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Hailu Shawel Los Angeles meeting cancelled

A public meeting organized by Ato Moges Bruck in Los Angeles for Ato Hailu Shawel this coming weekend has been cancelled because of growing disagreement over Dr Taye Woldesemayat’s role, among other things.

Ato Moges is the former chairman of Kinijit Los Angeles and a close personal friend of Ato Hailu. He allegedly controls much of the money diverted by Shaleqa Yoseph Yazew from Kinijit’s account. Recently, Ato Moges has started to resent the way Hailu Shawel was single-handedly making decisions without consulting him. He is also unhappy with the increasing role Dr Taye has been playing in the Shawel gang, while he, Ato Solomon Bekele and others are being pushed aside. Dr Taye was also the main reason for the popular Tensae Radio to be closed down.

The Shawel gang is falling apart, leaving Abayneh Berhanu and others in Ethiopia out in the cold. Realizing what is going on, Ato Abayneh and friends in Addis Ababa have decided to mend relations with Wzt. Birtukan Mideksa and the Kinijit executive committee. Because there are elements on both sides who do not want reconciliation, the discussions are so far kept secret.

It would be great if Abayneh and Birtukan reach an agreement and start working together under the Kinijit umbrella and strictly adhering to the party’s rules and procedure. The door must not be closed to any one, even to Ayele Chamiso. There is a time for fighting, and a time for making peace.

17 thoughts on “Hailu Shawel Los Angeles meeting cancelled

  1. “…..The door must not be closed to any one, even to Ayele Chamiso. There is a time for fighting, and a time for making peace.”

    I agree. But W/Birtukan and other CUD leaders in Ethiopia should be careful not to try to appease dictator Hailu Shawel anymore. They have carried him over their shoulder far too long now. They should work with other democrats in CUD more closely and avoid the toxic Hailu/Dr.Taye/EPRP gang.

  2. What a shame!! People who never learn until it is too late. Either they have no brains or they have it on their behind like a volks Wagon motor as they say.

    Their arrogance and their little minds are destroying them. And unfortunately, they have also weakened our movement. Their stupidity has been on display for months to be witnessed by the enemy as well as by friends. They have made us a laughing stock and they have put us to shame. Hailu Showel and his gang don’t give a damn for the Martyrs who spilled their blood on the streets of Addis as well as through out the country. They have no shame for they think they are more important than our martyrs and the movement.

    I think it is going to be more dangerous to work with them again. We can’t invite another failure for the sake of unprincipled unity by working with them. They have done an excellent job of weakening our movement from within. They should be rewarded by the Weyanes for a job well done.

    Hailu Showel and gang has one more thing to do. And this will be their next stop where they will start working for the Weyanes just as Lidetu is doing. We will live to see this also. Just wait.

  3. Dear writer,
    I do not agree on your final statement that says ‘the door must not be close to anyone including Ayele Chamiso’.
    Because these are individuals who are responsible for the crisis that happened in CUD. There is no garantee as to why they need to have discussion with W/t Birtukan. They are doing it may be because of transmiting their hidden Weyane agenda for further crisis in Kinijit. These are the people who openly indicated their one-man rule by discarding the rules and regulations of the party. If you permit the door to be open for Ayele Chamiso today, that means you will permit the same for Lidetu tommorrow. These two individuals are especially the right hand for Weyane by sharing the logo and the V-sign between them. In fact, it should be open for those who beleive in discussion.But these individuals are theives and bandas requiring discussion for their hidden agenda, and hence the door should be closed for them.

  4. Dear Editor

    There is no harm in discussion. With all their differences it will be good to discuss in areas where they will agree. That should be the rule of the day. Yekurfia poletika yelem.

  5. “The door is not closed…” No. It is closed to dictators who don’t believe in collective leadership and party democracy. It is closed to fuedal diehards who just want to be the next dictators in Ethiopia. Let them go their own way. Hailu, Abayneh and others with them are from a different species. It was a mistake to try to work with them under Kinijit in the first place. I plead the CUD leaders not to slip back into this mistake again. It is like mixing iron with clay.

    We are not talkin about a coalition or a senbete here. We are talking about a party. you can’t have a party with mutually incompatible groups. We have seen enough. Elias, you have gone astray as usual.

  6. Selam Elias:

    You wrote:
    “There is a time for fighting, and a time for making peace”

    I agree. Now is a time for making peace. As long as individuals who have been making trouble come to their sense and decide now to function according to the by-laws of Kinijit, then the door must not be closed. After all people make mistake. However admitting mistakes is also a big virtue.

    I think if the law is ruling, no-one will loose. Every one will win. I therefore welcome this development and look forward to to see our brothers who left the tent come back again.

    When we opposed them and fought them, it was not because we hate them. It was to protect the values and principles of Kinijit. For these people were acting contrary to the interest of Kinijit they got fierce opposition and rejection from the people. Now if they want to come back, willing to respect values of Kinijit, THEN THEY ARE WELCOME.

    Let alone them, even former TPLF members are welcome as long as they believe in the values and principes of Kinijit.


  7. I am so sad the meeting is cancelled ! Ohhh

    After all these lowlife feudals are entertaining all of us as a living political morons. Personally, there is nothing more enjoyable than watching clueless retarded, carrier disoriented feudal family gathering in the name of “Democracy”. Moges who managed to claim the Kinijit logo has his personal creativity while cashing in is still guarded by Hailu Shawel the incompetent man.

  8. I totally agree with your last statement. there should be always room for reconciliation and they will come back with better outcome for our consumption.

    thank you


  9. The very essence of being politically wise and matured is to move forward with decisions base on both science and art. Science indicates the ability to understand and be committed to the fundamental principles of political, human,economic and social rights of the people of Ethiopia. On the other hand, to be artful is the willingness and ability to deal with the human behavior which is very challenging. It is challenging because we have to deal not only with people who are in line with the very interest of the people but also with people who stand against the direction toward fulfilling the desired and popular objectives. We have to go extra miles to deal and convince those people who knowingly or unknowingly involved in destructive activities. I there fore appreciate some Kinijit leaders who are trying to do thier best to do thier jobs based on science and art.

  10. For the first time in a long time you and I have kind of a similar opinion. I always admire, Elias, your ability to dig out the information your readers need wherever it originate. But your final opinion is most of the time a little harsh or irreconcilable. On your recent article, you criticized Birtukan for sticking with the idea of peaceful struggle and advised Dr. Berhanu to join the arm struggle. What a difference a few days make? The door should not be closed to anyone… I should applaud to you, Elias, for your courage and good spirit. I know it is not easy for you to say something like that. Keep up the good work, Elias. I am one of devoted readers from the long line of regulars. If you keep your new tone of voice, you may even win some new readers. I look forward to read your next product of investigative journalism.

  11. Some people listen to reason, Some have to be humiliated to listen to reason.Hailu and company belong to the latter group. If they still refuse to talk peace we have to humiliate them even more to make them receptive to reason. Only then will they behave like ordinary human beings.

  12. ይድረስ አቶ ኤሊያስ
    እባክህን ይህችን መልክቴን አስተላልፍልኝ

    መቼም ምን ያለው አያርፍምን እንደሚባለው ደብተራውን ሳነብ አንድ በጣም የሚያንገበግብ ሃሳብ ተጽፎ አየሁ በመሆኑም ከጽሁፉ እንደተረዳሁት አንድም መሰረቱ እሳት ቢያንቀላፋ ገለባ ጎበኘው አለያም ሊበሉአት የፈለጉትን አሞራ ጅግራ ናት ይሉአታል አይነት አስተያየት ስልሆነብኝ አድራህን ይህችን መልክት አስተላልፍልኝ
    በመጀመሪያ ጸሃፊው ሊያወዳድሩት የፈለጉት ኢህ አፓንና ቅንጂትን ስለሆነ ትልቅ ስህተት ነው በማርክሳዊ ቀመር የተወለደው ኢህ አፓ አንድም በትጥቅ ትግል አማኝ የሆነ ይህም አካሀዱ 34 አመታት ዉጤት አለማምጣቱን መገምገም ያልቻለ ብሎን ድርጂታዊ መዋቅር ይኑረው አይኑረው የማያስታዉቅ ድርጂትንና በአጭር ጊዜ በኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ልብ ሰርጾ የገባን ድርጂትም ሆነ አመራር ማወዳደር ምናልባት በዶክትር ታየ ቀለበትነት ተቆርጦ ያለውን የአቶ ሃይሉን አብራክ ለማጋባት ካልሆነ በስተቀር ዱባና ቅል የሚለውን ያስታዉሳል: :
    በአንድ ወቅት ስል ትግል ስንማር የሚባል መፈክር ነበረ ኢምፔሪአሊዝም የሳሙና አረፋ ነው አልነበረም የምንለው አሁንም ይህን የሳሙና አረፋ ሰበዝ ጎቶት እንግዲህ በፈልጦ ቆራጭ አቶ ሃይሉ አመራር ስር ለማምጣት ከሆነ ድሮም በመኢሶንም ሆነ ኢህ አፓ መፈክረ መሰረት የጠላቴ ጠላት … ነው ብልው የነግሩንና ያስተማሩንን ላያስደግሙን የተነሱ ይመስላሉ
    ሌላው በባእዳን በመገዛት ቅንጂትና ኢህ አፓን ለማጥፋት በአመራሩ ላይ ዘመቻ እንደተከፈተ የቀረበው ትንሽ እውነታ ያንሰዋል ለዚህም ምክንያቴ ግልሰቦችንንና ድር ገጾችን መወንጀል ሳይሆን የክፍፍሉን መንሰኤ በዝርዝር አጥንቶ ተወያይቶ ባለመግባባት መግባባትን መስርቶ መለያየት እያለ ቃለ ጉባኤው ሳይደርቅ መግለጫ በአንድ ጎን ይሰጣል በሌላ ሌላ ምክንያት ይደረጋል ጥንቱን ነበር እንጂ አልሞ መደቆስ አሁን ምን ያደርጋል ድስቱን ጥሎ ማልቀስ አይሆንም?

    የኢትዮጵያ ፖሊቲካ ሂደት አንድም በአምባ ገነንነት አልያም በጭፍን በመሄድ እልባት የሚያገኝ ሳይሆን ያለውን ችግር አውጥቶ ተነጋግሮ ርስ በርስ በመወያየት ከዳር ለማድረስ የሚደረግ ትግል እንጂ በአሉባልታ በመፋታትና መጋባት ሊፈታ የማይችል መሆኑን ሁላችንም ልንገነዝበው የሚጋባ ይመልስልኛል

    ሌላው አሁንም ቢሆን የምናደርገው የርስ በርስ መከፋፈል ምናልባት ለወያኔ ዘፈን ማድመቂያ እንጂ ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የሚፈይደው ምንም አለመኖሩን ለመገንዘብ ያለመቻላችን አንዳንደ የሚሰነዘረው ሃሳብ ማለትም የስልጣን ጥማት ወይን ሃራራ አባዜ እንዳላብን ሆኖም ደብቀነው ሆያ ሆዬ የምንል እንዳለን ፈንጥቆ አመላካች ነው
    አሁንም አንድ የአፋርና አባባል ላክልና ሃሳበን ልቁአጨው “የምታጠፋው የመጀመሪያዋ ግመል የምትደበደበዋ የመጨረሻዋ” እንዳይሉ ልብ ያለው ልብ ይበል
    ከዚህ የፖሊቲካ ዝቅጠት እንዴት ሊወጣ ይቻላል?
    ያለው መንገድ አንድና አንድ ብቻ ነው አሠሱን ገሰሱን እየተሸከሙ አሸሸ ጋዳሜ ከማለትና ከኔ በላይ ታጋይ ላሳር ነው ባይነትን ትተን ያለፍንባቸውን የትግል ሂደት ቆም ብለን ማስተዋል የመጀመሪያው ሲሆን ሁለተኛው ደግሞ እስከዛሬ ሁሉንም የፖሊቲካ ድርጂቶች እንደ ልብስ ስንለካ ወይም ቀለማቸውን ስንቀባ ከአንዱ ወደ አንዱ ስንገላበጥ ያሳለፍነው ልምዳችንን ብንችል በጸዳ ስነልቦና ካልተቻለም በሃገራችን እንዶድ ሙልጭ አድርገን ታጥበን ወገባችንን አስረን የነበርንበትን አብረውን ለሚታገሉ አስረድተን አሃዱ ብለን መጀመር የሚኖርብን ይመስለኛል

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