OLIVETTE, MISSOURI — The parents of two children are dead after a man shot his wife before turning the gun on himself inside the couple’s home in city of Olivetter, a suburb of St. Louis, police said.
![]() (KSDK Channel 5, St Louis, MO) The Olivette Police Department is investigating what appears to be a murder-suicide of Tadesse Wodajo and Tigist Mamo, both immigrants from Ethiopia.
Tadesse B. Wodajo, 47, shot and killed Tigist F. Mamo, 35, before shooting himself Wednesday morning in the 9400 block of Indian Meadows Drive, Olivette police Capt. Mike Roemer said. Both were immigrants from Ethiopia.
The motive for the killing was unclear, police said, although neighbors told police the couple had been having relationship troubles. Police were not aware of any previous problems at home, in a subdivision north of Olive Road and west of Dielman Road, and had not been called to the address in the past, Roemer said.
The couple’s two children, a boy and girl of elementary school age, are safe, Roemer said.
The children called an uncle after the 7 a.m. shooting, and the uncle called police. Roemer declined to say where the children were when the shooting took place or if they witnessed the killings. He also did not provide the ages of the children.
When investigators arrived they found the husband dead on the floor, and his wife dead in another room.
The Wodajos are immigrants from Ethiopia. The children are staying with family members and are being treated by medical and psychological professionals.
By Patrick M. O’Connell | ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH
71 thoughts on “Ethiopian man shoots wife and kills himself in St. Louis, MO”
Jesus Christ
When will this stop? Oh GOD!
Life in the diaspora is like this. I would like to go back home before I do the same to my wife.
now this become our domain…? what is the problem in our relationship…? we need serious answer..!
dear all my people, pls let’s take a lesson pls pls pls we don’t need to kill each othere there is a way always eko if we don’t like it if we argue in things with our beloved , wife, husband or frind pls let’s just move on.
MAsetewalun yeseten eski bewnet my God.
Instead of killing his wife, why don’t he kill atleast
one woyanne. If his wife leave him, he can get another one easy.
Too many women around, there is no enough men for them.
Very sad indeed.May God protect and give comfort to the children.These are very trying times and without patience and faith in God many can not take it anymore.
Why ,my people, why? Why snap? What about the chilldren? It is a fact that after having children, our attitude changes a lot. We stop to think for ourselves. We begin to say “What about my kids?” We seem to isolate ourselves from the usual crowd that we always meet at local bars. Our life style changes. People understand this. They are not going to chase and ask for you. We start to live for our children. They will become our driving forces everday. The mother, no matter how unfaithful she may have become, set her free. Things will get corrected on their own. Just look at the children. Get busy with them. Stay focused. They keep you busy day in and day out. The children. What about the children? Patience brothers. Patience! What about the children?
I know this is crazy. You will never understand why, till you get into bad relationship and ugly divorce. Greed creates all this. It is ok for the woman to move on and love some else, but the worst is, they try suck all you got (your money and dignity), then what do you have left? Nothing. All I could say is, pray for all those men for God to give them strength and the woman God to teach them decency.
My brothers and sisters! its ashame to see this herendous act to take place among Ethiopian communities; and I strong believe this wont be the end if the TREND OF ETHIOPIAns ATTITUDE CONTINUE AS IT IS. We all know the trust-mistrust, the divide and rule that was created by weyane and their crime families but it should not cost anybody’s live. The damage that is done and continue to flourish in Ethiopia is more than enough. Let the almighty god save the innocent children and we hope the new beginning takes place in Ethiopians communities world wide!
I am not surprised to read this. Ethiopia ladies in the USA are going wild. Who doesn’t do this if his wife cheats on him!?
It is been a while so I am not sure if this is an old saying or somethig that I heard it in a song. It has a good message. It goes like this:
Ere lij maseriyaw
Ere Lij Gemedu
Gojoma Min Alew
Tilewut Bihedu.
It tells us how strong and powerful it is to have kids in once marriage. The bond that it creates once a family is established is insurmountable. When you decide to eliminate yourself or your wife, you are breaking that strong bondage which otherwise you’d be cherishing for the rest of your life. The fact that there are children in this family makes it unbearable to me. Please think of your children in good times or bad. You will find peace in them.
Ethiopian women don’t try to screw men’s life and Ethiopian men don’t try to screw the womens’ life. Always remember your life is in the hand of the victims hand you are trying to take advantage of. This act is a desperate act of a human pushed to the corner. Think twice!
This is not a simple issue my brothers. This is a serious social issue that needs a due attention of researchers, eldrely persons, and the diaspora community in general. Nobody wants to kill his beloved wife/husband or nobody wants to kill himself unless something is wrong.
There is something wrong that requires our attention. So, please let us discuss on this issue and let us try to identify the major causes for such incidence. We should not keep silent while our brothers and sisters kill them selves. This has a serious social impact. because such happenings definately discurage others from marriage.
Besim Ab Weweld Wemenfes Kidus!! I know it is hard to imagine how some one could do such a terrible thing until we fully know the motive behind the killings. As some folks pointed out on this forum, once you have a child, your child’s welbeing comes before anything else. The poor kids didn’t ask to come to this world. They have to be given atmost priority no matter how bad the parents circumstances would be. Our parents loved us more than themseves and sacrificed whatever resources they had to raise us. And that is the Ethiopian tradition. It is true, some people have bad temper, and it will be in everybody’s interest for those with poor anger management ability to seek the proper help.
When Guns speak, does it settle disputes! Even if the bible goes like: “Dust do dust. Ashes to ashes’. Let us rather die for a better cause. Such kind of homicide cum suicide is not a better way in way out. After all, there is always tomorrow!
As soon you arrived in this country, material possession will click into your brain. Big house big car and lots of money. And you are looking for a wife you married her you start new life. All this is not bad if we all will do would do it in the right way with the right people we meet. And we all ways forgetting who brought us here, the Lord. we seems to forget what God did for us by bringing us for this abundant life. Why? we only get true relationship from God. everything out of him have no value at all. some marriage might seem going well for outsiders but inside it is hell. so what we are going to do is fix your eyes on Jesus, not on relationship, not on money, not your big house and big car or on your beauty. May God help my brothers and sisters in relationship. Fix your eyes on Jesus! Don’t fix your eyes on Earthly possession which will perish tomorrow. God Bless you.
Nobody wants to kill his wife himself. He not only killed himself and he not only killed his wife but also psychologically, morally, and socially killed his children. So this is a serious issue that requires serious attention of educated persons, religious leaders, journalists, civic organizations.
This has nothing to do with WOYANE, we have to adjust our life stayle, each house hold has problem with the present economy please friends let us forget the politic for the time and pray for each other and try to support others spesialy the self employed Ethiopians like cab drivers and others.
What I can say?……
The many indictments commented about the wife with such unshakable assertion is equally appalling as the killing itself. The report does not give any motive for the killing except to say that they had marital problems. Instead of casting judgment in these times of unbearable trials, we should disavow never, never to take anyone’s life for any reason all while pray for the mercy of their souls.
Leo Tolstoy once said ‘The thing that is wrong about our women is our men’. As hard as it maybe, we need to reflect inward and self examine to what damage we may have contributed to the sanctity of marriage before we stand on the milk box with righteous indignation. Please remember the ‘women’ we are referring about are our own mothers, sisters and daughters who hold half the sky in our lives.
May God Rest their souls. Amen
What a bad culture we have. This has been a trend of our men lately, killing their wives and killing themselves. what a waste of life!
Please lets all pray for the surviving kids!!! We should set up a charity fund for them and donate what we can. I hope and appreciate if Mr. Elias uses his good offices and this very revered website in setting up such an account where all of us can send what we can. I have great trust in him and his integrity in such endeavor. These innocent kids should not suffer any more and grow up in destitution. What do you think folks?
You guys don’t judge on him before you know the details of the problems.
you wonder when he killed his wife and himself.He copied this from patriark pawulos, who killed one hermit with pistol in Addis. Boring life!
min aynet zena new! acid, bomb, bullets, what the hell is going on? may be “sementegnaw shi”.
You know what? ….. this problem is so repeated.
Therefore we need to thoroughly adress it. But we need enough information and people.
1. ER: I think these comments are mainly from men. I read them all, they don’t sound like comments from women. We need their inputs too. SO, ER, CAN YOU PLEASE LEAVE THIS MESSAGE POSTED FOR A LONGER PERIOD, SO THAT MORE PEOPLE CAN COMMENT ON IT, ESPECIALY WOMEN.
2. THE ELITES, THE PROFESIONALS, THE EDUCATED, THE ELDERLY, RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS, please please please take care of these kind of problems. Study, research and recommend solutions. ምነው ሰው ጠፋ!!!! AND then, organize us accross the glob arround these problems. Don’t mix it with politics.
3. The people, especially the diaspora, I am not sure how we are realy understanding our situation both in Ethiopia and in any part of the world we are living. Please seek advise before killing each other. There are always better ways of solving conflicts than killing each other. AND be organized and push your ELITES, THE PROFESIONALS, THE EDUCATED, THE ELDERLY, RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS,to bring solutions and SUPPORT THEIR EFFORTS in the process.
very sad and this is the work of Diabelose. let us remember them in our pray.
I am shocked and saddened by the who situation – This is an indication that many Ethiopians in the US need access to mental health services. Some are robbing banks, killing their country man by collaborating with strangers and killing their loved ones. I think this is sickness. Some of you seem to blame the wife for cheating etc. Can you also think that may be the man is sick, suspicious and was crying for help. May be he came to the US expecting much and lost hope. No one, let alone the mother of ones children should be killed in her sleep. He does not have the right to take her life. He must be sick and/coward to do that! What if she sleeps with another man! He can go to Ethiopia and marry any one he wants. Think of the children who lost both mum and dad! This is crazy.
What is wrong with our beloved people?
I wonder how people came up with such a barbarous and selfish decision. I understand jeleosy, finicial crisis, disrespect..could force him kill his wife. We are still not sure what persuaded him. However, if he did it for his moral justice, this was not the solution. WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS? People have enough stress on ther plate if you(families) have more expectations from your partners, there comes the problem. STOP any sort of EXPECTATIONS!!!!!!Do what ever works for you and don’t even wait for appreciation. Habesha…I hate Habesha alot. For me Ethiopinas have become dreamers in many ways. STOP living an experimental life. You don’t know what holds the future. WTF, DO NOT SAY, WHY NOT? HOW COME? How could posisbly happen this?
One guy commented there are more girls than men. Shame on you. You still think Man is the chooser and girls are to be picked. This is what I call Moron Dedeb habesha. We all are equal by nature. Thanks we are in the US to proof it.
I have one last word to say? What can we do to the kids. I can imagine how psychologically tortured they are now.
OH LORD. Elias, I would rather do links that tells about social issues of Ethiopians in Diaspora than to read your trivial politics. Because you are not helping any body as far as I know. I guess you can make a difference in developing that link in your website.
Birtatun Yisten,
Though killing can not be justified in any way, ethiopian women do not really understand what life means abroad. They are just wild.They have been abusing their physical beauty and paying the ultimate consequences. Ye ewore tegabegna ke medeb yezelale aluuuuu
Let us know the reason first before we make any conclusion
This is not something to make a joke out of it. It is a serious relation problem. Where is the community and the churches to disscuss about the issue and teach the society how to avoid tragedies within families. We need to discuss about it. This kind problem is just growing amoung immigrants which is very sad thing. We have enough probs already back home and it sad to see that we are doing the worst here.
I could have been this man if i was not a self controling person. Me and my ex have a child after a lot financial sacrifice and medical interention. She told me point blanck she slept with co workers from a parking lot to a motel room. On top of that when I decided to leave, she took the houseand and the custody of our child. I am braging here, but I did a lot for this woman and I lost every thing. With god’s help I lost money but I gained my dignity and respect through hard work. I am single and available, i still have a special place in my heart for ethipian women. someday i hope i will meet a good woman who values goodnes as strength not as weakness. I am educated and have a small business. If there is a woman who is goal oriented and hamble I am still open to my Ethiopian queen. Learn from me, don’t harm or ill your partner, there is always a light in the mist of darness. BERTU, Chaw
The dead are dead, and we don’t know why they are dead, and even if we know the whole story of their deaths, we could not bring them back, but we may learn something important from their untimely deaths if we know the whole story.
Right now, we should try to help and comfort the two living fatherless and motherless kids who are not among the dead but among us the living.
May God help those who are willing to help the two Ethiopian orphans, and may He also reveal to us the real causes for the destructions of these precious lives so that we may learn a lesson from this unpleasant incident!
this is very sad
Very sad . It would have been worth it if he had killed Bin Laden and Melese Zenawi.
it is sad to see moraly cultured ethiopians gone wild like this. where is the good morals that we inherited from our for fathers? ladies, where is Ethopiawi decorum? brothers, where is your perserverance and far-sightdness? I strongly recommend that those who control the media need to address the issue of domestic viloence, which is becoming a norm in our community.
May God help those innocent kids
Dear All,
the permanent solution for such problems not to happen in your life is believing Jesus humbly and following the instructions written in the holly bible.
be blessed all of you
The next story will be mine. My wife had betrayed me. She admitted she is in love with her co-worker.Ere gud new… Back home I was the bread winner and we lived very good life.Things changed here in America. I was humiliated, betrayed by my wife… my only wrong doing is working hard for the family. Our women are all the same. They are the ones to blame.
yes it is really a bad news…but we can’t give any conclusion coz we haven’t know the case why he do this.Any how diaspora s should know and keep their culture and religion.God helps the innocent kids..
Ethiopian ladies think they are smart by fooling around. Though separation before things get tough is preferable, I don’t blame the guy for doing what he did. But the sad part is the innocent kids are the ultimate victims.
It should be a lesson for all of us! Especially, ladies, you can’t be American over night. So, try to compromise the Ethiopian culture with American ones. Otherwise, the end result will be disaster for both parties as the case reported above.
Oh my Gosh! unbeliveble, what can i say when i think about their children, who made me cry, i have one year baby my self, i can imagin their pain they are left with out any body, please, please family member please give the inocent kids a good comfort that way they don’t miss thier family.
i am just crying for this little kids, they don’t know what is going on in their life .
But why? why? my brothers and sisters please we need to think a better life for our kids.
i am a mother my self and i would do anything, anything to have a father and mother in her entire life period!!
so please people think about your kids you are the one who brought them in this world.
i hope the kids will get a good care, and comfort??
God help them please!
betham yasazinal!
think think about the kids who are left without anything but with a grife.
SAD SAD SAD HE MUST BE AN EVILE AND DAVILE i hope God will punish hime for his work. he left this littel inocent kids with out any family, oh…… i am jut ….crying
Yagere Lejoch, think think about your kids please, this needs to SOP!! this is not the first time that happend.
why can’t we think about our kids.
it is so sad that this kids are left without anything but with a greif.
Sad what kind of an evil,and davil man she was marrid to. i wish he could have killd him self and left a mother for this inocent little kids. what a selfesh, idiot,and davil man. i hope God will punish him for his work.
Oh….. i am just ….crying for this little kids!
please MY Lord be with them, give them some comfort for this little kids.
Many of the comments here seem to assume that the wife cheated. But Suspicon by itself can lead to disaster. I have a friend who susupects his wife for nothing.It may be some kind of insecurty and psychological problem. He may need help. Can you share your expriences about such baseless suspicions whether it is from a woman or man?
Some of the comments are outrages! How dare you blame the women with out taking any accountablity for the men? And you Abiy did you say i’m next? Is this a way out for abesha guys now? I think ists time for us to seek help and try to work out our issues instead of by killink each other. Please if anyone thinks they will be making the next “head line” i suggest you pick up your phone and call a hot line to help you. If nothing else you can google HELP…if you don’t have money they will work with you trust me im in the feild..although i never see our people seeking help. It needs to change.. maybe this is our wake up call..hum P.S. please get all the facts before you blame anyone..this is for my “wild” commentors..i didn’t get it.
ሕይወት እንደዋዛ እንደቀልድ ማለፏ ብዙ የማያሳስባቸዉ ሰዎች እየበዙ መሄዳቸው በራሱ ለኢትዮጵያዉያን/ያት አንድ የባህል ዉድቀት ቢሆንም ቅሉ ባህል እንደ ቋንቋ ከሌላ አገር ባህል ጋር ቢዳቀልምና የራስ የሆነው ባህላችን ቢጠፋም በጋብቻ ጸንቶ መኖር ግን በተለይ ለኢትዮጵያዉያን/ያት በአለፉት ዘመናት ልዩ ዉበት ነበረዉ። ነገር ግን በተለይም በዉጪው ዓለም የሚኖረዉ ኢትዮጵያዊ እና ኢትዮጵያዊት በጋብቻ ተከባብሮ፣ ጋብቻን አጽንቶ፣ ተማምኖ፣ ተሳስቦና ተጋግዞ መኖሩ ሕልም እየሆነ መጥቷል። ስለዚህ ይህ የባልና ሚስት መገዳደል ለቀሪዉ ሰው ማለትም ባልና ሚስት ምን እንደሚያስተምር ተረድተን መተኪያና ማወዳደሪያ ለማይገኝላት ሕይወት፣ እንደ እንቁላል አንዴ ከተሰበሰረች ስለማትመለስ ልንጠነቀቅ ይገባልና! ልብ ያለው ልብ ይበል!!
ነብሳቸውን ይማር!
Some of the comments seems coming from male chauvinists. Some of them are hilarious. The problem with many marriages is jealousy. I know a man who was insanely jealous of his wife without any specific reason and finally, his wife got sick of it and left with their two children. And thank God, now she is with another decent loving man. It shouldn’t come to the point of taking a life. No one can force another person to love him/her. If there is no more love in the relationship move on and find another man/woman. Men—get a hold of your anger. Beating your spouse says a lot about you more than about your wife. Seek counseling to manage your anger and frustrations.
I think that the reason that numerous Ethiopian couples have been committing crimes is not because of America or because of Ethiopian girls going wild in America but it is because so many people think they should only marry an Ethiopian and are somewhat unintentionally forced into a relationship. The culture brainwashes young people into thinking that they should only marry in our race. It ends up being not love and people end up getting frustrated. Crimes are created out of anger. Then the people in the relationship are like a bomb waiting to go off and this man went off