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Response to Tecola Hagos on S. 3457

By Ewnetu from Los Angeles

I read your letter to Senator Russ Feingold, Representative Donald Payne and to all Members of Congress of the United States.

Let me examine the pertinent points contained in the letter, discarding the irrelevant, in order to build-up your case, with respect to the proposed Bill S 3457 by Senators Feingold and Leahy, and the earlier Bill HR 2003 that passed in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Basically, your opposition to the Bill is based on the assumption that it will lead to the loss of sovereignty; hence Ethiopia will be a “protectorate” of the United States. Your assertion is farfetched.

The question is whose sovereignty? The people or the ruling elite? Which of the two? The people of Ethiopia do not have sovereignty throughout their history. Sovereignty is the prerogative of the ruling elite, in our case, Meles Zenawi, Sebhat Nega and Berket Simon, who are the sovereign power in the exercise of it. Virtually, sovereignty rests within the ruling circle domain.

Mr. Tecola, if the U.S. Senators genuinely stood on the side of the people, unlike the Executive branch of the U. S. government, what is the harm? The Bill will attempt to restrain and curb the tyranny and abuse of power by Meles and Company.

Have you forgotten the post-2005 election crackdown on the position and supporters by the regime? What lesson can be drawn from the consequences of that horrendous episode? In the uneven balance of power between the government and the opposition, as well as the uneven level of playing field and rule of the game, you said, “the problems Ethiopians have with the government of Meles Zenawi is the business of Ethiopians, and solving our problems and fighting our fights by ourselves,” than seeking external aid. Such a cursory remark is hallow and empty rhetoric. TPLF itself came to power with considerable external aid. It is sustained by external aid. And there are many examples in the world. Your TPLF supporters, including yourself paraded in the corridors of the U.S. Congress to influence the position of the U.S government against the Mengistu regime.

Let me be clear, that I have supported the 1974 popular revolution, but I was not a supporter, or sympathizer of the Mengistu regime, then, nor for EPLF/TPLF either. What is the difference between Tecola Hagos and AL Mariam and his associates? Infact, the latter is on the side of history.

Being self-righteous, you are of course; negative to examine the other side objectively. To be fair, one key aspect of a difference between the two regimes, — the constitution of Ethiopia under Mengistu was voted by the people in a referendum, while the constitution of Melse Zenawi was voted by hand picked members of the National Assembly, the people of Ethiopia. In the process, the people of Ethiopia were excluded. Now, Mr. Tecola, your concern in the guise of sovereignty, is the threatening sovereign power of the troika, Zenawi, Nega and Simon. Real sovereignty is the prerogative of the ruling elite of TPLF, not the people of Ethiopia.

Anther point, Why are you posturing as an Ethiopian super patriot? Or perhaps a true Tigrean patriot? Are you trying? To save Melese and Company, in order to preserve the Tigrean hegemony over the rest of the Ethiopian people? Your patriotism about greater Ethiopia, which it was historically is, a veil to conceal your narrow Tigrean nationalism. It amazing fashion, you sound jingoistic. Why all this fuss? Fundamentally, the passing of the Bill [if it pass], in the Senate will facilitate in establishing some of the eight points enunciated by the Coalition for Unity and Democracy [CUD], now Unity Justice and Democracy Party], and other leaders lead, to “an independent judiciary, the media, the Electoral Board and the role of the armed forces/ security, and other demands, will not undermine the interest of the Ethiopian people. On the contrary, it will lay down the groundwork for building democratic institutions, to insure liberty, democracy and the rule of lows. The people of Ethiopia seek freedom to choose their leaders. They want to think and assemble and to express their views freely. They must be free first to be imbued with sovereign rights that come with all the attributes of a sovereign nation. Unfortunately, they are not free now. It requires enormous sacrifice and struggle. You are indulging in fantasy and abstract theory that has no relevance to the people. The relevance of sovereignty is to the ruling circle, which are the beneficiary of it, mainly, Meles Zenawi, Sebhat Nega and Berket Simon.

The seventeen years of suppression and subjugation of the people is all there to see, coupled with poverty, disease and hunger. What should be clear to any impartial, reasonable and rational human being is, in the 21st century, the people of Ethiopia are not citizens. They are subjects of TPLF/EPRDF rule. It must also be clear, that there is a distinction between `state` and `nation`.

Mr. Tecola, why do you really care about the survival of Meles and Company? It seems that you want to circle the wagon with your Tigrean compatriot. That is your real concern. This phenomenon is a curse to be avoided, not only by the Tigreans, but all the different nationalities of Ethiopia. It is a manifestation of backwardness and reactionary outlook. You deliberately grouped the oppositions along with Ethiopia’s historic enemies, such us Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Syria etc… this is a misrepresentation and distortion, devoid of objective reality. What you are asking the opposition is to surrender to the Melse` rule. It is tantamount to that, and the message is clear.

The problem with you, as stated in your book, Democratization? Ethiopia [1991-1994] “My views are rather more inspirational, rendered from the heart than analytical.” I will add that your brain is subordinated to your heart; hence you are inconsistent, irrational, contradictory and arrogant. Sometimes, you have the tendency to jump into the river against the tide and vise versa, without principle and character of integrity. Do you remember what you wrote in your web site a few years ago, that Ethiopians are incapable of resolving their problems, and as result, they are killing each others? Thus, as an alternative, you have suggested a “bold vision”, [As you put it] that Ethiopia to be ruled by foreign nationals, specifically, American and British academics, including Bill Gate, one of the richest people in the world, for the transition period, until the Ethiopians matured with a democratic political culture. How does your “bold vision” Correspond with your concern for the loss of “sovereignty” and Ethiopia as a “protectorate” of the U.S.?

Remember also what you stated, in your book, “what is in existence at this moment in Ethiopia is the concentration of power in the hands of a tiny group of people, a government controlled and run at will by Meles Zenawi and his close associates with no meaningful accountability”, and further more you stated that “what remained in power since 1991 is an illegitimate power structure, a reestablishment of Feudalism and autocracy dressed in new symbols with the descendants of yesterdays Feudal warlords as the main actors in this sickening political tragedy”.

How about now? Have you detected a paradigm shift? Or is the pendulum swinging back for reconciliation with Melse, in anticipation of a reward to heal your wounded ego, pride and ambition? You have already indicated in your letter, that you “are urging and advice the Ethiopian government to seek new initiatives”, concerning the impending Bill as well as the Eritrea issue in the U.S. Senate. Along the way, you are also pushing a new idea that the “Ethiopian Ambassador in Washington D.C. has failed in his mission to protect the sovereignty and dignity of Ethiopia”. To be exact, you are seeking the removal of the Ambassador and the sovereignty and dignity of the elite in power.

Finally, you have forwarded another incredible suggestion that “AL Mariam and his associates, including Senator Feingold and Representative Payne to be prosecuted with criminal charges under the Ethiopian penal code for undermining the economic vital interest and sovereignty of Ethiopia”.

This is a strange and absurd suggestion, and it seems that you are mentally unstable. I suggest you need a clinical psychiatric evaluation.

19 thoughts on “Response to Tecola Hagos on S. 3457

  1. Tecola is trying to portrait himself as Ethiopian intellectual, but he is a Tigrean intellectual. As you put, he is also mentally unstable. I suggest he should visit Amanuel Hospital or holy water.

  2. No Tecola is healthy alright. His problem is the same problem Tigrean chavinists have. No less, no more! They want to have their cake and it it too. Their plan is to reign supreme over all of Ethiopia if they can, if not snatch valuable land away from Ethiopia and Eritrea and make the dream of “Talaqua Tigrai” fait accompli! He may not like Meles, but the purpose remains the same be it under Gebru Asrat, Siye Abraha or whoever as long as he is from the Tigrai clique.

  3. Tecola Hagos and his associates are and were enemies of our beloved country.He must be sick. I read many books of the so called elites (hagos and his friends). They lie like a hell. It seems they never read our (Ethiopian) history. They are blinded with their tigrain chavinism. they are also the enemies of Tigre. They do their best to poison the relationship between Ethiopians and Tigres. We consider Tigre as the main heart of Ethiopia but not the Hagos, meles, sebihat….They are worth than the Italian fascist. We have to get rid of them

  4. Ato Tecola is not a sick person at all.But he is sick in side his small brain. Deep down inside,He knows what is going in Ethiopia for sure. But he is paid by this govt in order to defend Meles and his company no matter what.

  5. To Ewentu,

    You have written a magnificent response based on clear evidence and ground nature of the evil behavior of Weyane, to the blind supporter and racist carrier and distributor Ato Tekola Hagos, who is an intellectual opportunist and racist minded person who plays a divisive role among the Ethiopian people as if he is a very concerned Tigrian ethnic group.

    Actually, the only supporters of the weyane criminal evil group are those who are gaining power through weyane, those racist Tigrians who have strong hate to other ethnic groups in Ethiopia particularly the Amahara, those who are getting financial benefits from this criminal group and those confused Tigrians who are victims of the weyane destructive group but thinks they can be only protected if the weyane existed in power, these last group are a victims of the bad propaganda of the weyane Tigrinas fabricated history of the premises that Tigrians are only can be protected if they support the Weyane criminal group irrespective of weyanes crimes against Tigrians. Actually, there are a few weyane sympathizers Tigrians who directly on purpose relates the Weyaneas as Tigrians, while the fact is that the weyane is made out of the few individuals of Tigrians to destruct the whole country.

    In any case, the bill just introcuced by senator Feingold will pass regardless of the weyane criminal group high money spending lobbiest to block the bill from passing and regardless of the weyane anti-human endless propaganda to oppose the bill. As we all know from any history, dictators like Meles Kezenawi uses all types of means to stay in power but at the end of the day the final destination of all dictators is very known, either they will get punished or they will be volatile like burned gas. Sooner or later the meles destructive group supported by the TPLF gangsters will face justice with the help of the almighty god along with the best leaders of Ginbot 7 and the entire supporters of Ginbot 7 of the vast majority of the Ethiopian people.

    Regardless of the anti propagandist elements of Ginbot 7 , the current best party that is getting the attention of most Ethiopians is Ginbot 7 as the as former CUD. I urge everyone who is angry about the gross human rights disrespect of weyane and dissatisfied with the entire daily crime of weyane to come together to completely sweep out the weyane criminal group from Ethiopia once and for all.

    There is not going to be a better time to fight the weyane destructive group other than now, so let’s all contribute our potential by any means to resist the weyane criminal group.

    Together we win, united we win, Ethiopia shall prevail.

    Death to all members and supporters of weyane!!!!

  6. I have said time and again – Tecola Hagos – is a psycho!

    He is a die hard Tigrean nationalist – but then he pretends to be an Amhara. He was memeber of ANDM the EPDRF Amhara wing. He advised Zenawi & the TPLF from 1991 to 1994 under the expense of Ethiopian tax payers.

    What is amazing is Tecola was a staunch supporter of the Eritrean’s cause until he separated from Zenawi. He was also a founder and contributor of “the Ethiopian Commentator” a magazine authored by him and so many so called Tigrean/Eritrean intelectuals supporting the TPLF/EPLF governments in the early ’90s.

    Contrary to what he claims, he is still a die hard supporter of the TPLF and Tigrean nationalist while he promote hate against the Amharas specially of what he calls the Shewa Amhara. Basically he is targeting the poor and backward people of Menze & Tegolet because they speak Amharic. He hated the people of Gojjam who basically are poor and underprivelaged but again they speak Amharic. According to him the opressed & extermly poor people of Gondar should be ejected from their land and be transfered to other parts of the country because the land belonged to Tigrai. Tell me if this guy has the moral authority to talk about Ethiopian authority.

    Just recently he was in favor of invading Somalia. His reason was access to the sea!He was against Kinijit – his reason too many Amharas but less Tigrainas in it!

    Al Mariam will be remebered for his contribution and effort for the success of HR2003.

    It is Tecola who is a criminal and a child killed that be sentenced to death by hanging.

  7. It is again the ‘tigray germ’-the tribalism not the truth.Shame on you the so called tecola. Parochial out look-don’t touch the tigre’s even if they are rude killers.
    down with narrow minded tribalists

  8. In short what the response is saying is: we use the same tool that Meles used and is using to defeat Meles. Stupid indeed! We Ethiopians do not need people who recycle idiocy and moral bankruptcy. Both Meles/ites and this man and his babies should be shoved into a garbage can. We need people with a new vision that respects the sovereignty of Ethiopia. We should stop begging for political change and food from others. Shame on you! You are filthy and want to fight filth with filth. Dirty indeed! We should fight by our own power! Then we can claim the victory is ours.
    I sincerely advise you to leave alone Tigray. And you must reveal you full name if you have courage. You probably are one of the beneficiaries of Meles. Were you rewarded a piece of land or business opportunity? Shame on you again! FESAM!

  9. This so called professor is the most politically ignorant proffesor I have read. I am not judging him soley based on the content of this article; I have ben reading this guy the last two years and he is really, really politically ignorant.

  10. Please Tazabiw or real name may be Tewolde,

    Why do you like to disguise readers as a genuine Ethiopian while you are one of the arrogant Tigrian. First of all you should basicaally know Tigrians are not and will never be Ethiopians. They could only confuse innocent people claimimg as Ethiopian. Because I do have objective evidences to prove these which every Ethiopians know.

    1. Tigrians are the pople who obviously hate the land of Ethiopia and its people and that is why they were doing their best to help nad giude paths for Italians while the entire nation battle against Italian colonizers in the 1980th.

    2. They also attack the population at large with TPLF and EPLF for almost 30 years and thereafter oppressing and subjugating the entire true Ethiopians for the last 17 years.

    3. They also attack Ethiopia with Somalia during the Somlia war in the Mengistu regime.

    So that is very true Ethiopians will enjoy peace and stablity if and only if Tigrians get rid of Ethiopia and confined at Mekkelle.

    It will be tru and that is what every body wish. Lets wait its a matter of time to retaliate for waht ever they do in the land of mama Ethiopia and its children.

    Belive me we wilol enjoy and revenge Tigreans whereever, whoever and whenever they are available.

    God Bless Ethiopia and its children.

  11. I agree with this response article except this line: “The people or the ruling elite? Which of the two? The people of Ethiopia do not have sovereignty throughout their history.” Yes they did have such sovereignty until the Derg too over and these termites from Dedebit flocked into the capital unopposed. I see a lot of name-calling again and again. This country of ours where 99.9% of the population is penniless but her educated children are armed to the teeth with slurs and innuendos that can bring a moving train of change to a screeching halt. I can vividly remember in the mid 60’s how some students at HSI succumbed to silence because they said something in utter innocence that caused them to be labeled as ‘adharis’, ‘capitalist roaders’. Remember there was no sizable capitalism in the country. Those name callers might have stopped by the Russian Expo library and picked up a few defamatory terms from books they read for 5 minutes. Those who chose not to boycott classes were labeled as lackeys and bootlickers even though this minority groups (individuals) honestly thought boycotting classes is useless. They were not collaborators or as they were also called spies ‘joro tebbis’. Some of those unfortunate individuals were so alienated that they were forced to quit and some of them might have sought protection from the HSI government. It was indeed sickening. My countrymen!!! Please stop this latest habit of name-calling. It is very destructive. You may end up slapping a label on me for saying this. But it does not matter. I am sure Mr. Elias knows that I am a concerned compatriot about the fate of our dearest people from my previous comments on his very valuable website. And I detest tyranny like a sickness. Whether we like it or not we have to tolerate dissent and disassociation.

    God Bless You All and May God Save Ethiopia!!!!

  12. I regretfully agree with the comment. The question of sovereignty although a valid point as a legal issue, its relevance at this point in time when ordinary citizens are tremendously suffering under the failed leadership of Meles and co is dubious. If we follow Tecola’s reasoning, Iraq should not have been liberated because its liberation clearly violates the legal concept of Iraq’s sovereignty.

    Anything that helps either topple or help force a change in the current Ethiopian political landscape is a welcome.

  13. Amare:

    Help does not come without a payback. Soon or later you will have to pay for the help you get. Your saying is tantamount to what I hear from Melesites: “It would have been better if we were colonized by Italians.” And so you mean to say because, our people are in distress, we will do anything to rescue them regardless the moral bankruptcy of any methodology. Shame, you are nauseating indeed and I spew you out and those who support this damnable response who is not better than the person whom he paints as Tigrian Chauvinist. Tecola Hagos, like it or not, he is genuine patriot of Ethiopia. Except the disappointment he created in me some day in the past when he demeaned “Yoqaraw Anbesa, my Hero Twedros-the gift of God as his name indicates. Indeed Twedros was a gift for Ethiopia.
    My fellow Ethiopians beware of the mercenaries-who once said Tef (Enjera)is horse’s food. The bandits who are descending to hell.

  14. Ato Tecola Hagos I think without doubt you have lost your marbles. I am sure you have no sleep you must be frightened, you must be dreaming a bad day dream, what happened to our Tigrean master. Master can we have atleast our freedom here in America and can you and your Tigrean Fascist wait us in Bolle airport to torture and kill us for our talk toward our Tigrean masters upward. When I read your mumbo jumbo unsophisticated Dedebit Tigrean old fart view it does not amaze me at all because every Ethiopian by now had seen you people what kind of shameless 2 legged animals you are remember for the last 17 years from Dedebit to Addis even before then your psychotic and gibberish and self-centered Tigreanism which is Tigrea eskilema Ethiopia tidma greedy concept had been regurgitated so do not try to confuse us anymore. Anyone who is not a TPLF member with unclouded perception of the reality in Ethiopia for that matter the world can see from you and Meles, Sibihat, Gebiru, Bereket as well as from the remaining Tigrean clique had been exhibited collective madness especially after the historic election of Ginbot seven a typical and outdated loose mind Tigrean old and degenerate fighting spirit had been surfaced for its survival. Howbeit you must understand your 17+ years enslavement is almost gone, please smell the coffee. Just look your surrounding such as Sudan’s bloody Albeshir, Kenya and Zimbabwe as well as Charles taylor of Liberia etc. You old brat Tigrean Dedebitr thoughtless donkey master of your own belly, go to hell don’t come back please you are too weird.








    YE BANDA – BANDA???!?!? (yes, that is you)

    This guy needs some psychological help…talk about a flip-flopper on issues and stances all his life or is that an opportunist? or perhaps a confused idiot or perhaps he’s simply…crazy!

    Please Tecola, take your medication, I think you miss it all too often and your sanity starts to get cloudy man!

  17. O.J Tolera

    Tecola you need be to be prosecuted with criminal charges under the Ethiopian penal code for undermining the economic vital interest and sovereignty and human right of Ethiopians”.

    I also suggest you need a clinical psychiatric evaluation.You have an eye you can’t see and ear you can’t hear.

    Please shut your mouth.


    Woyannneeeee !

  18. Whos is Tecola Hagos? A narrow minded who believes that
    Tigreans based TPLF should be the ruler for ever? A sick tigrean who propagates hate to other nations especially
    to Amharas? A person who is/has been demolishing Menelik’s
    contrubution to Ethiopia development and protection against foreighn invasion and praising Yohanes’s effort to bring
    foreign soldiers against Tewodros? So is there a surprise that he is against the people of Ethiopia?


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