Meles Zenawi’s pack animal (donkey) Kuma Demeksa has been named mayor of Addis Ababa by the fake city council on Tuesday. Kuma is a person without conscience. He would sell his own mother for the highest bidder. According to ER sources, these days Kuma is busy working on multi-million-dollar real estate deals. He is building several condos. He will not have time to run the city. Even if he has the time, he is too dummy to run any thing except carry load for Meles.
The legitimately elected mayor, Dr Berhanu Nega, has the legal and moral authority — and obligation — to issue a directive outlawing Kuma’s fake mayorship. As a matter of fact, it is appropriate for Dr Berhanu to warn any one from engaging in any type of long terms deals, such as construction projects, with Kuma’s illegal city administration. This will freez a lot of activities by opportunist businessmen who will be scared that they will lose their investment after Woyanne is gone — which will not be too far.
62 thoughts on “A donkey named mayor of Addis Ababa”
Elias, I heard this donkey is looks like your brother? Is that is true? If yes I can imagine which kind of Doma you are.
Wooooow Elias ! Bezu Ke Mawerat Endante Tinshi Meserta Midere Woyanen Anchachahew Thx Du
በትክክለኛ ምርጫማ ማሸነፍ እንደማይችሉ አውቀውታል:: ስለዚህ ያለው አማራጭ እንደታየው ተቃዋሚዎችን አባሮ ብቻውን መሮጥ እና በፈጣጣ ለዝርፊያ መሰማራት ነው, ባንዳዎችን ሰብስቦ!!! እኛ የመረጥነው እማ ዶ/ ር ብርሃኑን ነበር… ሌቦቹ ነጠቁብን እንጂ…
Abo elias please do not insult donkies
our people led by such animal(leaders) from the beginning ’til today.they kill our people and country oromia.
dear elias, now i know u don’t have ethiopian blood.
ጋዜጠኝነት በራስ ጥላቻ ተመርቶ የሌላውን ክብርና ሕልውና ማንቋሸሽ ሳይሆን ሚዛናዊ ዜና ማቅረብ ቀዳሚ ግዴታ ነው:: ኤሊያስ በዚህ ዘገባ የድህረገፅህን ርካሽነት ብቻ ሳይሆን አንተ ራስህ ምንም የስብዕናና ክብር የለለህ ባዶ ሰው መሆንህን ቁልጭ አርጎ ያሳያል;:
Please ! be a real journalist samame on you Elias
Please let us be sensible in our comment. Do not be childish, I hate calling names. To me is a sign of retarded people.
Be ready to learn and change the attitude of calling names.
Be practical
እኮ ትግሰት አያስፈልግውም
ኩማ እንዳንተና እንደመሰሎችህ ለሆዳቸው አላድርም ያሉ የኦሮሞ ሙሁራንና የስራ ሃላፊዎችን በማሰቃየትና በማሰር እንዲሁም በመግደል ለ EPRDF ካቀረብከው መስዋት አንጻር የተሰጠህ ሹመት ያንስሃል እንጂ አይበዛብህም ሰውን በማስገደልና በማሳሰር ያካበትከው በቂ ልምድ ያለህ በመሆኑ
መልካም ክርክር፡ ግን ቂም አትያያዙ።
መወያየት ጥሩና ገኝቢ ሲሆን መጠላላት ጠንቅና ኣፍራሽ ነው