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al amoudi

Al Amoudi’s Woyanne festival update (video)

UPDATE (6 July 2012, 04:00 PM EST): Today was promoted to be the biggest day in the week-long AESAONE festival in Washington DC that is funded by the beggar Woyanne junta in Ethiopia. As the video below shows, the very few people who went to the 45,000-seat RFK Stadium, were hiding themselves in shame as they made their entry. Out of the 300,000 Ethiopians who reside in the Washington DC area, less than 500 showed up.
more video and updates later

UPDATE (5 July 2012, 01:34 PM EST): Patriotic Ethiopians in the Washington DC area are organizing another big demonstration against the Al Amoudi Woyanne festival at the RFK Stadium Friday starting at 3 PM. The purpose of the demonstration is simple: To derail the festival that is being funded by money stolen from the people of Ethiopia.

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UPDATE (4 July 2012, 06:45 PM EST): As expected, no more than 100 Ethiopians showed up at the Al Amoudi festival on Wednesday in the RFK Stadium that has 45,000 seats. Desperate for attendees, the organizers were handing out free and discounted tickets to Americans in DC to watch famous American rappers. Some of the rappers did not even show up after finding out who is behind the concert. On Friday, they have a concert by several Ethiopian musicians who are flown from Addis Ababa for the occasion. Patriotic Ethiopians in the Washington DC area are mobilizing to confront them outside the RFK Stadium. The protest start at 3 PM. Be there and give voice to the voiceless Ethiopians back home.

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Al Amoudi and his thugs will face another disaster today when no body shows up to participate in their Woyanne festival in Washington DC’s RFK Stadium. They spent close to a million dollars to pay well-known American rappers to sing this evening (July 4). We have received information that some of the rappers, such as T.I. canceled their appearance after learning that the money they are being paid was stolen from the people of Ethiopia. Among the Ethiopian singers, Kuri was fired by her Ethiopian employers after they found out that she is planning to sing for Woyanne… stay tuned for more update

Feeding Ethiopia to Lyons

Feeding Ethiopia to Lyons

Challenge duplicity where you see it and speak up against people like Professor Lyons who stand in league with tyrants and pygmy dictators like Meles Zenawi.

by Teddy Fikre  dated: Friday, July 6th, 2012

Colonialism.  Did you really think it disappeared a half century ago? Did you really think that Ethiopia was never colonized? Let me break it to you people, Africa is colonized more than ever before.  Moreover, please stop bragging that Ethiopia has never been colonized.  We are colonized to the core, we are enslaved and imprisoned by a corrupt political system and cronyistic regime that keeps our country impoverished and our children back home dying one by one from starvation and hopelessness.

We are colonized by multi-billion K Street law firms that keep doing the work of the devil as Meles Zenawi pays the PIPER on a month to month basis to lobby congress on behalf of the TPLF regime.  We are colonized by  lazy and useless mass-media like the Washington Post as they refuse to investigate the source of blood money right in the heart of Washington DC  and cite supposed “Ethiopian experts” without asking pertinent questions like “is this supposed expert getting paid by the TPLF junta or does this supposed expert have business before the Ethiopian government”.  We are colonized by politicians like Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes-Norton, a hero of mine who once fought on behalf of the disadvantaged and was a Civil Rights lion, who now sends a congratulatory missive welcoming AESA One to DC even though her staff was given a heads up to look into the blood money affiliated with this corrupt federation.  Most nefariously, we are colonized by “Ethiopian geo-political experts” who are cited as definitive sources as they go around white washing the blood soaked streets of Addis and in the process bless thugs and tyrants in Africa as they sit behind ivory walls at some of the most prestigious universities in America.

Let me introduce you to one such “Ethiopian expert”.  Meet Terrence Lyons, a professor at George Mason University.  I am not sure what Professor Lyon’s intentions are, for all I know he could very well be a fine and upstanding citizen. However, his work to this point and his judgment to this day makes me question his credentials and his overall ethics.  I know Professor Lyons; I once sat on a panel on the Kojo Namdi show where we discussed the results of the 2010 Ethiopian elections.  He came across as an intelligent man; however his stance on the outcome of the 2010 Ethiopian election disturbed me deeply.  He is one of those folks who come across as a “rational and fair-minded expert” that use the guise of “objectivity” to cover up heinous acts.  I know one thing, when it comes to issues of evil vs. good, there is no objectivity; you either call out evil where it exists or you are a part of it—there is no middle ground when one is making a judgment call with respect to malevolent and wicked deeds.  Anyone who attempts to be “fair-minded” about Hitler or Pol Pot is just as evil and corrupt as the tyrants they are trying to put into perspective.  Anyone who tries to leverage moral relativism to deflect judgment from tyrants is a tyrant as well.

Thus my issue with Professor Lyons, he has made it a point it seems to overlook heinous acts in Ethiopia and has time and time again refused to take an ethical stance and stand for a people who are oppressed to the bone.  I have yet to hear Professor Lyons speak out for the hundreds of Ethiopians who were brutally assassinated and wiped off this earth in 2005 yet he goes around espousing the development of Ethiopia under the TPLF government.  I find it ironic that Professor Lyons is a professor at George Mason University who specializes in “conflict resolution”.  Is this what students at George Mason University are taught, to resolve conflicts by overlooking sinister deeds and ignoring malevolent tyrants?

Professor Lyons caught my attention yesterday when he was cited by an article that  Annys Shin wrote about AESA One in the Metro section of the Washington Post.  A lot of people call me a journalist, and I immediately respond that I am just an observer.  However, Annys is a journalist by trade and profession.  I know a few things about journalism, like for example, you should always ask the 4 Ws (why, where, when and what) followed by a “how”.  You should always investigate experts you cite and find out what, if any, financial or other incentives those sources have.  You should not be afraid of speaking the truth and disregard being “fair and balance” if being fair and balanced prevents you from relaying the truth.

To my dismay, Annys did none of that, she wrote a lazy piece where she portrayed the anti-AESA One and the pro-AESA One camps as polar opposites of a divisive issue and then turned to Professor Lyons to be the “rational source” and offered Professor Lyons as the voice of reason.  I found this to be deeply offensive and a journalistic malpractice of the highest order.  Did Annys do any research on Professor Lyons before she decided to bestow him the final and definitive assessment of Ethiopia? Did she ask him if he has any business dealings before the Ethiopian government before she turned him into the final arbiter of all issues concerning Ethiopia? Did she ask him what his affiliations are with Al Amoudi before she turned him into the Ethiopian God? Of course not, she did what all lazy journalists do, she most likely Googled “Ethiopia + Professor + Virginia” then decided to give Professor Lyons the floor because she found his name on the first page of Google.  And of course Professor Lyons did the bidding and conferred upon Al Amoudi his blessings and praised him as though he was the African version of Bill Gates when we all know that Al Amoudi is the Ethiopian version of Bernie Madoff as he sells Ethiopia acre by acre to the West and the East.

You see this people; this is how the game is played.  This is how Ethiopia and the rest of Africa is colonized.  We are enslaved by lazy journalists, misguided politicians, blood thirsty lobbying firms, malicious tyrants like Meles Zenawi, and “Ethiopian political experts” who continue to deny the wicked deeds that occur in Ethiopia.  My challenge to Annys is simple, stop depending on Google to vet your sources and instead act like a real journalist and do the hard work the way that Walter Cronkite used to.  I will make your job easy, click HERE to find out more information, this is called a lead Annys, I hope you follow it to the source.  My challenge to Professor Lyons is simple, please tell us what incentives you have and what your ties are to Al Amoudi and Meles Zenawi before you confer legitimacy to blood soaked billionaires and tyrants.

You see people; this is how Ethiopia is colonized.  Anyone that has the power to speak for people has the power to rule the people. Why do you think that China cracks down on free speech and the media?  China silences opposition and hides the truth—by extension they own the people!  But this is not China Annys and Professor Lyons, this is America, please stop being lazy and duplicitous, speak the truth and stand up for the people or you will find yourself in league with Holocaust deniers.  We Ethiopians are a proud people, we do not take too kindly to people who profit at our expense nor will we continue to lie down and let supposed “experts” walk all over us as they peddle lies and propaganda as they…CONTINUED



Terrence Lyons

[click to view profile]

Please contact Terrence Lyons and let him know that you are not pleased at all with his duplicitous views and hidden agenda when it comes to the Ethiopian government and Al Amoudi. Contact No: 703-993-1336. Fax No: 703-993-1302. Email: [email protected]

SHIN Circle

Annys Shin

[click to view profile]

Please email Annys and let her know to stop using sources without investigating their hidden motives and to stop using Google as her means of research.  Tell her to be a real journalist and cover the full story, to actually investigate the full story and to get to the source of funding with respect to AESA One’s blood money.  You can email Annys at [email protected]

Jeezy performs at Al Amoudi festival

Jeezy is one of the the well-known American rappers who are paid close to a million dollars to perform at AESAONE event in Washington DC this week. The event, that is fully funded by Al Amoudi and the Woyanne junta in Ethiopia, promoted AESAONE as an Ethiopian cultural and sports group, but read below what one of the singers they hired played at the RFK event on Wednesday. The lyrics are filled with so much profanity and filth that the Washington DC police prevented the Woyanne members from taking their children inside the stadium Wednesday. Read Jeezy’s lyrics below and judge for yourself if AESAONE is promoting Ethiopian culture.

One of Jeezy’s songs:

The hoes love my voice
Make they pussy moist
Certified g shit and I’m the gangsta’s choice
Niggaz popping off hope they bullet proof
Leave holes in ya tha size of a sunroof
Mack 11 in the club and a snub nose
Swear to God knock you niggaz out ya fuckin’ clothes
Lay ya ass flat like a doormat
Niggaz ask for it but they don’t want that
In the rap game takin niggaz clientele
White ones like the powder that I sued to sell
Give a fuck about a playa hater
Hit’em wit the tool flush his whole radiator

Another song by Jeezy (video)

Only 100 people attended Al Amoudi’s festival – Washington Post

The guests of honor at the RFK tournament are members of the 1962 Ethiopian national soccer team, the country’s only team to win the Africa Cup of Nations. When four of them took their seats Sunday before the opening ceremonies, people applauded and crowded around them to take pictures. But attendance was sparse, with fewer than 100 people on hand that day… [Washington Post – read more]

Paradigm Shift: TPLF Intimidation No More

The time has come for an Adwa Spring, what started with a joke of a soccer tournament come cultural sham has transformed into something bigger::

by Teddy Fikre  dated: Tuesday, July 2nd, 2012

Do you feel that? Feel what you ask. That shaking, the tremble below your feet as the upper crust of society suddenly shifts under the sea bed and a new ground pops up overnight to replace the staid landscape. That feeling you feel in your toes and gyrating through your bones is not an earthquake, it is the transformation of the Ethiopian vanguard as the Habesha scene is being mangled and renewed in the most violent way yet in the most serene sense of quietude. The old is giving way to the new, this is a new day and an Addis Moment–what you are witnessing is a Paradigm Shift.

For too long, good and decent everyday folk have been too intimidated by brute force and implied threats to keep quiet or else face eternal banishment. Too often, these words of bluster and hubris have been accompanied by violence as hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians since 1974 have perished overnight and were later buried in unmarked graves. First the ruthless Derg government led by Mengistu Hailemariam ravaged Ethiopians and left us whispering in cold corners and afraid of our own shadows. The unending sense of foreboding and fear can be traced back directly to the Derg regime where everyone suspected their own neighbors—hell, some were even afraid of their own children. Dictatorships are fomented and made permanent by tyrants that cripple leaders and leave the populace in an unending sense of terror.

Where the Derg left off the TPLF junta has perfected. I don’t understand it and I never will, how is it that a people who felt the touch of injustice turn to the very same tactics that brutalized their children to pass on a legacy of horror to the children of their own countrymen? How is it a group that felt oppressed now can oppress the group that they felt oppressed by while knowing full well that all  Ethiopians—without regard to ethnicity—suffered immensely under the Derg. This is the way of humanity though, no people on this earth–putting aside Native Americans and African-Americans–suffered a collective injustice like the Jews. Alas, now they have their own country, which parenthetically robbed Palestinians of their homeland, and the Jews in the name of “Homeland Defense” turn to some of the most horrific tactics to oppress and put down the Palestinians people.

But all things done in the name of injustice eventually give way to equity. Eventually the paradigm changes as people, leery of stifling oppression, revolt and say enough. That moment happened in Tunisia, Egypt, and throughout the Middle East. Look closely, and you might find in the least likely place a seed of a revolt taking place in between a kick and a testa.  A test case is being implemented by a group of outgoing Ethiopians, most based in the DC metro area, to change the paradigm and introduce a new form of non-violent tactics to oust tyranny in Ethiopia. Egsyaber willing, this seed will sprout, Inshalla the community will water the seed planted by these young people and let a new movement develop that will be our version of the Arab Spring. We might call this paradigm shift the Adwa Spring.

If you think that this article is a self-adulation missive, let me first state a disclaimer to dissuade you from that thinking. I promise you that this is not a self-love note. I might be the most visible of those “younger Ethiopians—I say “Younger” because I am 37 and I feel like I am 87 right at this moment—but rest assured that there are hundreds behind the efforts that I am a part of. We communicate and strategize on Facebook, Twitter and text messages. There is an army of Ethiopians behind me; some have family back in Ethiopia so they are leery of coming out in public for fear of putting their relatives in danger. Others are still a bit hesitant to be too public with their “resistance campaign” for fear of being targeted for persecution and intimidation. However, as each day passes, their spines are turning to steel as they slowly come around to realizing that fear is the only thing to fear.

I don’t blame them for their reticence. I myself prayed for days before I decided to wage war on AESA One. I thought of my family and how their lives would be disturbed. To be honest, I built in a 20% chance of bodily harm or death before I decided to leverage all my abilities to bringing down a nefarious and a duplicitous organization by the name of AESA One. And just as I predicted, the threats and harassment followed suit as soon as I started sending out press releases accusing AESA One of being a sham and tying them in to blood money from back home.

On Saturday, as I was going around passing out flyers for the “Free Ethiopia Celebration” where we were planning to feed our people for free and entertain them for free, a coward called my sister with a blocked number, cited where she lived, and made an implicit threat that my life was in danger if I did not back away and leave the AESA One event on Wednesday alone. Then on Sunday, when I arrived to set up the “Free Ethiopia Celebration”, two cowards–one in a blue shirt and a cast on his hand–came towards the African-American Civil War Memorial with a menacing look and called out my name as if though they were itching for a fight. As God would have it, my friend Mastewal and another compatriot showed up at that exact moment and convinced these two TPLF goons to tuck tail and run.

In America, if someone is spreading lies and untruths, there is this thing called defamation and libel and issues are settled in the court. Only in TPLF oppressed Ethiopia are citizens harassed and intimidated with death threats in order to keep quiet. Listen here AESA One, your brutal tactics might work in Ethiopia but this is America. I will NOT be silenced by your tirades and your threats. If what I say is untrue, sue me and I will see you in court. But just know this, I am in talks with the media and contacting the American Journal Association, I am begging you to sue me so that I can turn you into the face of African tyranny and in the process expose what Meles Zenawi did in locking up our brave Ethiopian jegna journalists.

The minute that the paperwork is filed, I will drive immediately to Philadelphia and hold a press conference in front of Liberty Bell with a ts-hirt that has the picture of Eskinder Nega. Moreover, there is this thing called discovery; I will request for 10 years worth of financial records of not only AESA One but each and every one of the AESA Executive Board.  Ask your expensive lawyers about discovery and they will most likey advise you not to sue me or else you will pay a lot more than the PIPER.  I will turn the whole of AESA One, Al Amoudi, and Abinet Gebremeskel and alike into the personification of all that ails Africa. I have 4,000 press releases ready to be sent the second you sue me.

Alas, you know not to sue me, you are smarter than that. So like cowards you turn to intimidation tactics like calling my sister and terrorizing her to death. You turn to calling my phone endlessly with blocked numbers. You turn to sending goons out on Sunday to intimidate me. In the process, you seek to make me go quietly into the night and aim to keep the hundreds who are behind me to never follow the same tactics. But here is what you don’t understand, my grandmother was a hero who fought the Italians during World War II and was given a medal of honor by Haile Selassie. My grandfather was a war hero as well; he was the pride of Gonder for his bravery and courage in the line of fire. I do not scare easily, hell, I don’t scare at all. Keep your mafia tactics up, you do nothing but encourage me to keep pushing because you only verify what I accuse you off each time my sister gets a death threat from a blocked number.  Moreover, the death threat I received gave my press releases extra weight, two lawmakers and one major media outlet that were ignoring my press releases are now seriously looking into my allegations.  I guess I should thank you and that coward who called my sister on Saturday for the Hebret.

But, rest assured that I am not a meek individual. I have read the Art of War over 200 times. So you want to get thuggish with it, here is my warning to you. Stop making death threats at my family, or else. Or else what you say? Well in the past 24 hours, people have sent me the pictures, addresses, names, school addresses, and work places of EVERY AESA One affiliated member’s family from Al Amoudi, Abinet Gebremeskel on down. This information I will guard with my life and will take to my grave, unlike you I have honor and choose not to involve the names and pictures of family members even as you make implicit threats against my nieces and nephews. But I warn you, back away, I have now written an articles that publicizes the names and pictures of EVERY single member of the AESA One family, including the addresses of your homes, your work and on down.

This information was forwarded to me by over 16 individuals who you must have wronged in the past. As my family goes so does your family, as I go so you go. If you want to fight me, fight me in court, but if you turn to the ways of gangsters, I will… CONTINUED


Audit of “Free Ethiopia Celebration”

A  detailed audit will be published within 48 hours on  of all monies raised for this weekend’s “Free Ethiopia Celebration”.  We will provide line by line accounting of each expense and where the money went.  AESA One and all other non-profits affiliated with Ethiopia, please follow our lead, it is time to open up your books or be known forever as leboch. If you have ANY questions about the expenses affiliated with “Free Ethiopia Celebration” contact us at [email protected]

ESFNA rocks Dallas

The Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA) opened its annual soccer tournament on Sunday, July 1st, in Dallas, Texas, with a big fanfare. I have been to several ESFNA events in the past, and I am sure many people would agree that this year’s is the best organized, and the most exciting event in the Federation’s 29-year history. On top of that, it feels like a genuine family event where Ethiopian patriotism is once again fully embraced. A horse galloping into the stadium with the rider carrying an Ethiopian flag while Teddy Afro’s Tikur Saw was playing was a particularly fantastic and emotional scene. The only thing that tempered my excitement was when some one informed me that the Woyanne-operated Ethiopian Airlines was among the sponsors of the Dallas event. After ESFNA’s patriotic Ethiopians successfully expunged Al Amoudi servants and Woyanne thugs from the Federation, apparently there are still some who are lurking around trying to cause trouble. ESFNA has come a long way in cleaning up its house from Woyanne thugs, but the fight must continue until all remnants of Woyanne are fully cleared from this great Ethiopian institution. The ESFNA event will continue until next Saturday. I urge you to come with your family and enjoy. I am told that the horse will make an appearance again on Wednesday, July 4. Watch the video below. – Elias KIfle

ESFNA 2012 Dallas Opening Ceremony