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Ethiopian teacher who burned himself buried (VOA)

Yenesew GebreYenesew Gebre, the 29-year-old teacher in southern western Ethiopia who burned himself Friday after being subjected to unbearable abuse and injustice by the Meles regime, was buried this afternoon. Meles Zenawi’s security forces prevented his family members and friends from attending the burial ceremony, according to the VOA. Listen the full report below:

14 thoughts on “Ethiopian teacher who burned himself buried (VOA)

  1. To Dictator and Coward Melez Zenawi . We shall be the will of God take you and your family to the grave you are killing innocent children,men and women in ITYPA but you DAYS are Counted ..Your regime will fall that is SURE.


  2. It is how it started in Tunisia, Abused street vendor burn himswelf infront of gov office, the rest is History. That is what is going to happen in Ethiopia. Yenesew Gebre is our Hero, his death will torch this Woyane thugs to ashes. This is the begining of the end for these cruel criminals.The word of his Hounorable death should be spread and the action should follow as he died for us. May God bless his soul and his family. regards. BEKA BEKA BEKA.

  3. So is this it for Ethiopians? His died in vain and make the TPLF regime happy of the silence of Yenesew’s death? Where is BBC posting this, where is the Ethiopians writing about it or even in Addis the protest regarding Yenesew? How many people have to die to stop our indifference from acting? Why are we not sending this injustice and Yenesew’s death to West and they must act or at least they must stop sending killing arm machines to TPLF to oppress Ethiopia?

  4. Young memeher YENESEW GEBRE your sacrifies will bring the criminals starting from the crime minister down to the local cadre
    to justice may your respected soul get peace by the almighty

  5. Our reflection and follow-up action should seriously evaluate the act and the decision to take owns life as well as the factors that led to such a gruesome decision. As we know, teachers in Ethiopia, particularly in the regions are better off as compared to the ordinary citizens of the country. Where more than 90 per cent of the population subsists below the internationally defined line of poverty, teachers are indeed far better off in Ethiopia. Like elsewhere in the Middle East, poverty is not the only factor leading to chaos, disasters and individual or collective suicide. Rather it is the combination of poverty with the total lack of freedom (individual or societal), massive abuse of human rights and respect for life etc. are causes of hopelessness which is reigning in the country. In the case of Ethiopia, obviously, ethnic divisions and heightened tensions, superiority of one ethnic group over the others, alienation and ethnic-based discrimination (Ethno-Apartheid) and degrading treatment of citizens have also contributed to such horrible and nightmarish action on life. Now what is the implication of Mr. Yenesew Gebre’s action to the rest of us in the country or those who are outside? How should we organize ourselves and how better should we involve in civic action to change the regime in Ethiopia?

    Abdu Geletta, Fiché, Ethiopia

  6. I extend my sincerest sympathies to the family of Yenesew Gebre. He died trying to support the basic ideas of personal freedom and human decency. To me, he is a true hero because he was willing to pay the ultimate price for what he believed. The question remains, will the Ethiopian people do the same? Will the Diaspora do what they can to encourage a revolution of Universal/Human rights and democracy? The time is at hand and the world is watching. The silence of the Ethiopian people has been deafening…

  7. Yenesew Gebre is enemy number one of Meles and woyanes, dead or alive. His death is not in vain, because he died in the name of Ethiopia and all freedom and justice seeking Ethiopians. Therefore, Yenesew is a hero of all heroes for Ethiopians. One man’s enemy/terrorist is another man’s hero.

    Currently, people might sound deafeningly quite about it. That is not true. Yenesew’s death itself testifies otherwise. There is a lot going on. It is until all conditions meet for our revolt to begin. Let’s uphold the sacrifices of people like Yenesew and millions other Ethiopians and do what is expected of us.

    It is time to hate what Meles loves and love what Meles hates!!!

    Let the revoltion begin. We shall overcome.

  8. Yenesew (“My Man”)!!! My hero!! You are not dead. All you did was pass the torch of freedom to all oppressed, freedom and justice seeking Ethiopians.

    R.I.P. Yenesew. The rest of will not sleep until tyranny and Meles are wiped out of Ethiopia and your dreams are realized.

  9. Yeniesew,hero of heros, Ur sacrifice is like a match zat can burn a set of dirts&pollutants in a garbage.Even though z night is long z day will come.To Meles,whatever long ur day is,z night has come 2 U.Et'ns revolution is inevitable fact.MEKURIA,BDR. says:

    Eventhough z night is long,a bright day will come.To my eternal hero Yeniesew,Ur sacrifice has greater value zan a billion dollar.U r like a match zat can lit a bulky dirt or pollutant in a garbage-in light of U others will breath a healthy air.

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