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Obstacles facing Kinijit and possible solutions

Ethiopian Review Editorial

Many of the top Leaders of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (Kinijit) are now out of jail and back to leading their party. Some senior members including Ato Kifle Tigneh are still in jail. It is a relief that the leaders are out of jail alive.

Back in the saddle, Kinijit leaders face monumental challenges. When they came out after 21 months in jail they found that many of the party’s young activists in the country are either dead, in jail, exiled or have joined rebel forces. Those who took over the leadership left the party in tatters. Some of those who assumed the leadership role not only grossly mismanaged and failed to lead the party, but had also embezzled and wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars from Kinijit’s account. Woyanne continues to play its dirty game to make sure that Kinijit is weak or dead. At the same time, some of those who stole and squandered Kinijit’s resources are now actively working to divide the top leadership by trying to turn the chairman against the other members. Their aim is to cover up their crimes, since a weak and divided Kinijit will not be able to make inquiries into their corruption.

It will require careful planning, skill, and a great deal of effort to revive Kinijit and make it a viable party. To achieve that, the top leaders who make up the 20-member executive committee must stay united. The Kinijit support groups around the world who labored hard for the past two years to keep the struggle going must stay firm in promoting democratic culture in the party against any tendency to promote particular individuals over the collective leadership.

Ethiopian Review, after consulting with several Kinijit supporters and well-wishers, recommends the following steps:

1) Reconvene the 60-member Kinijit Central Council without any delay and restructure the 20-member executive committee. Replace the absent members in both bodies.

2) Include in the executive committee and central council some of the Kinijit International Leadership (K.I.L.) members who have proven themselves to be honest, hard working and abiding by Kinijit’s democratic principles. This will help ensure the continuity of the leadership in case of another crack down by the Woyanne dictatorship.

3) Establish an inquiry commission to investigate the reported mismanagement, corruption and waste by the former chairman of the K.I.L. and his group of friends.

4) Promote democratic culture in the Kinijit Diaspora organization, including Kinijit North America, Europe and Africa. Do not appoint leaders for them any more. Allow them to elect their own leaders as the Kinijit North America did last November. This will help prevent mismanagement, corruption, nepotism and factionalism.

5) Appoint a permanent representative to represent Kinijit in the Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (AFD). Since this is a critical responsibility, the person who would be representing Kinijit in the AFD should be a highly skilled politician.

6) Through the AFD, help create a shadow government that will give the people of Ethiopia an alternative to rally around. This will also help hasten the ultimate down fall of the Woyanne dictatorship and ensure that there will not be chaos in the post-Woyanne era. Woyanne will attempt to ignite religious and ethnic conflicts — as it has been doing so far — in order to stay in power. AFD will play a critical role in preventing that.

7) Do not enter the rubber-stamp parliament. Instead, demand a new election in which AFD will participate as a ‘freedom bloc’.

8 ) Bilateral talks with Woyanne must be avoided. All negotiations must be handled through the AFD.

9) To force the Woyanne dictatorship to accept a new election, utilize all methods of struggle — including general strikes and civil disobedience.

10) In light of the concerted effort by anti-Kinijit forces to divide the party’s leadership, all major decisions of the top leadership must be agreed upon by at least the top three leaders — the chair, the vice chair and the secretary general — and when possible, by the majority of the 20-member executive committee.

11) The Kinijit executive committee needs to send a clear message to the so-called “Kinijit International Council” that it should NOT have been created in the first place, and must dissolve itself right away. This message must be sent out before the Kinijit high-level delegation comes to North America.

12) When the Kinijit high-level delegation comes to North America, its tour must be organized by the Washington DC chapter of Kinijit in collaboration with the North America committee. For the past two years, after reorganizing itself and democratically electing its officials, it had successfully rallied Ethiopians in the Washington DC Metro area, while the likes of Shaleqa Yoseph Yazew, the former chairman of K.I.L. and the North America committee, had used Kinijit as their personal cash cow, at the same time doing NOTHING to lead the organization.

Finally a message to Dr Taye Woldesemayat: For most of your admirers you have turned out to be perhaps the greatest source of disappointment and frustration since Lidetu in the anti-Woyanne struggle. First, you were engaged in an unfair criticism of the jailed leaders, going as far as proudly proclaiming at a public meeting that you did not vote for Kinijit in the 2005 elections. What made your criticism unfair was that the jailed leaders were not in a position to defend themselves. Then you came out strongly against the AFD, which is created with the help and strong participation of Kinijit. And now you have abandoned the Ethiopian Teachers Association and jumped in the middle of the Kinijit Diaspora intraparty struggle on the side of the rogue and corrupt elements. In doing so, overnight you have transformed yourself from a respected union/civic leader into an opportunist politician — or as we said previously “tiliku dabo lit hone.” Knowingly or unknowingly, what you are doing now is hurting Kinijit, and more so your own credibility.

58 thoughts on “Obstacles facing Kinijit and possible solutions

  1. selam Elias:
    The direction that you’re trying to lead your readers to is dangerous and comes with a lot of consequenses. Please note that history will judge you and you’ll be accountable for creating such division and hatred within supporters of Kinjit. If you focus on KNA more than your biggest enemy TPLF, you’ll be identified as one hell of a suspect and that will prove to many the suspicion they always had about you.

    Do the honorable thing and avoid becoming the next Lidetu Ayalew. It’s easy to become enemy of the Ethiopian people and you’re nearing the edge every time you come up with your “YELIJ NEGER HULET FRE ANDU BISIL ANDU TIRE” ideas. I urge you to exercise wisdome and wait for leaders of Kinjit to start with the second part of their struggle. I hope you’ll compromise for the sake of our country and I hope you’ll listen to many who have been pleading with you from day one. I also hope you’ll post my message to show that you can take criticism without exercising dictatorship :)


  2. i know that you can suggest any thing b/c you also are one of the Ethiopian but do you think our can trey will be lead by the hole 75 or 80 million people I dot think so I think we need to support our leaders in every way possible so that they can lead us to the democracy that we all are wishing to get you know when we are talking to much every thing will become a miss again and again and we will loss the light that we see this time so pleas every body stop talking and start to be honest and help our country and our leaders and i will advise all of you that we are a human being so that we can make mistakes i didn’t say that our leaders did mistakes before b/c i didn’t believe on that but i say they may make mistake so we can correct them by giving a positive advise so every body be wise and don’t be talkative. At list jest for this time lat as support our leaders

    Love you all

  3. Mr.Elias why you are all the time be a controversial figur? honestly, I know you, you are a true son of Ethiopia a person who devoted his life to make Ethiopia the better place. Mr. Elias, I don’t think you are an evil person,however,sometime you don’t knowhat you are talking about, you just are going to wild which is unexpecting from you. Please, next time when you are trying to give an advis for some one think twice.

  4. I have an issue with this dude.. Elias what is wrong with this guy? Is it possible for him to take a breath atleast once in alife time??? Elias I know you read all these comments but stop this non sense opinion of yours that is targeted to disunite kinijit leaders … the so called ‘proposal’ ( my foot) is rediculous!! and so are you…you are unbeliveable! why are you so quick to cause the damage … ?? also bezihi alebeqa bilohi you have said HR 2003 is dead?? and your source is ?? amazing ‘journalist’ denqem…
    Fano 4 Ethiopia I like yoor honest opinion.

  5. To Ato ELIAS,

    I always wondering to see your comments and articles for that you are always preaching people to revolt and stand against the government. It is really surprising! how can you encourage Ethiopian people to violence while you are living in US? why you don’t submit or present another method of struggle ( Peaceful means) as you are experiences in US? Why do you support the worst Ethiopian Enemy like OLF,Ogaden rebels,Shabia and others while you are claiming yourself to be good and dedicated Ethiopian?. By the way do you have another job in US? Better keep you job and leave this kind rubbish and destructive Ethiopian review business. It ig totally good for nothing. Don’t disturb poor Ethiopians while they are working to alleviate from chronic poverty. We don’t need any destructive advice like yours from abroad. Leave us or go to the big African dictator of Asmara-ISAIAS because you deserve to join this worst man

    I don’t have enough words to expresses fully my feeling about you.But I can close my opinion by saying that your time is over and I hope we Ethiopians have the power to solve our deference’s through dialogue and understandings as what we already started.

    Long live Ethiopia,

    Hailemichael From Mekelle

  6. i read the proposal and it is not realistic as well as contains a number of recommendations which polarises and does not help the country move forward.

    i am sure our leaders will make a wise decision beneficial to the country and to the people in Ethipia. only when the people in Ethiopia benefits from any process, you guys in the diaspora benefits. don’t try to think for us, leave it to our leaders and ourselves.

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