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Woyanne throws Teddy Afro in jail

Addis Fortune reports that singer Teddy Afro was sent to Kaliti jail today. There is no doubt that the whole thing has been orchestrated by Woyanne to silence Teddy. Read the full report below:

(Addis Fortune) – Ethiopia’s sensational stage performer, Tewodros Kassahun – popularly known as Teddy-Afro – is sent today, April 16, 2008, to the Addis Abeba Central Prison Centre after the Federal High Court eighth criminal bench, adjourned to rule over his appeal for right of bail on charges of murder.

He was under custody inside the Federal High Court, Lideta area, for couple of hours before a white minibus from the Prison Administration took him to Kaliti early this afternoon, together with other inmates. Fans, family members and his agent, Addis Gessese, have gathered inside the court before the minibus drove out.

Yet to be confirmed, he is believed to have been taken to Kaliti Prison Centre, located in the outskirts of the city. Dressed with red T-shirt and black pant, he appeared nervous and seemed unable to focus when talking to reporters gathered inside the Court, but maintained his innocence of the crime he is alleged to have committed.

“I’ve yet to compose my thoughts,” Tewodros told reporters who showered him with series of questions. “Nevertheless, I haven’t hit anyone with a car.”

On November 3, 2006, investigators from the Addis Abeba Police Commission arrested Tewodros Kassahun, suspecting him of leaving a scene of a car accident that they alleged has caused the death of an 18-year old Degu Yibelte. Degu, a street dweller who came from Gojjam to reside with his uncle before he moved out to the streets, was killed on the night of November 2, 2006, after he was hit by a car. Police was tipped on phone a plate number of a BMW by a taxi driver whose identity they were trying to establish at the time.

Later that night, around after midnight, a BMW owned and driven by the singer was found collided with a concrete that blocked road under-construction around Gurd Sholla area, on the road to the CMC residential complex. Police claimed at the time, the plate number of this vehicle was identical to the number they were tipped of by the unidentified taxi driver as involved in the accident that killed Degu.

After he was put under custody for a day, Tewodros was released on a 50,000 Birr bail the following day, on November 4, 2006.

Prosecutors have now pressed charges against the popular singer: According to the Ethiopian Penal Code, a driver who hit a person to death and drives 15 metre away from the scene of an accident would be charged of homicide. The court is adjourned for Monday, April 21, to decide whether or not Tewodros be granted release on bail.

169 thoughts on “Woyanne throws Teddy Afro in jail

  1. As a matter of fact, I was kind of surprised they didn’t arrest him or kill him to this point. Either you have to sing propaganda for the woyanes like Ephrem Tamru and Aster Awoke, or stay away from that country. Tedi Afro gambled with evil, and seems like he has lost.

  2. Ethiopia Zare (ረቡዕ ሚያዝያ 8 ቀን 2000 ዓ.ም. April 16, 2008)፦ ዝነኛው ድምጻዊ ቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁን (ቴዲ አፍሮ) ከዚህ ቀደም “በመኪና ሰው ገለህ አምልጠሀል” በሚል ተከሶበት በነበረው ክስ ምክንያት የፌደራል ዓቃቢ ሕግ የዋስትና መብት ሊሰጠው አይገባም በማለቱ የዋስ መብቱን በሚመለከት ውሳኔ እስኪሰጥ ወደ ቃሊቲ እስር ቤት የተላከ መሆኑን ከአዲስ አበባ የደረሰን ዘገባ ጠቆመ።

    Teddi Afro in Stockholmበዛሬው ዕለት በቴዲ ላይ የቀረበበት ክስ ያለመንጃ ፍቃድ በመንዳት እና ሆን ብሎ ሰው ገድሎ በማምለጥ ክስ ነው። ጠበቃው አቶ ሚሊዮን አሰፋ “ደንበኛዬ ቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁን ድርጊቱን ካለመፈጸማቸውም በላይ ክሱ ሊቀየር ይገባዋል” ሲሉ የተከራከሩ ሲሆን፣ ዳኛ ልዑል ገ/ማሪያም የፌዴራል ዓቃቢ ሕግ እና ጠበቃው ያቀረቡትን ክርክር ካዩ በኋላ ውሳኔ ለመስጠት ለመጭው ሰኞ ቀጠሮ በመስጠት ተከሳሽ ቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁን ቀጠሮው እስኪደርስ ወደ ቃሊቲ እስር ቤት እንዲቆይ የተወሰነ መሆኑን ለመረዳት ችለናል።

    ድምጻዊ ቴዲ አፍሮ ለአራት ሰዓታት ያህል ፍርድ ቤቱ አካባቢ በሚገኘው ማቆያ እስር ቤት በእስር ከቆየ በኋላ ወደ ቃሊቲ መውረዱን ምንጮቻችን ገልጸዋል።

    ዳኛው አቶ ልዑል ገ/ማሪያም የቅንጅት መሪዎችን ክስ ካዩት ዳኞች መካከል የቀኝ ዳኛ ሆነው ተሰይመው የነበሩ ሲሆን፣ በአስቸጋሪነታቸው የሚታወቁ ከመሆኑም በላይ፤ ዛሬ በቴዲ አፍሮ ላይ የቀረበበትን ክስ የዋስትና ውሳኔ ዛሬውኑ መወሰን ይችሉ እንደነበር ታዛቢዎች ይናገራሉ።

  3. hey guys

    I think we should think about doing something to help teddy out. We should put pressure on woyane to help teddy out.Otherwise they would silence hime for long.

    We can’t just see them playing with him. We can’t afford to see teddy staying for couple of years in jail. Enough is enough.

    Long live teddy!!!

  4. it is clearely that weyane agenda is to destroye the country,intellectuals,famouis ethiopian artist as he killed Alebachew ,keros and was perposely designed to take Tewdros in prison for indefinate time .Let God take them away from our country before the worest comes.

  5. No much comment!
    Let me say one thing important,hope woyanne will not throw me in jail too.
    Anways Teddy will have a nice album after 48 hours released from jail.He will revenge Woyanne with his sarcastic songs.

  6. Well, who is he after all…. If he did commit the crime he should definitely face the charges! Yet YedeRsal YeTebale ZaFe kEbeLe KoRetEw!!! Shame on him!!!!

  7. ere gud new! I think its time for weyane to go back to dedebit! They are real dedebs! If Teddy has commited the murder he has to be taken to trial like everyone of us. But am afraid they avenge him for “asra sebat kumta”. God save Ethiopia and her children from the tyranny!

  8. Mr Daniel!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Don’t try to be judgemental first.You sound like you have any information that he killed the guy.And you don’t like Teddy!Atefoger!!!!!!!!!Atewashe!!!!!!!!!Leba!Leba!Daniel
    You don’t like him and you don’t like ‘Yasetesereyale’.Don’t act like you are a reasonable person…..D*****my

  9. Why is that no body talked about the poor man who lost his life??? The pain for his family???

    Can you imagine how you would have feelt had that been one of your families? be honest with yourself guys.

    No body is above the law!!

  10. hay gus way do you think woyane is always wrong.if it is a hit & run he has to pay for it,it is very your eyes see beyond the hate.what is wrong with us ethiopians can we ever get togather & do something good.let us stop talking,let us weak up. i am really tired of it.I do not think i am the only one.

  11. Hey,
    I have been trying to read most of the comments posted here and surprising on your abilities how to compromise justice with prominence. It is really surprising. Most of you trying to defend TEDDY but forget the innocent life of that poor man. So, please don’t encourage others to kill innocent people with the pretext of prominence. Every body is equal infant of justice. What I know so far is that Tedday killed the poor man when he drives a car on alcoholic influence. That is all.
    Teddy is not especial person who deserves special pardon from crime he committed. Let us think for the lost life of the poor man and for the suffer imposed on his family due to unwarranted action of Tedday.

    May God clear all things soon.

    From Canada

  12. I agree with you: Unity
    UNITY says:
    “Hey if indeed he hit the poor man and killed him, he must pay for his crime. Ethiopia is never short of singers and politicians. What we lack is wisdom and truthfullness”

  13. መጀመሪያ ቴዲ ጥፋት ኣላጠፋም ብዬእገምታለሁ

    ቀጥሎ ቴዲ ጥሩ ሲሰራ ለሰራው ሥራ የሚከፈለው ከሆነ ላጠፋው ጥፋት መክፈል ኣለበት የሞተም ድሃም ቢሆን እናት አለችው

  14. Everybody should BOYCOTT travel to Ethiopia and any business with Weyanes. Chances are you could get arrested on arrival yourself or even being killed if you travel to Addis. Weyane Government is now under extreme economic and political bad performance so they are looking for scapegoats now everywhere. You must be stupid if you exepect justice in Ethiopia. Next to Meles, Bereket Simon and Sibhat Nega are the chief orchestrators who should be arrested or not.

  15. Hi guys I am a #1 Teddy Afro fan. Don’t lose your mind if he commited this crime let him face justice. By the time it is reported and confirmed Teddy has committed the crash and or hit. Our belief is no matter the status of the criminal or the victim justice be fullfiled. I think that was what we are fighting for. I don’t agree to let free anyone who committed a crime on anybody despite his economic status. The truth is Teddy killed a homeless albiet Ethiopian citizen. That poor Ethiopian deserves justice. Do you think justice be circumvented for people who are famous or rich.

  16. Wither Teddy did the crime or not I personally do not trust WEYANE. What ever crime happened in Ethiopia my first suspicion is WEYANE. As we know, from any crime in Ethiopia there is weanes evolvement behind it. One of the weyane tactics to divert the people attention is such a foolish method as they do it 20 years ago at innocent people of HAOZIN. What I am surprised is still some of us do not know this gangster. The people of Haozin, the separation of Eretria, the Explosion of BEKLO BET Artillery depot, explosion of SHEGOLE SEFER artillery depot, the innocent 197 people died in the street because of the election 2005, now giving the land to SUDAN and Bombed two gas station and so money other crime in Ethiopia is to survival of their power by diverting the people attention of struggle. People People, People, Especially next to those gangster pleas weak up. Some day just like dictator Mengestu , Meles Zarkawi and his friends leave the country after all this mess. Watch out!!!
    Teddy I am very sorry that you fall on those gangster hands. God bless you. You are the people hero and this is the part of struggle until the justice come

  17. እንወደዋለን ግን አድርጎስ ከሆነ? ማንም ቢሆን ከህግ አያመልጥም….. የድሃውስ ደም?
    አምላክ ካንተ ይሆን ዘንድ እንጸልያለን..
    ሌላ ምን እናደርጋለን? ባታደርገውም እንኩዋን… ሌላ የምንለው ነገር ይኖራል?

  18. which is obvious and Expected From woyane….tadia Le Teddy anget golden medalia yishelemew endie……???!!!
    We willl never and ever Xpect “honey from FLy……!!!!!”

  19. I lost confidence on the Ethiopian Government credibility long ago. The officials are a simple irrational greedy people. It is easier to beleive that, they arest Tedy for his critics and non compliance with their demand than the aleged crime.

  20. Hi Guys,

    I am in my late 20s and moved to US a year ago….I mentioned this cause i know how the Ethiopian system work.

    My biggest doubt on this trial….There is no tradition in Ethiopia of reporting accident/crime to police by phone. As a matter of fact, no one knows police Number (there is no 911)….We always walk to nearby police station to report accidents…or search for trafic police around….and due to the lengthy legal consequence on the person that reports, …no one want to report….

  21. If he did it yes, but I do not hunderstand how they caught him at the time of the accident. Ethiopian taxies have video camera?? !!!!!. I do not belive!!! Generally i strongly agree with Gebrmidihen, he will write alot of songs, but how long he will be in Kality…may be like Professor Assrat ….. may be may be …….may be!!! OR may be ….Sadam Husian….may be…..

    Leyemesl ay’edelm lebie y’miwodawooooo…!

  22. If the hit and ran is true, eye-witness alone is not enough. The cab-driver might have some sinster mission against Teddy Afro. The key evidence should be the car that was supposedly involved in the fatal accident. Although it may be difficult to do in Ethiopia, scientific evidence can be gathered from the car, which is more convincing than some eye-witness in the dark of the Addis night.

    More importantly, Who trusts what TPLF agents do? Maybe they just created a case out of a blue to get back at Teddy Afro. The “eye-witness” Cab-driver might also be some TPLF agent. We know TPLF is known to manufacture false witnesses to charge innocent people for the crimes they have never committed.

    UNITY says:
    Hey if indeed he hit the poor man and killed him, he must pay for his crime. Ethiopia is never short of singers and politicians. What we lack is wisdom and truthfullness

  24. I do not think woyane court has the ethical entigrity to investgate and pass a good verdict as it is manipulated by the political machinery. Tedi is a role model for most Ethiopians and this is not the like of woyane. During election time it is also the tactic of woyane to teriorize some inividuals like tedy who can voice the injestice being commited by the woyane regime.

  25. Lula yet yedersalech letebay yematchey ..doma bita nesh…

    what does peoples expectation of him have to do with an accident that happened…doma

    Buy I hope is not a plot of woyana….if he had done it , I wish him a fare trial and face the charges…Butknown what the woyana junta have in mind of teedy i doubt that he would get a fare trial…

    May God be with TEddy …………I don’t think there is a dead man at all tho…they may have just brought a dead person to attach it with him , as soon as they found his car damaged…

  26. Well, It is unfortunate that Teddy is in this situation. but, we all need to understand that one can not blame nor support the action taken by the government until the truth is out. For Teddy he is innocent until proven guilty. so we need to wait and see how the system plays out. We just need to pray that, God’s intervention is the ONLY solution that brings respect to the Justice system of Ethiopia. We need to pray for Degu Yibelte’s family as they lost their loved one and pray for Teddy and the govrnment for justice to prevail.

  27. Look, This is a no brainier. The only reason the Woyane kangaroo court want Teddy in prison is not because the hit and run. It’s for a payback for making them look bad on his famous music video “Yasteseryal”
    His famous music brought together every Ethiopian from all spectrum (religion, class, ethnic background etc. He exposed the Wayne’s divide and rule through his music to the Ethiopian people. It is noting but a payback for messing with Woyane.

  28. Tedi is just a singer and dancer. Nothing else. Should he breake the rules, should he really murdered the innocent poor Ethiopian, I belive considering his fame he should get an exemplary punishment. I personally hold that such public figures should be exemplary in everything they do. No one is above the law.

  29. There r many points we have to see first
    1: Weyane can arrest and throw any one if they need
    2: If Tedi Killed the boy, why the Taxi driver didnt call an ambulance and let the victim medicated?
    3: Can any one write some body’s plate no and let the police arrest the guy? does that seems logical? is he going to suffer
    for years for the insufficient allegation?
    4: They call the deceased a street dweller because no one will
    ask them from his family. That is the conspiracy.
    5: Who asked them for those mass killings and murders? The work ( Killing people) seems the only position it is allowed for Weyane and prohibited for others. that is why he is in prison now.

  30. lula i think u have dead brain , how can you say that ? how do you know he committed the crime ? we dont know it , but it look political , if he did he will deserve it penality but i dont think he did that. i knew him he cant do that tedy is love people and i am sure this woyane revange .
    One day the reality will come out , woyane did lot of crime . they will pay it for what they did .

    Teddy love u

  31. It is a great shame for this gvt,all Ethiopians home in africa usa and where ever you are what that mean for you?Who is going to judje woyane for its criminal act in the life of ethiopian?
    Teddisha We ove you all let God Help You Where Ever You Are!!
    Long Live Teddy

  32. Yes innocent until proven guilty but it’s daft to try and link this to anything remotely political. He may or may not have killed the poor boy but let’s not politicise a court proceeding.

    So as idiot as you are trying hard to be , please think not twice but perhaps a thousand times to not this sorts of mistake.

  33. i am shoched when i heared the news.Those who recall what weyane did to the leaders of kinjit shouldn’t expect a fair and transparent trial.They can easily send u to prison with fabricated charges.We know very well that the weyane regime is unhappy of teddy`s last album and specially the interview he gave to addis admas commenting that the leaders of kinjit should be released while the rest of artists prefer to silent.At that time i was in ethiopia and i remeber how much the supporters of weyane were angry at him.So this is a complete revevenge

    we all should stand on teddy`s side and do whatever we are able to do to let him free at least for the sake of morality.I know this is a very serious issue for ethiopians and we should follow all the matter very seriously.

  34. Can any one relate these recent facts related to Tedy Afro to me ?
    Blackmailing in FM radio echoed in Addis Neger-the newly published saturday newspaper, …
    I am smelling something from what these bitches has been spitng out shamelessly. Plus the judge who has been assigned to see this case is one of the three who was seeing the case of Kinjit leaders.
    Any way everybody who loves his motherland has to hear the recent Begena free release by Tedi Afro.
    It has a great message in this time of turmoil.
    How it is touching when he is singing in Geez “Ethiopia Ijochuan wede lai tizeregalech ”
    Let God be with him.

  35. Let us not forget even for a second as vengeance is the real feature of Weyane and starting from the release of his second album of this artist which is mentioned above, weyane has forced many music shop owners not to play this music loud and even they have tried to collect it,so now is the time for weyane to revangethis young artist and this civil service graduate lawyers are traind on buring people like tedy to the grave so that no other person will try a similar act.

  36. This is not between the case of govt. and Teddy Afro

    This is between the case of Mr.Degu Yibelte Vs Mr.Teddy Afro

    Only Degu father or mather have the power to forgive Teddy Afro…. as long as Teddy Afro admit the crime

  37. ቴዲ ጎበዝ ዘፋኝ ነው እወደዋለሁ ግን

    ቤት ለሌላቸው ያረገው ነገር አለ?
    ለወጣት ዘፋኞች ያረገው ነገር አለ?

    ጠጥቶ መጥፎ አራአያ ከመሆን መጠንቀቅ ጥሩ ነው እድለኛ ነው ክራይም ሰራ ተብሎ እንኮን ከሃገር የመውጣት መብቱ ተጠብቆ ነበር እየወጣ ይገባ ነበር ለምን ከቀድሞ መንግሥት አንማርም? ያሁኑ ጥሩ ነው ማለቴ አይደለም

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