Jonathan Scharfen
Director, United States Citizenship & Immigration Services
Department of Homeland Security
245 Murray Lane, SW
Washington, DC 20528
Dear Mr Scharfen,
It has come to my attention that thousands of members of the Tigrean People Liberation Front (TPLF), the party that is currently ruling Ethiopia, are applying for and being granted political asylum in the United States. Many of these ‘political refugees’ are close family members of the TPLF (also call themselves Woyannes, meaning ‘bandits’) regime officials. Officials of the Ethiopian government manufacture evidences for them claiming that they are members of opposition parties. Some of these asylum seekers have been directly involved in the torture and murder of Ethiopian civilians.
I believe that it is a gross injustice to grant political asylum in the United States to these criminals whose organization is terrorizing the people of Ethiopia, and who are the main reason that hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians fleeing their country, including myself.
I am willing to provide any assistance you need to track down, identify and take legal action against these members and supporters of the TPLF regime who are violating the laws of the United States by filing false claims of persecution.
I am one of the victims of the TPLF regime. I have been convicted by the regime’s kangaroo court of treason and sentenced to life in prison after the prosecutor demanded that I get a death penalty. My only crime is publishing a journal named Ethiopian Review that has been banned from Ethiopia since 1995.
If you need further assistance, I can be reached at
Elias Kifle
61 thoughts on “ER reports fake asylum requests to Homeland Security Dept.”
Dear Elias, I appriciate your fight to Woyane in all directions. You are the real son of ENAT ETHIOPIA.
Way to go Elias. I am with you on that. The real identity of these criminals need to be made public. Then it is upto the Home Security folks to do whatever necessary action if they are fair that is?
Elias, bravo!
Homeland has to listen to Us, American citizens, also born in Ethiopia, we know the number of Woyanne-terrorists, by name, where? how much crime these individuals have committed against peaceful, Ethiopians.
Most of all, its United states long lasting belief, not to admit, crimminals from any where, in the world. Currently, some of Fascist,
terrorists, known as Tigray Liberation front, rebiptized as EPRDF, are and have committed the most grizzly crimes against Ethiopian children,mothers,fathers,elders,personal properties. These individuals, have begun entering our country, first as deplomatic relations, then remove their, blood stained three pieces and seek political asylems.
What Homeland security, need to know about these, Tigrean tribal persons, is they are trained, to spy, to kill those who came as true oppositions,in the United states. Knowing all of their Nazi style butchers character would save tax payers and the true refugees who came during and prior years.
Woyannes are crime infested, unrepentant career criminals. Their admission to the United states,
exposes law inforcement group stretches.
No. Please no Tigrean crime families into the peaceful America.
I respectfully ask Immigration officers, to make sure, these crimminals be exposed, checked, by all Ethiopian, Oromo, Ogaden Communities.
Infact, due to mischievous, natures of Tigrean asylem seekers, Ethiopians of Gurageh, Oromo, Ogaden, Sidama, Amhara, and other groups need to be part of intelligence to crop out wayannes from entering United states even as a tourist.
Lets stop awarding African Gestapo from being granted political asylem, for they don’t have any political proplem, infact they are the problem, that caused many thousand to fled as refugees.
Bravo. Thank You for going after woyane criminals wherever they may be. Their parents and crime family terrorize the people of Ethiopia, and again, they abuse the United States asylum system that is reserved for the truly persecuted.
Bravo Elias. God Bless you . You have clearly accomplishing your own task in fighting weyane. You also have clearly understand how to fight weyane. If we have other opposition websites working like you to fight weyane along with many of their supporters it would’ve been weyane’s final era by now. Debeteraw, ethiolion, kic, mahder wake up guys stop attacking Dr. Birhau and start fighting the Ethiopian enemy weyane like ER and make the days closer to weyane era.
By the way, Elias I would provide you my own evidences including names of the people that have gained their asylem granted in the name of kinijit vicitim while they are still an active member of weyane. I have also their clear evidence that they are still going to the weyane embassy in Washington, dc for various occasions including under ground meetings that is orchestrated by central members of TPLF. I am hoping everyone else also would be evolving in identifying these criminals around their area. One of the members of tplf is the guy who used to be a general manger of GUNA ( one of the biggest business share holder of TPLF) but now residing around Washington, dc after smuggling thousands of dollars from weyane a few years ago and still be an active member of tplf working the underground work to kill the work of oppositions in Diaspora.
Stop to mention the name of any people’s group. Individuals and groups can be criminals but not people.
Revange doesn’t take thinking. Even as ass can revange. Take time to think positive. Proof your self by doing something better rather going out to hunt people.
great work…keep it up!!
elias what are you doing. you don’t mention the purpose of TPLF participating in asylum application. his members to do what? unknowngly you are exacerabating a real refuge seekers. don’t know that his members also a victims. your comment should be well founded reasone. by the way i like your web sit.
Hi elias
you are a true ethiopian patriot,we will stand with you to expose the weyanes(killers) and bandas.
I don’t think that this letter is useful. instead this letter will affect those real Ethiopians who suffer from The woyane administration and looking real political asylum in the US. Elias pleas try to evaluate what u are doing before hand.
Elias, I applaud your effort in exposing these Woyanne “assylum seekers” to the Homeland Security Department. I am afraid the current administration is too closely allied to Woyanne to take any action. You should send the same letter to all members of Congress and hopefully they will conduct a hearing to expose how this administration is allying itself with real terrorists who happen to control a state.
The time is not far before Meles also seeks political asylem in us.He will then face the international court of justice. Can`t wait that day coming!!!
ቀንደኞች የውያኔ ካድሬዎችና ባለስልጣኖች ከምንጊዜም በላይ የውሸት የፖለቲካ ጥገኝኝነት ጠያቂዎች በመሆን በአሜሪካና በተመሳሳይ አገሮች ውስጥ የመኖርያ ፈቃድ እያገኙ በሌሎች ስደተኞች ላይ የስለላ መረባቸውን ከመዘግታቸውም በላይ ሰዎችን የማጋጨት መርዛቸውን በመርጨት ላይ ይገኛሉ::አሁንም ለተመሳሳይ ተል ዕኮ ከሀገር ለመውጣት የተዘጋጁት በርካታ መሆናቸ ይነገራል:; ስለዚህ ኤልያስ በዚህ ጉዳይ ላይ ትኩረት በመስጠትህ ልትመሰገን ይገባል እላለለሁ::
Good that is gret work
They are very very bad peoples
Ethiopia had many, many heroes but Ethiopia may have now few heroes and one of them is ER’s Elias Kifle and his associates. Elias has no tanks or army divisions like Woyannies, just only a single key board, but his accomplishements are peerless.
I urge every Ethiopian to follow and support financially ER and its projects.
Keep up the good work
I may not agree with everything you post on ER 100%, however I must admit, you are determined man and a nightmare for TPLF mafia dynasty. I haven’t come across anyone who is so determined to bring dawn Woyane to its grave just as you are. Further, I truly appreciate your courage to provide any assistance by identifying these hidden TPLF agents who are residing in US and other European countries under a fake political asylum
Elias- Please use all your resources and contacts to identify the TPLF agents residing in Kenya who are trained TPLF hit men (licensed killers) responsible for the beating of some of anti -Woyane journalists in Nairobi
Thanks for the courage …………..BERTA!
Oh! What a courageous decession. It is also wondeful to publisize these terrorist individuals who are anti-Ethiopian and pro-TPLF/EPRDF so that everybody will aware of these chamelion idiot people.
Death to Anti-Democracy and freedom of humanity will eventually revive. Please Elias name those individual so that we care from them.
You know what Elias!
You are a man of action. You are a man of justice. History will remember you all the time.
Thank you ER for doing every thing you can this is one act need to be take by Ethiopian.
Because there is a lot’s of wyannes supporter taking advantage on our struggle for librating Ethiopia from TPLF.
Thank you I am with you on this one
Shabeas Cry all the time for nothing.
The furthest is: find yourself in nursing home.
Let us petition to the state department
It is a great work and there are many who will be with you to expose these monsters. They have killed, raped and looted the people and deposit in American Banks safely. We have a lot of records about their looting, murder and crime and please pettition this idea and present it to the state department. We have also to launch website to expose their deeds and expose them to the immigration officials to get their assets freezed and chased out of the US. There are many woyane supporters here who are/were involved in secret transfer of weapons to Alqida.
Elias…..what can i say? you are increasingly becoming a pain to TPLF. You are leaving a good example on how limited number of dedicated people can do harm to well armed, financially well woyannes.
You have prescribed a nice medicine for those who are proud to voice loud in Hod-Fiker and Aiga using their real name. It looks like it is time for them to hide and live like a rat specially those who are active TPLF members who sought asylem in this free land. This is the kind of warfare Ethiopians need to learn in this new age. war in all direction.
As it is stated by one of Ethiopian related websites, Meles committed crime against the people of Ethiopia and the country itself by slicing every border of the country. Whereas the former dictator, accused of genocide by the current rulers, committed crime against the people only mainly murdering thousands of citezens. During the Mengistu reign, there was only one infamous famine of the 1984/85. Although the military junta committed its own crime, the quality of life of the people was by far better than the current situation. During Meles’s reign, only one or two budget years were the only years in which the county never asked food donation. The slicing of the territorial integrity of the county is clear to anybody. Perhaps what is not evident is the genocide committed by Meles with intentional propagation of HIV on the people in general and targeted genocide on citizens like the Agnuak people. Intentional creation of conflict among peaceful nations has never been seen on earth like what meles did. The crimes committed by mele’s tplf is by all means immeasurable and cooperation with such kind of invidious individual is a crime against Ethiopia and will be printed with ink in Ethiopian history.
Mr Elias,
How does this help to hurt the “enemy” at home? Is this a support or an opposition to Woyanne? Are you guys this stupid? You cannot think beyond your noses! My God!!
You could not even see that the more the US homeland security discourages those guys, the more the die hard TPLF remain die-hard and stay firm in their positions. The point is then if you successfuly support this view, I am questioning either you are:
1) clearly supporter of Woyanne, or
2) you have personalized hatred with those individuals and not with their mother party, or
3) unable to see beyond your nose
I would be happy if you could explain this to me,
an ethiopian,
elias good job the truth with you
Thank you this is wonderful measure against the woyanne merceneries. This exodus from the woyannes to the west is not because they are in some kind of problem but to dismantle the diaspora resistance against there evil deed. Elias you are doing your best to reveal the truth. if we get more people like you you can imagine the differnce and please insist on contact this department until you get responce and tell us where our enemies are trying to assimilate themselves to the diaspora so that we can takecare of them and that way the resistance in the out side will move on stronger untill the downfall of the devels in Arat kilo. Thank you again.
Yes Elias we all are behind you I know a couple of them with a lot of stolen money and they are living a happy life in free land (usa) please let me know if you want their identity or I will write their name and address in this blog if you give me green light. Killers cann’t never sleep in peace.
Thank You Elias…we should expose aND STOP WEYANE …they are Devils…they will continue to spray ther poision every where…so we should unite and expose this devils
Please have a little sense of human thinking. Your statement smells like the ethnic politics of EPRDF. You are poisoning Ethiopia with ethnics dividing rule like Meles.Of course, I come to know that you are thinking like the only two dimensional animal,………., having the capacity to perceive the X and y axes but not Z axis.So, try to see things like other human beings in three dimension.
Fantastic job Elias …
Fantastic job Elias …
Gobez it is very hard to convince the united state government these people are working for woyane because the united state government knows that woyane government is a butcher and they can made up a story to seek political asylum what we can do is organize a committee to track down the real criminal and make there life difficult and miserable any were the place where they work, party and socialize and so on it is easy not to help them for any kind of employment and any kind of business.
Thank you sir.
I encourage you to organize good hearted ethiopians around the US. That way information can be organized and supplied to the relevant offices.
I believe it is important to do this. Look this people, they have been cheating the Ethiopian people for long time. Now they came to cheat and abuse the life saving asylum,-which is deligently provided to help the innocent. Not the dictators and their ‘tools’.
Millions tried to at least reduce the devilish hands of Woyane in Ethiopia. Nothing changed as a result of such people’s savage approach. Now, when they came to cheat the US homeland security, it is not that hard for justice to be served. If people like you are cooperative.
So it is every one’s responsibility to co-operate this action of yours.
Elias you are very courageous. I am 100% agree with you. This is the real fight against Woyanes and their puppets. Those who oppose are woyane’s and criminals. We have to expose them where ever they are.
Elais keep the good work. You are great. This action is really makes woyane supporters to think twice.
God bless Ethiopia and her people.
Mister Elias I have disputed with you in the past, especially about the CUD situation and I did not appreciate your side taking because for me the dispute among us should not be that much harsh because we all were victims of TPLF when our biggest enemy is killing our 15 and 14 years old brothers and sisters we grown should think what is going to harm our unity and we should be passive among us if our dispute is how to change this crime family of Tigrean. We should not give an opening for TPLF hoodlums to continue their terror while we talk for simple things we should consider the bigger picture the conflicts among us should not be taken as win or lose. Rather we should think our differences as multi face struggle for our betterment in our fight with TPLF. We have to see our differences as a family feud which can not be broken by our enemies. As I have said in the past I was disappointed with doctor Berhanu and Andargachew group however at this moment after they establish Ginbot seven I have been their core supporter so I am glad you and me are on the same line. Anyway please ask your readers to email you those idiot TPLF supporters address as well as their criminal back ground. Make sure they are legitimate because I do not want you to be accused as liar. Let us keep hope alive.
Good job Elias!
I don’t want to see terrorists getting asylum!People who killed kids should be denied asylum.I don’t want to see a person who killed my father(who was not criminal)getting any benefit here in the country of democracy.Woyanne thugs should be punished infront of Ethiopian people right there in Ethiopia.
thx Elias for taking this action . there are some peopple which i have been abel to hear that they come to USA with turist visa and ask for political Assylum . what the bad thing is this peopple are members of woyanne and they have been trained and given secreat order by Meles and his gungs to kill Ethiopian American . we have to creat a data base to track this peopple down so that the homeland security and FBI track down them and brought them to justise . America should wake up.
Gorge Bushe please listen to us . Meles is criminal and he must brought to justise now .
Selam Elias,
May god, of the voiceless and victims of terror and massacare by the fashist woyane’s ‘agazi’ death squad, bless you! One needs no fact-finding mission to learn the recent tactics by Meles’s regime of sending thousands of criminals masked as politically persecuted opposition memebers to major western countries. Their destination is not only USA but Europe, Australia and other countries.
We need to widen our network to confront and expose these agents what ever it takes us to do. We can’t afford woyanes’ another terror in the lands of freedom.
Should you need further evidence, contact me offline and/or to get us organized to taking actions.
Thanks for your tireless effort for justice in Ethiopia.
I think this is a very bright idea. It should not stop here. We need to expose them forever.
Good Job Elias!
Elias you are a man sent from God to Save Ethiopia from those parasites.Keep up the Good work
Poor Elias you lost your mind kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk..All yoyr alegations have no ground…………….
Ato Elias, Thank you!!!
You are a courageous true son of Ethiopia!! You are honoring everyday the blood of your ancestor by fighting those “wonbedes” who are occupying our country.
Bravo Elias,
I am happy to help you in providing names and evidences of those wayyane members who are here in US. This is one of the struggle to fighting wayyanne abroad. These is a very great thing we have to do.
Good Job Elias. Keep it up.
Here in UK there are many TPLF members apply for asylum seeker. Elias if you have contact in UK, could you please send the same letter to UK Home Office.
elias…asylum is best solution for any oppressed people.Do you want woyannas to stay in ethiopia & kill more people?.Let them leave ethiopia by any means,if you know any body that committed crime against humanity,you can appear on individual hearings with your evidence,I don’t think the letter helps,any body can write it…too bad,proof is very important!.
Blaming TPLF/Woyane members for the crimes they have committed and still committing is not enough. In this country no one is judged criminal until proven guilty. Please collect detailed, relevant, and physical evidences.
Bravo brvo bravo
u r brilliant!!!
God Bless U!!