As the struggle to excise the Woyanne cancer that is eating away at Ethiopia moves to a new stage, Ethiopian opposition groups must take care not to repeat the same mistakes in forging a new, vibrant alliance. Thorough preparations and earnest discussions must precede any formal dialogue, according to Ato Sioum Gebeyehou, a management consultant and adviser to Ethiopian Review.
Ato Sioum makes the following presentation borrowing some ideas from the recently published paper by Prof. Getatchew Haile titled ሁሉንም ሞከርነው፤ የቀርን ክተት ነው (hulunem mokernaw, yekeren kitet naw – We tried it all; What’s left is armed resistance) to help Ethiopian opposition groups forge a solid alliance that can deliver them victory. Click on the image below to see the presentation.
35 thoughts on “Dialogue to Dialogue: How to forge a solid united front”
Please no more dialogue and endless conferences. Without a single strong organization what can little fragmented organizations can achieve by endless conferences. Be strong by yourself first. This is the home work for all organizations. Anyone who can not become a strong organization which can challenge woyanee with its own is not worthy of any conference and unity bla bla!
oh God how i pray for this moment to resurrect mama Ethiopia from the Woyane cancer.
Ketatiw Ena Teketatiw Man new???
When you have so called Ethiopians like Hailu Shewl, Lidetu Ayele and Mesfin Woldemariam who can sale their children for Meles looted money how do you guys expect the opposition can unite and do something for the country???
When Addis Ababa University young guys and high school students can fight 17 years in the forest and take power, the Amhara so called educated politician can not unite to form a viable party in 20 years while living in Addis Ababa city comfortably there is something wrong with your people let alone to listen and follow you for Kitet and fight the might EPRDF ruling party.
What makes you better and true nationalist like Ethiopian review and Ginbot 7 while both of you are working with the number one enemy of Ethiopia, Shaebia???
Shouldn’t we call Mengistu Hailemariam the man true nationalist and love the unity of Ethiopia above anything else and he is the true enemy of Shaebia and Egypt????
I hope you guys think hard about it and you post it others to read it to show you respect other Ethiopians view even it criticize you. Thanks.
Mr nomore unity blabla:
If you have the secret formula “to create a single strong organization without unification” please share with us. If you think fragmented majority will prevail over organized minority, please include that in your secret formula as well.
Dear seyoum,
I think it will have big impact on how all sort of political & civic organizations think about the future generations if this plan goes as planned. IT will definitely create a wonderful opportunity for all Ethiopians to talk to each other rather than across each other.
One thing we have to bear in mind when we plan to such noble action, there will be opposition obviously from Weyane and its parasites who greatly benefited from such division among Ethiopians. Secondly, from some quarter of Ethiopians who are the victim of weyane propaganda or it may be from some opportunist individuals who have been running up and down to satisfy their ego.
Thirdly, from some individuals or organization/s/ who may still think/s/ that they would achieve their goal by standing against Weyane individually.
No matter what it would takes, this idea of discussion does not deserve to be aborted. Must allowed to go forward as planned if the salvation for all Ethiopians in every corner of the country is to come. Freedom for all .
It is Wonderful Idea
God bless all
I see some shallow minded people like halafi mengedi are out there to discredit and destroy any initiative to forge unity among Ethiopians.
No place for the children of vampires.
the eritrean liberation struggle succeeded because there was a strong centralized guerilla on the ground in the first place, which gathered weapons from the enemy by force and the diaspora helped as much as it could. And women, since they constitute 50% of the population, the road must be paved for them to contribute as well. But the diaspora wasn´t the primary driving vehicle. So I believe what´s needed is a very strong leader on the ground to lead the fighting force and in ethiopias case to somehow unite the various movements on the ground under one umbrella and then ask the diaspora to do it´s utmost. But how he can achieve the unity of the movements, is difficult to answer because in this case between the eritrean and ethiopian history there is a bit different. Colonialism has made the different nationalities in Eritrea feel eritreans first and nationalities second. But in ethiopia there´re nationalities who see other nationalities in the same nation like colonialists. That´s a dilemma. There´s a lack of trust that must be somehow overcome. If that is achieved, meles has zero chance of survival, even for a year.
Remember people holding hands across America for Ethiopia like it was yesterday. We will not forget.
More and more people are reading, hearing, viewing reports of multiple human rights violations, and crimes against humanity. Diverts donations from hungry people to pockets of Woyane gangs. Silent majority is awaking. ESAT is not alone in taking steps forward. As seen what are people talking about. The feeling is on the air. Momentum is building. Current candle lights will be newsworthy. Woyanes are sitting on that hill. Underneath provoked aggravated angered volcano is opening. The same feelings are on air as last two 73-74, 90-91 changes. Woyanes days are numbered. Jamming, human rights abuse, imprisoning politicians, acquiring future hiding places like the one in Zimbabwe may not be futuristic as ICC and dictator vise are mounting. The hit is on. People are holding hands against Woyane criminal enterprise. People know who had 99.6 and 0.4.
You can try the same thing again and again and again and fail each time. But that will make you look stupid in the eyes of everybody and indeed you will be stupid to do so.
You need to stop what you are doing and think about why you failed. Ethiopian struggle will go one inch forward when the people shake the foundations of the Tyranny. The foundations of the Tyranny is its military. We know everything that has been tried to destroy this dog of tyranny has failed so a new a strategy has to be adopted. I can not write it here but really there is a very simple and effective way to do severe damage to TPLF. THINK ABOUT IT YOURSELF.
Serious engagement!
‘Eritrean liberation succeded’… really?? Is that your best example of LIBERATION struggle?
One thing that Ethiopian pro-democracy forces should be careful is that removing Meles is just a tiny part of the process.
I like the Amharic word “ክተት” (kitet), which means, in my own definition, gather together for an emergency meeting (a short one) but an urgent one that involves the lives and the security of some people who are victimized by the wombedies or shiftas in some other regions.
Completely occupied by the love of a foreign language, I had regrettably forgotten the word “kitet” for a long time until I saw it today on my screen: it brought me my childhood exciting and sometimes frightening memories about my father’s calling for kitet.
In my village where I grew up, some young men in their 30s and 40s anxiously wait or pray for the kitet to happen because kitet has some advantages and disadvantages; most of the time, those young men think only for the good part of kitet, not for the bad part of it.
Kitet happens at any time, mostly in the afternoon: an authoritative person, standing on some of the hills (korefta or gubita) near my crowded village blows up without any warning his ጥሩምባ (horn or hornet). Immediately, as the sound of the ጥሩምባ permeates through my vibrant village, my father and the other men in my village know the especial meaning of the sound of that horn is for an emergency kitet, and they have been waiting all these times patiently for the kitet to happen; when it happens, even the dogs bark, the chickens, fluttering their wings, cluck, the donkeys bray, the sheep and the goats bleat, and the cats meow. The wives of those young men get busy, baking bread and roasting some beans for the young men to take with them for their long and arduous journey, and we the little children of my village, leaving our domestic animals behind, have returned to our village after we have heard the sound of the hornet. Our peaceful village is now chaotic: some are calling loud their wives to finish the cooking, the baking, and the roasting quickly; others have come to say good bye to those young men who are, within few minutes, leaving their wives and their children, and some of us children are crying to see our dads leave their village. On the other hand, our dads are telling us to take care of the cattle and to be responsible for everything in the village.
At last, all the preparation has been completed, the young men sling their guns around their shoulders, (their guns as I remember are called አልቭኝ, ምንሽር and ጓንዴ), put their hats on their heads if they have ones, no shoes for their feet, pick up their little ከረጢት or bags with their food, and they shove off or depart with determination to succeed in their novel mission – to travel three or more days to rescue some villagers who have been under the harsh rules and bad treatment of some lawless shiftas somewhere in a far away region.
After they have driven away or killed the shiftas, liberated the poor villagers, and promised them they would come back if other shiftas threaten these poor villagers, the young men of my village return home in triumph, some limping from gun shots, others with no scratch on their bodies, but all of them with big booties, mostly guns, and some cash money.
After my village has been waiting for a long time for the safe returns of its young men, it is now in great hullabaloo: the wives ululate; the old men kiss the young heroes; the children get excited by touching the new guns the heroes brought with them; some sheep are killed for the big dinner; and the young heroes ask now and then how the sheep, the goats, the donkeys, the horses, the mules, and the caws have been doing. And of course, big and sincere sympathies from the old men and women are pouring out upon some of the wounded heroes. Then the heroes rest for some days and wait for another kitet to come and bring some more guns.
The author of the article has a valid point that we must take into consideration: we have been waiting for over 20 years, and within these long years nothing has happened. We have created different organizations, appointed great men and women to run those organizations, but all of them have terribly collapsed because they did not have one heart, one goal, and one mission – to bring down the Woyanne shiftas or lawless killers who are terrorizing our people.
There is no other appropriate and greater time for the word kitet to use than the time we have now: the main problem as I can clearly see is who will be the person to stand up on a hill and blow out the ጥሩምባ (the horn or the hornet), and if someone by chance comes in and do the blowing off a horn, does he/she/ gets a quick response to the calling from each one of us? We may have different responses to the urgent call, and all the responses can be acceptable. Take my village as an example: some of the women in my village were baking the bread; some of theme were roasting some beans; and the old men were coming to bless and to say good bye to those young men who were ready to go to liberate a terrorized village. All the different services the young heroes received were acceptable, and none of them were rejected. In the same way, some of us can respond to the kitet by contributing money, by allowing ourselves getting involved in every meeting, by arranging a meeting, by writing comments and articles that support the calling or by carrying a gun and joining the Ethiopian Freedom Fighters.
However, the spirit of this generation is completely different from the spirits of those young men in my village in responding to the urgent call – the kitet. When those young men, living behind their wives, their children, their old fathers and mothers, and their possessions went to an unknown region and did the job, the government paid them nothing; the only rewards they got were the booties from the shiftas they killed as they liberated the besieged villagers; even their wounded men never got hospitalized or got any medical care. Today’s educated children of this generation, nevertheless, ask questions such as “What are we going to get if we join this or that movement? What will happen to our families if we get killed in the battle field?” Some of them, in fact, have different agenda to liberate their own region; some want their language to be a means of national communication; others want the name Addis Ababa to be changed to Finfinne. Some want, out of desperation, Ethiopian Muslims to leave the country, and with all these conflicting views and selfish interests, these young Ethiopians will never liberate their fathers, mothers, and themselves from the ruthless Woyanne government.
The old Ethiopians are getting old; they cannot carry guns and go to the battle field, but they can offer the young Ethiopian children their golden advices and share their experiences with them. Do the young Ethiopians listen to their elders? I doubt it! If they don’t listen to them, then they are not going to respond to the urgent kitet call, and this will be the great dilemma of Dialogue to Dialogue: they are impatient for Dialog to Dialogue; they are adamant to humility, humbleness, fasting, penitence, and prayer to God: they want a short cut, and the short cut is to assassinate the assassinator, but who will be the assassin?
Let us face it we are living with the most coward, godless, greedy, immoral, unsettled, and aimless generation, the offspring of Mengistu Haile Mariam and Meles Seitanawi (Zenawi). May the Almighty God save Ethiopia from this wicked generation!
Ane #5,
“…But in ethiopia there´re nationalities who see other nationalities in the same nation like colonialists. That´s a dilemma. There´s a lack of trust that must be somehow overcome. If that is achieved, meles has zero chance of survival, even for a year.” you stated.
I like your statement but why the contradictory positions you have mentioned constitute a dilemma?
If a nation, based on its ongoing and bygone real life experiences, contends that it has been colonized and unjustly treated by some specific nationality or nationalities, rather tan building mountains of denials after denials one upon the other like the proverbial tower of BABEL, why not frankly come together around a round table and accept that wrongs have happened, apologize and just verbally and simply make wrongs right with out any cost.
For building mutual trust and the greater common good for all we need to be empathic and be able to put our feet in the other person’s shoes to remove the dilemma. Human made dilemma can be humanly removed by humans.
This can form a solid basis of trust and going forwards together hand in hand from a clean table while removing the divide and rule emotionally but not rationally appealing destructive cunning Wayane propaganda.
Girma, what do u mean? It hasn´t succeeded? The country is an independent country now and not a province of Ethiopia. So yes, it has succeeded. Actually, external experts even claim the only guerilla movement that can compete with the EPLF is the vietnam one.
Wel, Girma,
then please give us what you think is best for Ethiopia and what are you planning to do about it. It is astonishing to witness when some criticize others but they do not offer any logical recommendations.
A united and determined front is now an obligation to save our country from what these evil-minded dictators are preparing: dismembering the Ethiopian regions slowly but effectively. What I here now is a very good idea that has to be put in to practice. Let’s join hands to save our country and our history. Let’s learn from our fathers.
To know the disease is half to cure!!!
Thank you
Memories of childhood. Use to play with stone going and coming back of elementary school. Running, throwing stones at a target, wrestling, all games we played. We were sharp at hitting our targets at a distance. After a while and thousands of stone marks the targets such as commercial sign defaces. If I were elementary school student again, and see dictator Meles’s Saddam type roadsigns recognizable part would have been the bold part of his head, and word Woyane turns to V/ ‘.-_ as it fades away with EFFORT turning to E forT. Just thinking what will happen if many grown ups throw what ever they can to the common cause, respect for human rights, good governance, peace, fair and free election, releases of all political prisoners, improved health care, respect for human rights, education, economy, accountability, justice, standard of living, and you name it would be if every good person throws some energy toward it. Loved doing what teenager deed, thinking it back so what would we have done to Woyane affiliates roadsigns if long time a go is today. Forgive me I somewhat sidetracked. Some of you likely could be from the same school. Dere Beyabere Aduuree Yasere. The target Aduuree dictator Woyane is on the hills on top of neglected city. Wishing peace and prosperity to you all. Thanks.
I completely agree with your idea
Two issues symeltniously needed to be persued
1- All details needed to be worked out respecting the subject of unity with different segments of our socity.
2-Ethiopia need to train fewer less than five thousend Millitary officers over seas so they can be used for various purposes
3-Weyanee cadres such as Halafi are double and need to be wached.By posting early they attempt to define and direct the opinion in the direction of their liking.
4-When Ethiopians embark in this unified journy Melese and his cor will consider leaving the country.By initiating EPRP stile defence aming at the core of Weyanee will do the cleaning up job.
Enough talking, enough on boasting and defnetly enough on unending conferences on unity as the time has passed for those. What do Ethiopians need right now? the return of the rule of the wise elders free from “modern educated Ethiopians” for they know nothing about the true tenets of Ethiopianity–its history, culture, law, jurisprudence and religion that cestained the existence of ancient Ethiopia till the end of the monarchy 1974. Disassocaite yourself from anything Liberation fronts which are the offsprings of that foreign implanted and un Ethiopian revolution of the 1974 that brought destruction and civil war and draught to Ethiopia. Everything what is wrong with Ethiopia is the result of the ’74 product as such we need to return to our wise men with in our church and to elders with respective provinces who have high moral, ethics and knowledge of Ethiopian history and then only then we may get a true guidance to victory and the return of dignity, teritorial integrity and prosperity to Ethiopia. Foreign ideology, be it socialism, libral democracy, communism and the countless fronts are un Ethiopian and will never bring tranquility and harmony to Ethiopia; and most certainly will never work in Ethiopia. Let us return to true Ethiopianity that is founded on an indiginious cultrue, law, ethics and morality; and a movement based on them will usher a era of the rebirth of true Ethiopia.
Guys you do not want to hear other than your own wishful thinking yet you are complaining so much about other (Meles) does not want to hear opposit views. Ara not you the same??
The reason Meles does not want to allow others view to be heard in the country is to stay in power, the same is true for you guys you want to snick in to power. As independent minded person like to support when you act as Meles??
what an idea this is what Ethiopia is waiting from heir children inside and outside of Ethiopia.
God bless
ER i have posted two comments none of theme have appeared? Pl.check Thanks
without mentioning who is the colonizer and the colonized in ethiopia, the sensible thing one can say is the colonizer must apologize and maybe even in the future compensate. That said, for this to be achieved a visionary leader with burning nationalism and selflessness is of paramount importance.
To my understanding of ethiopian politics it is important to address the issue in the following context
1. a short term and along term strategy. The short term mechanism should or could centre on a united front including accommodating the burning issues of nationalites
2. There has to be a documentation about the crime that is being committed by these narrow nationalist currently in power and made them to pay for the crimes
3. the long term strategy should be whether to agree on the concept of one ethiopia or many ethiopians. This process should belong the the whole of ethiopia
4. article 39 of the present constitution should be scrpped and put in the garbage bin of history.
Of course Erirea became an indpendent country. But you and I know in what conditions its citizens live now. Very far from liberated. The objective of a liberation struggle is not throwing a government – it is liberation of the people. Period.
Most of us busy with life in the West, this advantage for weyane, we don’t have enough time in our hands to fight weyane
we still want to go to Ethiopia and own a business there for we are just saving and we don’t want to pay the price of been identified as an opposition to Meles.
We just don’t care and actually we believe that Weyane is still a leader because Ethiopians willing to aid him being proper tyrant.
we want to fight in areas we believe we can make a difference but there don’t seem to be a party that invited us to fight
My opinion is may be many of us are followers
but the few out there
Ass.ta Gintu – the charlatan.
Here is what you posted:
“Completely occupied by the love of a foreign language . . .” The other day, in another post you said that your “English is immaculate”. I’ve told you several times that I, a very proud Ethiopian, DONOT care about “lingua colonialist-a”. But you, since you are የፈረንጅ ጥሩምባ ነፊ I’ve to fix your stinking English first before I’ve to say anything.
“. . . some of theme were roasting some beans; and . . . .“
Some of what? “theme”? What is this? English? Oh – you’re trying to say that the “theme” WAS roasting beans – u mean the “idea”, the “topic” was roasting beans? Hahahahaha! What is this – dude? Even if the “theme” was roasting beans, if that ever happens, you don’t say “some” and “were” together. Don’t you know how to use singulars, plurals . . . ? and how to use them when you construct sentences? ASS.ta – the guy who is “completely occupied by the love of (English)” – who writes “immaculate English” – how come you didn’t get this? I remember that I took this elementary English lesson while I was in pre-K – let me tell you ASS.ta – just say that “I’ve made a mistake – I’m sorry” and stop swankin’ about your stinkin’ English. Aight boy?!
“Some want, out of desperation, Ethiopian Muslims to leave the country, and with all these conflicting views and selfish interests, . . . ” Who are those “some”? Who said that?
The other day – in another post here is what you said:
“These two religions (Christian and Islam), sooner or later, will create great religious conflicts. To avoid such conflicts, the religion foreign to most of the Ethiopian people (Islam) must be killed; then there will be an eternal peace in Ethiopia.”
Readers need to know who you are and where you’re standing. But, since I know you well, they don’t need to bother themselves, for you’re nothing – you are a sick SOB who dreams about inciting religious violence in Ethiopia. While you’re hiding in your rotten den, you want our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia to KILL each other. In almost every comment you’re posting, you related every issue to Christian –Muslim. Try to repeat such genocidal comments again – try that, charlatan ASS.ta?! Try it – if you’ve ball/s – you will suffer the consequences.
Yes, we have tried everything but ክተት and አዋጅ!
Therefore, we must issue the following አዋጅ (s):
1. አዋጅ, አዋጅ! Starting Monday, August 16, 2010, we will stop buying anything that is Woyanne.
2. አዋጅ, አዋጅ! On Tuesday, August 17, we will march to the Ethiopian Embassy in Washington, DC and tell our complete disapproval of Meles’ leadership in Ethiopia.
3. አዋጅ, አዋጅ! On Wednesday, August 18, we will march to the American State Department and request the Department to stop giving aid to the dictatorial Woyanne government.
4. አዋጅ, አዋጅ! On Thursday, August 19, we will send representatives to each of the rest of all the Embassies of the world in Washington to help us remove Dictator Meles from his office.
5. አዋጅ, አዋጅ! On Friday, August 20, we will officially establish a new and powerful Ethiopian government in exile, somewhere in America or Europe.
6. አዋጅ, አዋጅ! On Saturday, August 21, we will send letters to all countries to recognize the new Ethiopian government in exile as a legitimate one.
7. አዋጅ, አዋጅ! On Monday, August 23, we will register new army volunteers from any nationalities to help the new Ethiopian government in exile to fight the unlawful Woyanne government in Ethiopia.
8. አዋጅ, አዋጅ! On Tuesday, August 24, we will collect over $10 billions from many Ethiopians as well as from other people dedicated to our cause – to liberate the Ethiopian people from the bondage of tyranny.
9. አዋጅ, አዋጅ! On Wednesday, August 25, all Meles’ and his tugs’ foreign bank assets will be frozen.
10. አዋጅ, አዋጅ! On Thursday, August 26, the new Ethiopian government in exile will issue an ultimatum to the illegitimate Woyanne government to surrender.
Then, what will happen is another issue: do you think we may see power struggles after we have liberated our country from the ruthless Woyanne government? Do you think some Ethiopian provinces will secede? If they do, what will happen to the rest of the Ethiopian regions? What will happen to some of the Tegarues and other Ethiopians who betrayed us in our noble cause? What will happen to Al Amoudi and to Aba Diabilos? Is it a must for us to establish a South-African style of reconciliation process to deal with our former enemies; or do we have to execute all of them on the evidence we have gathered so far
about their criminalities and atrocities? These are some of the questions that we have to think about ahead of time before we create confusion for the second time in our country.
that´s a subjective view. The most important is, we´re not ruled either from Addis or washington.
23# Ane says:
without mentioning who is the colonizer and the colonized in ethiopia, the sensible thing one can say is the colonizer must apologize and maybe even in the future compensate. That said, for this to be achieved a visionary leader with burning nationalism and selflessness is of paramount importance.”
The fundamental question is how to unite and transform the current cunning fox system of brutal minority dictatorship getting stronger and stronger with each passing days and years while the majority of the 80 million impoverished Ethiopians are getting excluded, poorer and poorer with each passing days and years and living on the shameful handouts of the international communities.
The single most and effective instruments and strategies of the nasty dictatorship is its cunning direct and secret divisive power of manipulating and playing on the preexisting old grievances and antipathies between the Ethiopian nationalities through which it renders them all powerless, enslaved and petty emotional bickerers as an end in itself.
So, building constructive trusts, unity and alliances STARTING from the nationalities, the country and the entire horn is much overdue.
For the wrong doer to contemplate and voluntarily coming out to apologize about the wrongs does not mean automatic payment of material compensation because even honest display of simple practical empathy and putting your feet in the other person’s shoes and seeing events from his/her view points and life experiences instead of blind dishonest denials after denials may constitute great psychological compensation and good levels of TRUST BUILDING. Once basic elements of trust are in place as building blocks or foundations you may even be able to MOVE NEAR AND FAR MOUNTAINS, let alone the miserable feather weight TPLF dictatorship.
A leader or leaders with burning nationalism are OK as you said, but even more than that you need TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP who can genuinely build trust in all directions, include all stockholders, build trustworthy, inclusive and acceptable coalitions and alliances,etc. and transform all these and other immaterial and material resources in to the concrete new democratic society, devoid of leftover impoverishing medieval dictatorship of the past.
“The key is to get to know people with open mind and trust them to be who they are. Instead, we trust people to be who we want them to be- and when they’re not, we cry.” ~Unknown philosopher :)
Dear girma:
a respond to the coment
“Of course Erirea became an indpendent country. But you and I know in what conditions its citizens live now. Very far from liberated. The objective of a liberation struggle is not throwing a government – it is liberation of the people. ”
first it does not have any relevance with the idea the guy has said, he said that the secrecy of eritrean liberation succes is including of all diaspora citzen , women , all citzens in general in and out of the country but centralized by the lidership in the field, just he said it to share the experience which he thought it is also helpful for ethiopians. but what you Girma have said is irrelevant to that i advice you if you are realy interested on seeing peace and prosperity in your own homland and the horn as whole, this is not the way you have to think and interprate ideas. as you wish good thing for your self also do for others (could be eritrea, ethiopia,sudan,somalia,djibouti e.t.c.), if you do not go on that way ,you are contributing to crisis.
regarding eritrea ,as to me the way eritrea heading is : self reliantly building a nation and i think building a nation is not an easy task, one can not do it in one moorning.i hope to hear you encoureging it because that is the way we can come close and head towards maximam harmony and cooperation.
Please don’t try to create a front just because you have to. A front must be created among those who have a similar idea on those basic ethiopian issue.
The big problem is the leadership. Each and every leader of the united front wants to be the leader of all and prepare as such the prime porte-feuille of a possible government.
Come together but don’t pretend to deserve all of you the number 1 post.
Lol. You seem to be irritated by the hard truth. Good for you that you’re not ruled from washington or Addis. And good luck on being ruled from Asmara.
But it’s so confusing that someone who thinks an Eritrean dictatorship in ok as long as it’s by eritreans is all busy commenting on an article dealing with the the removal of an Ethiopian dictorhship by an Ethiopians. What’re doin’ in this page Ane?
My dear friend, some of us just don’t like being RULED, even if it’s by our fellow citizens.
Dear B.K.
I stick to my point that what I said to Ane relevant becuase it’s stressed Sium’s point on the challenge of bringing democracy after throwing a government.
You’re right, this is about Ethiopia not about Eritrea. So who seems to be in the wrong place? You or I?
Try OLF by leaving your hatred aside