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ONLF fighters killed 140 Woyanne troops

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AFP)–Clashes have broken out in the restive Ethiopian region of Ogaden, with rebels saying Friday they have killed 140 government troops and allied militia fighters.

The Ethiopian government Woyanne tribalist regime in Ethiopia disputed the claims from the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), saying some 40 rebels were killed by local clan militia.

“The casualty figures heavily favored our forces due to the nature of our operations,” the rebels said in a statement, adding that they lost 29 fighters. “In particular, surprise attacks and ambushing enemy military convoys.”

Communications Propaganda Minister Bereket Simon told AFP that the insurgents “clashed with some of the clan inside Ogaden and the clans have beaten them well.”

The ONLF is fighting for the independence of ethnic Somalis in Ethiopia’s oil-rich Ogaden region. They say the local people have been marginalized by Addis Ababa.

Ethiopia’s The {www:Woyanne} military launched an offensive against ONLF after they attacked a Chinese-run oil venture in the Ogaden in 2007, killing 77 people, including nine Chinese nationals.

9 thoughts on “ONLF fighters killed 140 Woyanne troops

  1. Thanks to ALLAH !!! you freedom fighters (ONLF), do your best to liberate the whole marginalized people of the horn, including Ogadenians and Ethiopians……..

    you (ONLF), Make end the days of brutality, inhumanity and repression favored for the Woyanes, and as contrary bitter for Ogaden somalis, Oromos, and other ethnics in Ethiopia…


  2. The brave ONLF fighters represent the Ogaden Somalis and all oppressed Ethiopians who have been under the yoke of the Woyannes for the last 18-years.Meles,Bereket Simon,Abay Saheye and the TPLF gangs are trying to enrich themselves at the expences of Ethiopia and Ethipians.Only the ONLF are the ones who are doing the right thing-speaking to the Woyannes the language they understand.

  3. The Propoganada minister of TPLF is getting even funnier and funnier…he said the clans fough against the rebels and beat them back..what a joke! Ethiopian army luanched a coordinated land and air attack and failed to defeat ONLF! Now Bereket simon is sounding like Ali of Bagdad!!

  4. well
    its time to acknowledg our weak points and read the massacre on our backyard bcs living in a bush is not their wish and we should sympatis to their agony and suffering just as we want others to do the same on us and save the nation befor its too late.bcs everyone knows that the so called succesionis armed groups were involved in the coalition gvt in 91.their succesionist policy is their ultimat right bcs they are a group of peopl with hardliners,leftists,rights and offcourse liberals just as we are for that matter.i dont see their objective is liberations,independences,greater abysinia,greater tigray,oromoland ,land of juda but they have a strong case to make which most of the world have already recognised as MARGINILISATION and the westerns are keeping them alive let alone shabea bcs they are waiting for the right time for any eventualities….as we have been witnessing their evil tactic DiVID AND RULE and to our surprise even their close associates have gone wild by predicting the futur of ethiopia from their new colony SOUTH SUDAN bcs what they witnessed from their satelite images is far from what we hear and see. burned and abandoned villages of sattelite images have been captured during the tplf extensive offensives in the region which has done nothing but internationalising the case of OGADEN and the ONLF which the world have not heard 8 yrs ago and the result was that tplf and the the so called ethiopian intelectuals,unionists,democrats,civic org…….and the TPLF have totally lost the control of the what!!!!!!
    a geniun puplic debate must bring a change in the opposition camps or face the suffering but promising voice of the 80% of the non urbal popultion which have been long neglected by the oposition camps.Tplf knows what is happening in the ground that is why they are calling to talk with them not with th opposion camps which they see them as ORANGE revolutionists . beatifull but unforunatlly short lived like an orange fruit.

    fridom to the oppressed!!!!

  5. Amharas should start the same kind of attack against Meles forces. ONLF should seriously think about infiltering Amhara fighters in side Shewa, and other parts of Ethiopia. This makes the victory day nearer.

  6. Woyane, now try to start the war with Eritrea and you will see what happen. Surrounded with all these opposition and now the strongest army in Africa Eritrea your days are counted. As we said before, EPLF knows how they created you and also knows how to destroy you. Just go ahead and start the war on the north if you have guts!!!!!

  7. Congradulations Ethiopians this is one historic achievement.Woyane killed farmers and took their only means of living.This is time to show Woyane what a warrior a farmer can become.

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