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ONLF denounces the killing of NGO leader in Ogaden

Press Release

Less than a week after expelling the ICRC, the Ethiopian [Woyanne] regime has set its sights on the most active indeginous Non-Governmental Organization in Ogaden killing its leader and another senior staffer in a roadside attack in Northern Ogaden.

A vehicle belonging to the Ogaden Welfare and Development Association (OWDA)was attacked in the Nogob province on a roadway between Segag and Degahmadow on the 29th of July killing Mohamed Dahir Sheik Mohamud (nickname “Sulub”) and an associated were killed by Woyanne troops. OWDA had been seeking to respond to a cholera outbreak in the Nogob province particularly in the town of Fik when the attack happened.

The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) strongly condemns this act of state sponsored terror against a prominent NGO in Ogaden. This attack clearly demonstrates the extent of the assault on our people by the Woyanne regime and its determination to continue the blockade on humanitarian and commerical goods entering Ogaden. Such acts of deliberate violence targeting our people warrant direct international intervention particularly by the United Nations.

Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF)

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