Supporters of Ethiopia’s genocidal junta have made a fool out of themselves Thursday by holding a fake demonstration against Egypt in front of the US Department of State. If they have a problem with Egypt, why doesn’t their leader, Meles Zenawi, go to Cairo and talk to Egypt’s president Hosni Mubarak? Wouldn’t that be more effective than a rally in front of U.S. bureaucrats in Washington DC? They could also stage a demonstration in front of Egypt’s embassy, if it is really necessary.
The second issue that was said to be bothering the “demonstrators” is the recent bombing in Uganda’s capital Kampala. But what does the U.S. State Department have to do with the Kampala bombing? Are there Al Shababs inside the State Department?
This patently fake demonstration, which was financed by Ato Abinet GebreMeskel, a personal assistant to billionaire businessman Mohammed Al Amoudi, brought out about 50 people, many of whom are employees of the DC area Aksum Restaurant and other Woyanne-owned businesses.

It’s noteworthy to mention that very few people from the Tigrean community were in attendance. This is one more proof that Tigreans are distancing themselves from the Meles thugocracy. Meles is now surrounding himself with the likes of Solomon Tekalign — hodaderoch (opportunists) from every ethnic group.
One of the chief organizers of Thursday’s Woyanne rally is Demis Lema (aka Arawit). Arawit is wanted in Ethiopia for the savage beating of Ethiopian Reporter’s editor Amare Aregawi in October 2008. While other suspects were detained, Al Amoudi’s assistant Abinet GebreMeskel helped Arawit, a former nationally known soccer player, and one of Al Amoudi’s well-known thugs, to escape to the U.S. He now lives in Washington DC inside a $4,000 per month luxury apartment on Massachusetts Ave — all expenses paid by Al Amoudi.
Zenawi’s new Diaspora agenda
To ingratiate themselves with Woyanne, Al Amoudi’s full time thugs such as Arawit and Solomon “Qindibu” Tekalign, are all too willing to help carry out Meles Zenawi’s new campaign in the Diaspora. The campaign, however, is already backfiring:
First, it is making Ethiopians united against Woyanne more than ever. Today’s massive rally at the Chinese embassy was a major demonstration of unity.
Second, the message Meles and gang came up with to divide Ethiopians in the Diaspora, i.e., Nile River, is making Egyptian leaders irate. Ethiopian Review has learned that Egypt’s Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit has summoned Woyanne Ambassador in Cairo, Ibrahim Idris, and dressed him down for fabricating a regional crisis for political expediency.
It is to be remembered that Meles Zenawi had signed two secret agreements with Hosni Mubarak affirming Egypt’s quota over Nile River. The second one is as recent as 8 months ago (read here).
Afraid of Egyptian wrath, the Woyanne junta today sent out a message to its cadres to take it easy on Egypt and redirect their attention to the Kampala explosion.
Most Ethiopians, however, are NOT concerend with Egypt, Nile, Uganda, Al Shabab, etc. The most urgent demand of Ethiopians is the immediate removal of the Woyanne cancer from Ethiopia.
48 thoughts on “Al Amoudi-financed rally in DC backfires”
Well put, Elias!
Knowing Meles,
He is trying to tell Egypt come and occupy Ethiopia while I pretend I am against you. He is that kind of snake. The issue however is that no matter what as climate change is going to affect us, how do we deal with Nile in reality. What is your suggestion ER?
are you calling Egypt to hire you against Ethiopia? Today, tnx to technology , it is easy to get credible information. do you think we people are that fool to take all of your words undigested? do not insult the people please?
i can correctly imagine that Egypt might be financing you to work against your country. No wonder, every time there are sell outs.
Long live Ethiopia!
Dear Elias,
Thank you for this:
Woyannie supporters are Hodams who try to defend a criminal regime. These people have NO HILINA at all. All of them have serious personality disorder.
Exactly why are they demonstrating in front of the state department wearing t-shirts that say “Nile”?? This smacks of desperation. Anything to change the subject.
ጩሉሌው መለስ ሊሰራት የፈለጋት አንድ የቤት ስራ ብትኖርበት ነው ይህንን ጫወታ የመረጠው። ቀን ይፍታው። ከበደ ከጣሊያን
right, Elias. their uniform tells that they are paid. telekalkewtal!
I know Demis ( Arawit ) in Addis, lideta sefer. This guy has no brain. He can do anything to get money, he is like a prostitute.
He was selling news paper on the street of Addis in the old days, later on he was playing soccer.
It’s sad that the sheikh is surrounded by such vagabonds.
Excellent job by ER
Ethiopian Review, Netsanet Le Ethiopia, Addis Dimts Ethiopia will be free with your cooperation, with the help of Ethiopians in Washington DC and all Diaspora together. The Cancer of Ethiopia, weyane will be dismembered soon.
no mater what we Ethiopians will not be fooled by woyanes diversion tactic.
Elias u are the greatest of all media-men with only one aim, to save Ethiopia from the TPLF cancer, which has been destructive and barbaric for nearly 20 years. God bless u, UNITY UNITY UNITY!!!!!
From being a confused guy and lost, Elias is becoming crazy and mad
Another embarrassing day for the Meles-Alamudi regime. The purpose of the fake demonstration was to draw nationalist Ethiopians under Meles Zenaw’s control. But it failed!!! The Egyptian government should know Meles is behind the so-called demonstration.
Woyane thugs please arrange a demonstration supporting Hitler(Meles) in London and you will see what we Ethiopians do!!!!
Thank you so much for the articulate report Elias.
yes you have clearly described the weyane role as a result Ethiopians first and formidable enemy is TPLF where ethiopians are now coming together ever once to get rid of TPLF terrorist and racist group once and for all. So regardless of TPLF dirty and poor propaganda TPLF will be removed soon as thier racist supporters and its hodam servants will get thier respective death peanality for the crime that they committed along with the main elements of TPLF.
SLAVERY is a system in which people are the property of others against their will, however this was long long time ago. The modern slavery is a person who freely willing to be slave because the he or she thiks they can not stand on their own. These people who demonstrated infront of US department can be classified in to two: 1. The people who came from the etnic minority who BENEFIT from the regime. 2. Non Tigrayan but who want to be Tigrayan due to their subhuman complex like Solomon( Maferia)Tekalegn who have very littel knowledge of history. Goverment can go and come, howEver history and people as a nation would be there forever.If your are against any goverment , you always can leave anywhere in the world , but if you commit crime against humanity, country and people as a whole-you are already a dead man.No one will leave you alone to enjoy your rest life. Is there any country where there is no Ethiopian ?? Of course no..where could be these traitory would leave after the fall of the Weyane. Anten ayadrgene weyane ale Solomon…ine demo anten aydergene Sele when weyane go back to dedebit Tigray… Axum Resturant…kkkkk you need to employ beautiful girls.
hahaha yes the us state department is heavily infiltrated by al shabaab. There´re suspicions hillary clinton might be an al shabaab agent. wey-anes r real comedians.
They have the right to do what ever they want and you shouldn’t mention where they work. Once again you proved yourself as an unprofessional and biased reporter. Please don’t be biased.
Yes, the most urgent Task at the moment is the removal of the genocidal junta (meles Zenawi)from Erthiopia.
We do not need any other confusing issues.
The other thing I couldn’t understand was the presence of some Eritreans like Berhane (the former soccer player in Ethiopia and the current opposition to Shabia). Was he also paid to be there?
In addition to the names listed above BISRAT GEBREMESKEL (ABINET’s BROTHER) has also sponsored about 10 morons from INDIANAPOLIS and took them to DC.
Thsee creatures are so shameless and disgusting to say the least.
Wow, well analyzed.
These pro-woyane thugs are bandas and paid to do so. The reality shows that they are still few despite their claim and barking. The fact that most if not all are from Tigrai, reflects the nature of the tplf group. Although they don’t represent the majority people from Tigrai, the other Tigrians need to show clearly their stand with the their fellow Ethiopians in general.
Now that the shameless parochial Wayane minority dictatorship stole 99.4% of the Ethiopian voices in order to divide, oppress and exploit 99.4% of wretched Ethiopians deep down to their bones, turning the page and unleashing self serving and FAKE grand operation covert and overt “ATTENTION DIVERSION” mission is in order for the purpose of manipulation and cover up of the robber and complete illegitimate power monopoly.
What is more fitting for fake self serving and the illegitimate Wayane who have been tearing in to pieces, throwing in on to the street dirt and walking on the Ethiopian flag with dirty boots, now after monopolizing power completely and through that owning and controlling the entire Ethiopian human and material resources conveniently claiming to be ULTRA and SUPER ETHIOPIANS which either the whole world nor any Ethiopian have never seen or heard. Now they can invent and make wars east, west, north, south, inside and outside in the name of Ethiopia just to protect their new found lucrative monopoly empire and their abundant stolen spoils from the wretched and divided Ethiopians.
well done, thanks Elias for keeping us informed, God bless uu!
Ethiopians have ways to deal with all known enemeies accordingly;however,thsoe useless woyanaes,including hodams must know that nothing is permanent so is the regeme they housed in.As per Hodamu Solomon Kindibu Tekaligne,we doubt that he knows why he is on this Earth.
I passed by and recogenized some hodams, Yepolitica setegha adarewoch ena YeAlamudi wondegha adarewoch such as Y.Gizachew.
Reality says:
Wow, well analyzed.
These pro-woyane thugs are bandas and paid to do so. The reality shows that they are still few despite their claim and barking. The fact that most if not all are from Tigrai, reflects the nature of the tplf group. Although they don’t represent the majority people from Tigrai, the other Tigrians need to show clearly their stand with the their fellow Ethiopians in general.
Comments like this are sickening. “Tigrayans have to show they are not associating with TPLF by working against it.” Are you a former EPRP member who turned against EPRP to kill hundreds as a new convert derg cadre? Is that how you learned this method. EPRP is an oranization. Tigray is a province of Ethiopia. Dont confuse them. I am sure you are some sick TPLF or Shabia member who is trying to irritate Tigrayans. First of Tigray is not another country. There is nothing for them to prove. They are Ethiopians and they have the same responsibility like any other Ethipian. Threatening them will only have a drastic effect. Who are you to threaten them. You sound like a real coward and an world wide web tiger. Your types are the ones who have elongated the life of TPLF by threatenening Tigrayans. I see you as a usless piece of sh**.
As always you are the vanguard of the media militancy.
Keep the pressure on weyane. Your visionary and tireless exposing the weyane opportunists and any one pseudo oppositions weakening the power of a united front is marvelous.
History will remember for the next 2 centuries ER is the leading fighter out of all e-medias.
Thank you
wey gud
Tamagne Beyene, Abebe Belew, Neamen Zeleke, Elias Kifle, Dr Kassa, ye lenetsanet radio azegajoch yehenen selamawi self letesatefachehu,leazegajoch hulu God bless you! Koranebachehu ketebaberen weyanen masweged betam kelal new thx so much!
You have crossed the line several times. Now who is the Axum restaurant employee? I think you are underestimating the silent diaspora. You are being warned again and again to refrain from your dangerous hate mongering. You will be the victim of your own hate. Everyone has a right to peacefull demonstration. You lived in this democratic country for over a decade, yet you still have a mentality of a thug.
A call for FREEDOM for the citizens of Ethiopia, from East to West and from South to North, is paramount.
The fake series of elections, the total monopoly of the army, the economy, the court system, and the display of fake ethnic-federalsim and democracy and development etc leads everyone to conclude that what we have now is a one-man rule. And at this historical time “the man in charge” happens to be Ato Meles Zaneawi.
Therefore, putting the old-age TPLF drama aside (Nile, Al Shebab, Shabia, OLF, EPRDF,) all the opposition must focus to unite and save the country from reaching the status of another full-blown failed states, with all its implications.
To prevent, let us keep our eyes on the PRIZE, …..a call for the freedom of the Ethiopian citizens, starting from the Dearest Birtkan Medeksa to everyone from East to West and from South to North of this magnificant land is paramount. Free election, free press, freedom of association, justice and democracy and the end of tyrany ought to be the business of the day & every day.
God/Allah Bless Ethiopia & protect her children.
For, behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, is taking away from Jerusalem and from Judah stay and staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water; the mighty man and the soldier, the judge and the prophet, the diviner and the elder, the captain of fifty and the man of rank, the counselor and the skilful magician and the expert in charms. And I will make boys their princes, and babes shall rule over them. And the people will oppress one another, every man his fellow and every man his neighbor; the youth will be insolent to the elder, and the base fellow to the honorable. When a man takes hold of his brother in the house of his father, saying: “You have a mantle; you shall be our leader, and this heap of ruins shall be under your rule”; in that day he will speak out, saying: “I will not be a healer; in my house there is neither bread nor mantle; you shall not make me leader of the people.” For Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen; because their speech and their deeds are against the LORD, defying his glorious presence. Their partiality witnesses against them; they proclaim their sin like Sodom, they do not hide it. Woe to them! For they have brought evil upon themselves. Tell the righteous that it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their deeds. Woe to the wicked! It shall be ill with him, for what his hands have done shall be done to him. My people — children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you, and confuse the course of your paths. The LORD has taken his place to contend, he stands to judge his people. The LORD enters into judgment with the elders and princes of his people: “It is you who have devoured the vineyard, the spoil of the poor is in your houses. What do you mean by crushing my people, by grinding the face of the poor?” says the Lord GOD of hosts. The LORD said: Because the daughters of Zion are haughty and walk with outstretched necks, glancing wantonly with their eyes,
mincing along as they go, tinkling with their feet; the Lord will smite with a scab the heads of the daughters of Zion,
and the LORD will lay bare their secret parts. In that day the Lord will take away the finery of the anklets, the headbands, and the crescents; the pendants, the bracelets, and the scarfs;
the headdresses, the armlets, the sashes, the perfume boxes, and the amulets; the signet rings and nose rings; the festal robes, the mantles, the cloaks, and the handbags; the garments of gauze, the linen garments, the turbans, and the veils. Instead of perfume there will be rottenness; and instead of a girdle, a rope; and instead of well-set hair, baldness; and instead of a rich robe, a girding of sackcloth; instead of beauty, shame. Your men shall fall by the sword
and your mighty men in battle. And her gates shall lament and mourn; ravaged, she shall sit upon the ground. – Isaiah
Peter Guralnick’s Sam Cook: (wma file)
Elias way to go exposing these woyanne idiots
There are four people who came all the way from Ethiopia to to participate this fake demonstration with the financial help of the weyane “developmental investors”. i think they got good news to pass to their bosses. Ethiopians together will remove woyane forever.
It is no wonder thant Woyane/Meles have paid or unpaid supporters. Mussoloni, Hitler, Stalin and all tyrants had supporters but at the end those who stand for truth triumph.
የቅናት አስመሰለባችሁ.ኤልያስ አሁንማ ልታብድ ነው.
The purpose of TPLF supporter’s demonstration is to show their dedication and willingness to cooperate with the killers and dectators of Ethiopia. Why bark about Nile ir about Al Shibab, anf for that matter why in State Department? One can easily understand who are organizaer of this demonstration; a none sense who doesn’t have any idea about politics, but greed, one who blilndly acts before knowing what , where and when to act, a person/persons who is/are dull/retard minded who couldn’t think beyond what has been told to perfrom.
These are the organizers TPLF who ended up in state departement with Nile agenda.May be they thought Egypt Embassy is in State Department. Who knows if they were thinking about their reward, but not what they were doing. The sender( Killer-TPLF) send them to perform some act with a promis of reward,the morans went to the place what their master send them to go. They are all M-O-R-A-N-S
አሁን ነው ትግሉ የጀመረው ያሰኛል:: ጎበዝ በርታልኝ የወያኔ ሽንታም ተደናግጧል መለሰ ባዘዛቸው ቁጥር ጉዳዩን ሳያውቁት እንደበግ ይንጋጋሉ::
መዝግብ ስማቸውን በህዝባችን ደም ይሚኖር ሁሉ የሚጠየቅበት ጊዜው ይደርሳል ::
Weyane and their few supporters,who are mercenaries of neo-colonialsts right wing special interest groups of Washington D.C this time are trying to appease their masters by acting as a group who stand against any arab country for that matter a moslem populated as Egypt.Psycopath Meles and his group do not hesitate to ignite war with their neighbors as far as their white masters will bail them out or stuff them with a lot of hard currency.Weyane”s politics is prostitutional politics paid more perform more or better.
Why demonstrate in America against Egypt? What a non-sense from tigray elites and their cronies,sold out souls.Egypt is a neighboring country.Ethiopians,Egyptians,sudanese,Eritreans,somalis etc will have issues,but they should talk and try to solve their problems.Gangsta weyane ignited war with Eritrea by the name of Badme so that it can re-colnize Eritrea and annihilate E.P.L.F for good.The conflict was financed and fully supported by U.S as U.S did not like the free thinking and independent foreign policy of President Essayas led Eritreans and state of Eritrea.EP.L.F is not a tool of the so called western powers that love and benefit from wars that rage in poor countries.Weyane’s base power is funded by the evil dowers of the west,because weyane is their little puppy that keeps on bitting his neighbors.
No one should be fooled on thinking the moslem brothers of the horn will be a threat to the people of the horn the true danger comes from weyane alikes that ignite wars and conquer countries to appease their masters.
The demonstration is a stupid idea diplomatically in politicising the issue. Ethiopia didn’t use Nile because it has no resource to develop it and not because of Egypt. It is very embarrassing and it has more to do with promoting self interest of the participant. Now they can take their pictures and ask for land in addis.
So pathetic
The demonstration called for the idiots and stupid elements by Zinawi has no contents at all;it rather,sginfies nothing but the game the idiots play for which they all come out losers.
Slomon Tekaligne,known both at home and abroad as Kidibu has fully exhibited how dull and hodam he has been and he will be in the future.Nobody takes matter in their own hands except Ethiopians;neither Zinawi nor Zinawians have no a say or a do on Ethiopians matter anad isssue.
The lowest stage of Woyane and his puppets
has been exposed on last Thursday August 5, 2010.Any Ethiopian whether educated or not could understand how the moral and conscious of the Woyane El lit have gone down these days.
Woyane ( the criminal group ) in the whole Ethiopian history have been fallen in every aspect of his sabotages ( beyeaktachaw yemokerachow kitfetoch enna meseri tegbarat tegaletubet hizbu nekka )his bosses are also on their turning point there for he is trying another chance to manipulate situations but every Ethiopian need to be alert.
The so called demo.was just to change the minds of the people of the region but there is no new point Abay and Egypt have been there for a long period of time they would be in the future.
Let’s first have the technology and funds at hand then there would be no negative attitude on the other side it would be common sense and common interest seat share ideas and exploit the mother nature together with our neighborhood.
I really do not want to take your time writing about those ( Hodamoch ) Solomon, Arawit and others the most notorious people of Woyane and Alamudi because they do not have history to be quoted except they are tultulas like Negusse Radio and Dr.mmmmmmmmmmmm.
Alamudi and his group continue to remove the wealth of Ethiopia contrary to existing Ethiopian law, and with the assistance of Ethiopia’s current government. Yes…. “turning a blind eye” is the same as offering your hand to help in the work. But we all know Ethiopia, nothing happens without many knowing. How much gold will he be allowed to take without a proper accounting to the people? How maany go without while the few bath in their ill-gotten riches. A two ass cart, can not be pulled by one ass successfully. Seperate the two.
you put it in a perfect way, all i say is thank u for talking for me. perfect, thanks again.
Is it blocked from Ethiopia or the comment is blocked by the moderator? I sent my comment, but not posted. It was in Amharic and English. Would you mind telling me the fact, please, so that I will save my time? With an utmost respect, Netsanet.
Since when selling a newspaper to survive become a crime.