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Ethnic clash in southern Ethiopia: Guji against Burji

Ethnic conflicts and ethnic based killings are becoming commonplace in Ethiopia. The sporadic nature of the attacks and the small number of causalities means that no major international media, international human rights organizations and other bodies of international community has done much to either publicize the situation or to put pressure on the Meles regime to stop the killings.

This week witnessed one of such attacks on Burji ethnic group. On September 17, 2008 well armed Guji warriors descended on Lemmo Kebele of Burji special woreda and carried out killing and looting of Burjis. As the result of the attack, the following individuals were killed: Daro Araro, Ado Chule, Ando Yayo, Bogale Dula, and Kojie Hirbo. Also four people including the following individuals were wounded: Gojie Hidde, Roba Yayo and Hirbo Sole. One of them is critically wounded.

The wounded were taken to Arbaminch Hospital instead of the Hospital in the nearby town of Hagermariam because the route from Burji to Hagremariam town, which was the main artery, is under siege from Guji warriors.

Besides, the town of Hagermariam itself was the scene of major attack against Burjis in August 2008. The Gujis attacked Burjis living in the town where individuals from various ethnic groups reside. The Gujis targeted the Burji enclave of the town, mainly Kebele, 02, 03, and 04.

At the time, the Gujis killed Mr. Bode simply because he is Burji. Then few days later, they tossed hand grenade on the top of the house where many Burji men, women and children were taking a refugee. That barbaric act was intended to maximize the carnage, but fortunately the grenade detonated outward without causing any human fatality. There after the targeted Burji group scrambled to leave the town for safety leaving behind all their belongings, properties and everything that they owned hanging only to their dear life.

Government Response Disappointing

The forces of Ethiopian government have failed to protect Burjis against the ongoing onslaught.

The attack against Burjis in the town of Hagermariam took place under the watchful eyes of 200 federal government armed forces.

Also, during the September 17, 2008 attack on the Lemmo Kebele, there were only 30 members of federal and state police in Burji.

Even after the conflict and on the eve of other major attack to occur against Burjis, the government is committed to send only 96 military personnel to contain the attacks against more than 50,000 Burjis.

Urgent Need of Assistance

The international humanitarian organizations have also turned blind eyes to the plight of the Burjis. So far, the victims of the attacks are not given any aid. Particularly, children and elderly are the most vulnerable victims of the aggression. The prevalent draught in the country as well as the Guji aggression has left thousands of Burjis in dire need of humanitarian assistance.

The situation looks grim to Burjis as the Gujis are preparing yet again to carry out another major assault. Reports indicate that another Guji attack is almost imminent.

The international community should hold the Meles dictatorship accountable. Besides, international humanitarian organization should interfere to assist the Burjis who are suffering from aggression and hunger.

(The writer of this press release can be reached at [email protected])

7 thoughts on “Ethnic clash in southern Ethiopia: Guji against Burji

  1. Oh, that is so boring news! It is bad news to hear people who has lived together in peace for a long time and now killing each other. I guess this people has a tie in marriage, calture, religion and many other things. It is what has become common in most part of Ethiopia.
    The best thing I would like to comment here is that the writer has just written this things from his emotional point of view. Probably he is one of the Burji who are set victim in the article. And instead of requesting the international community to interfere in the issue or the government take a major, what if there could be a discussion forum among the Ethiopian, including both Guji and Burji, to bring loong lasting solution where by the original love the people had for one another can be restored!!! God keep our people!!!…

  2. I tell you what an arogant and merciless coment by a fellow Ethiopian who seem did not know so much about his people as he calls it, his own country tribal relations and intermarriages; we have been hearing this sabotage for 3000 years, no more lies and deceit. Actually, Gujis have been the major victims of the northerners during Hailesilasie’s rule, and the socialist government uprooted the black slavery, by deploying massive youth group called the ZEMACH. through the social programs, and the Gujis were able to regain their self-steam and became human again. Devolopment through unity group completely changed the subhuman mentality induced by the landlords from the northern part of Ethiopia. The northerners were not able to do to Burgis, because, the Burji leaders were more united and fought back against the injustice, and they left them with their own lords, not the northerners.

    Most of Ehtiopians do not know even the tribe Burji, all the southerners and other small tribes also suffer from the same racial stereotype. They were given subhuman names, like WOLAITAS were WOLAMOS, the GEDEOS were DERASAS, like calling the name, NIGER in USA. Burjis and other more darker tribes looked upon as slaves and ugly by Gujis, what do you know about marriages?, the tribal relations much better during the previous socialist government. The melese regime initiated the division in order to survive.I think to come to solution you have to get to the bottom of the problems, otherwise buttering up will never bring the solution.

    The Gujis has to prove their manhood by killing the Burjis. it’s the fact and it’s for mythical reasons. Adult education for Gujis and other neighboring tribes is not longer in place, Government initiated the conflict in the first place in order to survive the elections. people need to be educated, it’s political, It’s needs to be analyzed and the matter has to be addressed to the world community, enough is enough.

    Burjis have been threatened by the larger Guji tribe for many centuries.what he said in his comment is very soft, not a solution, the killers has to be stopped and brought to justice. trying to hide the obvious conflict from who?, the next phase of genocide has to be stopped, and the international community will involve, and they will be following the overall peace development closely, and no more killings from now onwards, thanks to the internet. no more lies, get that poor country right, by bringing peace to all.

    Kebede Asefa

  3. As of to day the kiling of Burji by Guji continue, the Ethipian government is still responsible.The security personel’s response to the last killing was absurd when asked by the common citizen, he said “they are not being the watch dog.” by breaking rules of the very principle they are serving.the situation around Hageremariam area is not promising. The Burji’s and other smaller tribes deserve the shared previlages by other ethnic groups live in the other part of the country, if the government is not there for the people, It should be changed, the out cry of world comunity will continue!!!,no more genocide after the Rwandan.

  4. The prolonged ethnic war in southern Ethiopia among the Burji and Guji communities need to be adressed soonest possible inorder to curb massive killings and destruction of properties.Several writers have paid their attributes concerning the situation among the communities who were living coexcistencly over the past centuries.But among the article post through this internet services,I was really shocked by the second writers comment,its like he is intimidating the burji community at large if i may qoutes some of his words it goes like this”The guji has to prove their manhood by killing burji,Burji and other darker tribe are being looked down upon by the gujis”and many other more.How can literate person perpetrate such nasty thing on the global world.Who said that man hoodnes can be proven by killing people or who said that minority communities they dont have their rights in their own mother land,he really made a serious allegations.International organisation ploiticians and the elders from the two communites need to be engaged in dialogue to find the lasting solution the prolbem which is hindering the social activties within the area.Let us put God first and pray with open heart to bring reconciliation in the region.

  5. based on facts guji the are cause of problem,for one gujis are the one who come to attack in burji land and kill burjis this is because of their backward culture of getting titles by killing fellow human beings and this act total foolishness,surely they not only need adult education but also a little bit of civilazation and i that to the interested secord point is this,burjis are known for their peacefull co-existance with other tribe unlike guji who are in war with borana konso darasa but to name a few,this only can prove burji innocent if we may say let history judge.last government of ethiopia should do something to stop historical injustice.

  6. Let me reiterate what I meant by proving man hood.This is probably what deeply embeded in the psychy of adult age group, across the continent of Africa, in order to survive for the good or bad reasons. what is perceived as acceptable in one tribe is harmful for the other and vise-versal.

    Females the anchering, play greater role in the survival of any win the female you have to have some strength, strong gene to pass it to future generation for the best survival of that generation.but, how to recieve that gene vary in every social group because of each and every believe system, and that is when myth slide through.

    “Boran”, the neighboring tribe used to give away their 1st born infant to wilderness,and they were happy if the predetors feed on the them; Is it the right thing to do?, but for BORAN,it is believed that it will bring peace love harmony for the rest of their life ahead.Why people do what they do is very complex than we think, Boran do not practice that any more…it’s achieved through community education.

    The Guji’s female initiate the young people to be a man before they marry them, and they have to prove them selves. the belligerency sets in, they think burji’s are more threatening, challenging, and there is total resentment in the very psychy of Guji’s. they know it’s wrong thing to do but,they do it to impress their females and other male ultra ego. it’s very primitive societal function, I do not think they are the solution themselves; the Ethiopian government could play a role in bringing peace through education. you need a strong leader who can bridge, mediate,inspire, and solve all the conflicts in a constructive way.tell the government to stop gambling, I am sure there are many other citizens trying to bring peace being part of the administration,their hands are tied, they may have addressed early symptoms, but the response by the government was not prompt, and in the end they take the blame for it, it’s not fair.It,s been the political game.

    Get real in improving people’s lives, what more you need than having the Trans-African highway passing through this community,I see an immense opportunity for the tribes and the much it takes to energize the young people?, I am sure it’s easier than trying to bring peace in Somalia. Education….Education and Education….focus on your own……

    kebede Asefa

  7. The Ethiopian goverment with support of other org shouid educate both side on importance of living in peace and also distribute resource equally among all tribes .im sure this will harmonise the relation between different tribes.

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