hard to get out later on!
There is no justification for murder. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE SOMEONE ELSE’S LIFE. PERIOD. I cannot believe we are sitting here debating over what aspects of an Ethiopian woman want to make her husband kill her, what makes her annoying or what might be the ok reason as to why she was killed. CAN WE STOP LABELING HER AS AN ETHIOPIAN HOUSE WIFE and start looking at her like a human being?????
maybe she could have learned to changed her ways, maybe she could have grown, maybe she could have gave her life to Jesus fully (or he) and she could have changed slowly. BUT WE WILL NEVER KNOW.
This is a simple homicide case. Its of a human being. A woman who had a loved ones,dreams, hopes and future, a man who had the same. Several lives were shattered in the event.
There is forgiveness, but please, do not try and justify it. You will be reasoning with insanity.
I agree with some of the guys who blame Ethiopian Women for this kinds of unusal horefic crime. for us,it is rarely hanpen or hear when we were in Ethiopian, i think one of the reason to lead men to commite this kinds of crime is the women’s overfonfident attitude and useles civilazation. As the other guy indicated, black, white and other races constantly,tells them you are so cute. Sould be a model. u this kind of staf and Our women take this very seriouly.I do not blame the other people when they compaire with African American women, they are little bit cute but when go back to ethiopia and see them, another story. They forget where came from and became easily victems. They have to remember one thing, they are not that prety!!! they are ok.The bottom line is killing is not the solution.Guys do not be stupid.You want to spen the rest of your life for injail? injail in US? Think about it?
RIP its sad story its a cruel thing to do but please this is not debate classs leave the judgment to god we ethiopians i don’t know what our goal is it seems we are outside our homeland to learn how to use guns and knifes to hurteach other where is the love is the question where is the forgiveness the only thing we sould do is pray we might be the victims tmorrow so lets not judge anybody without knowing anything.this is not the first crime we have seen b/n ethiopians i really don’t know killing is not the answer she is so young gin eko ma god this is so scarey.wey gud
What is driving these men to murder their wives?
stress-hell no
love-hell no
-jealousey-hell no
so we don’t know
I had plan to do similar on my grilfriend but thanks to God I given her red card and separated with her without any demage. I personally saw that Ethio grils are dreaming to get money instead of love. This is not good and they finally fall in trash. But God will punish them for their adultery
First: Killing your partner is wrong and I never would. I am native (white) Norwegian. I was married to a ethiopian woman for 6 years. It is amazing to see how many Ethiopian men who think the same as me about ethiopian women coming to the west. My ex totally changed after granted a resident permit. She totally disrespected me, making me feel like a maid leaving me home with the child while working 24/7 to spend all money for herself. I tried to treat her nice (holidays, restaurants, gifts and so on), but she just took advantage of me. She made me pay everything and saved her money for herself. Never took mee anyplace, invited me to a movie or somthing, like the western women she likes to become does with their men. When I met her she coudnt even speak englis, had never seen a computer, was working in a restaurant as a waiter for 50 Birr/month. Here in Norway she makes 50 000 USD/year and did not even want to buy bread for our son. When I met here I was a poor student, and she knew very well. A few yars later I make more than 100 000 USD/Year. I found out that she has many seacret boyfriends in Norway, USA and in Ethiopia. So I left that gold digger bi”tch. My mind goes to alll the ethiopian men who experienced those a”sholes
I understand that I shouLd have written the latest contribution a long time ago. When this article was “fresh”. But if you catch up with this tread Moderator, i WILL BE GLAD. Such importan issue and nerv of the Ethiopian commmunity cutting edge realism should not be forgotten. Ethiopians in diaspora faces an immidiate threat due to culture. Awearism to the issue should be adressed to the Habesha fathers rising their most precoius belowed doughters in the west. The fatal consecuence of ending up like lonely-wannabe-model-mothers rising kids in the western society is devestating. Just take a look at our fellow white sisters living their life in missery at the age of 30 depending on social security. Kids groving up whithout a family. Most end their lifes i either jail or drugs. What happened to their families: You Ethiopians have a fantastic heritage to take care of when it comes to social family security, If taken care of the culture is unik and provides wealth for the families. What does a single “indipendent” young women with children living alone in the western culture have to face? Just missery…
What is driving these men to kill their wives? When you marry for love and the love is mutual, there is no reason to doubt or feel insecure in your relationship. When the love is true love there is no yearning for anything else but making your partner happy. I don’t need to tell you why some people marry in our third world countries. To get out, economics, etc. Then you end up with huge age differences etc which “sometimes” leads people to want “something” else. Insecurities jealousy etc and if the person can’t cope with this emotions and/or is not willing to let go the this can easily spiral out of control. For you young folk: Marry for love and respect. Anything in the past should remain there.
You don’t just go an dkill somebody because they make you mad! You should be ashamed of yourself for condoning (excuse speeling) for not feeling sympathy for this women? “what are these women doing to make thier men mad”? smh what are these men doing to theirs wives? A man should never hit a women we are equals. Period
I find Ethopian ladies to be very beutiful and I’m long to marry a Ethopian christian lady who is loving and caring. It seems to me that the Ethopian men take it for grated to have the beutiful ladies around them.My adive to the Ethopian men is that they should value the ladies.i am of 20 yrs.name SHAMMAH K [KENYA][0714]
It is sad to hear people relating such problems with whether one has adjusted to the American life or not. Don’t some angry American husbands kill their wives as well? Don’t you see such instances in the air be it here in America or Europe? I just don’t agree with the logic that relates such tragedies with either one has bean Westernized or not.
The problem is really individualistic by nature and lies deeply on how one resorts when faced with difficult/challenging situations such as these.
what inhuman?
It is such a bad action! People, think twice before you can make your mind emotionally. May her soul rest in eternal peace