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Dechesa addiction among Ethiopians in the U.K.

By Mulumebet Asfaw

Last year I went to the United Kingdom to do a comparative research on welfare benefits, its advantages and its adverse effects. That had given me a chance to closely scrutinize how some Ethiopians in the UK survive on benefits. You may wonder why anyone would want to write about the positive and negative effects of benefits on an immigrant community. The simple answer is the pervasive addiction of welfare benefits, also known as Dechasa, among able bodied Ethiopians who have every opportunity to succeed without being indefinitely dependent on welfare benefits.

The United Kingdom is a country where a generous welfare system helps those who cannot afford to cope with the cost of life. Those without jobs, anyone unable to earn a living due to other unfortunate circumstances like serious illnesses and disabilities get assistance from the tax payer’s coffers under various schemes. There are many kinds of benefits, like job seekers allowance, income support, disability allowance, housing benefit, child benefit, council tax benefit etc.

The benefit system in the UK has its own weaknesses and can easily be abused and manipulated by unscrupulous individuals with false claims. What I found striking is not the number of Ethiopians who are on benefits because they have legitimate grounds to get support to survive. Asylum seekers who are not allowed to work, which is another weakness of the system, senior citizens, children under 18, genuinely single mums, disabled and unemployed people have all legitimate grounds to claim welfare benefits for survival.

As the main objective of the benefit system is to help those who cannot afford to pay their bills because of joblessness, disabilities or any other legitimate grounds, one cannot criticise them for being dependent on welfare benefits because of their unfortunate circumstances as there are a number of Ethiopians in this category who have good reasons to seek assistance from public funds.

My critical views are directed towards Ethiopians in the UK who are deliberately trying to make every effort not to get stuck in the benefit system even if they have every chance to take advantage of the opportunities on offer to them. One of the undesirable effects of Dechesa is making some people to develop a culture of laziness and dependency syndrome abusing the benefit system at will, sometimes doing nothing except backbiting others. If anyone dares to advise these kinds of people why don’t they try to lead meaningful lives, they are likely to angrily retort “It is none of your business. That is envy!” In a civilised society though, there is however nothing off limit closer scrutiny especially when a malpractice is grossly wrong.

Let us put “Dechasa” addicts under different categories. However, caution must be taken that this is not an effort to expose the corrupt practise, as it is already an open secret, but to encourage Ethiopians to believe in hard work and to shun a system that can prevent them from leading productive and meaningful lives free from cheating, which is not a smart way of earning a living at the expense of hard working people who pay their taxes responsibly. Putting such a malfeasance under scrutiny can show Ethiopians, whether in the UK or other countries, that it is hard work, not welfare dependency and addiction, that should be construed as a source success, pride and confidence.

1. The job dodger: There are some who are able to work and earn their living. Some are well qualified but never want to get employed. Among the Ethiopian community in the UK, it is a taboo to ask why. But you hear constant moaning from the job dodgers that the Job Centre, a government agency that puts people into jobs, is harassing them to do training and offering work. Don’t get surprised if you hear the job dodgers saying: “These cruel people have found me a job. I will tell them I am too ill to work.” This may appear a joke but it is a reality of life for the job dodgers. They are too lazy to work or they have a preconceived idea that they can only be better off to be on benefits forever.

2. Married but separate: In order to take advantage of the loop holes in the system, these one get married with a lot of fanfare and big limos. The trouble with them is that even if they get married legally they declare divorce as soon as possible or they never declare their marriage. The extreme cases go as far as both claiming income support, job seekers allowance, housing and council tax benefits. It doesn’t end there. They rent out flats and houses that are registered under a housing benefit claimant. That means they live rent free and become landlords and landladies of properties that they spend not a single penny on. In some cases they even go out for extra income working in the black market.

3. Healthy but disabled: Under these categories fall those who are healthy but claim to be disabled. They claim the maximum amounts of welfare benefits but one may find them doing hard jobs in the underground. They never wish to have a decent job as they think they are too smart to squeeze the system.

4. Self-employed but no income: Cab drivers and business owners fall under this category. Some amongst this group declare their income so low that their income would appear not even enough to pay their rent. Assisted by dodgy accountants, they prefer to save their income and claim benefits for their basic expenses including housing rent.

5. The young pensioner: Cheating the benefit system has become so entrenched among Ethiopians in the UK that even young people prefer to live like old aged pensioners rather than getting qualifications and aspire to fulfill their dreams.

6. The landlord on welfare: As I have mentioned above, some become scrupulous landlords claiming all kinds of benefits. The majority of the dodgy dealers live with their partners, girl friends, boy friends, husbands and wives while claiming state benefits. This practically turns them into landlords on welfare which is an illegal way of making money that they have never toiled to earn. If anyone challenges these malfeasance affecting a significant number of individuals and families, they would be victims of smear campaigns as those who have a problem with the truth find it hard to handle it.

To my amazement, the majority benefit cheats I have come across think that this is a smart way of survival but what is at stake is honesty, integrity and morality. Some families who have children but live on benefits while earning enough teach their children a bad lesson. The community organisations that are supposed to show the right ways and means of survival to the Ethiopians community in the UK have their own weaknesses as they are too focused on fundraising and siphoning off funds to their own ends.

It is very healthy to aspire to prosper. But prosperity should come through hard work and real earning. Living in confidence is much better than playing hide and seek with welfare officers.

Those who have no choice but to survive on benefits are beyond reproach. They have little options. But those who are capable of supporting themselves and making positive contributions to their host country should accept the fact that hard work is the best way of survival with dignity. It should also be noted that there are so many Ethiopians who work and study hard to succeed in the United Kingdom in the right ways. Unnecessary dependency syndrome and addiction to Dechasa must be shunned and discouraged as it is not a smart way of survival for those who cheat. Where ever we go we must believe that we can make in in the right way of life.
The writer can be reached at [email protected]

129 thoughts on “Dechesa addiction among Ethiopians in the U.K.

  1. Hi Mulu
    There is no honesty, integrity and morality in the UK. To be honest! There must be a reason why this is happening. Is the society open enough to use the potentials of immigrants from the third world?

    Why do you think that Ethiopians in the USA are known to be one of hard working and increasingly successful immigrants, working in all sectors including NASA.

    If you are doing a comparative study and concludes Ethiopians are inherently lazy, as the BRITSH WANT TO HEAR, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF. If it is a honest evaluation of the situation in UK, try to look the reason behind these kinds of behaviors. I believe it is a sytemic problem, and Ethiopian immigrants are a victim of this flawed system like immigrants from other countries.

    For your information, I used to live in the UK, before I left to the US, and I felt like, I WAS RELEASED FROM A PRISON.


  2. Mulumebet, you are damaging the reputation of hard working and innocent Ethiopians in UK. Your reasearch are weak and useless. If you are really a researcher there are so many issues to be assessed and needs solution.

  3. Mulu,

    What you wrote is all a lie. Why didn’t find out why?. Do you expect a qualified Engineer to work as a shop assistant. For your info in such jobs what you earn could only cover for you rent, utility bills & basic necessities (food transport etc.) so most people prefer to be in benefits and further theier qualification. Don’t make people think that Ethiopians in Brition are sitting and wathing TV all day. There are a lot of Eth. who are contributing to the British Economy by working Bus Drivers, Accountants, Taxi Drivers, in other private and public sectors. If you are using Uk Ethiopians to to write your Thesis to get your qualification SHAME ON YOU and leave them alone -you stupid!

  4. Mulumebet,
    The article is well written and made much more sense to me, as I happen to live in the UK. I just wanted to point out that the culture of Dechasa is a big problem to the whole society in the UK. What i am trying to say is the whole Immigrant community including Ethiopians happen to learn this culture from the natives. One can say the system is very weak to be abused and anyone who is lazy enough to sleep and wait for that little money to come every week can get away with it. However we need to see why people if we say Ethiopians in this case prefer to go in to this dishonesty root of living? I say laziness comes far behind other reasons. 1. The system makes a lot of things easier to get when you are on benefit. For example every1 here in the Uk wants to get a government house, which is cheaper in termes of rent. You are more likely to get the house when you are in benefit than working hard and pay your own rent. This attracts a lot of people “i say it again not only immigrants or Ethiopians” in to thinking let me be on benefit until i get my house.
    2.When you don’t have skills the jobs you can find makes it very hard to manage paying the rent, council tax, and the main tax itself including bills. There for benefit cheat will be an attractive way of leaving.
    3.As a lot of people do it in us it is so hard here to manage 2 jobs. You will be better off with one as the tax will be very high.
    There are some other points as well, which can be mentioned as why people prefer to live on benefits than work. I believe my point can show to so extent the source of the problem but i have to say In any advantage we get we need to tell off people to work and earn their money, that way they can see change in their life and will be better off.

  5. you got the chance to criticise,your own brothers and sisters ,who sufers without,papers,and those worked,for many yaers,hard job and you are angaist their right,why you dont go to advise Gorden brown,for me and some people who fight for their right,your are simple medrcenries,TU N’EST Q’une saloperie de putaine.

  6. Hi Mulu,
    Even though I could not dispute some of the points you’ve made and they are generally valid you have completely shut out the reasons as to why this happens. I live in the UK and believe strongly in hard work, integrity and dignity. We habesha people are well known for our pride as well.
    However the UK benefit system even though it appears to look generous and easily abused by many you labelled as ‘lazy’; personally for me the system is not fit for purpose.
    To get a closer picture of it I think you should speak to people who are living in the system. And they are not as aloof as you make them out to be.
    But credit to you actually inciting this conversation.

  7. Hey mulu,
    Research is your own work where you actually consult materials from achieves (in this case you could have consulted materials from the government office to get an understanding of who is entitled for benefits and how they determine that). This could have given you a clearer picture as to why these people you have put in categories above actually decide to take the dodging road.
    On retrospective, what you have done is sort of a ‘gossip’ style research… where the credit could actually if there are any should go to the couple of people you have spoken to in your stay in the UK.

  8. It is very essential to view our society, and some times to make critics on things that may need to be improved. By the same token, it is even more necessary and vital to know how to find and substantiate the basis for any critic or conclusion.

    First, the anecdotal experience by the author or her observation, which looks sensational, can not be considered as comparative research, as there was no comparison at all.

    Secondly, the attempt to make a conclusion based on personal observation which was not supported by figures is extremely dangerous and tabloid like.

    My advice to the author would be to add an addendum on her writing indicating her remarks were only based on anecdotal experience.

    Aida Kassa, Virginia

  9. it is so damming to see you trying to outline a stupid topic and I think you belong to one of the categories you tried to create.
    Get a life and be quite about it because no one wants to here your c**p.

  10. Response to comment #3 (Alex):

    You said: “What you wrote is all a lie. Why didn’t find out why?. Do you expect a qualified Engineer to work as a shop assistant?”

    You are a fitting example to Mulumebet Asfaw’s article. Look at your reasoning! According to you it is more shameful for a “qualified engineer” to work as a “shop keeper” than to be financed by “shop keepers” and janitors by themselves through the welfare agency.

    Shame to those welfare addicts!

  11. I have no reason to dispute her claim but also to believe her claims. Firsty, she claimed she has done a comparative research but she provided none. Secondly, she has not revealed numbers, such as the number of people on public benefits, the percentage of people “abusing” the system, the percentage of those who cannot work and those who can work, those who are “lazy” and those who are not , etc. The list can go on and on. As a researcher, she must have known that extremes are always possible distortions of realty. In any cases, you will find extremes on both ends and it is dangerous to make conclusions based on them. Just because you classified those on public welfare into five or six groups does not make the claims research findings. What she showed is her personal experience. She wants to give it a high profile by claiming it is a “research”. She said it was “a comparative research on welfare benefits, its advantages and its adverse effects” but I wonder what her report looks like. It seems a topic that covers all, not only Ethiopians. However, she failed to deliver what she promised. She has not described it how it fits within the overall context. If I were to correct her “research” [I am assuming it is a student paper], I would urge her to re-do it.

    Give us the correct context, girl! That is what matters.

  12. mulumebet, well done writing but u should have to know that there is no law that forced us to work, it is just an artifitial capitalist law. As long as the british afford it i would like to applaud for those fellow ethiopians who did that. Yekena yigobtal. where were moral, diginity and respect when the white wealthy brits sucking the blood of indian and african. such a game accompaind by you is just a colonial- super capitalist mentality that spereads itself to benefit the collectors. be sure waht you said is not just what you learned but see if you mean it.Bravo dechasa eaters make the brits and slaves do the jobb. Life is to live, spending times with family and friends not to work gluttony capitalists that eat the world to the depth of its bone. Let the west and colonial minds do the jobb. I never got the chanse to be the one, b/c i live in US where capitalism is the only way of survival, but if i get the chance, i never hesitate to eat dechasa even in the next life.

  13. HI Madam!
    I read ur text and found it interesting but weak and fail to cover all side of the situation.
    I’m currently not living in Uk but have been there many times,I believe all western european country are simillar in case of walfare.
    If we realy think why we left our country we should encourage our sisters and brothers to be effective under any circumstances!!!
    I know many ethiopians studied & qualified at high lavel but suffer to get interance to work market. these people couldnt get a chance to appear in Job interview despite long time effort. they never use their capacity to contribute to their new homeland. Fore exampel in Scandinevia you never selected to interview unless you change both yours and your family name.
    some ppl. are strongly showed effort and appeal to authorites to minimize such kind of discrimination. Nevertheless they still recommended to seek benefit.
    Generally I found many interesting and reliable truth in your article, but also a lot of vaccum, becouse it is incomplete, you couldnt cover all real situation on the ground.

  14. AleQA eweru #11

    You couldn’t see that it is better to be in Benefit for some time to buy time to look for a job with his/her qualification than end up as a shop assistant all the time?. Once you start the shop asst. job you will never have time to look after the job you want. Use your common sense & don’t waste my time to explain to you this.

  15. Hi, Mulu, it is intersting article which is quite crtitical towards Ethiopian immigrants in UK. The benefit system in UK is superficially colorfull and attractive but deep down it is ‘killer’ for those able to work.

    The problem you stated in your artcile is not only of Ethiopian immigrants but also for most immigrants and most low income British natives.

    Do you know London is the most expensive city in the Western world? Living expense is tough in UK. House rent, transport, differnt taxes (income, VAT, Council tax etc) are relatively expensive compared to US and other Western nations.

    It is difficult to get high paying job for immigrants whatever qualification and merit you have. You may find some jobs which may pay you £4-10/hour for few hours if you are lucky. This is difficult to cover your bills.

    Most Ethiopians who work are engaged in cab (mini cab) and recently driving buses. Thier income is modest but unreliable. Most Ethiopians are forced to get in to the benefit system, rather than attracted to it.
    With benefit, you will be cheat, amotivated, or lazy.

    You deserve credit for posting this article as it is a wake up call for those actually cheat while they can afford to live without it. I would appreciate if you also include some of your compartive finding from your research as you stated you were doing compartive study.


  16. Hi Mulumebet,

    i do know how life is very hard in London compared what you have here in USA. the total effort that you made is just to defame and destabilize the Ethiopians who are hardly living there. purely, it is an intended mission of destroying others.

    abesha mikegna new yilal yagerie sew, endanchi ayinetun new.

    i am really ashamed of you.

    thank you

  17. As Mulumebet sad ‘It is very healthy to aspire to prosper. But prosperity should come through hard work and real earning. Living in confidence is much better than playing hide and seek with welfare officers.’

    As a UK resident for the last 15 years, I totally agree with your article above. I am not going to add or subtract anything, but would like to say about the confidence of Ethiopian population living in the UK. As you have said, because most of them are abusing the benefit system, having two houses renting one and so on, these cheating has totally wiped of their confidence. To say even some gets a shell shock by a drop of post through their letter box. Their confidence is only when talking how they abusing the system to their fellow Ethiopian.

    Most people like Amoraw above claims that the UK system won’t allow many Ethiopians to fit well into the system, but that is not true. There are so many successeful Ethiopians that have graduated successfully from the UK Universities and now in a good position earning good money and leading a successful life and family. If people study and try hard to get a good job, there is no any rule or law in the UK that prohibits them. It is just laziness and greed that protects most Ethiopians from doing so.

    My advice to my fellow Ethiopians, live in confidence and teach your children how to live in confidence rather than living in a kind of shaking envirnment as your mind is not free and knows that you are doing something dodgy. Life is a fun when you work hard and get your hard earned money. Even it is blessed.

  18. Actually what Mulumebet’s observation above hasn’t touched upon is the fact that so many Ethiopians and Eritreans today have invested their stolen money on land, businesse and elaborate villas back in Addis. No wonder they choose to remain blood suckers rather than hard working people with respect for themselves and those that continue to host them.

    What I find even more shameful is that these people regularly frequent the church grounds.

  19. Hi Mulumebete, i would like to say that i couldn’t agree more on the point that you wanted to make. having said that,the subject you wrote about is not a research. because it should have had a factual figure. you have written all the things that we(i.e those who are living in london or uk as the whole) talk about. that is the fact of it. moreover, you should have written what drived them in to doing this and have the knowledge of the system that goes in the UK. BELEIVE ME YOU WON’T UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE SYSTEM THIS EASLY. and i think this is what made your research unbalanced . because had you known about the system rather that barking on the wrong branch you would have tried to write or provide a good research. but i would say that you did rais a good point.

  20. Simply put, that’s realy disturbing. Working is not just about getting some money. It’s more than that. It’s contributing to the society we live in. It’s putting our time into useful deeds. Why the hell healthy man or woman slack not to work? Forget other issues, what the hell do they do with so much free time. Idleness is boring. It’s not healthy either. Haven’t they heard the saying “welfare is modern form of begging in the advanced countries”. Welfare dependants are beggars, who live on free handouts.

  21. So unfair to only target Ethiopians living in the UK. I have lived there once and know the difficulties and the flawn benefit system. It is not only Ethiopians who chose to go on the benefit way of life. Infact it is worse on the native British to abuse the system. The entire immigrant community call it Turkish, Middle Eastern, East Europians, Somalians, Eritreans and Caribeans abuse the system worse than the Ethiopians.

    It would have been wise to research the flawness of the system, instead of targetting the Ethiopians only in the UK.
    It is outragous and self-hate or unhealthy envy to insult only Ethiopians in the UK. I can understand people in the UK live much more relaxed from the ones in the U.S. But succes in life is out of question whether you cheat or not cheat. The system is designed to make everyone equal punishing those who really work hard in so many ways. In U.S you work so hard and the fruit is there for you. But in UK, you would rather be a lazy and get the benefits since hard work is not as rewarding in the U.S

  22. Hi Mulumebet:

    Thanks a lot for your article and for your courage to share it with others. I’m sure that you know that many fellow Ethiopians will say all kinds of bad things about you and your article because you spoke the truth. Let them do what is habitual for them to do (lie, and pursue life in an unacceptable ways) but then the work of some fellow Ethiopians like you will benefit others to see truth for what it is.

    I’m not sure why some commentators above would try to dismiss the above article’s message saying the writer did not provide the research in full, its comparative side, and figures etc. I don’t think the writer’s intention was to publish her work with all the details that are fitting for a research publication in a place like this. Ethiopians do not need any further proof to substantiate what she said. If they know that they are Ethiopians and if they know the pervasive and typical Ethiopian characters, if there are ways to get around, they could have simply said, “Yes, Mulu, you spoke the truth. Period. We know what you’re talking about.” Admitting this truth is consistent with realizing that there are many hard working and honest Ethiopians who live their lives with dignity.

    Cheers to Mulumebet

  23. You can call it research but the truth is more of a gossip. I don’t know how long you have been in the UK and who do you met while compiling your research. At the same time what comparison you made to scrutinise the system. Have you tried to question the big picture how the job market is accessible to every one regardless of any thing. (I don’t want to mention the word anyway). Have tried to look carefully the job advert? Let me remained you some of the phrases used. Excellent written and spoken communication skills, excellent customer service skills, the ability to stay calm and focus under pressurised situation etc. All these have hidden massages which you failed to point out in your research. Although you have some truth but you haven’t saw the whole picture. You just saw one side of the coin.

  24. Hi Muluemebet,
    It is a good start to see the situation closely. We, Ethiopian are senstitve to critique. I think that is a shame.Some of us where abusive, and unethical in our comments.The wrting may not be in the best interest of our individual need but we can not argue on th the facts that we are facing today irrespective of the difference in the magnitude from country to country.I blieve the same problem may hold true back home.We always want to talk about our pride which brought us nothing more than starvation in terms of our economic growth.One of my friend has mentioned how shameful to some of us to have a low profile job.pride should be supplemented with hard work not with given names like ” Mekuanint” for the young unemployed as in some part of our country.With this attitude we may need another couple of hundred years to see changes in our community.Let us accept the truth and move on.What Muluembet has tried to mention may not be complete interms of evidence or may not supported with scientific data but their is some truth in it.
    Thank you for your work

  25. Alex (comment # 15),

    On top of your first stupid comment, you added another one again:-))

    You said: “You couldn’t see that it is better to be in Benefit for some time to buy time to look for a job with his/her qualification than end up as a shop assistant all the time?. Once you start the shop asst. job you will never have time to look after the job you want. Use your common sense & don’t waste my time to explain to you this.”

    So, according to you, “qualified engineers” are too dumb to find another job while working, for example, as a “shop assistant.”

    You must be talking about a very special kind of “engineers”, probably the likes of qoratu-jegnaw-kibur- yetekeberu-atse-injiner Hailu Shawel.

  26. Mulu as she put it on her introductory , came to England to last year to do a comparative research on welfare and benefits . well it sounds a brilliant research which could achieve her masters degree or her PHD . i might not b as narrater as WOIZERO or WOYZERIT Mulu to achieve ma degree from certain universities but as UK resident i know one or two things better than our beloved Mulu . and what i know is that most Ethiopians are hard working who support themselves and their loved once back home from wild wild west.what the stupid Mulu fails to grasp was that 1) Ethiopians like any other millions of emigrants from the so called third countries was displaced from their loved home systematically by the evil westerns . 2) Ethiopians when they contemplate to emigrate they vowed to help their loved once who r suffering back home still due the evil wester policy towards those poor ppl and poor countries. of course when they arrive in any western cities including LONDON they face a different realty than they expected. so like any survivor they learn to adapt to the system to survive . Mulu, now tell me if this is against the low of nature u stupid cow ??well i tried to understand Mulu with a positive point of view that she wrote all this crap to educate her fellow brothers and sisters to learn how to earn but since she fails to see different reasons why ppl fell to this systematic trap i consider her research and hard as a SHAM. i wish she had good time in SHEBELE and DAHLAK a good time instead of coming with this stupid report. Mulu some where on the line of her report said that <> well well Mulu i wish u teach this honesty to those who created all stupid system (the westerns ). and some where on her report it says , <> Mulu you are wrong again. the system was created because the job is so tight including to those who are very well educated. why do u think the USA and UK are busy creating wars and unrest in every corner of the world ?it is to create the so called NGO and and send their unemployed ppl to work there in the name of UNICEF or what ever. any way i got an assignment for Mulu , her next comparative research should concentrate on those who are creating all this evil systems. in other words get the root of the main problem . not on its victims. because the victims r not only Ethiopians but millions of poor citizens of this world. while the criminals are few warmongers from WHITE HOUSE and WESTMINISTER . you know what am saying MULU ??

  27. Dear Mulu,

    You are so eloquent in your attempt of a comparative study. I do not want to comment on any of the contents of your findings.

    I am just curious about the term “Dechasa”. Because this is a typical Oromo Name (Proper Noun in Afaan Oromo). For sure, even if you may not be an Oromo by birth, you are familiar with the name. My question is that what relates the name “Dechasa” to the British Welfare System? Or is it a Coincidence? or Is it something coined by the Ethiopian Community in London? And if yes, what is the lead to use this “Dechasa” as an attribute to Welfare receipients signifying “Laziness some how”?. Please understand me by “Laziness” I meant the very connotation towards Welfare receipients in general. I know that our people turn to welfare as a last resort of survival. I live in the United and work for a government agency. I have also lived in Germany where social welfare benefit was the most magnificent as the name dictates ” Der Wohlfahrtsstat Deusctland”. The general trend shows that people from Ethiopia are know by their industrious charcters and the only group that seek for the government subsidies is the elderly, for which infact the welfare system is designed.


  28. Thank you very much for your excellent researcg work, you published on this web. I am one of the hard working Ethiopian woman who loves education and succeed in my dreams. It is possible to reach that stage, for those who are willing and aspire. I was on dechasa until my application was processed, it took a long time, but I managed to get a qualification. What I am trying to say for those all ethiopian brotheres and sisters who lives in this country, who are working as a labourour, it is not worth it for the simple fact that you will never get younger, you will never do this job while you are old. If you get a qualification and have a decent job, you will relax and live your life. For those people who are single parents, you can work officially and get child tax credit to support you with child care cost. Or as a married couple you are entitled to working tax credit depending on your income. I am not in any position to blame, but if we work hard in terms of gaining some qualification and get a better well paid job, our children will follow our foot-step.


  29. Mulu as she put it on her introductory , came to England to last year to do a comparative research on welfare and benefits . well it sounds a brilliant research which could achieve her masters degree or her PHD . i might not b as narrater as WOIZERO or WOYZERIT Mulu to achieve ma degree from certain universities but as UK resident i know one or two things better than our beloved Mulu . and what i know is that most Ethiopians are hard working who support themselves and their loved once back home from wild wild west.what the stupid Mulu fails to grasp was that 1) Ethiopians like any other millions of emigrants from the so called third countries was displaced from their loved home systematically by the evil westerns . 2) Ethiopians when they contemplate to emigrate they vowed to help their loved once who r suffering back home still due the evil wester policy towards those poor ppl and poor countries. of course when they arrive in any western cities including LONDON they face a different realty than they expected. so like any survivor they learn to adapt to the system to survive . Mulu, now tell me if this is against the low of nature u stupid cow ??well i tried to understand Mulu with a positive point of view that she wrote all this crap to educate her fellow brothers and sisters to learn how to earn but since she fails to see different reasons why ppl fell to this systematic trap i consider her research and hard work as a SHAM. i wish she had good time in SHEBELE and DAHLAK as a tourist rather than coming with such kind of stupid report. Mulu some where on the line of her report said that (BUT WHAT IS AT STAKE IS HONESTY) well well Mulu i wish u teach this honesty to those who created all stupid system (the westerns ). and some where on her report it says , (AS THE MAIN OBJECT OF THE BENEFIT SYSTEM IS TO HELP THOSE WHO CAN NOT AFFORD TO PAY THEIR BILLS) Mulu you are wrong again. the system was created because the job is so tight including to those who are very well educated. why do u think the USA and UK are busy creating wars and unrest in every corner of the world ?it is to create the so called NGO and and send their unemployed ppl to work there in the name of UNICEF or what ever. any way i got an assignment for Mulu , her next comparative research should concentrate on those who are creating all this evil systems. in other words get the root of the main problem . not on its victims. because the victims r not only Ethiopians but millions of poor citizens of this world. while the criminals are few warmongers from WHITE HOUSE and WESTMINISTER . you know what am saying MULU ??

  30. Dear Mulu,

    I have no objection of your research, that is based on facts and your findings, who you interviewed?, where did you get the information from?

    I know a doctor who came to this country to work as a doctor almost 5 years ago. As far as I know the system did not let him to do what he loves to do, in fact he is not the only doctor, there are many refugee doctors.

    When the system is not allowing you to work, they are inviting you to be on benefit. Did you interview people from the govenment side to have a balanced discussion to find out why they are not using or employing such a potential people like doctors. America is using this system to use our intellectualls, whereas english governmnet lagging behind, wants you to be depressed, stressed, wants you to live on hand out. You never experienced how to live in this country, unless you are in the system you should not generalize. This is due to the government weakness.

    Amharic Proverb “Yalteyaze gel-gel yawkal”

    My personal view


  31. Why insulting Ethiopians only. It looks more like self-hate or identity crisis. The U.K benefit system is being aboused by the Entire Immigrant community from Europe, Africa, Asia, Middle East, or Carribiean.

    I see no point here only insulting Ethiopians. The research is another ploy to steriotype Ethiopians only and is not a friendly one. It is rather hostile to Ethiopians in general.

    For me, mulumebet is either gealous of the relaxed life Ethiopians live with reasonably enough saving and rent free living while here life might have been 2 or may be 3 jobs of sleepless life in the U.S Or i couldn’t rule out that it may be politically motivated to steriotype ethiopians

  32. Dear sister:
    I read your “comparative research” with interest. since I lived in the UK for 9 years and settled in the US three years ago I have a first hand experiance to criticize your study. First of all I have not seen any comparative study, you compared what to what. why you did this comparative research, for what purpose, how long have you stayed in the UK to carry out this study. How you get this information, the source. It appears that you spoke with one or two friends in the UK, understand the benefit system, clsssified the information and presented it as research. It is just observational.

    the most important issue is why you are ignorant to raise the issue the root causes of these dependancy. This will unfairly label our people as lazy, particularly for qualified individuals since they know that how the job market is discriminatory and the competition is stiff in that small island with more than 12 million people in London alone. Let me give you an example. In London rent is so expensive about 90 Pound for a tiny room. If you are in low income wage earner you could barely afford it. But you can not live in that room forever, you must have a family, so you need housing. In order to get affordable housing from the government, the system require you to be homeless then they let you live in hostel, after two to three or more years you get housing. In order to live in hostels you must be in benefit system. Renting from private sector is unthinkable, the whole of your income goes to rent, so how do you support yourself and be better off and get the confidence. In order to get housing you must be “smart” that means avoid the job seeking, be disabled in any way be in benefit system.

    The system, the scarcity of job, housing, discrimination are to blame than the ethiopians. You raised good point those benefting from the system think they are smart, that is right it is not a thing they should be proud of. I agree on this point.

  33. mulu what are you trying to do this people have trying to live the better way of life very compatative life stayl. you should not expose and judge them the way they live. I do not mind if I heard it from birthsh people, I did not expect form you.

  34. Dear Mulumebet:

    Power to you for initiating such a heated debate on a particularly complex issue that Ethiopians are affected or effected by.
    Your comparative study on “Dechasa” is short of data. I can go ahead and write a paper on Ethiopian hookers in London, or on Ethiopian drug dealers in London but if I don’t have figures, interviews and other informations like those you get from government agencies or law enforcement, it would be as good as reading enquirer magazine or any tabloid. You chose a hard topic which may not fit with your research skills. Don’t take it personal, but you should have done some thing elementary so that you gain research skills. When you have such a hot topic you should be well aware that you need to do an expert’s work. Otherwise it is damaging to you and to Ethiopians. Yes, we Ethiopians, as we are people of pride and ego may swallow your incomplete and critic research with a grain of salt. It is a good begining to you but if my professor at John Hopkins university was grading your paper, he would give you an “F”. When you criticize others, you should also expect to be criticized and learn from the criticism.
    Yes, you will face angry people claiming that you are embarrassing Ethiopians. But still you could have done an excellent qualitative, quantitative and comparative research that could even make it to a publisher. I don’t dare to take the route you chose. You are brave, but you trashed your research paper by making it look like it was influenced by a grudge against an ex-boyfriend who dumped you in London and is addicted to “Dechesa”.

  35. You don’t have to travel to UK to find out lemgnot. There are a lot of them right here in USA. A bunch of lazy bumms who knew the in-and-outs of the welfare systems here and Europe before they even leave Ethiopia. look at the outrage being directed agains an honest and very frank writer/observer. You folks make me sick!!! Thieves, hoodlums and miscreants!!!! I tip my hats off to Mulumebet Asfaw!!! Keep writing and exposing!!!! God Bless You!!!!

  36. I have high apperciation for those ethiopians who get dechesa and try to work illegal work instead of sitting at home . WE, ethiopians have so many problems back to ethiopia. we should help our entire families to get good qualification for the youngest generation and support our old aged parents. So i am not against those ethiopians who are trying to increase their in come in different ways.But our sister mulumebet should do more researches , why those ethiopians do not get good job by their qualification. Any ways , mulumebete should know how south africa and austerlia is being taken from blacks. They gave mirror and took their land. so it is not a crime to get dechesa and more over, the native britons are more abdicted by taking dechesa.

  37. This is a live cycle:
    Colonial Power -> Industrial Revolution -> Walfare time.

    That means the europian stolen the ressourcess from Africa and the africans are using the western walfare to build afrika. Addis Abeba is a good example where more than 30% of the new buildings are cnstructed either from park-keepers in usa or walfare from UK and other western countries.

  38. what a beautiful and educatinal article.ur portrait of dechasa is very uniqe and an important far as i am concerned,welfare is nothing but a social system which can only fill ur belly while it empties ur head.nothing is ever achieved without enthusiasm.success is a combination of inspiration,coopration,some luck and fellow ethi…GOd helps u only when u try.

  39. Mulu!

    Doing research is an honourable job by itself and I wish you all the godly success for that matter.

    However I regard your claimed research design and problem framing as a self serving disgraceful wicked pomposity just for the sake of pointing fingers at the disadvantaged Ethiopians forced to live in a foreign country and alien cultures.

    It is even more than enough for them to face decades of national and international displacements and disgrace following the endless chaotic conditions in Ethiopia that is very traumatic and heavy in both physical and spiritual terms. Positive enablings and empowrings couselings and coachings by associations, governments and other parties are what is needed. Leave that negative and decadent fault finding adventures and pulling down people already at the bottom.

    If you are unable to find any sort of sensible research topic please go to the Ethiopian national park and investigate as to whether the Zebra colour is in fact black on white or white on black back gruand. But please don’t foget to invite me at the publication of your final findings.

    In most European countries it is the direct and indirect facists and neo facists who keep drumming on such topics for the purpose of turning and mobilizing the general public opinion against the immigrant population in general.

    By the way, how are the National Front boys doing over there? They seem to be rather quite as of late.

    And in almost all cases all of these souless finger pointing direct and indirect neo nazi bums also live on social benefits, petty crime incomes and rug dealings without contributing a cent to the national treasury in the form of any tax.

    If you are really craving and itching from your bottom to your toe tips searching the truth and exposing robbers and cheaters why don’t you go to Ethiopian itself and find out as to how the great dictator Wayane is living in super abundandace by killing, looting and robbing almost every Ethiopian including those living in London in misery and whom you may prefer to accuse or are you a Wayane underagent following Ethiopians even in their refugee camps in London itself?

    Who the hell are you as to tell them as to how they should live and act? Those people own their lives and destinies and may not just bunches of fools. Your so called miserable tax payment if at all nearer to the truth is collected by the government and distributed by authorities in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country. The same authorities have precise informations and methods of following misuses. Hmmm…!

  40. Dear Mulu

    What a long awaiting issue exposed. This is a topic I discuss with my husband all the time. I am actually angry with the UK Government allowing this to happen, creating a generation of benefit dependants. I am appalled with the situation. Both my husband and I started from cleaning job while studying but now we have a respected professional job computing against with our white colleagues. I am not saying it was easy to reach where we are now but there is no other option (living on benefit was never an option). We have two children and there is no way we will pass benefit dependency culture to them. The whole point we chose to come to the west is to have a better future for us and for our children not to be beggars. I would say 90% of Ethiopians live on some kind of benefits and it makes me so sad and angry to see my people (majority of them well educated and qualified) languishing on such a system. The worst part of it…. they think they are cleaver in abusing the system which is there to help the needy. But their days are numbered and all the loopholes are closing and they have no choice but to go out and take any kind jobs. I make one final point to my Ethiopian people who complains being qualified and not to want to start to work from low level, I say look at Eastern Europeans (like Polish) who are qualified but they come and take any job to start with and they prosper within a couple of years.

    Hope this will ba a wakeup call for fellow Ethiopians

  41. Mulu I have nothing to say exept admiring your heroic critic.It is heir in the uk that I became ashamed of my identity because of the uncountable dechassa victimes that I have seen. And the most offending part is that these people whome you called adicts to dechassa are tring to legalise there shamable act.

  42. Hi Mulu,

    How dare you call this hooch-pooch as comparative research work? it lacks depth, empirical facts, methodology…to list some. You weren’t backed your claims with sources, the size of your sample (statistical facts), the UK based Ethiopian organization you had approached to come up with such damning report and drawing conclusion.

    Dear Mulu, during your stay in UK…probably you had a wrong crowd, who had feed you the negative sides of Ethiopians in UK…and you might used their hearsay as your sole source for your so called research…”Ye Buna Laye Were”

    It is common place to find Ethiopians in all walk of life in UK. Most of Ethiopians came to UK in early 90s from the Eastern block, hence educated; the remaining Ethiopians enjoyed the British education system…qualified from vocational certification to Phd level. Some of these managed to find jobs in very competitive market, which is dogged with massive influx of eastern Europeans and an out resourcing of business to far east countries. Those who failed to manage to find jobs in their field of study are taking jobs that are not related to their qualification to enables them to earn a living, such as bus driver, mini-cab driver, shop assistant, security, waiting, etc…..Thus Ethiopians who have sound mind and able body are already in the job market and contributing their part to the host country!!!!

  43. The word Dechassa is coined by the early arrivers of Ethiopians in the U.K. We hear stories of early Ethiopian immigrants in the early 1980s (the good old days- when they describe it). These few people have noticed The words D,H and S in the benefit booklets of the housing benefit and income supports. Then they came up with the word Dechassa and immigrants in the 1990s used it in way we use it know as “Dechassa yebelal or tebelalech means they take income support and housing benefit”.

    In the UK, almost every professional recruiter would force you to enter your nationality in your CV/Resume. Not only that, the popular resume format requires you to enter your place of Birth making it easier for the resume scanners to give the scarce competitive positions to the natives.

    I have once passed all these process by avoiding placing my nationality and place of Birth. The interviewer was intrigued by my well sounded British accent and he thought I was a European decent raised Britain. As my name doesn’t sound British we was forced to ask me if I am a European. To my dismay, the phone interviewer asked me the question I didn’t want to be asked which is my race since my race is a factor that will make me lose the job that the natives line themselves up to take. Then, I did tell him that I am an Ethiopian by birth but spent at least 12 years in the United Kingdom (nearly half of my age at the time) and he finished the conversation by saying I will hear from him shortly. The interviewer then went like a wind and never called back. Mind you, I consider my self as an eloquent speaker of the language, got an outstanding First Class (Equivalent to a Higher GPA in the U.S) and very good to express my self and my achievement at interviews. But all that didn’t count when it comes to getting the job you want and the job you are well deserved.

    I mentioned this for the lazy mulumebet who failed to include such incidents in her research. My take on this issue is that the British would like you to clean their streets and wash their dishes in restaurants. But if you get qualified and if the position you are applying is something that the natives lined-up, you will never get it no matter how genius you are.

    Therefore, I don’t blame my fellow country men for opting the way mulumebet described as heinous and lazy. The fact of the matter is that you could spend years in colleges and it will take you years to get the jobs unless you choose to involve yourself in studies the natives would not be interested such as Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Teaching etc. If you have your MBA on Business, Degrees in Computer Science, Accounting, Law, etc, you are roasted and will sit for years until you create a very good connection to prove your worthiness for that position and that happens only if your employer is good hearted.

    I advice Mulumebet to go and apply for jobs in the U.K after her PHD dissertation and understand the situation in a personal terms rather than the obsolete way of doing researches.

  44. ሙሉ !!!!

  45. Why are people in such denial about this ? Why justify theft and dishonourable behaviour by looking around for endless excuses ?!
    The fact that there are benefit cheats among the natives of the land or among other nationalities cannot be used to justify one’s own immorality.
    A lot of benefit scoungers are able bodied men and women of all ages who just choose to be blinded by their excessive personal egos. They live in rent subsidised social housing , receive free education and training in colleges of further education ( often claiming decent educational maintenance grants) and also get cheaper local transport entitlements.
    They are simly not prepared to give up any of these handouts and make the extra effort to live on the sweat of their brows.
    I know of an entire family who have lived in the UK for nearly two decades now and have no history of working officially. They don’t declare that to the state as it means the end of their subsidised life style. There are lots who simply declare themselves incapable of supporting themselves and continue to lead a double life off the back of the tax paying public.

    Ironically , a great many of these benefit rats ( as they are called in a famous DSS publicity poster) have ostensibly transformed their lives for the better by buying luxury mansions, expensive cars and even staging the most lavish weddings way above their declared income.

    As one respondent above put it, it won’t be long before the system is tightened to filter out these ‘artful’ dodgers.

  46. This piece of work covers the benefit abuse by Ethiopians in UK. It is possible to say abusing the benefit system is common to all immigrants. Ofcourse the study paper would be more persuasive if it was supported by figures. Most of the Ethiopians speak of abusing the system confidently to thier fellows. Even some of them think the smartest way of life. But there are also strong Ethiopians who are working hard and contributing to the economy. From my experience the mojority is classified in the benefit abusing cathegory. Some of them have valid reasons such as sikness, joblessness, single mum et. But others silly fraudsters.
    I would like to mention the job market. To get a professional job is painstacking and frustrating. There is deep rooted discremination against non whites. It starts from the agent. Even some of the agents screen a candidate by name. Those non english names get rejected beforehand. It takes ages to get a job which is left over from whites. Immigrants have have fourth class citizenship when we come to employment. The white UK, white other Europe, black Uk and other immigrant.

  47. MUlU,

    How do you do a comaprative study without giving a single statstical evidence? As several Ethiopian in this forum rightly observed, your article is based on “hearsay”. So whoever marks your “thesis” don’t forget to make a foot note that your research is based on “ye teal bet wore”!

  48. Mulumebet I will not start to write a long winded comment.

    Zenash #44 has said it ALL. ghnn # 45 concluded it with an exquisite Ethiopian touch.

    But still we Ethiopians living in the Diaspora need to work twice as hard and the achievement will be twice as satisfying.

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