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Professors Ephrem and Alemayehu on Addis Dimts Radio

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The Washington DC-based Addis Dimts Radio conducted an interview on Saturday with Prof. Ephrem Isaac and Prof. Alemayehu Gebremariam. The discussion had focused on H.R. 2003. Prof. Ephrem has admitted that he is lobbying against H.R. 2003, but was not clear what it is about since he said he did not read it. Click here to listen.

2 thoughts on “Professors Ephrem and Alemayehu on Addis Dimts Radio

  1. I think this is just a cheap shot at Professor Efraim. He has made it clear that his objection to the legislation is based on principles that have nothing to do with the contents of the bill. Personally I felt some of the comments by Professor Alemayehu were uncalled for. He could have argued the merits of the bill without resorting to statements like “if you believe in human rights” or asking him to admit if he was involved in this or that activity. Abebe also should have avoided stopped saying “on behalf of the Ethiopian government” once Professor Efraim told him what his position was. I also think the way Professor Alemayehu was invited into the conversation was completely inappropriate. If there was a plan to have him join the conversation, Abebe should have told Professor Efraim before hand and gotten his consent. Over all, this attempt to make an enemy of and smear the name of everyone who disagrees with ones point of view is unproductive.

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