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Obstacles facing Kinijit and possible solutions

Ethiopian Review Editorial

Many of the top Leaders of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (Kinijit) are now out of jail and back to leading their party. Some senior members including Ato Kifle Tigneh are still in jail. It is a relief that the leaders are out of jail alive.

Back in the saddle, Kinijit leaders face monumental challenges. When they came out after 21 months in jail they found that many of the party’s young activists in the country are either dead, in jail, exiled or have joined rebel forces. Those who took over the leadership left the party in tatters. Some of those who assumed the leadership role not only grossly mismanaged and failed to lead the party, but had also embezzled and wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars from Kinijit’s account. Woyanne continues to play its dirty game to make sure that Kinijit is weak or dead. At the same time, some of those who stole and squandered Kinijit’s resources are now actively working to divide the top leadership by trying to turn the chairman against the other members. Their aim is to cover up their crimes, since a weak and divided Kinijit will not be able to make inquiries into their corruption.

It will require careful planning, skill, and a great deal of effort to revive Kinijit and make it a viable party. To achieve that, the top leaders who make up the 20-member executive committee must stay united. The Kinijit support groups around the world who labored hard for the past two years to keep the struggle going must stay firm in promoting democratic culture in the party against any tendency to promote particular individuals over the collective leadership.

Ethiopian Review, after consulting with several Kinijit supporters and well-wishers, recommends the following steps:

1) Reconvene the 60-member Kinijit Central Council without any delay and restructure the 20-member executive committee. Replace the absent members in both bodies.

2) Include in the executive committee and central council some of the Kinijit International Leadership (K.I.L.) members who have proven themselves to be honest, hard working and abiding by Kinijit’s democratic principles. This will help ensure the continuity of the leadership in case of another crack down by the Woyanne dictatorship.

3) Establish an inquiry commission to investigate the reported mismanagement, corruption and waste by the former chairman of the K.I.L. and his group of friends.

4) Promote democratic culture in the Kinijit Diaspora organization, including Kinijit North America, Europe and Africa. Do not appoint leaders for them any more. Allow them to elect their own leaders as the Kinijit North America did last November. This will help prevent mismanagement, corruption, nepotism and factionalism.

5) Appoint a permanent representative to represent Kinijit in the Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (AFD). Since this is a critical responsibility, the person who would be representing Kinijit in the AFD should be a highly skilled politician.

6) Through the AFD, help create a shadow government that will give the people of Ethiopia an alternative to rally around. This will also help hasten the ultimate down fall of the Woyanne dictatorship and ensure that there will not be chaos in the post-Woyanne era. Woyanne will attempt to ignite religious and ethnic conflicts — as it has been doing so far — in order to stay in power. AFD will play a critical role in preventing that.

7) Do not enter the rubber-stamp parliament. Instead, demand a new election in which AFD will participate as a ‘freedom bloc’.

8 ) Bilateral talks with Woyanne must be avoided. All negotiations must be handled through the AFD.

9) To force the Woyanne dictatorship to accept a new election, utilize all methods of struggle — including general strikes and civil disobedience.

10) In light of the concerted effort by anti-Kinijit forces to divide the party’s leadership, all major decisions of the top leadership must be agreed upon by at least the top three leaders — the chair, the vice chair and the secretary general — and when possible, by the majority of the 20-member executive committee.

11) The Kinijit executive committee needs to send a clear message to the so-called “Kinijit International Council” that it should NOT have been created in the first place, and must dissolve itself right away. This message must be sent out before the Kinijit high-level delegation comes to North America.

12) When the Kinijit high-level delegation comes to North America, its tour must be organized by the Washington DC chapter of Kinijit in collaboration with the North America committee. For the past two years, after reorganizing itself and democratically electing its officials, it had successfully rallied Ethiopians in the Washington DC Metro area, while the likes of Shaleqa Yoseph Yazew, the former chairman of K.I.L. and the North America committee, had used Kinijit as their personal cash cow, at the same time doing NOTHING to lead the organization.

Finally a message to Dr Taye Woldesemayat: For most of your admirers you have turned out to be perhaps the greatest source of disappointment and frustration since Lidetu in the anti-Woyanne struggle. First, you were engaged in an unfair criticism of the jailed leaders, going as far as proudly proclaiming at a public meeting that you did not vote for Kinijit in the 2005 elections. What made your criticism unfair was that the jailed leaders were not in a position to defend themselves. Then you came out strongly against the AFD, which is created with the help and strong participation of Kinijit. And now you have abandoned the Ethiopian Teachers Association and jumped in the middle of the Kinijit Diaspora intraparty struggle on the side of the rogue and corrupt elements. In doing so, overnight you have transformed yourself from a respected union/civic leader into an opportunist politician — or as we said previously “tiliku dabo lit hone.” Knowingly or unknowingly, what you are doing now is hurting Kinijit, and more so your own credibility.

58 thoughts on “Obstacles facing Kinijit and possible solutions

  1. Le Kibur Dr. Taye , Ebakwo Be Erso Andebet Ye Kinijit Meri Eng. Hailu Shawel Endehonu Bemayashama Amaregna Qulich Adregew Lehizb Yinageru.

    Akbariwo Aynalem.

  2. Dear Ethiopian Review Editorial

    It’s your eloquent work and straightforward talk that earned your website a respect among the diaspora reader

    I read your analysis and recommendations carefully and I commend your editorial comment and entire suggestions. Within the diaspora movement and true supporters Kinijit, we all cant attest that while KIL was working day and night following the guiding principles Kinijit, Shalequa Yoseph Yazew and his gang was crafting a new entrapment utilizing the educated moron Dr. Taye Woledesemaite.(EPRP agent)

    Dear Ethiopian Review your article and recommendations has a grate value in such time and I suggest that you forward this article to all of our leaders in Ethiopia so they are well informed of the past and present tricks by the Shalequa Yoseph and so called KIC ethio-mafia thugs.

    O Ethiopia! You have given birth to countless heroes & some venomous traitors

    Long Live Ethiopia

  3. For Ethiopian Review editor;

    Kinijit has probably one million times more experienced and educated public figures than a psuo intelectual quack like you. Please take off your dirty hands from Kinijit.You are not in a position what so ever to provide policy counseling to Kinijit. You are just passing your limits. I kindly request you to stop it right now and let them do what they have to do. KAnbesa Mengaga Be Tebeb Yewetu belehena Asteway Meriowch Nachew.

  4. The gang who stole the hard earned money of Kinijit supporters belong in the slammers. Old habits die hard, I do not think this is thier first time taking what does not belong to thiers.

  5. Hopefully, some one will help me how Taye became Merchaw.

    But there are some things so shitty about Taye’s behavior that I could not help pass without mentioning. The first is that he was chairman of the Ethiopians Teachers Asociation starting 1961(?). His nick name is “The Eternal Chair of ETA”. Was he elected to be chair of ETA? If so, how? Obviously, teachers, majority of whose are in High School, will never elect Taye, the well known world tourist. For example, just few months ago he was in Australia with ETA’s money but for luxury.

    What is Dr. Taye doing now for a living?

  6. Selam Elias/ER,

    While I applaud your effort for what you have done for the last 16 years to promote democracy and freedom in Ethiopia, I have certain reservations on what you suggested here as a possible solution to the way forward for CUDP.

    First of all bear in mind that you or any other group in the Diaspora should not and must not prescribe what these freed leaders should do or should not do. The CUD leaders are now in a better position to craft the best strategy that guides the future direction of CUD taking into account the political climate of the country.

    You mention AFD as a viable alternative to the future political discourse of the country. You sound naive here. All of us who are worried about the future of our country believe an all inclusive political platform where all concerned parties are involved is the only solution for the predicament the country finds itself in. However, at this point in time, for the CUD to proclaim in public to work with AFD is a recipe for disaster. This probably is another trap Meles and CO has in store. While ONLF and OLF are members of the AFD, if the CUD asserts its allegiance to this group, it is good reason for another round of crackdown.

    In their recent press release, the CUD has clearly stated that they are ready to work with national forces that go along with the principles CUD holds. The CUD can struggle for an all-inclusive political platform in order for the ruling party to allow all concerned including OLF and ONLF be part of the process. However, it is wholly another matter for the CUD to proclaim its association with AFD at this juncture.

    We in the Diaspora can only play a consultative role and remain as support groups. Whether it is for internal party matters or joining the parliament, or to work with AFD, let’s leave the decision to the leaders who are tested in good times and bad times. Let’s not forget that there is NO easy magic bullet to remove woyane from power. It only requires a unity of purpose and concerted action on our part that is solely based on knowledge and reasoning not on emotion and anger.

    I would rather like to see for the CUD to expand its mass base and work at a grass-root level to reach the Ethiopian people at all levels in town and the country side. Also look out for prominent personalities both at home and abroad to join its cause for freedom and democracy.

  7. to commentor #3

    kinijit meriwoch ke eser yewotut bebelehat sayhon belimena naw because they trusted leboch ena hodamoch like you and shaleqa. betechemari woyanne anbessa aydelem. they are a bunch of jiboch like you. tegbaban?

  8. If Ato Hailu shawl is going to be a feature Kinijit leader it is going to be a problem You all remember what he saied on BBC hard talk more than two years ago.
    Kinijit leadership needs a new blood .I f kinijit needs to be secceed they have to talk to the Oromo organizations otherwise they will never go forward one step.Just Birtukan Midekssa will not going to solve the relation bettween the oroms and Kinijit leaders .one more thing forget OLF,but OPDO IS NOT GOING TO BE EASY ON Kinijit

  9. Ethiopian Review Editor,

    Please give credit to whom it is due. Our struggle should be to promote the rule of law and democracy in Ethiopia, but not to replace one group of dividers with another or promoting individuals interest.

    Ethiopian current Heros, who paid all the sacrifices are well experienced to plan the next step. You and your friends, who has been dividing and marginalizing others and spoiling should sit aside and let those elected, and have the mandate do their job. You guys have every right to travel to Asmara and continue to operate until …… You can continue to dance with OLF, form exile government with OLF and can celeberate annual memorial of the death of AFD with SHABIA. No place for Shabia cloned elements in Ethiopia. We don’t want to repeat 1991. The release of our leaders was a day for KIL and similars to lick their wounds. We can’t help it. You guys harvested what you have planted, dividing and marginalizing.

    Please note that,under the unbearable conditions they were, our leaders have done the best decision. At times it’s necessary to take a small step backwards inorder to take a large step, or bigger step forward.

    At last, please leave the next plan of action to those who paid in terms of their blood and treasure. Please turn off your remote control. Rest assured that there are millions of bright, smart and capable Ethiopians with soft heart and in good-faith to contribute their taught, not only receiving directions from self-appointed and proclaimed individuals, as WOYANE is doing.


    Tazabie Kemado

  10. Elias, I don’t think it is your job to tell cudp leaders how to organise or how to lead their party. Please next time when you accuse major Yosef or any one else for that mater have some proof- evidence on paper(copy) or some thing to support your allegations. If you don’t have one please stop spreading your venom.

  11. Dear Elias,

    Nice try. But you are dealing with Hailu Shawel and his expierenced and skilled team. We had had enough of the ruthless Diasporans.

    From now on the job of the Diaspora movement is to support the struggle in Ethiopia. But not to dectiate. Period. If you want to dectiate then start a new company with your money.

    The era of Shaleqa Yoseph vs the KIL group is over. With that the poltical leadership of the shameful Diaspora movement ceased to exist. The CUD leaders must distance themselves from the poisnous Diaspora group by all means they can.

    What? unelected Humberger eaters of Diaspora to be included in the 60 group CUD executive committee and spread their poison to instigate in-fighting? No way!!

    If any body thinks he is capable of leading the struggle in Ethiopia, then he or she must do what Dr. Yacob and Dr. Berhanu did by giving up their comfortable job in the US. Buy your ticket and go home to join the struggle at home.

    We don’t want to hear about the so called stolen money. If you want to talk about then go to court. The CUD leaders should never be part of this shameful act.

    We want the CUD to stengthen the council to do its support duty. If there is a good will of doing a tangible job then the council is where to start. The council can be restructred, reformed, decreased or increased. If there is a real concern about the council then the CUD leaders will be glad to address it. The KIL group of six is invited to join it but instead they are planning to lead the struggle. What a cursed generation.

  12. AS a concerned Ethiopian Elias should free to suggest what he feels is the right thing. Accepting or discarding the suggestion is CUDS right. Why some people do need to focus on something that they should not is beyond me.

  13. Elias,
    Are you suggesting for the creation of a shadow government through AFD”? Do you realy want our leaders to go back to prison again? What in the hell is your motive? I honestly don’t get it.
    My friend please think and think hard before you indulge on matters that may seriously affect the life of a fellow Ethiopian let alone leaders who suffered a lot.

  14. Araya
    That shaleka yosef stole money is prloven by a certified accountant. What more evidence do you need. Public secret that he was red handed dipping in the acount at ATM s[pts. How more clear do you want it. i also respected the shaleqa but I have seen first hand his embazzelement.

  15. Elias,

    Because you are scared of the truth, you just removed my comment. So much about your democracy!

    I have never seen so much crap like this written in a pro Ethiopian website.

    By the way who the heck are you? Were you not the same guy who gave a hard time to Berhaunu Nega in favor of Lidetu Ayalew. Now 2 years later you are trying to dictate things through a dead remote control.

    It doesn’t matter, however hard you tried to silent me, the CUD leaders have already seen through your ploy. Case closed.

    KIL is gone. Instead of licking your wound, you are trying to resurrect the ever trouble making individuals through intimidation and confrontation.

    With the people who advised you to write this crap (you know who they are ) create your own party and leave the CUD leaders alone.

    I believe this is your lowest point.

  16. Elias you showed little bit too much like authoritarian than concerned counselor. Any Ethiopian, I believe can advance his own concern, formulate his opinion to help strengthen kinjit, it should be with certain manner acceptable to the leadership body, your concern that contain certain names and sensitive comment should be in the first place addressed to kinjit leaders written and sealed, if your main motive is to help. In anyway they recover their freedom, we owe them the highest respect they are the only leaders who will lead us to victory and we have to rally around them.
    If you guys looking for someone all made up perfect leader create a factory and make one your own.
    Elias you did a good job so far, I still remember the so many sleepless night you have had informing us about our country and people we owe you lots of respect for what you have done.

    We expect you to keep up the good work, without good information we are close to nothing. God bless Ethiopian Review

  17. Dear Elias:

    You have mixed up the good, the bad and the ugly.
    Conclusion: You are a worse loser and should be ignored completely. I have done you the honor of reading your trash!

  18. I admire one thing about Elias: Who ever writes whatever, whenever and wherever about him, he posts his ideas with out any fear. Committment to self initiated ideas!

    Good character of Elias.


  19. Mr. Editor,

    The day CUD decides to continue to work with AFD, as you wished will be the last day for it as a political group. Are you asking CUD to work with enemies of Ethiopia? And, please find another job, quit spreading lies.

  20. Elias,

    If they listen to you keep telling them the truth. I like your openness and guts.It is always good editorials and intellectuals to give comments and suggestions as to how an organization, like ours, viewed by outsiders. The suggestions you gave them, if they think they are useful for their organization they will adopt them, if they think, it is bad idea they will ignore them. Yalew yewerewere ferri Ayebaleme. Keep doing the good work.

  21. Dear readers
    I was very much sick of this “Shalaqua” .But
    Right now our great leaders are out of prison and
    they will lead us till the end.
    I respect, honor there hard work and sacrifice.
    There are always our leaders.
    Ethiopia will prevail.

  22. Please you guys don’t full yourself any more.Kinjit suporters or any of ethiopian people did not play a role to realse those leaders from kalit,woyane did it and he aplyed his political game on them .and know all of you including those leaders you are losers.if you guys talk a lot woyane will take them back to that ugly jail,so you better shut up and think to live with oromo people in don’t have a leaders any more.why every one forgot the agreement that your dream leaders made with woyane?.may be AFD will save you. so that try to make negotiotions with OLF,ONLF.


  24. Elias k

    Your effort is appreciated.

    However, this is not the time to get emotional or rush into anything. This is the time for kinijit leaders to guard themselves from division and protect themselves too. I find some of your suggestion tactless and aggravating kinijit problems.

    1. The Shaleka must be handled carefully. He has kinijit name/logo money and property which he is using to divide kinijitians. Let him first handover the responsiblity to Kinijit leaders.

    2. Only after this is done and the shaleka group is dissolved can kinijit question criticise the role Shaleka has played and the mismanagement of kinijit funds.

    3. Therefore, Kinijit group coming to America should not be told where to stay and make the Shaleka more suspicious and unco-operative.

    4. this is not the time for civil disobedience or calling for strike!! Dont get emotional. No civil disobedience, no strike calling by kinijit!!!

    5. This is the time for kinijit to reunite and organise itself. This will be the major task of Kinijit today.

    6. This is the time for kinijit to avoid animosity and work with EPRDF for the coming 2010 national election.

    7. This is not the time for Kinijit leaders to work with AFD publicly. They have to keep this a secret!! let EPRDF worry!

    N0 civil disobedience and NO strikes!! NO rhetoric!!Kinijit must unite and reorganise itself and above all forge unity with all opposition parties for the coming 2010 election!!!

  25. Elias,
    You are a great political activist and communicator. Your determination and commitement is an example to follow. But even if the above statement is true about your character, I wonder sometimes if you are doing good for the struggle against the vampire state of Ethiopia or damaging it.
    So far my observation is that you hate shaleqa passionately and trust Birhane Mewa and Andargachew almost completely. You are disapointed that Dr. Taye has joined KIC and are determined to make sure the current KIC has no followers.
    But is your path the correct path? Are you helping the struggle for unity of the opposition? My answer to that is a big NO. You are using your powerful ethiopianreview to inflame hate and division. I am sure those who are loyal to Andargachew and Birhane will cheer for you. But those who are on the other side are deeply disappointed about your one sidedness.
    My suggestion to you is, please focus on the tyrant Zenawi regime and encourage the true kinijit spirit of forgiveness, understanding and love for all. Hate and negative campaign helps only the TPLF regime. Our goal should be to keep working for true unity with in kinijit diaspora, and push leaders of all opposition organizations to work harder towards unity. We must strengthen the opposition camp to stand tall as one entity while leaving Meles and his bandas exposed as ethno-fascist self sentered enemies of Ethiopia.
    As the old saying goes “United we stand divided we fall”.

  26. Once again, please hold your emotion and give it a time before trying to ignite another round of confusion between these support groups. Let the CUD leaders of former Kaliti prisoners and party members handle the next move. Who transfered one’s responsibility first and who did last is not a matter of judgement to blame or not to blame. It could be a matter of personal mistrusts while these two groups have been in the remote communication with the prisoners without one running away from the main responsibilities of being loyal to ‘yadera ika’. Let us give it to the original leadership to come up with the answer for all these past confusions cause and effect. Mr. Elias, I appreciate of your effort and work for your country but, instead of pushing for your ideas in your own website for a formation of leadership roles, you inform your ideas to parties and seek an answer.

  27. Ato elias
    I can’t believe my eyes to read what you wrote! Are you trying to commend to the great leaders what to do???? I was wasting my time by reading your BS. But my question of doubt towards your integrity remains high. Who are you??? What is AFD to you? Why do you suggest violence all the time?? Most of all why are you trying to thrash prominent heros of our time???
    It smells like something is going on!! WOYANE..WOYANE.. Dont you think???

  28. Hi MR. Elias, I appreciate your concern about KINIJIT, But, I don,t it works. Are you trying to manuplate the leaders? or the people?
    be constractive.

  29. Elias,
    I always had given you the benefit of the doubt when many said that you are Shabiya “plant” among Ethiopians. I don’t need more proof than this “suggestion” of yours which is a recipe to disaster. Please keep away from Ethiopian affairs. The CUD leaders do not need your advice. They know what to do, and how to do it. No Ethiopian wishes another round of political stalemate and violence in our beloved country. Go to Asmara and weep on the laps of your boss Esayas, and admit that you have failed him.

  30. For what is worth my view is this is not the time to change the horse. There is time for every thing. To day is a time to fight woyane.
    To do that we need a legitimate leader elected by the people. Whether we like it or not Hailu Shawl is that leader. In all the years or strugle for democracy this is the first time the movement got a legitimate leader. Preserving this legitimacy is more important than any thing.
    This is not time to score points and to be right.

  31. I do not know why those of you against Elias are getting mad in your postings. I think it is his democratic right to express his concerns and possible suggestion.Any one has the right to suggest his idea, which he thinks is right. Those of you who object his idea should forward your own alternative one.

    On the other hand CUD leaders have also their own right to accept the complement or reject it. There is nothing wrong with Elias coming with his preposition. In addition, his suggestion has nothing to do with deatating leaders as they are mandated for their own decison and free to decide what ever they think is better.

    Elias has mentioned the misdeeds of some corrupt and egoist individuals, which is fact, black and white. What is wrong calling Abebe is Abebe? It it not a public secret that those mentioned individuals have done more wrong deeds than described by Elias? If we are not ready for criticism on what we have done wrong in the past, how could we learn from our past mistakes and be ready to do better?

    Some thing is better than nothing. Those of you who have nothing to say, should refrain yourself from attacking individuals who like to speak or right their mind


  32. Elias,

    You passed one major threshold, once again.

    Who are you to dictate strategy? Please don’t mix your communication role with something else that belongs to the elected leaders.

    If you are serious about strengthening CUDP, you can help initiate an honest analysis of the role of the Ethiopian diaspora before and after May 2005. What lessons can be drawn from that?

  33. Dear Elias it is not a recommendation it is like a strong you want play like a leader? please try to sopport a good help not happen any division.we dont have any chance more the only solution only to be unite and fight the tyrani.please west yout time by doing some thing to be united.

  34. Obstacles facing Kinijit is/was merely the rigidity of EPRDF not to admit its defeat and/or not to be abided by the rule of law.
    That the mess that has escalated to its peak.

    Division in different issues or droping out of a party during each phase of struggle is a normal phenomena. It applies to any party or organization, if resolving a problem is impossible.

    As for Kinijit, the freed party leaders has pointed out that their first task was looking forwarding to the release of all prisoners in the entire nation jailed in connection with Election crisis of 2005.
    That is the right thing. It goes step by step.

  35. Folks: Let us face it. The current state of Ethiopian politics and the past 16 years is nothing but chaos, gross human rights violations, war and humiliating desperations for the 80 million Ethiopians, including me and you.

    As all of you understand, the major cause of such unending tagedies is basically lack of credible and broadly united democratic political alternative in our otherwise beautiful Ethiopia. Old habits die hard, as a result of which we keep on being divided for petty parochial interests thereby denying ourselves democracy and credibilities infront of the gallant broad Ethiopian people and the wider world communities.

    The ultimate beneficiary of such repeat incapacities is only the minority human rights violator known as Wayane dictatorship contantly making war and producing prime poverty.

    Believe me, I am convinced that what the ER have suggested will solve these long running and endless injustices. It will have the abilities to remove blind oppression and primitive self helping dictatorship and will open the door for bringing about nationally and internationally credible and responsible government that is able to bring peace and prosperity for Ethiopia the beautiful.

    Otherwise, if we keep treking along the past and current roads, we will only keep marching down the drain, while the few and the greedy will keep killing and getting richer and richer from their killing business.

  36. Here we go again,

    The attention and power hungry with very little knowledge about the real situation in Ethiopia are again on campaign for AFD (a shabia organization to finish their dirty job done by TPLF they have created, too).
    I’m just an Ethiopian wishing good for her and supporting any one working for short as well as long term benefit for the country.
    ER was nr. Advocate to Lidetu (Kehdetu). At the moment ER is in a baseless love relationship with the Diaspora Ledetu’s type (Andargachew). It must be a brain sickness causing ER behaving this way jumping so high to the sky from deep down the ground giving so called advice to the CUDP that members are rich with trust, competent and knowledge about Ethiopia and the world, too. We see it as warning as if you are all that. Please, go to a mental hospital.
    As far as AFD concern, the true and innocent Ethiopians remembers it as a criminal organization born dead and buried the same time with out testing even a fresh air. Before advocating to the Diaspora Lidetu type (Andargachew), it would be wise and a human behaviour to know more about his past behaviour towards Ethiopia and with TPLF, too. Judging from his past, he has a very deep secrete poison waiting a time to act the way in which Ledetu has done to the Ethiopian people and his colleagues. I don’t know much about B. Mewa , Dr. Moges or the likes. I think, because of Andargachew they too, lost their clear and clean mind towards their beloved country. Of course one fox is enough to affect the whole heard of green eater peaceful animals.
    No matter what ER working hard for him, watch out andargachew. Ethiopia has no shortage of competent and trusted citizens. As a result she will be happy if he stays away from her personal matters. There is no trust with him.

  37. What is wrong with you people? Do you even understand what freedom of expression is all about?. Do you still live under the repressive state of “Big Brother” or suffering from the syndrome of yester year? C’mon, I know most of you have lived here for a very, very long time and have not yet shade your fear for expression of ideas. For those of you who do not have full grasp on the essence of Kinijit, that is exactly what makes it different from any other.

    1. Kinijit is never afraid of ideas and encourages feedbacks from supporters and non-supporters alike. It has the capacity and intellect to decipher the good the bad and the ugly.

    2. Kinijit’s leaders, as much as they are revered and respected are not “Tabots” or worse still tyrants. We will never allow them to be one since it defeats the very purpose that thousands shade their lives for. They are elected representatives that can be removed when they go astray, like in any democracy. People don’t get respect for having been to prison but for what they promised and delivered and for pursuing the path charted by the party/people.

    3. The leaders were in prison for two years devoid of balanced information flow. They have been subjected to the misinformation of undercover government agents, interest groups and profiteers. Under normal circumstances they would go thru a debriefing program so they get the right perspectives. I still suggest they creat their own debriefing session to fill information gaps and clear rampant rumors.

    4. That the party should clear its mess and revive the confidence level of the public in its financial management, organizational capacity etc is, I believe, indisputable. To this end full accountability from the Shaleqa clicque and all Kinijit affiliated organizations is the right thing to do.

    5. It is open secret that a certain Dr. Taye and the Shaleqas are working feaverishly to divide Ato Hailu from the majority in the party. Their propaganda theme centers on the premise “whatever Ato Hailu Shawl commands must be implemented, any objection is treasonous” Hell no! What ever the collective leadership commands will be implemented, even that will remain challengable. I hope the Machiavellian plotters, who live at least 400 years in the past, will not succeed and I know the leadership is wise enough to prevail over this antideluvian plot.

    6. With regard to ER and Elias. What great champions of democracy and forthrightness! Do they always make the right calls? Probably not. Are they persistent on the main Ethiopian agendas of freedom, democracy, good governance, fighting repression and for united Ethiopia? Yes! Yes! and Yes!

    I don’t see any problem with that.

  38. WOW| To be honest, this is my first time when i read a comment which i already had in my mind. ER, you are the real man now. The people that you approached to collet these amazing comments are real ethiopians that wanted the country’s problem solved once and for all.

    Ethiopians need such kind of thourghly analyzed and constructive comments to bring the people togather around the table to bring an everlasting solution for the economycaly devastated country,Ethiopia.

    Some people think that the problem of our country will be solved when CUD and EPRDF come in to terms of reconcilation. The basic problems that the country is facing a historical one and needs the praticipation of all political parties to solve the various types of political differences we are experiencing now.

    The Government and opposition parties should listen to what you have addressed in here if they wanted to make the country their primary concern.

  39. I wonder what makes the dissolved KIL group of six suspicous and afraid to talk to Dr. Bezabih, Shaleqa Admasu and Dr. Taye? Why? It smelles fishy!

    There is a CUD plan in place to resolve the Diaspora problems and that is the KIC. If the KIL group of six do not trust the above mentioned figures then directly talk to the CUD leaders so that something can be amended. Otherwise going around the bush to score a poltical point is not acceptable.

    I have also another point. ER and Mr. Tsigie’s supporters used to claim he was one of the 60 memeber of Kinjit leading commitee. Can that be verified? Why is he against the descion of the CUD for the creation of KIC.

    It is now posted on – Tsigie is going to address a crowd about Kinijit in Dallas despite the KIL being dissolved. I was told he doesn’t have an authorization to speak behalf of Kinijit from the CUD leaders. What happened to this guy? He has completly lost his mind.

  40. First of all hold your horses against Elias. I read comments from some individuals defending Elias’ right to write what is on his mind. I find some of you are just residing in the West without getting anything of substance that nurtures your grey matter. It seems that most of you did not chance to read the editorials of many daily newspapers in the US which make it their duty to take political positions in matters that concerns the country? How exactly that differs from what Elias suggested? Moreover, Elias is one of the individuals who was charged and convicted in absentia by the ruling regime for doing what is in his right to do. Does he not have any right to suggest to the CUD leaders what course of actions the organization should take? It’s completely another matter if CUD accepts his ideas or not. But no one has the right to tell him that he is past his limits. Each and every one of us are entitled with the right to express our ideas to our leaders, openly or in private, no matter whether they accept it not.

    Secondly, let me put my two cents worth of opinion on the question of AFD. I read some you harbor the notion that OLF and ONLF are enemies of Ethiopia and that CUD should not have anything to do with these organizations. Some of you are in deep hibernation and you better wake up and smell the coffee before the whole country disintegrates before your very eyes. So far, we have been shading tears for the separation of Eritrea and the port of Assab. I believe that is nothing compared to what the OLF and ONLF can do if they keep the wording of their objectives. There is a good chance that the country could be divided into smaller chunks and all the things that we argue about here can be mute. The establishment of AFD is one of the wisest move on the part of all the participants and anything the excludes the major players in the Alliance is a recipe for disaster. I applaud Elias for his foresight in putting matters in order. Some of you should come of out of the box and embrace the idea that the people of Ethiopia are composed of both the highlanders and all the others. You may say that, well, CUD is representing all of us in the country. Well, as far as dreams are concerned, that’s a nice one for all who support CUD, but the reality is otherwise. The leaders of CUD and Elias have realized this a long time before most of you guys. Let me give you a concrete example; the overwhelming majority of people who are demonstrating in support of CUD in the West are mainly from one ethnic group; do you think that is by sheer coincidence?

    And lastly a word of commendation for Elias. You have never been a man who refrains from expressing what’s in your mind since I have started frequenting your site. And this is one of your brilliant pieces so far. Keep up the good work and may the force be with you in giving good doses of wake up call for those in self-induced hibernation?

    Boru Wako

  41. Let me understand those of you who condemn Elias for his suggestions. In the first place you do not seem to hear/read what others say; you talk and you listen to your selves. CUD leaders can respond, ignore, take partial or all suggestion given by any one including Elias. Now, are you saying that they know all that they do not need suggestions and feed backs? If that is the case, we need almight’s intervention. The essence of democracy is, in addition to others, to listen and discuss for a better alternative. Why is that scary?

  42. It is good to be in the reality. We know the history of kinijit. It was a good start from the very beginning. There were four parties and those parties had different nature. Even the people who are in those parties have different motive and understanding in the current politics. The good thing that they had common objective is all of them were against Woyane, which was good. In the mean time most of them went to prison for such long time by woyane fabricated claim. The experience was good and I expected that they could have common understanding and they will go together in our future politics. How ever, we can visualize the moves of some different groups, from that it is understandable that there is no common understanding from the supporter group. If we are trying to force all to come together, there will be push and pull in the process. But the push and pull type of move has strong negative side rather than the positive side. Therefore, in my opinion, let’s make cool it down and those have common idea in our politics make one group and the other can make another group. Most of us have common agenda which is to overthrow Woyane. That is strong in both sides. To me The Mela Amara group and the other democrats can not go together. Please don’t label me in divider group, but it is the reality.

  43. Elias, Sir
    Very good article, reorganizing and flexibility are good strategies as weyane changes its tactics to keep our people under slavery, we as Ethiopians should also change our approach and tactics to remove weyane from the shoulders our poor country men and women by the quickest route. Being far sighted and keeping your eye on weyane is the key to success

    Good Job

  44. Selam all:

    Allow me to add my comment in this debate.

    On the AFD:
    I think the AFD is a good thing in principle. However, members party must renounce violence. Kinijit cna form alliances only to promote democracy in non-violent manner. (Please refer to the latest statement from Kinijit).

    Also the AFD is exclusive. Therefore its term and agreement must be renegotiated to include more groups like the UEDF 1 and 2 (the one of Dr MErrara and the one of Ato FAssika)

    On the Kinijit in the Diaspora

    I think they must stop as soon as possible the erosion of Kinijit’s basic principle of democracy. We are seeing a movement that try to place Eng Hailu Shawel as the only “LEADER”. I am not sure if the chairman is directly involved in this. However his latest interview in a meeting organized by Dr taye and KIC suggest that he may be trying to build his base in the Diaspora and become the ultimate ruler of Kiniji.

    Do you guys remember :” Ke Koratu Meriachin Gouwad Mengustu Hailemariam Guar Wedfit”. I think these people are saying to us :” Ke Ato hailu Shawel bechegna amerar guar wedefit”.

    I think Kinijit leaders must stop this.

    They must release a statement rejecting the KIC and instruct chaptrers to function in a democractic, open and transparent manner.

    if Kinijit leaders fail to do so and allow the dictatorship of Hailu Shawel, it will be the end of Kinijit.

  45. Hello! Elias. you are entiteled to your opinion I have my opinion on AFD.Some members of AFD don’t believe of their Ethiopianess.OLF is a party that is fighting TO SEPERATE Ormos from Ethiopia.Their agenda is obvious they use Latin which is embaressing to show that they are not Ethiopians.They speak in foreign language on the meetings.When the rest of the world admire that we have our alphabet they prefered not to use it. I listened to one of their party member interviewd at Abugida. When he was asked certain questions he told the interviewer twice or more times that the questions were not right.There was nothing wrong with the questions they were ligitimate. What was wrong was his response.Those seperetist are the main enemy of Ethiopia.They colaberate with our worst enemy Isayas and bleed that country.Who are real Ethiopians and think for that country. I personally admire Kenejits leaders that suffered at jail for almost 2 years.Ieave the political descions to politicians. For a change in our history can we give them a chance to do what they want to do. They are our heroes.Dr. Hailu Araya. Wond! listen to what he said to Mengistu Haile Mariam when everbody was shaking infront of him Dr Hailu had the guts to confront him.Dr Berhanu another Wond including all who got released from jail. I hope one day God will give us the right party and the rigt leader for our beloved Ethiopia.

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