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Ethiopians must declare a new era of democracy in the upcoming millennium

By Bizualem Beza

Since time immemorial, Ethiopians had not been given a single chance of electing their governents. Given the long history of the nation as a cradle of civilization and the origin of mankind, it could have been exemplified as a symbol of democracy not only in Africa but also through out the world. However, even today, as the current reality shows on the ground, those who rule the nation by force are unable to learn about Democracy from others. As of today, Ethiopia is a long long way from establishing the rudimentary elements of democratic governance. As it had been the case in the remote and near past, monarchical power transition, and in recent times and nowadays, military dictatorship were/are a common practice to seize power. I believe this common practice must be changed and other alternatives should find thier way.

I believe now is the right time for all peace loving Ethiopians to declare a new era of democracy in the upcoming millennium whereby:

*The forces of peace will prevail over the forces of tyranny/evil/

*Unwavering committment for replacing TPLF’s tyrannical rule by the people’s will

*Democracy and the rule of law will prevail over anarchy.

*Hope and Development will prevail over despair

*Equality will prevail over partiality

*Accountability will prevail over impunity

*Tolerance will prevail over arrogance

*Peacefull solution in settling disagreements will prevail over the use of lethal means

*Peace and love will prevail over hatred among the different nations and nationalities

*Unity will prevail over disunity

*Compassion will prevail over animosity

*Belongingness will prevail over division

*committment for building a democratic society will prevail over hesitation and self-interest

*committment for fighting poverty,disease and illiteracy.

*Long term vision will prevail over short sighted one.

*Trust will prevail over mistrust

*Modern way of thinking will prevail over backward looking

For these to happen, the lasting and the best medicine lies within the people itself.

One thought on “Ethiopians must declare a new era of democracy in the upcoming millennium

  1. My dear Brother or sister I agree with you. Suffering of my people have reached climax!!!!
    This is a time rather to declare fasting and deep prayer to end up our misery. I dont know how to express how we are being frustrated to air our veiws on truth being offered by the lord our creature!!!!! GOD the Almighty has power to change this evil time to JOY in near future. Lets join hand and our hearts to prayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

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