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“Live and Become” opens in Los Angeles Friday

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The film “Live and Become” opens in Los Angeles area on Friday, June 27 at the Laemmle Playhouse 7 in Pasadena, Laemmle’s Music Hall 3 in Beverly Hills and Laemmle’s Town Center 5 in Encino.

The film was a huge success with the Ethiopian community in Washington, D.C. and will do similarly with the Ethiopian community here in Los Angeles.

A short synopsis of the story line begins in 1985 with “Operation Moses”. At that time, one boy dies as another takes his place and begins his journey to Israel and within himself. Facing racial and religious discrimination, the journey is laden with difficulties. Yet a sense of hope pervades. Connecting with an Ethiopian rabbi, Schlomo (our young Ethiopian) learns Torah, debates the skin color of Adam and wrestles with his own identity. The four mothers in the film demonstrate that the love for a child goes well beyond color or religion.

The eventful, surprise-filled climax of Schlomo’s journey centers on the reconciliation of these particular sufferings and his bold action toward healing.

Many of the actors are non-professionals. Yet, their performances are dynamic and engaging, coming truly from their spirits and hearts.

The film has won audience awards internationally at film festivals in Berlin, Vancouver and Valenciennes. It has also won audience awards at 17 film festivals in the United States.

More more info contact:
Heidi Oshin, Menemsha Films
213 Rose Ave., 2nd Floor, Venice, CA 90291
Tel: 310.452.1775, Email: [email protected]

2 thoughts on ““Live and Become” opens in Los Angeles Friday

  1. Good job guys,and best of luck….I heard that Live and Become movie was good they showed it in Washington dc…….
    by the way can someone make a documentary movie that can clearly show the weyane brutal atrocities for the last 17 years including killing innocents, genocide around gambella and anuwak region, killings of many civilians in oromia region, killing and harassing of many civilians in tigray and amhara region …just in general a movie that can include the above and many other damages of weyane ….Guess what I would voluntarily involved in the making of the movie by any potential that I have along with some money that can take out from my pocket…since this kind of documentary would be vital to show the current and future generation of Ethiopia about the worest image of weyane in our history….anyway….HISTORY WONT FOGET WEYANES CRIME

  2. ሃጎስ ምናባቴን ላርግህ? በጣም ግሩም ሃሳብ አመጣህ:: እባካችሁ ወገኖች ፊልም መስራት የምትችሉ ካላችሁ ገንዘብ ለማዋጣትና ለማስተባበር ፈቃደኛ ነኝ :: ባይሆን እንኩዋን አልሰማ ያለውን ጆሮ በ አይኑ እናሳየው ለታሪክም ይቀመጥ:: ሃጎስ ተባረክ አቦ

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