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Sudan annexing Ethiopian territory (Tecola W. Hagos)

By Tecola W. Hagos

Now we are being informed by a patriotic committee of Ethiopians that Meles Zenawi is actively engaged in the handing over of extensive Ethiopian Territory, tens of thousands of acres, to the Government of Sudan. It seems that the Committee that brought to our attention the recent abrogation of duty by Meles Zenawi to defend and preserve Ethiopia has the added difficulty of penetrating the news blackout imposed by the Meles Government. However, it is to the great credit of such courageous and patriotic Ethiopians that we were able to follow and monitor the activities of Meles Zenawi and the EPRDF and the Sudanese Government Officials and military in connection with the ongoing attempt to dismantle and destroy Ethiopia. It is no news that Sudan has ambition to extend its control of the Tikur Abayi (Blue Nile) River basin and conquer the most prized cistern—Lake Tana, but what is unfathomable is the possibility of an Ethiopian leader collaborating with Ethiopia’s historic enemies handing over Ethiopian territory… Read more >>

10 thoughts on “Sudan annexing Ethiopian territory (Tecola W. Hagos)

  1. Tecola Hagos as his name amply implies is a confused (iyeteqola new) and self serving “Educated” idiot. The guy (unfortunately like many Ethiopians) can not talk, decipher, and analyze any contemporary Ethiopian politics without somehow bringing in Eritrea or Isaias Afwerki etc. Without knowing the details of the “Ethiopian Land grap” by the Sudan, I am a strong believer that no land, regardless how small or “Insignificnt”it might be, should never be illegally taken by any power. Having said that however, there is no correlation between that and Badme where the Weyane have refused to evacuate ILLEGALLY. The question that I have is why is it many Ethiopian writers look for scapegoat instead of addressing the real issue whatever it may be. Pointing finger where it does not belong is not going to help anybody, Eritreans or Ethiopians. I am sure most Eritreans want to work with Ethiopians to solve common issues. But, like one can not clap with a one hand, all of us need to agree on the need for such united endeavor; and for heaven’s sake quit blaming Eritrea for any problems that might surface. Eritrea has nothing to do with most of the issues that is hampering Ethiopia. The Tecola Hagos’ and other Agames may sound “yekomputer jegnoch” as they wish, but Eritrea and Ethiopia are two sovereign nations and any mutual advantage can only be gotten by mutual agreement. Short of that all the “Aqaqi zeraf” crap doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.

  2. Woyane knows that it has stolen the most fertile lands of Gonder and knows this will backfire one way or another.

    The idea is to destroy Gonder beyond recognition so that it will never rise up again. To do this, what better way than to give away land to the Sudan.

    Two birds with one stone, if you will. Give Sudan land, make it happy and on your side….make Gonder weak, surrounded by enemies and never capable of rising up.

    If you don’t believe me, go to Gonder and see the extent of destruction there!

  3. Daniel;
    I have been to gondar three months ago it has indeed become on of the vibrant cities of Ethiopia. Opposing the so called border demarcation is onething and denying what is going on in Gondar interms of developmen aspect is ridiculus.

  4. Meles Seitanawi is caught stealing and handing over Gondar to Sudan!

    The secret document about the sale of Gondar over to Sudan is no where to be found according to Ato Tekola W. Hagos. This document of theft and deception, if found under the pillow of Meles or his wife Azeb’s pillow, will not be a valid document unless it is signed by the Ethiopian representatives – the parliament – whose powers are superior to that of Meles Seitanawi’s.

    While an extensive search for the document continues, and the Sudan government carries on disfiguring the shape of the Ethiopian map by annexing Gondar to its vast and arid territories, the people of Ethiopia are left speechless to see one of their territories given away to their formidable and historical adversary, Sudan, without their knowledge.

    The Jews fought for Jerusalem for thousands of years, and, if it comes to that, we Ethiopians, children of the Ethiopian heroes, will shed our bloods for our country eternally. This 52 years-old Sudan is waging war against the 3000 years-old war veteran Ethiopia. Is it the oil that has deceived Sudan and empowered it to take the sacred land from Ethiopia? Or is it the dirty many coming from the Saudis and given to Sudan that tantalized Sudan to steal Ethiopian territories?

    Sudan is geographically one of the largest countries in Africa and still wants to possess the most fertile and productive lands from Ethiopia by driving out the Ethiopian farmers of Gondar from their farm lands with the help of the Woyanne soldiers.

    Wake up heroes of Armacheho, Wolkait, Tegedie, Telelo, Thelemt, Semen, Wegera, Denbia, Belesa, Ebinat, Farta, Gaint, Wollo, Gojam, Shewa, Oromia, and all heroes of Ethiopia! Wake up angels of Ethiopia, sword in hand, and reclaim your stolen territories and drive out the children of Dirbush from the land of Gondar, one of your historical prides and the center of Ethiopian traditional education.

    It is sad that those old, and real Ethiopian heroes are no more with us because Meles Seitanawi has destroyed them, roots and branches, and that is why Meles handed over Gondar to Sudan; the other reason why he handed over the Gondar land to Sudan is that most of the Gondar people could not still recognize Meles as the Prime Minister of Ethiopia: they despise him; they detest him, and they disparage him and all his political gangs.

    We children of this generation are only children of pen, not children of gun; we cannot go to Gondar and fight our enemy because we are not trained to wage war; we are trained to make our country a peaceful, democratic, and prosperous country. Our warrior fathers are gone, and they are not coming back to fight for us. They have done their extra-ordinary jobs for us their children; now it is our turn to fight our enemy with what we have, pen or gun, and secure the land for our children as our fathers handed Ethiopia with great honor and respect to us their children.

  5. Where were the likes of Tekola Hagos when Woyanie-Tigraians, that he prefers to call the non existent “EPRDF” when they annexed land from Wello, Gonder and others to Tigrai?
    The Woyanie-Tigraians will do everything to keep Sudan happy by handing over fertile Ethiopian land but the Woyanies like Meles and Seye will throw 130,000 young Ethiopians like a condom to save a dusty and dry village called Badmie that has now legaly become Eritrean!
    Amid of all the war with Somalia, Ogadien, Oromia and Eritrea, the last thing the Woyanie-Tigraians want is conflict with Sudan. They need Sudan at any cost, to get an easy access for Tigrai with a rail way line to Port Sudan, access to oil and agreement to keep the opposition out of Sudan. Therefore, handing over Ethiopian territory to Sudan is a small price for the Tigraians to pay because the people of Gonder, Gojam and Gumuz or Gambiella do not speak Tigrigna.

  6. Calm down guys, Meles is not going to sit in Minilik palace for century, nor does he servive the uprising of the ppl of ethiopia in general and addis in particular due to the shortage of food to consume? This time the world is in trouble, no one comes to his rescue.
    After all ethiopia never been with out active enemy in its history. Wat is surprising this time around is, the main enemy is its own ruller, PM Meles Zenawi. It is obviously true that the world knows that the curren leader never hide his agenda, that he doesnt care about the national interst of the country he called he is rulling. When the time comes( I am not talking about the curent so called opposition parties) and God provied us the true leader to come out of the current mess, nothing is binding what soever this guy singed, not Sudan or eritrea will stand infront of the will of ethiopians to enforce the wedding shower meles is washing them with, it is ours in always ours, we will reclaim what belong to us. God bless you all.

  7. ወገኖች እርር ብየ ልሞት ነው:: እንነሳ ሃገራችንን እናድን:: ጀግኖች የሞቱላትን ሃገር እንደ ዶሮ እየገነጠለ አካፍሎ ጨረሳት እኮ::ምነው የሚገላግለን የለም? ደደቢት ላኩት ባካችሁ የነቴዎድሮስ ሃገር የማነም ዝንጀሮ መጫወቻ ትሁን?

  8. When a person is stricken with a deadly ailment, such as cancer and when the disease is incurable, then that ill person awaits its final exit to death. Ethiopians, why are we here on this earth?

    When we get pinched on our skin, we feel the pain, and when we get the bruised we feel more pain, and we get burnt on our body, we suffer, first, second or third degree burn on our body. There is inseparable connection between our flesh and the land we were born. When we lose our property to arson, the sweat we pour to building our property, the time and money that we invest on building the wealth will go into drainage and won’t be recycled.

    The woyanae robbers are destroying the home that was built by the men and women citizens of Ethiopia. It took many centuries to build a home for 80 million Ethiopians and was supposed to be a safe home for the future generation. When the woyanae robbers stole Ethiopia’s land and gave it to the Sudan, there must be a motive behind their action.

    When these devilish robbers came into Ethiopia, they had nothing in their pocket but had a lot of guns and bullets, and had wicked plans in their satanic mind to nibble Ethiopia to its gradual and ultimate heart-crushing death.

    These organized criminal robbers had planned to build whatever the name of the country they had in mind to call it, they would definitely create an empire that is built on stolen lands and resources from Ethiopia. It is just a matter of time millions of Ethiopians would pay the last tribute to their dead Ethiopia and others, those who would not receive the news of the death of their county would send condolences to the mourners in what used to be called Ethiopia.

    We, Ethiopians are inkling that we would float on thin air being drifted here and there like a homeless person. Let’s assess our current situations of Ethiopia and make a quick and unwavering decision whether we want and need an intact Ethiopia or no Ethiopia. It is not something that we keep on procrastinating on our livelihoods; rather it is a life and death decision that we have to make. All Ethiopians, either individually or collectively must take matters into their hands and act decisively to remove the woyanaetplf anti-Ethiopia elements from the surface of Ethiopia.


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