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Bedru Adem turns his back on the Shawel gang

Ato Bedru Adem, the notorious member of the Hailu Shawel gang, is back in Ethiopia after Ato Hailu pushed him out of his inner circle for being too demanding and asking t.o many sensitive questions of financial nature. He is now threatening Ato Hailu’s group in Addis Ababa led by Abayneh Berhanu with exposure of their secrets if they do not comply with his demands. Reportedly, Ato Bedru’s demands include: 1) A position in the executive committee of AEUP, Hailu’s former party that has now been revived; 2) report on the financial activities of the group; and 3) fat salary.

Meanwhile, the Shawel gang itself is disintegrating after Ato Hailu started to distance himself from Ato Moges Bruck and Shaleqa Yoseph Yazew who stole or diverted hundreds of thousands dollars of Kinijit’s funds. Solomon Bekele, Mirchaw Sinishaw and several other members of the gang have also left angry over the way they were being treated by Hailu Shawel and the EPRP mafia that has surrounded him — Dr Taye Woldesemayat, Mesfin Mekonnen, and Assefa Dires.

Yesterday, Sunday, the Shawel gang had held a public meeting in Washington DC at the Convention Center. Members of the gang from several cities were in town. According to ER sources who were inside the hall, there were about 150 people attending the meeting — most of whom from out of town. The meeting was ignored by every Ethiopian media. Even a small idir gets more attention than the totally discredited Shawel gang that continues to make news only because Woyanne is using them against Kinijit.

16 thoughts on “Bedru Adem turns his back on the Shawel gang

  1. What are Ato Bedru Adem’s demands that put him in trouble with his boss, Ato Hailu Shawel? If his demands are to reveal the financial debacles and the conspiracy of Hailu Shawel against Kinijit, then his demands are legitimate and valid.

  2. He is good for nothing! He has no any clear-cut plolitical stand and simply runs after his personal interest. Nevertheless,whatever he says will not be taken as useful by Ethiopian People.

  3. It is very wel known that the fate of Ethiopian political cancers like Lidetu Ayalew, Bedru Adem…etc, are eventually ousted by every org. they join. Please stay tuned for the next person. I think the next one will be Gudu Taye.

  4. Thanks Elias, for the timely update. I was wondering about the context and meaning of the so called ‘Sunday DC Town Hall Meeting with Engineer Hailu Shaul’, after I looked at photos of people supposedly greeting HS at the airport, posted on the ShaleQa website, people from LA, Seattle, etc.

    Like they say back home, tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.

    Good old Bedru Adem! I always suspected he will eventually pull a fast one on this gang of thugs. The senile old thugs didn’t quite get it when Bedru was talking about being from Merkato,’ harfa’ and ‘shocke’, meeting after meeting. Now they realize to their horror that he was not alluding to Berhanu, rather he was telling them in code to comply with his demands or else…I know Bedru’s integrity has been on the market for a long time, but I don’t think he will sell for a Cheapy return ticket to Addis and four months of free meal and boarding.

    Can anyone give us a summary of what happened in Boston, I heard there were some very inconvenient questions and even challenges?

  5. one of the hidden agents ato Bedru adem has never been struggling against weyanes, because he is weyane’s agent. Bedru adem asked hailu shawul a very big [ fat] usa’s dollars for his spreading an alubaleta against Dr Birhanu nega from qality. The money which he demanded was un payable . for that reason bedru adem warned hailu shawul,if he is not going to pay that money, he would abandoned him and will go his way. hailu asked bedru to give time . The same question forwarded from the second alubaletegna Nifist G/hiwot for hailu shawul to pay monthly salary and where about her two honds, hailu’s advisor , EPRP’S AND CIA’s agent gudu taye advised hailu to suspened both bedru and Nigist[ both kesetedamenians] away.On the hand that foreign mecernary man has dealing with ayale chamisso with out hailu’s knowledge to work with ayale chamisso. we will see in the future how it works. any ways , well done bedru adem. those chikashumes will be exposed at the end of a day.

  6. I think someone should seriously consider investigating Bedru Adem for the leaking of confidential party information to government cadres after the 2005 elections. Remember when all the stuff being said in their meetings were being printed word for word on “Eftin”? Everybody continues to suspect Lidetu. I think Lidetu has done a lot of wrong, including to himself, but I doubt he was ever the one.

  7. ሾተላይ:-ሰላም እንዴት ነህ ወንድሜ
    ሾተላይ:-ምን አዲስ ነገር አለ
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-ምን አለ ያው በድሩ ብዙ ገንዘብ ጠየቀን …አለበለዚያ ሊከዳ ነው
    ሾተላይ:-ለምኑ ደሞ በድሩ የወያኔ እና ታዬ ሲአይኤ ናቸው ተብሎ ይጠረጠራል
    ሾተላይ:-እሳቸው ምን አሉ
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-እሳቸው ጊዜ ይሰጠን ብለዋል
    ሾተላይ:-ዶ/ር ታዬ ዝም አለው?
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-አዬዬ ታዬ ሳሙና ሆነ
    ሾተላይ:-ምነው ፈርቶ ነው?
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-ታዬ ብዙ ግፊት እያደረገ ነው;የቀስተ ደመና አባሎች በሙሉ ይባረሩ ነው የሚለው
    ሾተላይ:-ግን ስታየው እንዴት ነው;መንገዱ ጥሩ ነው?
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-ታዬ ትንሽ ግራ ሆነብኝ
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-በጣም ጥሩ ነው;ከጫሚሶ ጋር በፕላን እየሄድን ነው;ጫሚሶ ወያኔውችንና አቶ ተመስገንን አታሏቸዋል
    ሾተላይ:-እሳቸው ፍቃደኛ ሆኑ?እንዴት ነው?
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-እሳቸው አያውቁም መሰለኝ,አንድ ነገር ሲሳካ እንነግራቸዋለን,እሳቸው እኮ ብዙ የሚሰሩት ነገር የለም;ታየ ነው ነገሩን የያዘው
    ሾተላይ:-አየለ ጫሚሶ ወያኔ ነው አይደል?
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-ጫሚሶ እኮ ወያኔን አታሎ ነው
    :ብርቱካንም አቶ ሃይሉን ልትወስድ እየሞከረች ነው አሁንም::ሻለቃ አድማሴ ነው አቶ ሃይሉን የሚያግባባልን
    ሾተላይ:-ዶ/ር ታዬ ምን እያሰበ ነው ጀርመን አይመጣም?
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-አቶ ሃይሉ በጣም ስለደከማቸው አገር ሲመለሱ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ ጠርተው ታዬን እንዲተካቸው ያደርጋሉ;ታዬም ሳይገባ አይቀርም
    ሾተላይ:-እንዴት ሳይመረጥ?
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-ሌላ ሰው እሳቸውን የሚተካ ለአማራው የሚያስብ የለም;ታዬ የአንድነቱን ሃይል ያስተባብራል ከ EPRP ጀምሮ
    ሾተላይ:-ታምንበታለህ?ውጤት አለው?ማሞ
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-NO አልቀበለውም
    ሾተላይ:-አሁንም የበለጠ ችግር ነው;ታዬ አይገባም ታያለህ
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-እሳቸው እስኪሞቱ ቢመሩ ህዝብ ይከተላል
    ሾተላይ:-አይ ማሞ
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-ሰለሞንም ለዚህ ነው የወጣው
    ሾተላይ:-እንዴት ታምናለህ?ታዬ እንደውም ግራ የገባው ይመስላል
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-ቂቂቂቂ እኮ እንዳሰበው አልሆነለትም በተለይ AFD ላይ
    ሾተላይ:-ጀርመን ሰው አለ በደምብ
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:- KIC ውስጥ የ AFD ደጋፊዎች ስላሉ ታዬ አልተመቸውም
    ሾተላይ:-ታዬ አጀንዳው ለመሆኑ መንድነው?
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-አሁንማ እንደኔ ከሆነ ህዝብ ላለመከፋፈል ሲባል ከብርቱካን ጋር መታረቅ ነው የሚያዋጣው ቂቂቂቂቂቂ,ጫሚሶ አያስተማምንም
    ሾተላይ:-ዘገዩ ለዕርቁ
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-ቂቂቂቂቂቂቂቃ አዎ ግን የማይቻል ነገር የለም
    ሾተላይ:-አዎ ሃይሉ ሻውል ችግር ውስጥ ገብተዋል
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-በእውነት ልንገርህና እነ ታዬ እና ጫሚሶ አልተስማሙኝም
    ሾተላይ:-እንዴ ማሞ በጣም ነው የማምንህ
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-ሃይሉ የሚለው የውጩ ድጋፍ ይጠናከር እንጂ የውስጡ ግድ የለም; የኛ ነው ነው የሚለው
    ሾተላይ:-ምናለ ሃይሉም ታዬን ቢተዉ
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-አንድ ሌላ የሚያስቀው ደሞ ንግስት መኪናዬን የት አደረሳችሁት እያለች ነው ቂቂቂቂ ይገርማል;ደሞዝ ሁሉ እየጠየቀች ነው;ችግር ብቻ ነው የምታወራው ሃብታም ስታይ
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-በእውነት የገንዘብ ችግር አንዱ ችግር ነው
    ሾተላይ:-ቆየ እሱማ
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-እኮ ምኑም አልተሳካም
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:አቶ ሃይሉ በጣም በመአድ አባላቶች ይተማመናሉ
    ሾተላይ:-ለምን ይቅርታ አይጠይቁም?
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-ሌላ ጥልቅ ሚስጥር አለ;ችግር አለ;ወደፊት እነግርሃለሁ;እስቲ ደውልልኝ;ስራ ነው ያለሁት
    ሾተላይ:-ኦኬ ነገ::እኔም ወደ ስራ ልውጣ;ስልክህን ጻፈው ሁለቱንም
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-የለህም እንዴ?
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-ማን ነህ አንተ?ቂቂቂቂቂ ሊሻን ነህ?
    ሾተላይ:-YA BRO
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-ኦኬ ታድያ ስልኩ አለህ አይደል እንዴ?ኦኬ እኔ እደውልልሃለሁ ,ወይስ መውጣትህ ነው?
    ኢትዮጵያዊነት:-ሊሻን እኮ በ FITAWRARI ነው የሚገባው

  8. Elias, while the crumbling of the Shawl group is expected, I am amazed by all this information you wrote without evidence. I am your greatest fan but wait for evidence please.

    Hint: you can pay a couple of hundrad dollars to Bedru Adem to confess, send your old honda civic to Negist, or put Taye’s name as a co-author in your forthcoming book. Then you will have some evidence.

  9. Elias
    PPLEASE ! condcut interview with all X-Hailu clan members. After all listening to usless feudals is a sweet comedy

    Ayee Hagere Ethiopia sentun hodam woledsh

  10. This is the right time to question one self & come back to his senses. Though i do not accept the 1st & 3rd demand of Bedru the 2nd one is vey crucial.
    The final day is coming where the stubborn betrayal gangesters would be exposed & disintegereted as well as will subdue to the true leaders of our party & the people in general. May Z almighty give the the right mind to come back to the real facts on the ground.

    Victory will be with us, as we are standing by the truth.
    God bless our land & the people! Amen!!!!!!!!

  11. elias i do not understand any problem why if berdu adem askes about the fanancial where about asfar as he does not take the money to his account. acountablity is where integrity stands.i believe you have issues with hailu gangs ,but berdu adem is a true and striaght fighter therefor,just mind your bussenes

  12. Gudu Elias, what is next, you must be poisoned by mad cow diseases. you are surely sick. you are idoit, bastard, do some thing that sustaine your life and your family if you have one. I have never seen a man like you as empety as a garbage can. Go to hell man.

  13. First, I’d like to thank you for your information. Well,it’s an open secret that Mr. Bedru came to America for the sake of his own ‘business’. The old feudal also knew that. Ato Hailu and Denakurtu Taye thought that they could milk the innocent ethio-Americans through the old political style. That is the only reason why they invited Berdru and Honda.They didn’t realized the Generation Gap at all. Their old mentallity didn’t help them to harvest the money the had dreamed. Once, Mr. Bedru recongized that he kept asking Ato Hailu to make sure that he was on business. Of course,that was addtional headache for Hailu. Sharing is not also confortable to Gudu Taye since the money they colledcted is too small to lead thier ordinary life. Any way, Bedru deserves his share, but he has to ask reasonable amount, but not the promised. I am glad if you [Eliase] interview that poor Adem!

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