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Several EPPF fighters disappeared, many feared dead

By Elias Kifle

The latest news that came out of Eritrea regarding Ethiopian resistance fighters sent shock waves through Ethiopian communities all over. The report, which is posted on Ethiomedia last night, says that 17 members of the Ethiopian People’s Patriotic Front (EPPF) have been executed following the organization’s general assembly in February 2010. The executions were carried out on the orders of Col. Fitusm Yitshak, Eritrean adviser to Ethiopian opposition groups in Eritrea, the report adds. The victims are:

1. Adane Mekuannent (former secretary general)
2. Alemu Melkamu
3. Desse Abera
4. Gashaw Babel
5. Melaku Abera
6. Alemseged Tekhest
7. Fekadu Endalew (Division Commander)
8. Shumet Sisay (Division Commander)
9. Asmare Zewde
10. Getnet Feseha
11. Tekle Gebru
12. Esubalew Hailu
13. Beshaw Dube
14. Yaregal Asmare
15. Mohamed Molla
16. Adem Getahun
17. Fentahun Alemshet (Force Commander)

I have met some of these individuals at the Feb. 2010 general assembly. One of them, Esubalew Hailu, was sitting in front of me. He was asking tough questions and taking the leadership to task on a number of issues. Adane Mekuannent, the former secretary general, is a highly respected fighter and an outspoken person. He was prevented from attending the general assembly. When we asked where he is, we were told that he is on a mission.

I have known and repeatedly asked explanation about the disappearance of most of the individuals in the list, on top of several others, including Shibabaw Abebe, who was a well known anti-Woyanne rebel leader in Wolkait before joining EPPF.

There were several incidents of mutiny following the disappearance of these EPPF fighters, most of whom are central committee members who were elected at the Feb. 2010 general assembly. Subsequently, the rank-and-file members started to desert in droves, and according to my sources inside EPPF, only about 70 fighters left now.

I’ve been trying to verify the authenticity of the Ethiomedia report from multiple source. What I have been able to confirm so far is that the individuals in the list have indeed disappeared without a trace, but not all of my sources could tell me that they have first hand information on whether they have been executed.

Due to the extreme gravity of the report, I urge the Government of Eritrea to launch an investigation without delay. Since many of the individuals in the list are members of the EPPF central committee, it will not take long for the GOE to find out what happened to them.

When I traveled to Eritrea last February, I, along with others who went with me, had called for the creation of an inquiry panel composed of 3 individuals from EPPF and 3 individuals from the Government of Eritrea (GOE) to investigate the alleged corruption inside EPPF and the disappearance of members. The request was shot down and we were accused by Col. Fitsum, through his puppets, of trying to cause friction between EPPF and the GOE.

Because of Ethiomedia’s strong anti-Shabia stand, I have heard some Ethiopians expressing doubt about the report. Ethiomedia’s editor Abraha Belai may have anti-Shabia bias, but as a professional journalist who takes his profession seriously, I don’t think he would post such an extremely shocking news without doing due diligence. The issue at hand is not the messenger of the news, but what happened to these 17 individuals and many others, including Col. Tadesse Muluneh, who have disappeared following the Feb. 2010 general assembly.

137 thoughts on “Several EPPF fighters disappeared, many feared dead

  1. It seems most of the people yapping and talking here, are just here with very little information to basically use this opportunity to curse,call all kind of name under the sun to the Good government of Eritrea and its people. Why don’t we break and see what the facts are, for facts speak for themselves. Today the people of Ethiopia are sufferings genocide is being committed in different parts of their country, they are fleeing their country by the thousands as recently the Kanayan government has said, they are becoming security concern, With a shame election where on any democratic country, Ethiopia seems to be the only one on earth who seem to win a 99.7 % which in another word is, this is a very dictator regime, that is not all but stealing the countries well, putting the country in to an immense foreign debt that 10 generation of future Ethiopians won’t even pay the amount of Debt this government has created. By many account this is the worst and cursed government The good Ethiopian people ever had, now with all this, an economy in the sham, food price rising, families being evicted from their land so foreign company can enjoy the good wealth of Ethiopia, while the people become dependent on foreign aid. They obviously can’t vote, as we said earlier votes are rigged and sham, as the oxford study put it, 92% of the people live under $1 a day, making Ethiopia among not just the poor but the poorest of the poor, with an absolute lack of education for the citizen, Government that absolutely that is busy in accumulating wealth to its self and the 10% that are associated with it. So what is the poor Ethiopians left to do? of course the answer is an over whalming, arm struggle, and the arm struggle must be a one that is well coordinated and well organized, and if we look at where this can be done from, Kenyan is not possible, Sudan is not going to help, Somalia is unthinkable so is Djibouti, that leaves Eritrea, And the good government of Eritrea has been willing to help, as it has always helped Ethiopians in times of their trouble, and for the past 10 years it has been there helping the different factions or groups residing in Eritrea, but the sad truth is, neither of them have been any good. Especially the group called EPPF has been among the worst, be in in organization skill, or administration, and this is the fact. now, to give you an example of the lack of good administration of this group or the lack of support for this group from all of you who talk and run your mouth from here, the group only managed to get less than 100 people in 10 years, it is an embracing number even to call i believe it is something like 70. To me, this group needs to close shop and go home, cause i don’t think it is any good, But the good government of Eritrea using its wit and experience, wants to give this group another chance, may be if some of the group member that are sabotaging this group, or some of the members that have been infiltrated by woyane, could be rid of, may be just may be this group might have a chance. So the Eritrean government looks like, took matter in to its own hand and did a reshuffle of the administration, and along the way, some might even have been killed, but again, if they are killed, so be it, it is for the good of the organization and with the hope and aspiration of the Ethiopian people dream of success in mind. In the field of battle, people could die from different things and some die by being eliminated when they are found to be working for the enemy. You can’t trust any one in this business you can only do, check and balance now and then. look no further than your own Ledetu, whom every one loved, but soon after every one learned, he was working for woyane every one wants to kill him, so even at administration level people can be bought and infiltrated and change group, so you have to always be vigilant, but you are in good hands, for the Eritrean government under the leadership of the greatest leader of all time in Africa President Issays Afewerki, he knows when a group need the correct adjustment, He takes a swift and quick decisions he wastes no time, and as such you have seen a decision was made to get rid of this people that were retarding this group. So you as observers, that you are since you don’t support with money, you obviously don’t have the balls of what it takes to be a real freedom fighter, can at least help this group with money or shut up. And as for some of you crying why the Eritrean Government is not responding to your question, i just have one question for you, Who do you think you are??? The Eritrean government will not answer to your questions, as u are seen un fit, and irresponsible who don’t shoulder your responsibilities, The Eritrean people and government had to carry the weight for this people, so if any only the Eritrean people could ask questions. When you people start helping this group then you can ask questions, other wise you just watch and see as the real men and woman bring you to the promise land. I will be very happy to answer any questions that you have in behalf of the Eritrean government as I have an intimate knowledge of how they operate. But my advice to you is, stop whining and grow some balls and come down to Eritrea and join your brothers in the field. And some of you have complained why, the Eritrean government was making the Ethiopian groups to work along side Eritrean soldiers in building home and bridges, well, unlike in Ethiopia where the solidiers sit all day and brush their teeth, in Eritrea every one learns skills and helps out in nation building, and if we are helping you to organize and get to the promise land, well until l you are ready to start your actual action on the ground, in Eritrea there is no tradition of sitting and brushing teeth while talking garbage it is a culture of hard work that is there, so you have to do what others are doing. plus don’t worry, your brothers are learning skill, which they will be able to use once they reach to promise land. I hope this answers some of your questions but should you still have things you don’t understand please leave a comment here i will read it and reply back to you. in the end I want to leave you with two comment, first and foremost unlike to what most of you think, I want you to know the Eritrean Government is commuted to help you people to get to the promise land. But remember the Eritrean people will not do the fight for you, this is your fight, and you must be willing to take the bullet, unfortunately if the past 10 years is any indication of how the EPPF has been going, it looks like most of the Ethiopian people wants the final result with out working for it, you guys seems to be expert in running your mouth, but nothing to show for when it comes to the actual work. You don’t even support this groups with money, that is how much you should be ashamed of your selves, and you have the audacity to call names to the one and only nation on earth that is trying to help you? honestly you are one ungrateful group of people, who does not shoulder your Owen responsibilities. it is time you wake up and smell the coffee, if you want to get to the promise land, you must pay for it even if it means with your life, that is how a struggle is won not by yapping online. Second The great leader of Eritrea time and time again has made this point clear, he is frustrated with the different groups in Eritrea, because you guys are so divided along ethnic lines, yet you claim to be one country online, in order to defeat your enemies such as woyane, the first order of business has to be, leave your ethnicity where it belongs, the trash, and then, believe in one and only ONE Ethiopia, unite all the groups under one umbrella, as President Issays has tried many times, he even came up with the idea of EDF i believe when the 7 groups united, but still have not amount to any thing because of the be-curing among the different ethnic groups, Guys you either have to unit and fight, or forget getting to the promise land, it is that simple, and in attempting to unite you because that is the only way you will win, some of your group leaders have been unwilling because, either they are working for woyane, or they are just simply stupid and all they care is being a leader and don’t want to relinquish their power, so Eritrean leadership said enough is enough and obviously made some adjustment, and you all should be thankful for this. the second thing I want to tell you is, this is a new year, and make a commitment either to come down to Eritrea and join this group, with all your mouth that you are running , if you use it correctly who knows you might even make a difference in altering the course of this groups history, or if you know you have no balls to be like a real man who can be on the field, then at least send them some money and support, if you can’t do either of this, truly, SHUT UP, they don’t need your useless comment nor the Eritrean government cares about what you think,and is not going to answer to any thing you say, cause you are not committed to the cause. We will continue to answer to the real fighters of 70 Ethiopian men and woman who continue to put their life in the line of danger, but the 7000000 internet worrier, the government of Eritrea is under no obligation to entertain any of your comments or questions. because honestly speaking if you are not man or woman enough to help then, you can write all your comment, or questions nicely type it, put it in an envelop address it to President Issays and then bend over and shove it up you know where, cause that is where your comment belongs for those of you who just talk and not help. This is real business, a business of struggle for ones life and you people seem to have lost sight of that cause you are living in the comfort of your home and all you do is come here on your break to just write or rather spit hate toward one nation that is helping you, shame on you.

  2. Assta.B. Gettu,

    tell me if you were there as the Oromos have killed the EPPF fighter, if you were there, how did you survive the killing ? Or you have run away to save yourself or you were there and cuptured the event on your video camera ? Also you have said that the Oromos are migrants. You don’t know that the all human beings are migrants on this earth. Please clean your mouth which is infected with disinfection.

  3. #100 -Eritrean Advice:
    Blah blah blahhhhhhh. What annoying comment. Typical Eritrean comment… no surprise there.

    Listen Sir/Ma’am, your type of continuous annoying comments are the reasons why people write the comments that you seem to detest. Your constant bragging, not living in the real world, hiding your own miseries, covering up the truth, and worshiping a known despot, latching on and spending 24/7 in Ethiopian sites/forums, and millions other reasons are what drives the comments you don’t like to come your way. And they will continue to come, as long as you are an annoying bunch of zombies.

    I am not one who subscribe to hate and spew empty bravado, however, sometimes, it is good to communicate with the type of language you seem to understand better. You people are alien to the Truth (no matter what the truth maybe), Civility, and above all, have no sense of Modesty, Humility (“yilugnta”); therefore, it is obvious and understandable that you get a dose of your own medicine from circles; especially, from “True Ethiopians” who feel you are loitering & trespassing in their domains. This is will probably serve as a prescription for you to wake up and smell the coffee(if you have any sense to speak of). In other words, hopefully this will benefit you by making you think deep inside yourselves and find who you truly are and help you cope and live peacefully with yourselves and also, co-exist with those who surround you.

  4. Assta B. Gettu,

    Actually rumors have it also that your faction within the EPPF movement tried to eliminate and dominate an opposing and competing faction but instead got eliminated in the process.

    You know that some people know you and you are on the loser side of the faction and now you are pointing fingers at imaginary external causes for the purpose of regrouping and trying your tricks once more. Keep on the game buddy. Old habits die hard! :)

  5. Poor Elias, what is wrong with you? I never thought that you can soo low, as you did now. One thing is for sure that Ethiomedia is undercover of weyane, and you start telling us that abraha Belay is a prof jornalist. Some thing smells fishy. Folkens keep your eyes open!!!

  6. To Mr.Eritrean Advice #100

    What a usless blabber you are? Look how you littered this forum with your long filth blabbing just to say only one thing: The “…Eritrian government kills EPPF fighters for maknig the opposition strong”. Woyane kills them, and you guys kill them. So how are they going to be strong?

    The stupidest thing among you Shabia guys here is that you think you can always cheat your way out. We Ethiopians are polite,trusting and respectful people in our culture, but you guys always interpret this wrongly, thinking that you can always cheat us. No man! we can tell who is who very eaisly.

    One thing is true here though: EPPF fighters were wrong to trust you guys and come to your BANDA land. You are the most despicable and despised traitors who should never be trusted again!

  7. Roman Tesfaye #105,

    You are absolutely telling the truth the faction that eliminated the Ethiopian Freedom Fighters is the New Oromo Movement supported by the Eritrean government. This New Oromo Movement is a movement of a bunch of Oromo traitors. I am so elated the Kenyan government has completely got rid off this Oromo disease from its territory, and it will not be too long for the Eritrean people to take the same steps the Kenyans have taken against these Oromo criminals who slaughtered their own people in the hundreds in the name of fake Oromo liberation. They stole so many Kenyan cows, and now the want to steal the jewel of Ethiopia – Oromia – from the gold-rich country, Ethiopia. Yesterday, your name was OLF, and, today, your name is the New Oromo Movement; tomorrow you will come with another name to deceive the Ethiopian people, covering your true color with a color that appeals to the onlookers; however, the Ethiopian people are very smart they know which color is artificial and which one is genuine. I am telling you the reality you cannot annex Oromia with Eritrea because of long distance between Eritrea and Oromia. You are free to dream about getting Oromia, but you will never get it, and you will die dreaming and hallucinating, and nobody will remember that you have been on this earth once upon a time.

  8. It seems that the GOE has concluded that this organization (EPPF) is ineffective and does not have any future. In such case you do not take the pain to sheltter an organization forever with out any sign of success.Mind you, you are giving sheltter to an armed group in your soil and it has its precaursions(right or wrong is a topic for debate/analysis).
    But ladies and gentlemen, do not despair. The ups and downs, creation and elimination of groups is part of the struggle. We have seen newcomers and devolution of many parties already. But the strugle, the momentum does not stop. In any struggle, there alwys have been many groups, and at the end of the day, one strong group or an amagamation of several groups takes the lead and succeds. The EPLF, TPLF, ONLF are lving example of this.
    So long.

  9. Don’t you have a little shame to talk about Ethiopian refugees being security risks? are your 90,000 refugees (just in Ethiopia) peace keepers or what… where are you trying to go with such claim? I think you are a fool or some kind of devil to even start such discussion when you know there is no country like eritrea where almost half of its population live as refugees due to people like you.
    please use your brain, you are too disgusting.

  10. Eritrean Advice #100,

    This is not an Eritrean advice; it is rather an Eritrean device written by a member of the New Oromo Movement under the barrel of a gun to convince some of the Ethiopian people the reason why the New Oromo Movement slaughtered indiscriminately the Amhara fighters who refused to give up their fundamental goal to liberate Ethiopia, not just Oromia.

    How deceptive and gimmick the advice or device is when one gingerly examines the vivid lies committed by this New Oromo Movement commentator when he flagrantly says that Ethiopians are fleeing their country by the thousands; it may be true, but the undeniable fact is that the Eritreans are leaving their country by a million because of the famine and the lack of freedom the Eritrean people are facing from day one Isaiah Afeworki took office without the will of the Eritrean people who are now powerless to bring him down and give the presidency to a democratically elected Eritrean.

    Whether it is sham or democratic, it is better to have an election and give people the chance to vote whom they want to vote; however, has dictator Isaiah Afeworki ever tried to form an opposition party that has the right to run the country with a good leadership better than the leadership of Isaiah Afeworki? Good or bad, Meles has tried it, but Isaiah Afewerki has completely failed even to try it because he wants to stay in power forever and ever.

    The Ethiopian people, as the commentator said, may live under one dollar a day, but the people of Eritrea live under no Eritrean Nakfa, and that is why the Eritrea of Isaiah Afeworki graduates not more than fifty or one hundred students a year while Ethiopia graduates over thousands and upon thousands of students every year in different fields; therefore, educationally, economically, politically, and spiritually, Ethiopia is superior to the poorest nation of Eritrea, and because of its bad government, Eritrea is in a terrorist list while Ethiopia has never been in that degrading black list. It is true when a country cannot afford to feed its own people, its people will become terrorists to survive like what the Somalis are doing now, capturing foreign vessels and robbing foreigners.

    The commentator, oblivious to the facts that Isaiah Afeworki has slaughtered the daughters and the sons of Ethiopia and is now ready to attack Ethiopia, using the New Oromo mercenary armies, praises this murder dictator, Isaiah Afeworki, as a good person who has helped Ethiopia in bad times. Yes, the bad times for Ethiopia had been when Isaiah took the two ports from Ethiopia and left Ethiopia a land-locked country. Has he ever allowed Ethiopia to use one of the ports if indeed he has been a good person for Ethiopia?

    The Elias Kifle visit to the Ethiopian Freedom Fighters is a sound testimony that the Ethiopian Freedom Fighters were a well organized and a viable movement led by very skillful men, good administrators, educated people, and army veterans, capable of defeating the Woyanne government and liberating Ethiopia within a few years. When the coward Oromos, knowing they cannot liberate Oromia without joining the Ethiopian Freedom Fighters, joined the Ethiopian Freedom Fighters, the Ethiopian Freedom Fighters were betrayed by the Oromo movement that has become the agent of the Eritrean government by conspiring to kill the Ethiopian Freedom fighters, mostly the well-known Amhara heroes in that movement.

    What makes the writer of this superficial comment inhuman is when he says: “…if they (the Ethiopian Freedom Fighters, mainly the Amharas) are killed, so be it, it is for the good of the organization….” As I have said before, the main purpose of the New Oromo Movement is to kill all the Amharas wherever they are, whether they are in Asmara, Sudan, Somalia, America, Germany, England, Italy, or in Ethiopia. Members of this New Oromo Movement know very well the Amharas do not want the secession of Oromia from Ethiopia, and for this reason they fell into the hands of the criminal Oromos, servants of Dictator Isaias Afeworki. These Ethiopian Freedom Fighters were faithful to the Ethiopian people that they would never allow Oromia to leave Ethiopia, so for such love of their country, they were murdered by the unfaithful members of the New Oromo Movement, enemy of the Ethiopian people, especially the Oromos.

    The author of the article (comment) is not telling the truth when he attests that Isaiah Afewerki is “the greatest leader of all time in Africa…” Is he flattering him or praising him? The reason why the author of the comment praises Isaiah is that Isaiah, without wasting any time “gets rid of this people.” If someone asks which people, the obvious answer is the Amhara people who had been running the Ethiopian Freedom Fighters effectively and professionally.

    According to the author of the comment, members of the New Oromo Movement are now learning skills by working together with the Eritrean army by building bridges and homes for the Eritrean people. This means you are laborers for the foreign government, and you have been doing nothing to liberate Oromia except to work for your daily bread. You criticize the Woyanne army sits all day and knows nothing except brushing his teeth; unfortunately, you don’t even have a toothbrush because Isaiah Afeworki cannot afford to buy for you, a useless Oromo, a toothbrush; you work all day, and still you cannot buy a toothbrush for your yellow teeth.

    The promise land the author of the comment is talking about is Oromia, and he boasts that no one will get the promise land without the help of the good leader, Isaiah Afeworki: Kenya cannot get you the promise land; Sudan cannot get you the promise land, Somalia cannot get you the promise land, and Djibouti cannot get you the promise land. It is only Eritrea that gets you the promise land. Wow what a great country Eritrea is, a country that would take all the Oromos in the diaspora to the promise land, Oromia, the Jerusalem of Ethiopia! It sounds right, but it is not!

  11. Assta.B.Gettu,

    Crying is your fate our friend, we cannot help you. Continue till you will pass away. OROMIA cannot stand and waste time for your crying. It is marching forwards. If there is possibility with others Ethiopians except you, if no poss., INDEPENDENCE OROMIA is inevitable.

  12. The shaggy and disarrayed bandas which call itself eppf is declaring war from the northern corner of Gonder to over throw THE DEMOCRATIC FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIAN PEOPLES and to destroy the STATE OF ERITREA. Never, never and never .

  13. Bilis #98,

    That bright, wise, and great leader, Menelik II, my great grandfather and your master, never cut off Oromo men’s hands and Oromo women’s breasts; he simply brought them to the Ethiopian civilized Christian community, using sticks. That is all! Even now, if you want to run away from Ethiopia, as some slaves always do, we will never use our guns to bring you back; we simply use our sticks to teach you an unforgettable lesson. Or if you just leave Oromia and go back to Madagascar where your ancestors came from, you can do so, and we will never peruse you. On the other hand, if you continue giving us more problems as you are living in Oromia, one of our provinces, we have no other choice but to remove you from our land and settle you somewhere in our vast deserts or jangles.

  14. lehman #113,

    Yes, when some murderers from Oromia kill my Ethiopian Freedom Fighters under the cover of darkness, I will cry for the dead heroes, the Amhara boys and the Amhara girls.

    We know you cannot march forward without the help of the Amhara people, and you do not know that you are trapped in Eritrea, and you will never leave Asmara. You are digging your own grave in Eritrea; you will die there, and you will never see Oromia again. Your slave mentality has forced you to be the slave of Isaiah Afeworki, and he will use you to fetch water, to collect dry sticks, to clean his house, to iron his pants, shirts, and to shine his shoes. You are good in doing such simple things, but you are diffident to lead an army and fight the Amharas whom you assume are your enemies, and that is why you betrayed them when they trusted you and shared their war strategies with you; no Amhara man and Amhara girl will ever trust you anymore because you have deceived the Ethiopian Freedom Fighters and murdered them to please your second master, Isaiah Afeworki. The Eritrean girls are laughing on your accent; the Eritrean boys are ridiculing you on the street of Asmara because you don’t speak their language; the Eritrean taxi drivers are calling you “a foreign agent” because they don’t trust you; I don’t either.

    Shame on you for murdering your comrades, the Ethiopian Freedom Fighters; cursed are the Oromo mothers who gave birth to the members of the New Oromo Movement. May the Almighty God close their wombs, never to give birth again for any Oromo child who would later or sooner become member of such selfish traitors from the Oromo tribe!

  15. Selam Fithawi,
    I am sure you have heard of the Tigrigna proverb “ክቡር የኽብረካ መጠነ ክብረቱ ሕሱር የሕስረካ መጠነ ሕስረቱ” I strictly believe the right of an individual to express his/her view in respectful manner, although something as human as we are , we tents to lose our coolness. Yet, I have no right to strip any one’s identity. Just so to make it clear, name calling is being done by both sides.
    Now back to our discussion, one thing you have to understand is that, no one, be it governments or individuals are free of any misconduct. Yet, no one is above the law; therefore, if PFDJ committed crime, they will be accountable for it yet, “Innocent until proven guilty”

    Just for the record, they lived in Mayhabar but it did not happened. I would be lying if I tell you I did not know about it, but there is no prove that the government ordered the incident to happen.

    You seem to think that Meles follows the rule of law. So does the rule of law permit Meles to kill so many innocent people in Ogadea, Gombial, Oromia, even in Tigray? How about the slaughter of over 190, in a broad daylight, for exercising their right? Is there a law that saying people should be killed for demonstrating? What about the assassination of TPLF fighters, like Major Daniel Beyene, Asbeha Dagnew(Shewit), Hogos Haile-Selasie, Ngsti Zewde and the father of TPLF Mehari Tecle (Musie), … the number is huge. According to the TPLF insider, Gebremedhin Araya, there are over 5000 (five thousand) TPLF fighters summarily executed by Meles Group during the liberation movement.
    My Dear, fithawi, the one thing Meles good at, especially after he took over the power in Addis, is while he is executing so many innocent people daily, he pardons the high profiling people , of course after he got what he want, for diplomatic reason. That is because he wants to look good in the outside world. There is saying in Tigrigna, “ከብዲኻ ሐምሊ ምልአዮ ዝባንካ ወዶቦ ይርአዮ::”

  16. Assta B. Gettu ####
    I should sympathize with you as you are mentally disturbed and I honestly believe you should see your GP without dealy. The issue of Oromia as a free republic or as a in federal republic of Ethiopia is not negotiable in 2011. Even the sell-out OPDO is pushing for that option. Thus, out-dated crackpots people like you are unable to stop the movement of Oromo mass. Your stereotype and vitriolic diatribe about a large population of Oromo will only show your shallowness on the subject. You could argue against the agenda and deeds of certain Oromo political groups, but insulting Oromo mass indiscriminately reflects your disturbed emotional status. Whatever you do the table is turned around; Ethiopia will never be as before, be it under TPLF or others. The only rational solution for that country is to implement a rule of law and respect international human rights in toto; fair and free elections and referendum on the fate of Oromia (just as happens today in Southern Sudan). That type of solution is surely not pleasant for your likes who live in the past. Get life and get out of 19th century mentality.

  17. When I attempted to give you guys a chance to understand the reality on the ground, it was with the hope that may be I would be able to shade some light for you people, as well as to give you an opportunity to discuses issues relevant to your future survival as one united people. But unfortunately, all I saw from you people is really sad, the same old, hate filled garbage. You totally missed the boat, it was almost as if I wrote it, to donkey with an internet access. May 23,1993 couldn’t have been any blessed day, for the year, The Eritrean people truly got their break from this tradition I see, you guys are really sad, when are you going to get it, the only way, you can succeed is, when you unite, and work together. Some of the group, which I believe are from the Amhara group, or are woyanes pretending to be Amhara, have used this opportunity to hate on the good people from the state of Oromia. You see, one even said, the group who killed the EPPF admin are the new Oromia group, though this same person does not give any shred of evidence as to when and where he gets this bizarre information, there is truly no reason for any one to make such an accusation, unless the plan is to create more wedge between the good people of the state of Oromia and the amhara people. As An Eritrean let me tell you, you guys really need to knock it off, and need to start working together, and let me tell you some truth along the way. Amharoch, take it easy okay, you really need to take it easy, the time of your continual abuse on the oromo people is way over, now it is time of equality, the more you guys talk garbage and stupid things about the good people of the state of Oromia, the more you tell the world, how low life you actually are. As an Eritrean, Honestly, let me tell you something, if you guys don’t knock it off and make some sense, let me tell you the other option, ERitrean government can make peace with Woyane and go its Mary way, and let me tell you, your chance of any freedom will be, postponed indefinitely, so you better shape up or shut up. Just know who needs who, you are the one begging us not the other way around, you are the one in ERitrea soil asking for help, not the other way around, so if any one is talking of empty bravado it is you guys, as always, you don’t help your fighters, nor do you have any balls, but you are first to accuse and rant and rave about every thing under the sun. Again my appeal is for you all who complain and cry about this minor changes that were made to EPPF, yes i said so be it for the 17 who died, more will be killed if it is deemed necessary, cause the business of freedom fighting, includes killing and dying, that is the price you pay. but of course most of you, the concept of giving your dear life for a cause is a foreign language that, you can’t understand. All you understand is, to say zeraf zeraf in a dancing hall. so i can see you don’t even have the stomach to accept some have to be killed in order for the organization to thrive and succeed, how on earth could an organization succeed with total whiz for a man like you guys?? Any wayz facts speaks for it self, you can complain cray, jump or talk as usual, we are used to your mouth, and we are used to you pissing on your pants on the first sound of the bullet, so, we will continue to help those who come to us with some balls and the rest of you, who truly care to see this group or any other armed group that is working day and night to get to the promise land, please do donate some money and help your brothers, please change and break this chronic tradition of not helping your own country men, Learn from what the ERitreans did to Liberate their Country. And no body tells you, can’t do it, if a country of less than 4 million at that time, could decimate and destroy a country of 80 million people, of course any thing is possible er, and growing some balls. Just remember, Our struggle at least on that front is over, yours has not even taken its first step yet, why cause you all can’t seem to get over this stupid divisive ethinic line, just for the sake of unity, what would it take if a group of 70 Amhara EPPF, were to unite with a strong group of 75 thousand Oromo freedom fighters, i say let them unite and work under one umbrella and any one who oppose this and any unity of Ethiopia must be sacrificed, because they are anti-Ethiopian unity and for the sake of the Union, decisive actions must be taken. So be understanding of what is at stake, United Ethiopia is at stake, and it can only come when all the groups unite and join the already strong groups that are on the ground, it is the only way forward from here on, if not you will only continue to make life of this brutal regime of woyane for ever and ever, Woayne only lives because you are afraid, and because you are disfranchised, be united, grow some balls, and you will see, woyane will be, gone just as Derg was gone.

  18. To Mused one # 91,

    You said ” … Shaibia can support you moraly and provide you with shellter but not fight for you”.

    No one expects Shabia to fight for Ethiopians. Ethiopians are outraged on you, Shabians, beacuse you killed EPPF fighters after they trusted you and came to your banada land. They were stuipd to trust you in the first place.

    Also you complained that their number reamined small (about 70). How do you expect their number to increase while your Shabia kills them day-in day-out? Are you some kind of stupid-dumb? You guys are the most despicable traitors on Earth who should never be trusted by anyone!

  19. Come on you desperate Wayane master cheaters. Stop posing as Amharas and insulting Oromos as well as posing as Oromos and insulting Amharas as your divide and rule strategy of warfare and colonization of both groups. Be like a human and face reality and truth and fight for yourself face-to-face like a true patriot, whether you win or lose.

    And you unnecessary emotional Oromos and Amharas, stop falling in to the long patterned and patented Wayane survival divide and rule kit traps. Grow up!

  20. Assta.B.Gettu #116,

    we Oromos are not in need of your bustard Neftegnas. They are in need of us and that is why they don’t want to leave Oromia and go back to their home land Gojam and Gonder. The Neftegnas are the cursed mercenaries of ancient Abyssinia who have been sent to OROMO LAND to kill, loot and rape. You are one of them who are droping the corcodile-tears .


  21. These are allegations, lets not forget that. The reporting seems to claim them as fact, without any real effort at evidence. Such reporting is irresponsible, very irresponsible.

    We must always be critical not only of news from those we do not like but also from those whom we do not know. Do we know those who are making the allegations.

    Let us keep our eyes on the ball (our collective interest) and demand high integrity in our information.

  22. Assta B. Gettu],

    I wish you retire from this forum, as you are doing much harm to many Ethiopians. I read your comments and I found much of it neither stimulating nor educational. You are a religious zealot that most often mi-represent the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ’s Gospel is the Gospel of Love and hope for the sinful world. You preach hate! I don’t believe the mere knowledge of Divine truth or mental assent to it alone is sufficient promise that will assure one to make it to heaven. For the Word says speaking of what God has done,

    2 COR.3:6.

    Again The LORD said, in the Gospel of Mathew,

    Friend, the LORD would have us to humble ourselves and be witness to the world by our life not so much by words.

    But most of all why are you mis directing your energy in this issue blaming the Oromo’s for what I.A is doing to the Amharas and Oromos?
    My advice to you is take time from this forum and think through why in the first place you believed Ethiopia’s arch enemy I.A will be trusted friend. Even now after the facts are out you have hard time admitting it. What is more, instead of putting the blame squarely where it belongs at,I.A and his repressive machine Shabian security network, you are confusing issues by blaming the Oromos who are held under similar condition in Hamasen.

    Look, I.A neither has the power nor will to unset The Eritrean agent in Ethiopia. He is not (either through cooperation or alone) in a position to remove Melese nor does he desire to do so as you assert. The truth is there is no difference between the two leaders they are the “two faces of the same coin”. I.A and his party demonstrated just this when he executed members of EPPF.
    Judging by its effect, what Shabian leaders have done is something monstrously evil anywhere unheard before. Here is ,I think,what happened, more than any thing else both Shabia and weyane fear the unity of Ethiopians. After 2005 election when Ethiopians begin to explore the possibility of armed struggle, both parties closely working together ,it appears,set out to control the life of such a movement. At this very time both fronts expecting such prospect is in the making, I.A through his Shabian agents began to allure Ethiopians(EPPF,OLF) to go to Hamasen.Hence, the Sabian/Weyane evil design with an intent to control and destroy the life of both movements is effected.

    Friend, which ever way you look at it the facts are clearly before you. You need not be deluded by the respondents of Shabian agents in this site in to buying their explanation. These are blind supporters and agents of Shabia.They deny such things take place in Hamasen against EPPF members; they accuse Elias for reporting a fabricated story. YET THEY CAN’T PRESENT PHYSICAL EVIDENCE AS TO THE WHERE ABOUTS OF EPPF MEMBERS.
    Regardless of what you think about the Oromo in Hamasen, I submit to you the New Oromo party exists only in name. You must understand they like EPPF under gone great upheaval and what ever they announce in Hamasen are doing it under Shabian threat.

  23. Assta,

    The problem with you is that you generalize on any one and you are biased where Amara is concerned. Do you think Ethiopia is Amara only? That is the problem of some Amaras who are still in denial and not see the other side, as a result you guys perpetuate the plight of Ethiopia. Now because like any other ethnic group that you seem to resent such as Oromos, you need to look yourself in the mirror first in your denial. That being said, it is true for what ever the reason Amaras seem to care in the sovereignty of Ethiopia because the history especially the relentless fight with outsiders. You must also know that Amaras did not free Ethiopia by itself. In fact most who died under Italians are Oromos. You seem to forget that. How many Oromo heroes have been named in Ethiopia? It is rare. Balcha Aba Nefso’s name is hardly mentioned. So you better come to realizing that there has been a problem for ethnic groups by past and present leaders. The so called Weyane’s movement was for the same reason from inequality, guess what, they are doing the same thing that they resent Hailie Selassie or Mengistu did. The reason, leaders use our diversity (which is beautiful) acutlaly, to divide us so that only by dividing us and support one group over the other are they able to rule and exploit.

    That being said, you may have truth in the Oromo movement that is especially influenced by Shaebia. Obviously, Egypt may have promised them something that Shaebia and the extreme Oromo groups finally realized EPPF groups that are fighting for Ethiopia where as Oromo liberation movement is fighting for its own ethnic groups. Shaebia knows that what kept Ethiopia’s sovereignty during Italian war is the one of the strongest unification of Ethiopia, and that is Oromo and Amara. Weyane and Shaebia’s night mare is the unification of Oromo and Amara that will obliterate Weyane and Shaebia. It is high time to seek this unification in Ethiopia and diaspora to make once again a strong Ethiopia. Both extreme Amaras and Oromos stop living in the dream this extreme dangerous world and unite and bring peace in the horn of Africa. Only those ethnic groups I believe are the ones that can stabilize Ethiopia and horn of Africa. Shabiea, Weyane and OLF are there to cause chaos in the horn of Africa. Even if they eliminate Amaras, they will never live in peace. What should be done actually is that to benefit from all, unite Eritrea with Ethiopia, federalize the states so that each will govern their own states at the same time with proper law benefit from eachother in governing, resources, etc.. However, the Shabia, Weyane and OLF are the enemies of their own people working with outsiders such as Egypt for their own hateful selfish reason, nothing to do with their fellow people. They proved it didn’t it? Shaebia and Weyane said they needed indpendence to take care of their people. Really, why are mass Eritreans today fleeing the country and starved? Why are Tigrayans living in fear against other Ethiopians? Now, Shaebia, Weyane and Egypt are advicing OLF exactly that.

  24. Oromticha #118,

    There is a rule of law that has been governing the Oromos, and if any Oromo breaks that rule of law, he will be broken into pieces. He has no choice but to obey the law and do what the law of the land says. The only choice you may have is to break the law and run away to Eritrea and join the Oromo traitors there until you end up in the Eritrea Jail.

  25. Eritrean Advice (device) #119,

    Learn the art of paragraphing your messy comment; then you can talk to me or write to me.

    You carelessly wrote: “Any way facts speaks [speak] for it self [themselves]….”

    You are right facts speak for themselves that you have murdered the innocent Ethiopian Freedom Fighters and buried them in a mass grave, and now you are shamelessly begging me to donate for your atrocities, and with this donated money you want to murder more Amharas.

    In fact, you did not burry those 17 Ethiopian heroes; you simply ate their bodies and drank their precious blood, assuming any person who eats the flesh and drinks the blood of an Amhara person will become wise and smart like the other intelligent Amharas. Have you become wise? Have you become intelligent? Or you are just the same Oromo as you were few year ago.

    Believe me, I am not going to send you a penny; I would rather send my money to the right cause – the destruction of the New Oromo Movement and its annihilation from this planet and beyond.

    First of all, you are not an Eritrean; you are an idiot Oromo, working 24 hours with the Eritrean soldiers for a one-day meal; otherwise, you cannot survive unless you work harder; if not, you will be shot to death.

    You threatened the Amhara people by saying: “…more will be killed if it is deemed necessary….” to liberate Oromia. You have already started killing them in a foreign country, but you cannot touch them in their country – Oromia or in all other Ethiopian regions. You coward and sissy animal, murderer of his own comrade! You think by killing the Amharas you will suddenly get Oromia; do you really have brains that comprehends properly?

    How are you going to liberate Oromia while you are living or residing in a foreign country? Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, and Djibouti will never allow you in their territories to conduct your clandestine activity to throw the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia.

    I clearly understand your war strategy; yes, Eritreans got their independence by fighting, first, in the Eritrean jangles and then in the countryside of Eritrea. Meles Seitanawi (Zenawi) fought in the Wolkait-Tegedie desert. And of course, at that particular time, the Ethiopian people hated the Derg; therefore, they welcomed Meles with their open hands without any resistance whatsoever.

    In the same way, you think, since most Ethiopians hate Meles as much as they hated the Derg, they will accept you with their open hands and bright faces. You are indeed the most pitiful Oromo creature. Remember, fool, your New Oromo Movement represents only Oromia; it does not represent the rest of the Ethiopian regions; therefore, instead of accepting you with their open hands, the rest of the Ethiopian people, including the Oromos in Oromia, not those Oromos in Eritrea, will accept you not with swords, knives, daggers, hatchets but with modern submachine guns, carbines, explosives, and semi-automatic hand guns. They will never give you a chance to go back to your training camp in Eritrea alive, and that will be the end of your New Oromo Movement. Don’t imitate Isaiah’s or Meles’ war strategy; neither of the two’s will work for you in order to liberate Oromia: create your own war strategy, but the problem is you have no idea what a war strategy is, and those who know the art of war you have murdered them. The Eritrean soldiers are not going to teach the tactics of war because you cannot understand their language. You are a lost and forgotten donkey of poor Oromia!

  26. lehman #122,

    Oromia belongs to the Amhara people of Gojam, Shewa, Gondar, Wollo, Gurage, and the other tribes of Ethiopia, because these people brought Oromia into existence, shaped it, and made it inhabitable. If you are tired of living with the Oromo-Amharas, you have the right to go either to Congo, Nigeria, or to Senegal. I’m sure you will be welcomed there.

  27. Threaty #125,

    Ethiopia does not belong to you alone; it belongs to all of us, good people or bad people, smart or dull, spiritual or worldly.

    Mr. Hypocrite, why don’t you give us comments that inspire us, educate us, enlighten us, and finally unit us?

    Don’t mix up the word of God with the dirty OLF politics, and I am not talking here about Scriptures; I’m talking about the New Oromo Movement that has sabotaged the Ethiopian Freedom Fighters, and for this reason I am blaming this New Movement, not the Oromo people at home in Ethiopia. I really don’t need your sinister advice, because I know the aim of the New Oromo Movement: it is to kill the Amharas wherever they are. If you can’t comprehend the substance of my comment, stop misusing the Holy Scriptures for your own hidden agenda.

  28. true #126,

    Not at all! Ethiopia is for all Ethiopian tribes, and all Ethiopian tribes are Amharas; yes, some heroes from every Ethiopian tribe fought Italy under the leadership of the Amharas and were able to defeat Italy and many other Ethiopia’s enemies.

    I am glad you have understood my comments about the New Oromo Movement that I detest and never approve to be a movement which represents only Oromia as the New Movement’s name suggests. Why don’t they simply say: “A United Ethiopian Movement” instead of the “New Oromo Movement”?

  29. Dear mr. Elias,
    please stand correct on your previous posting regarding TPDM fighters toiloring w/out pay. as a veteran ykaalo/tegadaly, this seems degrading to the heroic daughters/sons of sahel (encluding other ethiopian forces) who passed succefully thru that bitter route and finally awarded the ethio/eritean people freedom from the dictatorship of col.mengstu rein of terrror. the point i’m trying to make across is a true revolutionary must undergo to endure hardship and sustain him/herself by any means possible unless ofcourse you have spoilers on your side, the way currently the aparthaid wayane is enjoining . if that means hunting for the flesh snakes, so be it which by the way i tasted it myself and i tell u man, it sure tastes so delicius though when hunger strikes any thing is tasteful. this is what it means SELF-RELIANCE at its best! otherwise, any one who doesn’t have the gut to man up the heat, time to pack up and run to the kutfo/adis city or better yet, far away to the humbergur cities of the west! it should be noted that the GOE has first an obligation taking of its citizens specially the most needy not for some inefective organization who are allegedly mean to struggle for the ethiopian freedom which is good cause. the goe is already carrying the heavy burden of deafending the nation againist all maltiple concipracies wishing to make it a failed state by dividing into endless subes; a greedy play ground of woyane puppet’s warlord of tribalism, regionalism, religious zealots e.t.c, add any backwards souls that looks like the divisionist wayane. the saying ‘same feather flocks togher’ exactly fits here! welcome to a typical another africa’s sad stories! what a fools’ fantazy entertaining such a resycling venom in eritrea! blessed yr w/ur loved ones bro!
    unity & peace everywhere!

  30. i hope that the following comment by a certain woyane cadre’s catching pharse doesn’t hold truth. “amharas are only good at making empty and noisy cheferas. all they know are eating row meats and washing it down w/2 many rouns of beers and ofcours- surrounding w/hoties qonjos on the side”. the dedebit veteran continues “you know, we are expert which buttom to press and to avoid. for instance, expreince thought us that if we press the eritrean issue it immediately won us thier support no matter the consquence.” the sahel trained cadre added w/out any shame “and behold! we wouln’t hesitate to use it iether as a last resolt to relieve our mounting pressure. all we need is securing first a green light from the international police”. he proudly concluded “remember, zeysnka hsa kortmelu/tgray has nothing to loose, after all!” frankly speaking, as time marches on, this outrogious joke is unfortunately making more sense

  31. Tsegaye @83 you are a joke if you are so scared of Amharas what are you doing with an Amhara name? if i were you i will go and change it right now. don’t make me laugh, there was no pure Amhara in power for so long, Amhara’s are not narrow minded, they marry and mix with all the other brother nationalities in the country, as a result you won’t even find many pure Amharas these days, just because people fight for Ethiopia and do not label themselves with a tribe name doesn’t mean they want power at any cost, it means they are liberal, not narrow minded and people who can see beyond tribalism.. and I am confident that there are many Tigrieans, Oromo’s Sidama’s Somali’s…Afari’s the list goes on.. who share the same thought.. just because some power mongers..came up with tegentay dirijit in their name it doesn’t mean they don’t need Unity for Ethiopia. Ethiopia will never Disintegrate..DEAL WITH IT or GO DIE TRYING

  32. TO Assta B. Gettu ,

    AYE assta b. Gettu, betam tasaziyalesh kemir, Becuase most Amharas and Oromo’s here may not know you, but after reading your comments very carefully, I realized who you are. Mukerash tiru new gin, hisan endohensh it is very clear. You are one stinking, kemalam, AGAME, that is what you are, you low life agame. So listen, you pretend and act here to be amhara to create a division between the good people of the state of Oromia and Amharas, it is not going to work, thanks for the great Eritreans in the forum, we can smell and pick you dirty agames from a mile long. SO my friend, hijna bunashn ke zerefeshiew ye woyane buna gotera abersh techi, this is for real Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopians ( AKA ERITREANS) where we come and exchange ideas on how to best fry you cockroaches of a human being. I could have explained many things for you, but, I have a rule that i don’t waste much time for agames, as they are the lower form of humans, so your attempt trying to degrade oromo’s in the name of this new organizations is not going to work, go and degrade your agame friends ARRENA party okay. So in short, because we know who you are and your futile attempt of trying to create hatred between amhara and oromo, cause you know your days are numbered the day they unit, and I promise you, the Great leadership of Eritrea is Uniting all the fronts, and that is why some of the changes were made, to eradicate Agames from the face of the earth, you scum worms. Soon you will go back to your natural destined profession of house maids. So Mrs. Assta B. Gettu , i call you she because for the coward little punanny that you are, any way, instead of wasting time trying to divide and spit your hate here,please go use your time to clean your self and remove the kemals from your lice infested head. For the rest of true and good amhara and oromo people, don’t you worry my brothers, victory is near, just keep the fight, help your brothers, We the Eritreans are along your side 100%, for we only want your success, your unity, and the complete and absolute destruction of the woyane, for it has created so much misery on your lives. I appeal to all of you, in order to achieve success in the shortest possible time, your united help and support is needed. Don’t be disappointed by some of the woyane cadres such as this little girl Wzerit Assta B. Gettu , and the likes who talk nothing but hate, in order to keep abusing you and dividing you. Support your fighters if you can by coming down to the precious land of Eritrea if not send some money, the sooner you do this, the sooner, you all will get to the promise land. just know the time is very very near, woyane and its cadres are standing on one leg for that a broken one.

  33. Aritrean Advice (device),

    Those who could have taught you the difference between a masculine gender and a feminine gender you killed them out of your jealousy for their superiorities in every field, and when you know you cannot express yourself in an English language, you tried to mingle the Amharic words with an English pronunciation.

    You have belittled the Agamie tribe, even though I’m not from that distinguished tribe, they are proud Ethiopians and they will answer you appropriately whenever they read your childish and emotional comment.

    You called me “Mrs. Assta B. Gettu,” and after few of your broken sentences, you called me “Wzerit Assta B. Gettu.” The readers can understand how confused, desperate, hungry, thirsty, necked, and uneducated you are. I can see now; it is out of your ignorance that you have killed those 17 Amhara boys, and the pair of shoes you are wearing is one of those 17 Amharas you slaughtered. You took their clothes, their hats, their cars, and their money. And when you see those clothes, pair of shoes, hats, and money from those dead Amhara soldiers are running out, you are begging the Ethiopian people to send you some hand out shoes, clothes, hats, and some money.

    How stupid you are indeed! Don’t you comprehend sending money to you is sending money to Isaiah Afeworki to buy new weapons to kill the Ethiopian people. Isaiah Afeworki knows he has blood in his hand for killing thousands of Ethiopians, and you, too, have blood in your hand for killing those 17 Amhara soldiers.

    The short answer is no money, no shoes, not hat, and no second hand clothes for the traitor, like you. You die there hungry, naked, and without shoes; the Ethiopian people are not going to help the friends of their enemies who are preparing for war against the proud people of Ethiopia.

    I know a hungry member of the New Oromo Movement cannot fight against the well-fed Ethiopian soldiers; so far you have not fired a single bullet on any Ethiopian at the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea. You have not stolen even a chicken from the Ethiopian soil, because your master, Isaiah Afeworki has warned you ahead of time not to touch anything from the Ethiopians’ properties, be it a chicken, a donkey, a horse, a sheep, a goat, a cat, a dog, a camel, or a bird. You see these animals roaming at the Ethiopian border, but you cannot kill any one of them and eat their flesh and drink their blood.

    By the time you kill one of these Ethiopian animals to satisfy your hunger, the entire land of Eritrea will be inundated by catastrophic floods that destroy anything that moves in Eritrea – and these catastrophic floods or deludes are the Ethiopian soldiers.

    Ethiopia is waiting for a simple cause to attack Eritrea, and if one fool member of this New Oromo Movement steals a chicken from one of the Ethiopian peasants, that is a big cause for Ethiopia to invade Eritrea and take her two ports. Knowing this imminent danger from the Tigrean people, from the Amhara people, from the Oromo people, and from the other Ethiopian tribes, Isaiah Afeworki has strictly commanded you to refrain from antagonizing the Ethiopian people. It is indeed a good advice that you must follow; if not, you will die.

    Let me explain something important to my readers here: I don’t hate the Ethiopian Oromos; I don’t hate the Oromos in the diaspora, but it is true I detest the Eritrean Oromos who have established a New Oromo Movement under the supervision of Isaiah Afeworki whose fundamental cause for giving a shelter for the New Oromo Movement after he has ordered this New Oromo Movement to kill the 17 Amhara soldiers is to break Ethiopia into fragments.

    My dear Ethiopians, don’t send a penny to the New Oromo Movement that represents only Oromia; this New Oromo Movement does not represent the rest of the Ethiopian regions. Isaiah Afeworki is using this New Oromo Movement to attack you, to kill your sons and your daughters as he did before, and he will try to do it again. Of course, he knows he has no man power, and that is why he is recruiting some Oromos to join him in his battle against the Ethiopian people.

    Warning! Warning! Warning!

    This warning is especially for the Oromo young boys and young girls in Ethiopia or in the diaspora. Don’t ever leave your Oromia to join the New Oromo Movement in Eritrea; those Oromos in Eritrea are in great danger: danger from hunger, danger from heat, danger from cold, danger from Isaiah’s every day threat, and danger from attempting to kill their own comrade and eat his flesh out of their desperation for a piece of bread.

    Thank you for listening!

    Mr. Assta B. Gettu (I called my self “Mr.” to identify my gender.)

    My the Almighty God keep the unity of Ethiopia intact!

  34. #135 Eritrean Advice,
    Ato Assta B. Gettu is telling the whole truth that the New Oromo Movement hs hidden agenda, and that agenda is to liberate Oromia and disintegrate Oromia from the rest of the provinces. We Ethiopians must be very careful about all the lies Aritrean Advice is telling us.

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