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6 fake opposition parties form alliance in Ethiopia

By Barry Malone

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) – Six [fake] Ethiopian opposition parties formed an alliance on Thursday and accused the government of clamping down on dissent ahead of parliamentary elections next year.

[All this is orchestrated by the American embassy in Addis Ababa to give legitimacy to the Meles dictatorship.]

The alliance parties hold only 80 of parliament’s 547 seats, but still represent the most significant opposition to a government that is a close ally of Washington.

The new alliance includes the United Ethiopian Democratic Forces (UEDF) and the Unity for Democracy and Justice party (UDJ), whose jailed 34-year-old leader Birtukan Mideksa is seen by regional analysts as the foremost opposition figure.

“Violations of democratic rights come … at a time when the general election is only a few months away,” UEDF leader Beyene Petros told reporters in the capital Addis Ababa. “The political space (should be) made conducive for free and fair elections.”

[It is laughable to call Dr Beyene Petros an “opposition politician.”]

Analysts say the government of Prime Minister dictator Meles Zanawi is likely to win next year’s poll as the opposition has been weakened since a 2005 parliamentary election ended in violence that killed 199 civilians.

Bereket Simon, the government’s head of information propaganda, rejected opposition claims the scope for political activity in Ethiopia was too restricted as “baseless accusations”.

“The political space is continually widening. We welcome the forming of this alliance. We believe it is good for Ethiopian democracy to see parties with the same programmes forming together,” he told Reuters.

Ethiopian opposition parties routinely accuse the government of harassment and say their candidates were intimidated when Ethiopians went to the polls last April for local elections.

The six parties will contest next year’s election under the banner of the Forum for Democratic Dialogue in Ethiopia (FDEE), while maintaining their independent structure and leadership.

The FDEE called on Thursday for Birtukan to be freed from prison, along with “several other Ethiopians incarcerated on political grounds”. They did not name the other prisoners.

Birtukan has been in solitary confinement since December and went on hunger strike for 13 days last month. She was jailed after the 2005 poll, pardoned in 2007, and rearrested last year.

Gebru Asrat, leader of the Arena Tigray for Democracy and Sovereignty Party, will serve as chairman of the alliance.

The other parties are the Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement (OFDM), the Ethiopian Democratic Unity Movement (EDUM) and the Somali Democratic Alliance Forces (SDAF).

27 thoughts on “6 fake opposition parties form alliance in Ethiopia

  1. This comment is direct to the editor of Ethiopianreview,Ato Elias:
    Dear Ato Elias, I am the reader of your website since its you started,but at the beginning you was serving good,but after the 2005 election you are loosing your respect and believe by your one sided ,some times baseless accusation to the oppositions and specially smearing propaganda,believe or not your system of attacking opposition parties is serving the ruling party(Woyane),If you are not Woyane I appreciate.Now in your latest news added today ,you are opposing the formation and activities of the 6 opposition parties,saying that they are fake parties and so on so on..What is your problem what is so ever the form and size or system they organize themselves.why you oppose them? Why you are giving a bad name? What is your support for such heroes fighting confronting the woyanes attack?If you were in Addis .could you do such activities? Please let me tell you stop hurrying to criticize.And first you have to learn a lot about politics.

  2. Gebru Asrat is the Leader of the Opposition? Are you kidding me? X-Tplf leader be considred a real opposition to Zenawi? This is a blank check for Zenawi and his Tplf party to rule Ethiopia indefinatly. Good job the sons and doughters of Tigray for being leaders of Ethiopia both in the government and the opposition both sides of the coin. Shame on the so called opposition for being a co-conspirators in prolonging the suffering of the Ethiopian people.

  3. We are back in the 1990s where TPLF formed its own groups and run the country for the last eighteen years. The known faces of the fake oppositions like Beyene Petros, Merara Gudina are considering Ethiopia like their fifedom/Gulte and are now dancing in their “Mederek”

    They also picked princes and kings like Seye and Negaso to help on shoulder dance/skista. Sadly the Andenet/UDJP is participating on this Mederek Orchestra after its leader is locked up and Judge Birukan Medeksa might be a bargaining cheap for her eventual reason for TPLF.

    Why is all this stage drama in a country where the people are denied to organize, speak freely ? The answer is simple, all these fake creatures will not survive in a free country.

    Ethiopians know who the leaders of these six fake collections are. The leaders of these fake groups including the “respected” individuals have eighteen years of record and are no better than TPLF they alleged to replace.

    The campaign exposing these fake “Mederek Orchestra” collections must be head on and some here in Diaspora who are spending their air time attacking organizations and individuals who are out of these fake collections of known opportunists must be uncompromising too. The war has begun.

    The war of 2010 has already begun. The landscape is clear. The people side and the opportunists and looters side. TPLF and its supporting Orchestra/Mederek on one side and the Ethiopian people on the other side.

    We have to deny the Mederek Orchestra any stage back home and here and tell them on their face you are people who are paid by outsiders to keep the Ethiopian people under TPLF’s yoke for years to come until you are thrown out by people uprising like the Yekatit Revolution of the 1974.

    Ethiopians will not buy any ticket for the Broadway show by Mederek Orchestra. It will be out of business before 2010.

  4. it is simple, easy, joyful to sit infront of a screen and condemn local parties fighting against murderers. u serve no purpose insulting and demeaning local opposition parties in a nutshell. i will be happy to read ur analysis about why they are what u think they are. Otherwise u are only serving shabia & isayas. ps give this piece a chance of 5 minutes.

  5. Elias,

    Don’t be afraid – we need more detailed observation than posting the above article.

    I mean: “Gebru Asrat, leader of the Arena Tigray for Democracy and Sovereignty Party, will serve as chairman of the alliance.”

    Basically the next election will be a contest between: TPLF vs Arena Tigrai or the Tigrai Liberation Front against Free Tigrai / OR Zeanwi vs Gebru / OR Tigrian vs Tigrian.

    The monkeyes lead by: Beyene,Gudina,Gizachew,Hailu Araya and Gidado applauding by standing on their feet. What a shame!

  6. I wish all the Ethiopian people to boycott this sham election. It will serve no purpose other than prolonging the sufferings of our people. The tplf will do whatever it takes to legitimize it’s so called election. The only way to get rid off weyane is by force, the same method it used to grab power from the people in the first place.

  7. It is a kind of power sharing, wherby the power might be transfered peacefully to Woyane clans. Under what condition is a tribalist becoming the leader of the “Alliance”.
    This is a carbon copy of Woyane Tigre under the top. Likewise Arena tigre on the other side of the coins.
    This holy alliance is designed to supress other non-Tigre Parties.
    The so-called Alliance would become financial as well as logistics support from the Master Woyane thugs.
    Their old friendship is restoring again to subjugate the Ethiopian people.

    Now it is easy to put them in one grave as were doing other innocent civilians. Wait and see !

    We will see a surprise within the next 4 Months.
    Birtukan might be obstacle for this ugly undertakings. That is why she is imprisoned under the cover of refusing to say Pardon.

    Down with tribalists,
    Ethiopia will prevail…

  8. As impractical and as VERY improbable these goons would replace the Weyane fiefdom, it is, nevertheless, sad to see that many Ethiopians have become simply dumber than a “blond bimbo” -as the American saying goes! As long as Ethiopian Diasporas and the intelligentsia remain fixated on “Shabia” or “Asseb”, the Weyanes will rule supreme (and with no serious challenge) over all of us for long time. Is that what we wanted? We must understand that the Siye Abrahas and Ghebru Asrats are the other side of the same Weyane coin. They all have the same grandiose idea of a regionalist manifesto. The sad thing is the Tigraians who may have nothing to do with the Weyane gangs are still the victims of hate and ridicule by the rest of us. As to the Beyene,Gudina,Gizachew,Hailu Araya and Gidado, they are simply manifesting the best part of them – the “hodamnetachew”. PERIOD!

  9. Selam Elias,

    Another fake party you failed to mention is that of Hailu Shawl. He relatives like Meles are getting rich at the blood of the Ethiopian people.

    His Neftegna agents such as Mesfin Mekonnen, Girma Bogale, former Amb. Imru, are foging the clouds by praising Hailu Shawl and by taking over EEDN network, making an ethnic network, similar that of Woyane networks, where other are silenced.

    See if you can expose these reactionary forces and their radical ethncentric agenda.


  10. so stuned, geberu as a chair? is there no one worth lead the country except those x-woyanes? what differentiate Gebru from any other tribalisist woyane. did we already forget those gebru and siye was the one who broke us apart in the past?
    Gib bemayawkut hager hedo Kurbrt antifuligne yilal alu.

  11. There is a popular saying in Ethiopia and that is yamategib Enjera Kemetadu yastawekal. Meaning a good enjera is already known while being baked. The much hailed and publicized Andenet party is now revealing its true colour and its blind followers and supporters will have ti shut up sooner or later.I have said on a number of occasions that Andenet party is another addition of a loyal opposition and can not stand against the ethnic dictatorship of Meles Zenawi. Many of its leaders have a background history of cooperating with the TPLF and are largely responsible for the failure of the 2005 uprising against the TPLF. Morover, the real reason for the split and disintegration of the former Kinijit is becoming clear and Andente and its supporters can no longer deceive Ethiopians. W/T Birtukan will also be relased after some political massaging in the weyanne prison where she is kept to popularize her and increase her support base. This weyanne calculation will be a miscalculation since Ethiopians have understood all the deceptive tactics of Meles Zenawi. I appreciate the clear and non-shaking anti-weyanne posotion of the editor of the Ethiopian review who brought to light the flirtation of Andenet with the TPLF.

  12. mengesha,

    Instead of dancing with the “Medrek Orchestra” – you are accusing good people who stand for principle and Ethiopia.

    This article is posted about your UDJ. And concentrate with the topic.

  13. Its very funny the game that this idiot try to play on Ethiopian people.This is crystal clear have EPRDF hand on it try to win the next election.down to Gebru Asrat :you can not play this trick on us dummy

  14. I just wonder why people take positions without indicating their premises, but write anything that serves nothing. I am from central ethiopia but worked in Tigray for 4 years. I am not a politican but worked closely with his office. By all standards of understanding the grounds of socio-political struggles in Ethiopia he is credible. He is neither a blind racist. Even then, he has admitted the misakes and the blunders as a person. why do we rush to damage his political image even when he is ready to serve and contribute as a citzen. Why do not spare our time cracking what is in Solomon Equbay, Tsegaye Berhe, Sibhat and Meles.

    please ….stay focused on primary enemy.

    Atriteh Ewoke

  15. Political nausea
    By Girum Agegnew

    An interesting political development with a comic touch was reported from Addis Ababa: Opposition parties in Ethiopia formed an alliance and decided to be led by the political genius of Gebru Asrat (former president of Tigrai). I am sure TPLF now has a reason to smile.
    Isn’t he the very person who, ten years ago, said: “the people of Tigrai have no time to read garbage.” He was asked why products of the then nascent private press were banned from the region.
    After losing favor with his former boss following an ill-fated internal coup-d’état, Gebru is now bestowed with the onerous task of creating the impression that there is a political alliance in Ethiopia bold and strong enough to challenge the TPLF oligarchy in an upcoming election.
    I have more scorn for the so-called opposition leaders, like Dr Beyene Petros and Dr Merara Gudina. I wonder for how long these individuals with their great academic credentials will continue to act in a drama whose climax can be told by a thumb-sucking toddler in Ethiopia.
    One cannot help questioning the sanity of these persons for allowing to be led by an unreconstructed TPLF stalwart. Everybody knows that Gebru, while serving as president of Tigrai, was one of the most vocal intimidators of the forces of freedom in Ethiopia. Yes the TPLF train jettisoned him. But why did he pay that price? Was it for democracy, fair and free elections or independent judiciary? I am the last person to think that Ethiopia would have been any better, had the TPLF faction to which Gebru belonged prevailed in that internal tussle.
    Had there been one honest individual in that TPLF central committee meeting, he/she would have boycotted the meeting. Mind you, issues affecting the fate of 80 million Ethiopians were being discussed by demagogues who claim to represent a region of 5 to 6 million people.
    The role of the loyal opposition in Ethiopia reminds me of a scene which many of the readers of this piece might have encountered. It is a scene of a cat and mouse. The cat would catch the mouse. After giving a crippling blow to the prey, including gauging out its eyes, the cat would start amusing itself. It would pause, as the badly injured but still alive rat wriggled and tried to flee. After crawling barely two feet, the rat would again be grabbed and tossed in the air by the cat. The end is obvious.
    Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that people should always be identified with the belief they held once. What is reality without a change? There is bound to be a metamorphosis in every process. But if the Vatican pope is named mullah (or vice versa), it shows that something is terribly wrong.

  16. We also call the Group of Six “The Ankese 39 Budene” They all bow to Section 39 of the Woyane constitution that paves the Freeway to fragmented Ethiopia. That what they all have secrately in common in addition to embracing all the lame duck parliamentarians and kicked out and lucky to be alive X-TPLF/EPRDF All Dictator Meles & his arrogant partner Bereket had to say is JUMP to get the response of “How High” from the spineless Beyene, Merara & the Orange named young lady whom they are desperately to sell to the Ethiopian people as our next heroion with the assistance of M. Woldamariam hwho has big ties with the big guys of the West However, the Ethiopian people are much smarter not to fall for this petty trap unlike the naïve Diapora and more importantly the“Paltalk politician want to be’s” who do not even realize how much they are infested with Woyane spies and sold out individuals with special mission in therir rooms. Fortunately, the impact of the latter two are worth penny in determing Ethipia’s political future compared the 83 million Ethiopians. Let them waste they time in their Pal Talk nest next feeling valuable rooting for their Orange fake lady heroin and EPRDF convert Ginbot 7. Do us a favor, Ask Beyene about Ankes 39?

  17. Please donot think war as a possible and best solution for democracy. They have the right to struggle in any way they need. Please do not use Ethiopian as a life extension for your best benefit. War is enough for Ethiopia. Please advice your war agenda to the north neigbourhood of Ethiopia

  18. Le them fight Woyane by any means they can. Let also the Ethiopian armed groups hit Woyane from every side. The Woaynes need to be hit and hit very hard. They don’t listen otherwise. That is what we learn from the Somalia resistance. Woyane got kicked in the ass very hard and left broke and humilated. So stop opposing any kind of alliance against woyane. It is good that the non-armed oppostion is speaking in one voice. That way they will get listners in the diplomatic fight. It is also good for future Ethiopian unity that the alliance represents people from different Ethiopian ethnic groups (oromo, amara, tigre, somali, sidama, gurage etc).

  19. Meles Zenawi will continue to keep Ethiopia under his feet because he has his supporters and paid agents in many of the so called loyal opposition forces and his appendages or surrogates. It was only Kinijt which was able to maneouver Meles Zenawi and beat him in the ballot box. This victory in the ballot box was achieved because of the tireless efforts and sacrifices of forces which have been opposing Meles Zenawi and his weyanne rule from its very beginning. Unfortunately, pro-Meles forces who formed a fake opposition party on the eve of the 2005 elections managed to inflitrate the popular movement Kinijit and sabotaged the struggle and saved the regime of Meles Zenawi. Meles and his weyanne herds were prepared to leave Ethiopia in disaaray or panick. These same pro-weyanne forces have reorganized and appeared as genbot7 and UDJP and working to divide Ethiopians amd undermine the struggle.The nature and mission of the fake party UDJP is becoming clear now with its association with the other fake opposition parties. The confused and mesmerized supporters of this party must open their eyes and see the political reality and reexamine their support for this weyanne serving party which is formed by persons who have betrayed the Ethiopian people.

  20. Ohhh’ it is nice to see every news from u about current affairs of ethiopia. Indeed, u r lossing ur accepatance in the audiance when u tried to blame all oppositions(Whoever it is, even some times Birtikun’s Anidinet). What the problem do u have with Ethiopian opposition parties? do u think that struggling by residing abroad will be the solution instead of trying to have revoultionary movements inside Eth. Most of the time Change is attained only struggling against inside the object……so I think u r living in US….but u don’t even know what the actuall things are being done in Eth by the opposition parties….I suggest u to cooperate with opposition parties against “Woyane”….otherwise u will be suspected in supporting Woyane……..

  21. Medrek is the hope of all Ethiopian people that takes cooperation of different political parties in Ethiopian political history to the next level. It represents the logical and natural growth of Kinijit (CUD) to its next developmental stage. Sure, there might be some parties or individuals we might not agree with or do not want to see in there. But the fact that these parties and individuals with different ideologies, political programs and goals, histories and backgrounds are coming together to challenge the prevailing rule of terror of the TPLF in Ethiopia is a step in the right direction and should not only be commended but it needs to supported. After all, doesn’t politics especially in countries as complex as Ethiopia require political reconciliation, compromise and cooperation if we really want to get rid of the rule of terror like the one by the TPLF and move the country forward? Of course, there are those who are dead set in opposing and cracking down with all might they can summon on whatever form of significant political alliance or cooperation in Ethiopia as soon as one appears on the horizon. Those enemies of democracy in Ethiopia include first and foremost TPLF and some spent forces whose only goal and motivation is just to replace the TPLF in power. The latter evil forces have the same zeal in aborting and delaying the birth of democracy in Ethiopia as the TPLF has. They wail in the name of ‘unity’ and the only real qualm they have with the TPLF is who should be in power in the disguise of democracy in Ethiopia. On the surface, TPLF and these spent forces appear to differ in rhetoric. TPLF uses ‘ethnic federalism’ as its cover for imposing the domination of one ethnic minority group in Ethiopia. The other group is trying to use ‘unity’ as a crying point to come back to power to impose the same old form of repression that has gotten Ethiopia into this state of disaster in the first place. They dismiss the legitimate grievances the different sections of the Ethiopian people have as ‘gosa (clan) politics.’ They have conveniently chosen to ignore the difference between nations/nationalities and clan. ‘Gosa’ is originally an Oromo word and is used to describe the different clans and sub clans that exist in Oromo nation. These clans exist also in Somali nation. Its equivalent word in English is clan. To somewhat less extent, ‘tribe’ fits also the equivalency. The Somali people speak the same language and practice the same religion and culture. The underpinning political problem in Somalia is clan politics and it is mainly perpetuated by external powers primarily by the TPLF. No question, the problems in Somalia have a lot of similarities as the ones in Ethiopia, but at least it is not about the basic human rights of freely using and developing ones own language and culture in all areas and at all levels of governance in ones own region. On that difference alone, it is obvious that the problem in Ethiopia is by far more complicated than the one in Somalia and cannot be dismissed as a clan based political problem. Even if it were a clan problem alone like in Somalia, that problem would need fixing because it is a major problem as we have been seeing it in Ethiopia and Somalia at least in the last 18 or so years. Calling it ‘gosa politics’ alone would not make the problem go away on its own and it is in dire need of solutions as we are the living witnesses of that political problem today. People on the ground have observed and understood that as a problem and are trying to address it forming different political parties and alliances as exemplified by the mushrooming of ethnic based parties and formation of alliances between them as in Medrek. Some say there are a lot of ethnic affiliated political parties or groups in Ethiopian body politic whereas multi-ethnic parties are very few in number. Some say out of over a hundred Ethiopian political parties, there are only a handful, may be less than 5 to 10% that are multi-ethnic (‘national’ as they like to call them). This stunning overwhelming disproportionate ratio in favor of ethnic based parties despite the almost utterly forbidding domestic, regional and diaspora political climate confirms to any sober minded person that the nature of political landscape and constellation in Ethiopia in the foreseeable future is ethnic based. We have to accept this fact “AS IS” and work hard together to make it work in the best interest of the whole Ethiopian people. We cannot change facts at will but use facts to make the best out of them. Denial about the facts of Ethiopia will not help us but prolong our years of misery and create a thriving condition for terror forces like the TPLF. The reason science and technology are thriving today in the world is not by denying the observed facts but by understanding them and finding a way of using those facts for advancement. Some of us are wasting our time and resources to sail against the tide. We have conveniently chosen to ignore the facts of Ethiopia and we want to nurture and grow Ethiopia not according to its nature and facts but according to our own dreams no matter even if it is contrary to its nature.
    There is no hiding that every political movement in Ethiopia has an ethnic undertone. I wish we could get rid of this ethnic undertone in Ethiopian politics. But that is impossible and it is against the tide and the facts. It is easier through genetic engineering to change or remove the spots on the skins of the leopard than changing the ethnic based nature of Ethiopian politics. We can continue to deny but denial is not a solution. The elimination of ethnic affiliations by promoting the domination of one ethnic group including one language and culture over the others has never worked in Ethiopia. That has been tried in the last 100 or so years in Ethiopia by Menilik, Haile Selassie and Mengistu and it not only didn’t work but it is also having the opposite effect. TPLF has continued following the same suit of its predecessors except for its rhetoric and for its futile attempt to impose the hegemony of another minority ethnic group. Even those groups that call themselves ‘multi-ethnic’ or ‘national’ and include the name “Ethiopia” as a façade in the name of their political parties are basically single ethnic based parties; namely, Amhara or Amhara based parties, for all intents and purposes. These backward looking parties include parties like EPRP, AEUP, EDP, etc. Their attempt at disguising their real motive by using the façade ‘Ethiopia’ in their names is no better than the TPLF’s fool’s attempt in vain to disguise its true nature under the façade ‘EPRDF’. In a nutshell these backward looking forces like TPLF, EPRP, AEUP, EDP, etc are enemies of freedom, democracy and justice in Ethiopia. However, these evil forces have nothing to do with Amhara or Tigray peoples. The Amhara and Tigray peoples are struggling for genuine freedom, democracy and justice in Ethiopia just as the peoples of Oromo, Somali, Gurage, Sidama, Hadiya, Kambata, Wolayta, Anyuak, Nuer, etc. The real enemies of democracy and justice in Ethiopia are handful Amhara and Tigre political elites who have been benefiting from the misery of the Ethiopian people for the last 100 or so years. Today, these forces of evil have the balance of power in their favor as they have been in power for a long time. They have all the resources and control between themselves more than 99% of the media both in Ethiopia and in diaspora. These forces are also supported fully by the enemies of the Ethiopian people including the Western powers that are hell bent not to see genuine freedom and democracy in Ethiopia and for that matter in Africa in general. Even though direct colonialism has ended formally in Africa, the Western powers have not left Africa alone. They are continuing to support dictators after dictators to enable them to continue their dirty work for them in their absence. It is only a very few African countries like South Africa, Ghana, Senegal and Botswana that have taken their long struggle for freedom, democracy and justice to the next level and enjoying its fruit. So there are generally two opposing and competing broad categories of forces at work in Ethiopian politics at the moment. These are the forces of genuine democracy like the OLF, Ginbot 7, UDJ, UEDF, OPC, OFDM, SLM, etc including all in the newly formed Medrek on the one hand and the forces of anti-democracy in Ethiopia like TPLF, EPRP, AEUP, EDP etc. on the other hand. As mentioned above, assisted by the Western powers and the others, the anti-democracy forces have the upper hand in the balance of power in Ethiopian politics today. The struggle we see between the forces within the second category (the backward looking anti-democracy forces category) is just a power struggle as to who should rule Ethiopia under the same repression and it is not for democracy and for empowering the Ethiopian people. The forces in the second category are on the same side on all critical issues and examples for this are abound. These forces are dead opposed to any political order in Ethiopia that does not make sure their continuation in power or their return to power. They are opposed to any political order in which the Ethiopian people are the sole owners of their destiny, a democratic order in which they have the right to freely choose and put their leaders in power and remove them when they choose so. On the other hand, the first category (the forward looking) is for empowering the Ethiopian people and creating the political condition in which the only highway to power in Ethiopia is the people of Ethiopia and the people of Ethiopia alone. They do not have fear from democracy in Ethiopia and are comfortable to live with the choice and decision of the Ethiopian people. They are ready to accept the outcome of the democratic order no matter what as long as it is the free choice of the Ethiopian people whether or not the outcome is in favor of their own parties. This clear divide between these two broad categories is subtle for some to see always but it becomes more vivid and is clearly seen when the forward looking forces try to come together to form some form of genuine alliances like Medrek, AFD, etc. Look now who is opposing the formation of Medrek. It is TPLF, EPRP, AEUP, EDP and the likes including their propaganda outlets both in Ethiopia and in diaspora. They also did the same thing when AFD was formed and actively undermined Kinijit and played a very active role in the fragmentation of Kinijit. Another example for the working of these evil forces in unison is that they all supported the invasion of Somalia by the TPLF. All of them supported the TPLF when it re incarcerated one of the symbols of democracy in Ethiopia – Birtukan Midheksa. However, the struggle will continue until this balance of power is changed in favor of the democratic forces and hence in favor of the Ethiopian people as the whole. Those of us who want to see freedom, genuine democracy and justice in Ethiopia must support Medrek. We know they are operating under extremely difficult circumstances but if we provide them the right support they will prevail over the TPLF terrorist force. It is important to note also that the forward looking democratic forces of Ethiopia understand very well that the TPLF is very brutal but they also understand that it is very brittle. The formation of Medrek is the move in the right direction.

  22. Do you think SEYE/GEBRU and a Tigrian ethnic army will be against Tigrean economic, military, political and intellectual dominance. Meles is preparing Tigrean young elites for the “greater Tigrai” while the graduates from other kilils are condemned to be “illitrates” with a degree.TPLF and ethnic politics should be dismanteled and EFFORT and other illegally obtained property be nationalized if we really want a free and democratic Ethiopia good for all including the non-criminal Tigreans.

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