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70 Ethiopian doctors meet with Woyanne agent in DC

Some 70 Ethiopian and Eritrean physicians who work and reside in the United States held a meeting with Woyanne agent Girma Birru in Old Town Alexandria Hilton Hotel near Washington DC over the weekend.

Tesfaye Demissie FantaThe meeting was organized by Meles Zenawi’s physician and investor Dr Mulai Teklu Yohannes and Dr Tesfaye Demmisie Fanta of North Carolina.

The purpose of the meeting was to raise funds for building a referral hospital in Addis Ababa. Girma Birru asked the physicians to contribute $30,000 each for the project. He also asked them to buy bond for the fake Nile Dam Project.

Many of the physicians who attended the Woyanne meeting are residing in the U.S. as political refugees, and yet they attend a fund raising party that is organized by the same regime they fled from.

The physicians also must have failed to understand that the Woyanne junta has no intention of building a hospital. The existing hospitals in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa, such as Tikur Anbessa, are so dilapidated and neglected that patients go there to die. Addis Ababa’s biggest hospitals look like morgues. But Woyanne has enough money to spend over $100 million for buying tanks.

The main reason that the 70 doctors who met with Girma Birru have sought asylum in the U.S. is because they were unable to live freely and make a living in their own country. So if these physicians are genuine about helping their people back home, they need to speak out against the injustice in Ethiopia. If they are not willing to do that, the least they can do is not give money to the genocidal Woyanne junta.

112 thoughts on “70 Ethiopian doctors meet with Woyanne agent in DC

  1. These stupied ellites are from Tigray or Eritrea. Non Tigray Doctors doesn’t participate in this meeting. ( except very few of them). You will never get a single Oromo among them.

    Zellallm replies:

    No one force this Doctpr’s to participate if they choose,unlike hateful individuals on this site they choose to be part of the Ethiopian people who work day and night fonaissancer a positive developmenta.By the way the Grand renaissance dam is well underway and you can do nothing about it.
    The only thing you know is accusation and blame,You are a swear enemy to Ethiopia and her people,your fate is closer than you think.
    Your blog is the most poisonous site in entire Ethiopian site and your loyal supporters start distant themselves as a result.

    proud ethiopian replies:

    You are not worth my response; I am writing this is in case there are some fair minded Ethiopians who read your ‘post’.
    It is very sad to see that one can write about an Ethiopian and Ethiopian association without having any facts, just based on rumor. My guess is you have not been to the meeting and doesn’t even know anyone who has been to the meeting. I think this is a disgrace to Ethiopians in general. Unlike you, I have not had time to participate in any discussion on this forum prior to this because some of us have to work for a living. I am one of the early members of this society. I don’t have and has never had any affiliation to any political group. I am not Tigrian but if I were I would just be as proud because that means I am an Ethiopian too. The picture you posted is a proud Ethiopian too. His intentions are clear, to contribute to Ethiopian people’s health care delivery system. Regime comes regime goes but the people will always be the same, Ethiopian!!! No wonder why political groups abroad have not gotten the support of some of us and incited any passion in common Ethiopian people , because they are lead by people like you who without searching for facts love to destroy people’s reputation. First, do your researches, before you open your mouth, ask questions. Just because you have the venue doesn’t mean you use it. I am really disappointed by you and people who agree with you without having all the facts. You are a disgrace to all Ethiopians.

    Amare replies:

    The cherman of this meeting is Girma Biru. So , nobody needs more explanation than this. What you are doing is YE MICHAELIN TTELA YETTETTA YASITAWIQAL ERASU YASILEFELIFEWAL.

    wow replies:

    wow good job!!!!!

    Abbaa Biiftuu replies:

    hahahaha fes yalebet zilay ayichilim honebih ende? proud ethiopian don’t make me lough please wedew ayisku alu weyizero tayitu.

    Queen Elizabeth replies:

    Dear Sir,

    Your point in all this is not clear, what exactly are you trying to say? I hear your anger but what exactly is the message that you want to tell us. You question if the journalist was at the meeting? He really does not have to be… an investigative journalist can get the information that is necessary and report on it.

    The question is was there a meeting or not? true or false. Who called the meeting? For what reason? these are the meat of the news report. Sorry Sir you seem to be an apologist for Weyan’s and there thugs.

    This Government seems to act like a bad slot machine just taking without any return. All the funds under the guise of development all loans… Sale of land, forcing the people of Ethiopia under one or other will do good but not seen project… ohhhhhh and Building the Abaye Dame Wow at least people in Ethiopia have no choice but the fools in the Diaspora!!!! I guess that is what Hodam stands for.

    By the way good excuse for your type of Hodam is the Opposition this and the opposition that. The country belongs to all of us and it is Hodams like you who with collaboration is destroying the country. The opposition cannot do anything for you when you wag your tail everytime to please a master that will very soon use you and kick your ass.

    Aklilu abebe replies:

    Good job Queen, you nailed him on the head and I can blood gushing down his forehead. I wish Ethiopia could have been ruled by Queen like you, instead of by timid mercenary, who have mastered the art of lying, cheating, killing and begging. If all these doctors were so sympathetic to this killer government, why don’t they pack up and go back to where they came from, and start licking their master’s boots.

    Anonymous replies:

    An Ethiopian;

    Shame to whoever posted this false information!!!!!I will say again and again Shame on You!!!
    This is a smear campaign to discredit any innocent Ethiopian to help his /her fellow country men.Most people have lost credibility to those called`Oppositions`.I am not sure how different you are from the regime in Ethiopia.It is all lie!!!!

  2. Oneof the Doctors who masterminded the meeting and who has an investment In Ethiopia.

    Zellallem replies:

    Good for him,you should do the same if you can and care for our country.Instead of blaming those who take the courage and helping their fellow country men.The reason we found ourselves in a backward situation is people like you and your mentor active to discreadit and to destroy those who willing to participate in any capacity for the purpose of to lift the country out of poverty.The only reason you have is the usual political talking points,walk up dude.

  3. It is possible to be an “educated fool.” Many so called “educated” Ethiopians are dumber than the common man in the streets. These doctors left Ethiopia because there is no hope there. Many of them would kill themselves were they to be deported back to Ethiopia. But once they have gone past the hurdle, they forget what kind of condition they left behind. Repeat this a million times, you realize why Ethiopia is in the situation it is today.

    The Ethiopian media should refocus itself from mobilization to education. It is a long term process but educating these fools and the many like them should be a very important part of the job of the media.

    Tezibt replies:


    As I write this comment, I am giggling from ear to ear. Reading your comment one can easily see that you are dumber than a door knob. Your likes are dumber in the head than a dog is in the ass. People like you are the reasons for the extension of suffering for the Ethiopian people. At least, let the poor get some type of medical help. Do you really care? Just get busy dehumanizing the educated. What do you know about education? Does it help in any ways? You master, Meles said the same thing. He said that we don’t care about the education of a person, as long as the person is loyal to the party. He even told doctors that he doesn’t care if they leave. He is dumber than a door knob just like you. Go destroy the country together. Hospitals in Ethiopia have turned to hell and I don’t know what else you want? Let these doctors do what ever they can. Stop killing the appetite of the majority towards any type of supporting the struggle to have just country. Politics and health are separate. Go to school, learn and understand how, when and whom to criticize. Then your IQ level may rise a bit. Elias some times doesn’t weigh what he is posting. I guess he isn’t the only one who runs this website or he needs to see a psychiatrist.

    geremew replies:

    Please do not throw the blame on Elias for not weighing what he posts on his web site. I admire Elias more than any other journalists who provide comments on their web sites. A true journalist is some one who does not censure your ideas, even if it hurts him the most. I see all the time people writing about him like a dog, and he still allows their comments posted as is. Some web sites are winnowing the grain from the chaff before posting it. They are not journalists at all. They use their web sites to curry favor, and please those who talk highly of them. That kind of web site is nothing but a lap dog who are out there to please their master. So leave ELIAS out of your shenanigans

    Anonymous replies:

    Thanks Geremew. This idiot does not understand Politcs is health. Ask him why did he run away from his beloved country if it was not of Politics?

  4. I was a nurse in Ethiopia for a number of years. what I realized during those years in my career is that many Physicians who has been trained at the expense of the poor people of Ethiopia would like to be treated as a special creature and they are very very selfish. They donot give a damn if the entire poor people go to hell. They are no better than Woyane. They are very opportunist and now tempted to get involved in the organized theft with Woyane.

    They will be exposed any time soon they couldnot escape from the sight of the nation. Shame on you stupid physicians.

    Meles replies:

    How about ur self . . Bastard jealous . . You were also used poor people’s money to finish your low class nursing. .

    Anonymous replies:

    ah, come on Sr, you were a nurse in Ethiopia, and now got the chance to flee for slavery and opened your mouth the very people who are caring for ur family back home, that is really sad!

    Ok, there might be some ‘physicians’ here and there who don’t behave as are expected, but these are purely the reflections of the society.
    Otherwise, using such rough words to doctors who are working in such harsh conditions for less than 200 USD, with no hope of improving conditions both for themselves and for the country – is utterly bad.

    Anonymous replies:

    This Dr taught me a course ‘communicable disease’ at centraalized school of nursing at St Paul hospital while I was attending a nursing course; though I left the profession for good.

    So I would earnestly like to urge brave Eliase Keflie(a true son of Ethiopia) to reveal the names of each criminal physicians who are standing by the side of Woyanee and deserting Professor Asrat Woldeyes and the entire poor nation of Ethiopia. Many of these retarded and selfish Drs had been taught by the late and renouned Professor Asrat Woldeyes who is killed by tyrant Woyanee.Prof Asrat woldeyes was as a ‘father figure’ for every physician in Ethiopia.

    Poverty-Legacy of Woyanee replies:

    Brave son of Ethiopia Elias Kefle would you please reveal the names of the rest physicians? who are standing by Woyanee and deserting the late Prof Asrat Woldeyes and the entire population of Ethiopia. These physicians are so selfish and now working hand in glove with woyanee to full fill their greedy emotions.

    Wincha replies:

    If you know them, What are you going to do moron!!! go back to school and educate your self and do something. dumb-ass.

    Tezibt replies:

    Where are you now? Left for opportunity like the docs? shut your……..

  5. hi Elias

    We dont need this kind of information.

    We should not worry about their meeeting. There are many in the diaspora who have property in Ethiopia. They do whatever helps them to protect it. Forget about them! Moreover Drs and professors serve whoever gives them or creates money for them.

    Anon replies:

    Just say “I” don’t need ….
    Some of us want to know. I don’t know if this attitude cultural or ignorance. Those of you who jump to say “we”, unless you have a mandate to speak for others, learn to say “I”

    misrak 1st replies:

    Mr Anon

    Take it easy. focus on the subject

    I repeat we Ethiopians don,t need this kind of information that is of no use to us!! drs and professors will serve anyone who pays them back.

    If you had gained something from this information you would have said something useful but there was nothing for you to say because there is nothing significant to say about this info ! It not even News!!!


    Do you want me to wonder how come 70 physicians support Ethiopian government?

    Asther replies:

    Really ? we do need this kind of information, at least some of us. it is good to know who these idiots are or at least this gives us an idea of what the so called educated doctors and professors could do.

  6. ‹ለብቻቸው የታሰሩት ለደኅንነታቸውና ለጤንነታቸው በማሰብ ነው›› ዋና አስተዳዳሪው

    በሽብርተኝነት ተጠርጥረው ክስ ከተመሠረተባቸው 24 ተከሶሾች መካከል፣ ጉዳያቸውን በአዲስ አበባ ማረሚያ ቤት ሆነው ከሚከታተሉት ስምንት ተጠርጣሪዎች መካከል፣ ሰኔ 7 ቀን 2004 ዓ.ም. በአንድ ፍርደኛ ድብደባ በተፈጸመባቸው የአንድነት ፓርቲ የሕዝብ ግንኙነት ኃላፊ አቶ አንዱዓለም አራጌ ላይ ፍርድ ቤት ቀርበው ማብራሪያ የሰጡት የማረሚያ ቤቶች አስተዳዳሪ፣ አቶ አንዱዓለምና ደብዳቢያቸው ‹‹በአንድ ክፍል ታስረዋል መባሉ ሐሰት ነው›› አሉ፡፡

    መጋቢት 17 ቀን 2004 ዓ.ም. በፌዴራል ከፍተኛ ፍርድ ቤት ሦስተኛ ወንጀል ችሎት ቀርበው ማብራሪያ የሰጡት የማረሚያ ቤቱ አስተዳዳሪ፣ ሱፐር ኢንቴንደንት አምባዬ ዕቡዕ ለፍርድ ቤቱ እንዳስረዱት፣ ችግሩ የደረሰው ታራሚዎች እርስ በርሳቸው ባደረጉት ግጭት እንጂ በማረሚያ ቤቱ አይደለም፡፡ አቶ አንዱዓለም ከጉዳት አድራሹ ጋር ጥብቅ ግንኙነት አላቸው፤ በማረሚያ ቤቱ ግቢ ውስጥ፣ በስፖርት ቦታና በመዝናኛ ቦታ ይገናኛሉ፡፡ የታሰሩት ለየብቻቸው እንጂ አብረው አለመሆኑን ተናግረዋል፡፡ የምግብ አድማ እንዲያደርጉና ደብዳቢያቸውም ወደ ክፍለ አገር ሊቀየር እንደሚችል በመነጋገር ላይ እያሉ፣ ባለመግባባታቸው ችግሩ መፈጠሩን የገለጹት አስተዳዳሪው፣ ማረሚያ ቤቱ አስተምሮ፣ በተለያዩ ሙያዎች አንፆ እንዲወጡ እንደሚያደርግ እንጂ ስለተፈጠረው ችግር የሚተዋወቁት ሁለቱ ብቻ መሆናቸውን አስረድተዋል፡፡ አቶ አንዱዓለም ባቀረቡት አቤቱታ ማረሚያ ቤቱ እንዳዘነ ገልጸው፣ በወቅቱ ሕክምና እንደተደረገላቸውና ለብቻቸውም የታሰሩት ለደኅንነታቸውና ለጤንነታቸው በማሰብ መሆኑን ተናግረዋል፡፡

    ፍርድ ቤቱ የማረሚያ ቤቱ አስተዳዳሪ ለቀረበላቸው ጥያቄ በቂ ምላሽ እንደሰጡ በመግለጽ ላይ እያለ፣ አቶ አንዱዓለምና ሌሎቹም ተጠርጣሪዎች ‹‹አቤቱታ አለን›› በማለት ችሎቱ በሰፊ አዳራሽ እንዲታይና ለዓቃቤ ሕግ የተሰጠው ዕድል ለእነሱም እንዲሰጣቸው ጠይቀዋል፡፡

    ችሎቱ የ68 ተጠርጣሪዎች ጉዳይ የታየበትና ከእነሱ የሚበልጡ ሌሎችም ጉዳዮች የታዩበት በመሆኑ ‹‹የእናንተን በተለየ ሁኔታ የምናይበት ምክንያት የለም›› በማለት ባለበት እንዲቀጥል ፍርድ ቤቱ ትዕዛዝ ሰጠ፡፡ መዝገቡ የተቀጠረው የተጠርጣሪዎቹን መከላከያ ምስክሮች ለማድመጥ በመሆኑ ለመከላከያ ምስክርነት ከተጠሩት ውስጥ 23ቱ ቀርበው መሀላ ከፈጸሙ በኋላ፣ አቶ አንዱዓለም የወንጀለኛ መቅጫ ሕግ በ142 (3) መሠረት የተከሳሽነት ቃላቸውን ሰጡ፡፡

    አቶ አንዱዓለም በሰጡት የተከሳሽነት ቃል በሽብርተኝነት፣ በአገር ክዳትና ግንቦት 7ን በማደራጀት ክስ እንደቀረበባቸው በማስታወስ፣ ‹‹እኔ ከ1992 ዓ.ም. ጀምሮ በተቃዋሚነት እየታገልኩ ያለሁ የሰላም ታጋይ ነኝ፤ በረሃብና በጦርነት አዙሪት የምትታወቀውን አገሬን ለመታደግ ላለፉት 12 ዓመታት እየታገልኩ ነው፡፡ እኔ እንኳን በአገሬ ሕዝብና በወገኔ ላይ ሽብር ልሠራ ቀርቶ፣ በማረሚያ ቤትም ስደበደብ መልስ አልሰጠሁም፤›› ብለዋል፡፡ በ1997 ዓ.ም. ታስረው ሲፈቱም ሌሎች ተቃዋሚዎች የትግል ስልታቸውን ሲቀይሩ፣ እሳቸው በሚያምኑበትና በሚያመልኩበት የሰላም ትግል ከአንድነት ፓርቲ ጋር መቀጠላቸውን አብራርተዋል፡፡

    ‹‹ዶ/ር ብርሃኑን አውቃቸዋለሁ፤ ከአቶ ኢዮኤልም ጋር በጨለማ ቤት ታስረን አውቃቸዋለሁ፡፡ ትግላችን ግን ተለያይቷል፡፡ የትግል ስልቴን የለየሁት ፈርቼ ሳይሆን አይጠቅምም የሚል እምነት ስላለኝ ነው፡፡ ይኼ ካስፈለገ ልጆች ወልጄ ማሳደግ አያስፈልገኝም ነበር፡፡ የኢሕአዴግ ደኅንነቶች ለሦስት ዓመታት በገባሁበት ሁሉ እየገቡ ሲከታተሉኝ ነበር፡፡ እኔ ምን ያህል ጀብደኛ ብሆን ነው አሸባሪ ሆኜ ሲከታተሉኝ ዝም ብዬ የማየው? የሽብር ወንጀል የረቀቀ ነው፡፡ አሜሪካና እንግሊዝም ከፍተኛ በጀት መድበው ሊያቆሙት ያልቻሉትን እንዴት ነው እኛ አገር ለማቆም የሚቻለው? ይኼ የተቀነባበረ ከመሆን አልፎ ወንጀል አይሆንም፤›› በማለት ሰፊ ገለጻ ሰጥተዋል፡፡ ‹‹እኔ የግንቦት 7 አባል ሆኜ የግንቦት 7 አሞራው ካልሆንኩ በስተቀር ያለውን ክትትል እያወቅሁ እዚህ አልቀመጥም፤›› ብለዋል፡፡

    አገር መክዳትን ተከትሎ በሰጡት ቃል፣ በአገራቸው በሰላም ታግለው ለውጥ ማምጣት እንጂ መክዳት በእሳቸው ውስጥ እንደሌለ ገልጸው፣ ‹‹እኔ ኤርትራን አሳልፌ አልሰጠሁ፣ አሰብን አሳልፌ አልሰጠሁ፣ የአገሬን ባንዲራ ጨርቅ ነው አላልኩ ወይም የአገሪቱን ታሪክ የመቶ ዓመት ተረት ተረት ነው አላልኩ፤›› በማለት አገር ከድተዋል የሚባለውን ክስ ተቃውመዋል፡፡ በቀረበባቸው ማስረጃ ላይም ሰፊ ማብራሪያ ሰጥተዋል፡፡
    ዶ/ር ነጋሶ ጊዳዳ፣ ዶ/ር ኃይሉ አርዓያንና አቶ ግርማ ሰይፉን ጨምሮ ስድስት መከላከያ ምስክሮች ቀርበው አቶ አንዱዓለምን ለተለያዩ ዓመታት እንደሚያውቋቸውና እንኳን በሽብር ሊጠረጠሩ ቀርቶ፣ ማንሳትም እንደማይፈልጉ የተጠመቁበት ያህል ሁልጊዜ ዝማሬያቸው ‹‹ሰላማዊ ትግል›› መሆኑን ሰፊ የምስክርነት ቃል ሰጥተዋል፡፡ ዓቃቤ ሕግም ላቀረበላቸው መስቀልኛ ጥያቄም ምላሽ ሰጥተዋል፡፡

    የአንድነት ፓርቲ አባል አቶ ናትናኤል መኮንንም በሰጡት የተከሳሽነት ቃል፣ ሰላማዊ ትግል ለማምጣት የከፍተኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ቤት ተማሪ እያሉ ትግል መጀመራቸውን ገልጸው፣ ታስረውም የተለያዩ ችግሮች ሲደርስባቸው፣ በኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ላይ የሚደርሰውም ችግር ተመሳሳይ መሆኑን መገንዘባቸውንና አሁን በተጠረጠሩበት ወንጀል ቤታቸው ሲፈተሽ ምንም ዓይነት ማስረጃ እንዳልተገኘባቸው አስረድተዋል፡፡ ‹‹የኢሕአዴግ የ20 ዓመት ታሪክ የእስር ታሪክ ነው፡፡ በሌላ ነገር እታሰራለሁ ብዬ እንጂ በሽብር ወንጀል እታሰራለሁ ብዬ አልጠረጠርኩም ነበር፤›› ብለዋል፡፡ በታሰሩበት ወቅት በተለይ ማዕከላዊ ለ48 ሰዓታት እጃቸው በካቴና ታስሮ በጨለማ ቤት እንዲቆሙ መደረጉንና ሌላም የደረሰባቸውን በደል ለፍርድ ቤቱ አስረድተዋል፡፡ ለአቶ ናትናኤልም ዶ/ር ነጋሶን ጨምሮ አራት ምስክሮች ቀርበው ከትውውቅ እስከታሰሩበት ጊዜ ያለውን ግንኙነታቸውንና የሥራ እንቅስቃሴያቸውን በዝርዝር አስረድተዋል፡፡ ለዓቃቤ ሕግ መስቀለኛ ጥያቄም ምላሽ ሰጥተዋል፡፡

    አራተኛ ተከሳሽ ሻምበል የሽዋስ ስዩምም የዘጠኝ ቤተሰብ ኃላፊ መሆናቸውንና ምንም በማያውቁበት ሁኔታ ከመንገድ ላይ ተይዘው መታሰራቸውን፣ ቤታቸው እየተቆፈረ መፈተሹን፣ የግንቦት 7 ድርጅት አደራጅ ነህ መባላቸውን፣ ሦስት የማያውቁቸውን ሰዎች አቅርበው በእነሱ ላይ እንዲመሰክሩ መጠየቃቸውን፣ ከቀኑ 11 ሰዓት እስከ ሌሊቱ 8 ሰዓት ድረስ ስድስት ጊዜ እየቀረቡ በስድስት መርማሪዎች ይመረመሩና ይገረፉ እንደበር ለፍርድ ቤቱ አስረድተው፣ እሳቸው ግን ምንም እንዳልፈጸሙና በኮንስትራክሽን ሥራ ልጆቻቸውን የሚያሳድጉ ምስኪን መሆናቸውን ገልጸዋል፡፡

    ሦስተኛው ተከሳሽ ዮሐንስ ተፈራ ሲሆኑ፣ ምንም መከላከያ ምስክር አላቀረቡም፡፡ በሰጡት የተከሳሽነት ቃል፣ ግንቦት 18 ቀን 2003 ዓ.ም. ለሥራ አዲስ አበባ መጥተው በነበረበት ወቅት ፒያሳ ጣይቱ ሆቴል ፊት ለፊት በደኅንነቶች ተይዘው መታሰራቸውን ተናግረዋል፡፡ በክሱ ላይ ግን ‹‹የተያዘው ጥቅምት 2 ቀን 2004 ዓ.ም. ነው›› መባሉ ሐሰት መሆኑን ገልጸዋል፡፡ ከሕግ ውጭ በማይታወቅ ቦታ በጭለማ ውስጥ ለአምስት ወራት መታሰራቸውንና ፍርድ ቤት በ48 ሰዓታት ውስጥ መቅረብ ቢኖርባቸውም፣ የቀረቡት ከአምስት ወራት በኋላ መሆኑን ለፍርድ ቤቱ አስረድተዋል፡፡ ባይደበደቡም በቀዝቃዛ ሲሚንቶ ውስጥ በመተኛታቸው ቀኝ እግራቸውን መታመማቸውን ተናግረዋል፡፡ ምንም ዓይነት ማስረጃም እንዳልተገኘባቸውና እንዳልተመሰከረባቸው አስረድተዋል፡፡

    ስምንተኛው ተከሳሽ አቶ አንዱዓለም አያሌው ሲሆኑ፣ እሳቸውም የተያዙት ሱዳን በስደተኞች ካምፕ ውስጥ ሆነው ወደ ስዊድን ለመሄድ ቪዛ እየተጠባበቁ ባለበት ወቅት መሆኑን ለፍርድ ቤት ባቀረቡት የተከሳሽነት ቃል ተናግረዋል፡፡ እንዴት ወደ ሱዳን እንደሄዱ፣ በሁመራ በኩል ወደ ሱዳን ሲሄዱ መንገድ ተሳስተው በኤርትራ ወታደሮች ተጠልፈው አስመራ ከተወሰዱ በኋላ ከኤርትራ ቴሌቪዥን ጋር ቃለ ምልልስ አድርገው እንደለቀቋቸውና የደረሰባቸውን በደል ተናግረዋል፡፡ ለዚህ ሁሉ ያበቃቸው ቅንጅትን ወክለው የምክር ቤት አባል ከሆኑና ጊዜያቸውን ጨርሰው ወደ ሥራቸው ሊመለሱ ቢሞክሩ በመከልከላቸው መሆኑን አብራርተዋል፡፡ ባለቤታቸውና የባለቤታቸው እህት በመከላከያ ምስክርነት ቀርበው መስክረውላቸዋል፡፡

    ፍርድ ቤቱ በአቶ እስክንድር ነጋና በቀሪ ሁለት ተጠርጣሪዎች ላይ መከላከያ ምስክሮችን ለመስማት ለዛሬ ቀጠሮ በመስጠት ችሎቱን አብቅቷል፡፡

  7. I really don’t understand what this woyane gangs are doing? It doesn’t add up at all. First they claim that Ethiopia is economically stable, but the money in the country is in their own pocket so that they can ask help abroad. they mistreat the people and ask for help from their brothers. Look now thay even envited eritrean doctors. Do you know how many eritrean doctors and professionals have been doprted from Ethiopia. My father is a medical doctor in Addis. You cannot guess the mistreating faced his collegues when they were deported. And now woyane is asking for help. Come on people wake up this gangs are playing games.

  8. I can’t believe it, if they (except Tigreagna speakers) are deceid to work with Hitler Meles.

    Mot le banda ena le hodamoch!

    God Bless Ethiopia!

    Wincha replies:

    You go back to school and learn how to spell a word, first.

  9. What a great shame! Just because one is educated well, it doesn’t mean he/she have conscience to distance themselves from a brutal dictator that has a record of human abuse with the Human Rights and Amnesty International Organizations. A tyrant that has looted Ethiopians, incarcerating, torturing, killing, evicting hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians and selling their land to foreigners, setting fire to our historical Monasteries to sell the land, and so on… Those who do not distance themselves from an African Hitler called dictator Meles, should know that they are immersing their hands in the blood bath of innocent Ethiopians the woyanes spilled.

  10. I was baffled by the phrase in your article that goes like this: “Some 70 Ethiopian and Eritrean physians who work and reside in the United States ….”. What do Eritrean physians have to do with building a referral hospital in Addis Abeba? Are they foolish enough to invest in Ethiopia under Meles Zenawi’s corrupt rule? They may as well invest in Eritrea where they have a similar dictaltor that rules the country with iron fist. The whole idea of the 70 physians having a meeting in Old Town Alexandria Hilton Hotel near Washington DC seems fishy. As a reporter did you go to the meeting and have you taken some pictures and talked to some of the attendees. What were their views, intentions and conclusions about the meeting? Or is this one of those hearsays. We need some concrete evidence that the meeting took place as you asserted.
    Note: I submitted this opinion piece about one hour ago on this comment section. However, it is no where to be seen on the comment section. It is possible that it was deleted as criticism is a hard thing to swallow.Here I submit it again.

  11. These are not doctors, but just by names, these are pig-Hodaders, They use the resource of Ethiopia/peasants to get free education, surprisingly, they collaborate with the Woyane junta to destroy Ethiopia and indirectly to kill Ethiopians. V 4 PEOPLE OF ETHIOPIA!!!

  12. As any of this generation, the physicians of current generation are of different breed. Physicians in the past adhered to thier oath by serving the needy; they were humble, father or elder sibling like, and well, real physcicians. Now, business comes first. Like CNN’s Sanjay Gupta MD., who, just this week realeased his first novel, Monday Mornings, like a monkey, jumps between two networks, two hospitals, magazines, books, and of course, a globe-trotting celebrity. Not at all impressed. The US is looking to hire some 200,000 doctors and is not shying away from opening its doors, according to a recent New York Times article, to snatch even from the neediest of the world. Doctors have become arrogant, class-concious, hello-effecters snd opportunist fgures. Don’t forget that its the greed, power and influence of health-care owners and doctors responsible for the near bankruptcy of Medicaid, Maidicare and even Social Security in this ountry; the burdgeoning problem in healthcare is associated with the overall economic problem of the country. why become part of it? Why desert your country?

  13. Believe me I don’t consider these egoists, low self steam so called doctors as relevant. Forgive me; I don’t want to be treated by Ethiopian doctors. I have seen what kind of mentality they have during my late dad treatment in Addis. They consider them self as god. Only low self-steam, egocentric people think this way. If one doesn’t care for his professional and people he treats, do I expect him/her to care for the nation?? Not at all!!

  14. I completely agree with Mamo’s comment “The Ethiopian media should refocus itself from mobilization to education”. This story reminds us of something we have overlooked and failed to do timely. We must have means where we as a community get together with our people including these professionals, and educate them on one to one basis or by inviting them to community gatherings. In other words, we have to go to them than to expect them to come for us. It is clear in this case,weyanes saw some gap where they can operate and they used it.Even now ,it is not too late, we must seek all the support from all our people if we ever to win against entrenched enemy.

  15. I completely agree with Mamo’s comment “The Ethiopian media should refocus itself from mobilization to education”. This story reminds us of something we have overlooked and failed to do timely. There has to be means where we as a community get together with many of our people including these professionals, and educate them on one to one basis or by inviting them to community gatherings. In other words we have to go to them than simply to expect them to come for us. We can see here weyanes saw some gap where they can operate and they used it.Even now ,it is not too late, we must seek all the support from all our people if we ever to win against entrenched enemy.

  16. [Biiftu]

    “I was baffled by the phrase in your article that goes like this: “Some 70 Ethiopian and Eritrean physians who work and reside in the United States ….”. What do Eritrean physians have to do with building a referral hospital in Addis Abeba? Saba],”Assuming youaare not Ethiopian, let us see who is puzeld herethe Ertrian doctors or you?What is the difference between Adwa led TPLF and Hamassenits?Does it nmatter if they build Hospital in Addis or Asmara so long they can make money from it.

  17. What poverty said is right, hodam elites are parasites who does not care for their people. Ethiopians who wanted to serve their people like Professor Asrat and Doctor Dagnatchew Yirgou are unfortunatelly killed by successive tyrants.

  18. All physicians should be ashamed to see such idiots who do not understand the defination of Health.

    It is great that those idiots have left Ethiopia

    By the way, these animals neither represent Ethiopian physicans nor any person who can write and read.

    Dont forget the late Hakim Workeneh, Melaku Beyane and Asrat Woledyes who were physicans of the people.

    It would be great to post the names of those particpants on the web with thier asylum status and pass their names to UCIS for fraud in their political asylum application.

    You can just email the name you know to UCIS.

  19. Hi Loosers!
    The docs are seeing what you are not seeing; blind sided by your hate.That’s why they are Docs and tou are not.By the way, I am one of them.

    tariku replies:

    ahahahhahha, then keep funding terror in disguise i.e hidase(kidase), invetment(bribe) to keep meles’s shoes on ethiopians throat. you know this froglooking meniac really hates mengistu, but he proved to be worest than him and i agree he was a cruel genocidal dictator. what does this say about the frog looking banda? at least mengistu kept the country in one piece and commited his atrocity 4 the saik of it ATLEAST!

    reality for everyone,

    if you contribute for the imaginary dam, YOU REALLY ARE DAMN.


    if you bribe yourway into a lavish life (many are), YOU HAVE JUST CREATED A MONSTER THAT WOULD GET BRIBED TO YOUR DEMISE LATER.

    it’s no secret we are moving fast towards the life and leadership of a corrupted society, worest than india,kenya,nigeria etc… where the rich literally walks on the heads of the poor to keep his shoes tidy. the only differene is that ours trully are “full fledged genocidal”
    a deadly combination.

    Dave replies:

    So you want me to contribute to Gim Boat 7 or Eri Ass Kiflom? In your dreams.I will contribute to Hidase dam and the new hospital to be built and many others.
    Your problem is that you don’t see the big picture.You are narrow minded, and still see every thing in the Woyane Vs Mengistu perspective.

    Anonymous replies:

    MD. Dr’s are always prostitutes to who ever they are governed by. We have seen it before, we are seeing it now, and will see it in future.

    As for me it is your right to participate on that meeting. MD. Drs. mean nothing better than the nurses or dresser (as we call them at home). Nurse and dressers are more expeienced than the MDs. They do not even know how to inject needles. That is what you are.

    As for me again, you could have gone to Eth. to Black Lion Hospital( or any other hospitals rather) and donate your $30,000.00 to make a diference. These days Hospitals are not places where you get treatments. Full of smell of ……….( I do not want to write it), etc….. and have become places to die. You cound have made a difference.

    MD. Drs. Wake up and make your minds work!. Understand! no body objects building the dam. The right way to build the dam should be the under(like any other countries)through the process of getting funded by the World Bank. The GOE.does not qualify to get the fund for so many reasons. That was you litrate MD. Drs should have raised a question of consciousness. Those Hospital NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Thsi is excellent. We need to question where the loyality of these Ethiopians rests – loyality to their own pocket, loyality to their profession as life savers working in the field of medicine, loyality to the poor ethiopians who paid for their education? Anyone that works with genocidal regime needs to pause and rethink its engagement with a sworn enemy of EThiopia. We have to stop thinking that these professionals who know what exactly is taking place in their country of origin and yet collaborate with the regime should be left alone. No, they should be encoraged to think for the good of the people

  21. It is ironic, these doctors are trained to save lives; if they are really planning to work closely with a brutal dictator or even to have any kind of associations with the tyrant and his TPLF thugs that have the blood of countless number of Ethiopians on their hands, it is very disturbing, unfortunate and a great shame indeed. Who knows, these doctors, probably, grew up listening to Meles’ and Esayass’ propaganda of hate towards Ethiopia/ns. I guess, it is true what they say: you can take Africans out of Africa and educate them, but you cannot erase their tribalism out of their heads. Obviously, it doesn’t take a PHD or MD to care for others, only a gift from God of a kind heart, conscience, awareness, thoughtfulness, compassion and understanding of human suffering. May God open the conscience of these doctors to understand the horrible crimes and human tragedy Meles and his puppets have caused on Ethiopia/ns.

  22. Elias try to find out these individuals only to imagine how ignorant these dudes are if they are from the area where the tyrant and lier the woyanne chiefs area they are only emotional but not scientific to say the least even though in the land where 5-8 thousand doctors reside for the crime gang to get 70 dudes (doctors )is not a big deal
    holdindg a doctrate does not change your personal mind development that is why we have experienced Bush as the leader of the worlds powerful nation his luck was to have real intelligent advisors that spre us from the third world war and these is not the case by woyannes.

  23. Dave,
    I am afraid it is you who is the big time loser on this one. Yes, you are losing it big. What is the justification of building a new referral hospital when the long existing Black Lion referral hospital is completely dilapidated, neglected, and undone? What about the disastrous conditions of Saint Paul, Zewditu, and other hospitals both old and new throughout the country? Almost all of the hospitals’ medical equipments, medical devices, and instruments were bought more than forty years ago during the Emperor’s time. There are no medicines, preventive devices, and even simple sanitary gloves in these hospitals. Almost all hospitals cannot even afford a clean sheet and blanks for patients who stay in the hospitals for their care. Who in his/her right mind think of or justify building a referral hospital when none of the existing hospitals are maintained, kept, and resourced even as outpatient clinics.

    Tizibit replies:

    Well written there…..I don’t know what kind of disease these people have…. which makes them oppose every Good thoughts brought on the table.

    Anonymous replies:


    Would it have been OK if the meeting was about fixing up the “dilapidated” Black Lion Hospital instead of building a new referral hospital?

    Just curious

  24. My online fellow friends;Let the Hospital be built;OK. It helps to treat many patients who are waiting(in-line). It is easier for you guys to write this and that because you have time. However; Illness does not give time(seconds). There is a time for Everything: a time To love and a time to hate; to agree/disagree; Support/Oppose; to save and to let die. Think about it

    wow replies:

    I am with you.

    Anonymous replies:

    Building the Hospitls is a good idead. what concerend me tis the atachment to the meeting. Dam! Daaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnn!!!

  25. can you guys find out the picture of these idiots so that we know who they are and stop going to them.This is America there are so many choices.let them treat the woyanes and Girma Biru.

  26. The fact only Tigreans and Eritreans doctors were invited to the meeting, is a racially motivated agenda by itself. Locking up tens of thousands of Ethiopians, torturing, killing, looting the country and evicting Ethiopians from their property with only the clothes on their backs and left in despair; to give and sell their land to foreigners–IS what WOYANES called DEVELOPMENT! TPLF Cruelty at its best!

  27. Hi brothers and sisters Ethiopians ,
    we all ethiopians and Ethiopia had given to something while we are children and do not you think it is time to give back for that pore ethiopian people back with what we can ??I think it is time for us to support that people with every thing we can , speacially like hospital,and millinium dam, which can give better life for our poor ethiopian people no matter what kind of governament we have or we will have,
    thank you

  28. These could only be people seeking favour from the ethnicist woyane junta or have material or personal interest which the woyane have provided them with.

    No self respecting human who lives in the USA could collaborate with a fascist ethnicist junta that is crime written all over it.

  29. They are not Eritreans I know ver wel above that.There was only one Eritrean and his name is Dr Abraham Domez and he is Hodama and he is a Tigria bu his wife that way he is there in meetning.

  30. I know Dr Tesfaye Demessie for sure. He was once a Health Officer and then had been upgraded to Medical Doctor after he went to Black lion Medical School in due course he consumed public resources in a life long training and then he was being assingned at Zewditu Memoprial hospital for a number of Years.

    I will find out more about him from back home.

  31. This report is not correct. The doctors want to build a PRIVATE hospital that will provide high quality services for PAYING PATIENTS. Regardless of whoever is in power, there will be demand for this type of service. You just have to realize how many Ethiopians are traveling to Thailand, India and South Africa (and even Kenya) to get this type of service.

    In addition, some of the people involved in this scheme are actively engaged in the fight against the ruling group. I have some information on that.

    Hospitals like Black Lion are public hospitals and not profit making entities. It is up to government to improve them.

  32. I am a physician trained in the USA.
    I paid my way through undergraduate studies, medical school and supported myself through residency and further training all in the USA. I admit I don’t know much about politics, as my passion is caring for others via action and not cheap talk.
    I left my beloved country at a young age, so have no idea of what you mean by woyane, oromo or other ethnic references. I know of the one unified Ethiopia that I left behind long ago that I aspire to make better. I, unlike the article writer or most of the comment writers above, have a desire to give back to my country. I have gone back to serve for free and teach in the capacity that I have.
    I attended the meeting you are talking about. The physicians there discussed business as it pertains to the long term benefit of Ethiopia in healthcare. I know this is a hard concept to grasp as most ignorant uneducated fools here who drink the toxic venom that is politics would not know the term “helping my country” if it bit them in the face.
    I urge you to read, educate yourself and free your minds from the hatred you harbor. Ask yourselves, “I left my country to better myself, what have I accomplished so far?” Sitting in some lame cafe and discussing politics has not done much to aid the situation in Ethiopia – we have now seen it for decades. I suggest that you seek ways to make yourself and others around you better, volunteer in ways that you can give back. As the saying goes, “a mind is a terrible thing to waste” and I sure see many wasted on this board.

    Anonymous replies:

    Mr. Phisician,

    Take your breath, and never say any one who object to your idea IGGNORANT, STUPID etc. 1st of all you have no Idea about the situation what is happening in your country right now. 2nd of all since you left your country youg age, you not have any idea how the people of lived a hell of a life. Good of you you participated the meeting. Go ahead and invest your guts. Next time when you go back for your investment please promise me to go and visit the “Black Lion Hospital”. That hospital used to be the biggest and well equiped hospital in Africa.(next to one in Egypt and one in South Africa. Now it is the worst ever you see(bad smell, feces,…..) no one cleans it up. When asked why? No budget. That is where you should invest SIR!. No one object building a dam. In the name of Investment on Hospitals, the attachment of you haqd on the meeting sucks!. I have so many thing to tell you Mr. Phisician. Out of the litrates on the meeting, believe me some of them are graduate from that hospital hiding in so may hospitals (they do not even want to be identified). Do you bet! let me know.

    Anonymous replies:

    I have visited the Black Lion Hospital, St Paul Hospital, the Fistula Hospital among others in the smaller towns. I have ACTUALLY VOLUNTEERED THERE and continue to do that on a regular basis! Yes they are poor, and in desperate need of help. That said, they do more for our people than the those who sit around and talk about politics all day.
    I have never been and will never be back on this board.
    p.s. Please invest in some English grammar books. It will be time well spent.

    Anonymous replies:

    I do not think I need to invest in some English grammar book. I speak well fluent standard English, Mr. Phisician. My English has made my message sink deep in your skin. The point is not that. Please keep your mouth shut, since your are not Ethiopian born citizen. please do not give any comments on this topic before you go to St Mariam, Eth. Ortho-dox Church and take basic eth. litratureand culture. You can go in church’s Web site and help your self.

    Lemma Kettema replies:

    You are a fake doctor like my four year old neice, or else you would not be saying this kind of nonesense. This how Woyanes try to trick Ethiopians and they have been falling flat face first, and it will not be any different this time round, you will fall flat face firsl like the many did. In Ethiopia only Tigrians are allowed to be multi millionaires and if you are ETHIOPIAN not Tigrian, then you will be kicked out the country like Dr. Fiseha Eshetu. If you are a real MD, read about Dr. Fiseha, he is on ESAT (youtube) look for him.

    Anonymous replies:

    Why do you need to politicize everything? What does building a hospital in Ethiopia have to with politics?
    Trust me, you need help.
    I am not a woyane or a politician. My parents come from Ambassel (Wollo, if you don’t know where that is). I could not care less about the politics, but if I help one of my country men to feel better, I have done more than you ever will.
    You remind me of a lot of relatives that I have who left their country on the premise of improving themselves, yet sit around in Starbucks around the country and talk about this or that government while having no education, no retirement and no plans to go and fight and make change happen.
    See where this hatred will get you my dear……Direct the negative energy into something positive. You might learn something from your niece.


  33. The doc’s plan is to build a state of the art hospital in ethiopia and transfer knowledge. You can’t do that kind of investement with out talking to the Ethiopian Government. Girma birru was there to answer there questions. They are raising money for there company( BTW registered in the U.S.A). The idea that they were there to fund raise for the govt is rediculous.

    Come on Guys…. Any body with an Average IQ should understand this.

  34. Would these doctors cheap-in $30,000 each? The answer is NO! Much less $30,000 they would not give $300 each. Besides, they would not have left Ethiopia in the first place, had they wished to help Ethiopia. This article is a joke and Ethiopians doctors are no different than Dr. Fiseha (on a campaign to throw away TPLF).

  35. You are not worth my response; I am writing this is in case there are some fair minded Ethiopians who read your ‘post’.
    It is very sad to see that one can write about an Ethiopian and Ethiopian association without having any facts just based on rumor. My guess is you have not been to the meeting and doesn’t even know anyone who has been to the meeting. I think this is a disgrace to Ethiopians in general. Unlike you, I have not had time to participate in any discussion on this forum prior to this because some of us have to work for a living. I am one of the early members of this society. I don’t have and has never had any affiliation to any political group. I am not Tigrian but if I were I would just be as proud because that means I am an Ethiopian too. The picture you posted is a proud Ethiopian too. His intentions are clear, to contribute to Ethiopian people’s health care delivery system. Regime comes regime goes but the people will always be the same, Ethiopian!!! No wonder why political groups abroad have not gotten the support of some of us and incited any passion in common Ethiopian people , because they are lead by people like you who without searching for facts love to destroy people’s reputation. First, do your researches, before you open your mouth, ask questions. Just because you have the venue doesn’t mean you use it. I am really disappointed by you and people who agree with you without having all the facts. You are a disgrace to all Ethiopians.

  36. thanks to elites who are slave-minded puppet living in exile, Ethiopia is doomed to be a rather a dependent nation seeing for its ellusive independence. Weyane has only beaten you lot in your own game. Weyane is servant regime. Weyane can jail, torture, kill, commit a massacre or a genocide, it would get away with it as long as it remains to be a loyal servant of the West. It knows how to play the game. The rest of the elite opposition politicians in the US are always making themselves available for sell. It’s about who sells itself so cheap. at the moment, Weyane seems to sell itself at a prize of dirt cheap that the West can’t refuse. If the camp in the opposition can sell Ethiopia cheaper than Weyane’s prize, then the West will kick Meles & bring you back to power. But you have to keep selling & people won’t stand it so you lot would obviously have to jail, torture & kill them just like Weyane did.
    Is this the sort of change you lot are after or is it a sir-neQel change that serves the interest of the people at large?
    Just can’t help wondering!

  37. Ato Elias,
    I have been reading ER for almost twenty years. I mean starting from the print version. I have admired you at times “wrongly” for your boldness but now you have drained to the bottom of trash and cheap gossip. I know you are not going to post this. I will not go to the low level of personal attack that you are accustomed too. I feel sorry for the many innocent and naive people who follow and admire you. You continue to deceive them. I personally hold you accountable for the failure of the opposition. I will wait for the right forum, moment and time to show to all concerned Ethiopians. Unknowingly you are one of the true enemies that Ethiopia has the list also includes Mengistu, Meles, Issayas, Lencho ,etc.
    For all of you out there the picture you see is an excellent physician, hard working with very humble roots, a great father, and a very good friend for many. The meeting was to build an INSTITUTION that we never had and need in Ethiopia regardless of who is governing the country. For those of you who are communists let us tell you that there is nothing wrong in investing and making money and thousands will benefit from the spill over of this project. For your surprise the ones who are planting your venoms here will be the main beneficiaries. Ato Elias AKA (Shiberu), for your information, our good friend and colleague Dr. Mulia is not part of this group and hope he and others will join us. Thanks for the free infomercial.

    Ke Mesrachochu Andu !

    Anonymous replies:

    Dear Mr. Kemesrachochu Andu!

    Nobody opposed your building INSTITUTION. What ther trying to tell you is that, as an elite MD. phisicians what took you so long to form that INSTITUTION. You Drs. never had the will or time to form it. Can I tell you some. in 1963 Eth.C., source Ministry of health of Eth. The Total number of Md. Dr. (all trained abroad) were 17)and 52 Health officers. They were all the best Drs., well trained with deep knowledge. After the fall of the H.S the Derge tried to produce more of MD Drs. and send some of them abroad to the socialist countries. some of them in the Addis Ababa University Medical School. All of them never went back home to serve their people. I see them here laboring around their community. Some time I feel sorry for them and some time I feel ashamed with the service their are giving. What I am trying to say is though they are trying to help their community here in(USA), why did they not organize themselves before the GOE comes and gether them. I Do not believe these MDs. joined the meeting without a purpose. I know it from my own and some of my frieds, there is a reason behind it, that they could not object. Do not fool your self. You might give reason the objection is from the opposition groups. NO! NO! This is the idea of every individual who has a concern where this elits are heading to. If truly the way you’r heading is to the benefit of the country, like your boss always say, “Mengedun Cherk yargilachihu. But, That is not the case. You know what NOW the so called Drs. in Ethiopia can not write their name properly, not even in Amharic. That is where you should invest or fund or organize your self as a group.

  38. This is a very sad story. I am one of the docs who attended the meeting. It is amazing to read a story about the group i am involved in and the work we are planning to do in a very distorted way. If you fabircate this news, it sure means you have been fabricating all the other news posted on your site. I frequently used to read your site (to get trusted news)and had appreciation for your contribution to the fall of this regimen (which by the way do not support too). For Gods sake, where are in an era where even the US governemnt is trying to negotiate with the enemy (taliban). If you want to help your country, the only way is not fighting….If you really want to know about this project, you can call or email Dr Tesfaye or one of us and get the info before you write such an embarassing news on your ‘respected’ site. Please get the facts first, which is very easy to get as we all live here in the US. it is A SHAME!!!

  39. Mr MD I saw your ignorant article .You think that you are educated .but my people back home who can not even know to read and write have better commen sense than a moron like you. When people are dying of hanger and poverty,when people are dis-located from their fore father’s land and become bagers in the city,when our land is given to Arabs,Indians,turkish,chaines and we become “yebelategna temelkach” you and your moron friends are talking about the so called “referal hospital” If you’r worried about our people why dont you go to the rural area and serve for free,why dont you see those foreign doctors who goes to Ethiopia and serve for free.why dont you and the rest of the pigs try to orgnize Tekur Anbesa ,Menilik.Zewditu…those hospitals that need modern equipment and specialized doctor’s if you realy worried about Ethiopia,but rather you want to be one of those butcher’s and get your fair share from that poor people.Do you realy know the major deases in Ethiopia is HANGER becouse of miss gided policy and woyane’s hate for its own country and the people ,why dont you go and get a farm land which is given to our new colonizer’s and farm which can reduce hanger,do you know how many kids are falling in the class becouse their parent’s can not afford one meal a day ,you think these kids are hangery of your “referal Hospital ” ? Since you are not Ethiopian and think like Ethiopian ,let me tell you one saying “Ye abateh Bet sizeref abereh zeref” that is what your policy is.Buield it and you will get it.

    Anonymous replies:

    No substance in your rely, but let me get some entertainment out of this. Words to look up
    miss gided
    hanger (third time)

    Enough said. I implore you to get an education (start with English so you can read…)
    This is better comedy than late night, and FREE!

  40. Please get your fact together. As a young health professional, I am willing to go back and invest my time and education on my people. I care less about the current political regime, as long as I help my people. So are those doctors. We can’t stay away, or run away all the time. We need to use our educated people for the development of our country. So instead of encouraging and supporting those people, it is a disgrace that you accuse them of non-sense. People our problem is that we are so quick to judge and accuse rather than come together and support each other as one nation.

  41. Hey guys I am not a doctor but don’t take everthing negatively. Do you have any evidenence
    about those physican meeting?Do not confuse peopleby giving wrong information. I know those doctors they are not politician.

  42. To all the nay Sayers out there

    What have you done lately for the country you profess you love so much and are concerned about? Our Medical professional brothers are at least trying to build an institution that will eventually serve all Ethiopians regardless of political affiliation, ethnic background or any other superficial demarcation or who is currently in power.

    One might disagree with their idea but it is way out of line to assassinate their character and question their Ethiopianness.

    Focus on who ultimately benefits from the proposed project.

  43. Only thirty-something years ago, both health-care and education were absolutely free to the public. We now have all kind of vultures led by the millennium wolves about to suck on whatever remains of the people. There is no chance of success or triumph in Ethiopia for the true Ethiopians which leads to mass exodus to forein lands where cycle of slavery, abuse, mental illness, dead-end job/carrier, consumerism, poverty and the like awaits them. In Ethiopia, there is not even a fake master plan pushed by the fake government, so anybody with money and power comes in and do thier own thing. The result is not pretty. The Eritreans have sucking in mind as well as the the Ferengis, the Asians and now the doctors. How is it possible these elements succeed when the master plunderers are in power and are not known for allowing crumbs. Are they positioning themselves for the post Woeyane era? They are hardly for the people.

  44. Hater Elias,

    How low can you go?

    Anonymous replies:

    sami and the likes of you woyanes,
    To begin with, why did the woyane racist Ambassadors around the world only invited Tigrean and Eritrean doctors? Once again, woyanes barking at the wrong tree. So far, no one in the history of Ethiopia have ever committed the type of heinous crimes on Ethiopia and Ethiopians as Meles and the tplf have been committing on country and the people. It is not Elias that is armed to his teeth and ruling Ethiopia with iron fist and abusing his power in unimaginable hate and despise manner and taken away Ethiopians’ freedom of speech and press–It is not Elias that is robbing, giving away and selling Ethiopia and Ethiopian women and children to the highest bidders–it is not Elias that is committing heinous crimes on innocent Ethiopians–It is not Elias that has left Ethiopia landlocked–It is not Elias that is displacing Ethiopians and leaving Amharas, oromos and Gambelas in despair and killing them in the hundreds to give their land to foreign billionaires–It is not Elias that is throwing tens of thousands of law abiding citizens in jail with no valid reason or cause…
    Sami, God is watching you, try to do the right thing. Try to walk on those Ethiopians shoes who have been kicked out from their land only with the clothes on their backs. Try to walk on shoes of those Ethiopians who are locked up for years and tortured for no reason at all. If you are a Christian or Muslim, that believes in the Merciful God, try to treat others as you want to be treated. What is happening in Ethiopia at the present time, is pure hate and Evil against innocent people.

    sami replies:

    These Doctors Just want to do the right thing and built a hospital, I don’t understand why you Idiots always take everything interms of poltics. Whether we like it or not, the woyanes are in power at the moment, and I don’t understand why we should always jump to critisize people who try to do the right thing with or without the government in that country. If the hospital built, it is going to be there forever for the people, but the woyanes eventually will go away one day. So, talking negative about people who try to do a right thing in my opinion is very low.

    For the guy who commented on me, I know God is watching me and I’m sure he is proud of me that I do care about my country and the poor people, and I can tell He is happy about me, because I always wish good for my holly country.

  45. I don’t think the many of the “physicians” are well guided or have done well thought out good by attending “woyane” organized meeting. There are many capable “non physician” Ethiopian investors currently not investing in Ethiopia because of the existing abuse, tribalism and hostile Environment. In fact physician investors or for that matter other investors who don’t associate with “woyane” are shown the way to leave the country, which the “woyane-tigrians” believe they own (or own us) for blood they shed ousting Mengistu. I know some of the doctors are trying to pay the favor to “woyane “because they are either from their region or “political religion” or they had visa-facilitated when they fled the country for the green pasture. So maybe it is payback time.
    I know there are dedicated, selfless Ethiopian professionals who are toiling for public good with no payback at home and outside that deserve respect. I am sure this meeting was orgnized by “woyane-tigrian doctors” and their sympathizers for woyane public relation promotion and perhaps for some economic gains in sharing the spoils of “woyane”.
    It would be good to see the name list of the participants. Ethiopian public has the right to know who is who and what is being done in its name. Ethiopian review, I thank you for bringing this in to public attention.

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