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Ethiopian Stowaways Land at Dulles Airport

DULLES AIRPORT, Va. (WUSA) — Investigators are looking into what can only be described as a major security breach.

Two stowaways were discovered Wednesday on an Ethiopian Airlines flight that landed at Dulles International Airport.

Even so, the regional director for Ethiopian Airlines says security at Addis Ababa Airport, where the two men got on-board is one of the tightest in the world.

A spokesman says the two men who hid themselves in the ceiling of the aircraft appear to be Ethiopian Nationals, part of a cleaning crew that cleaned the plane just before take-off.

It’s unclear what their intentions were but some passengers suspected they wanted to come to the United States for a better life.

With no answers as to how the men went undiscovered for 36 hours, including a stop-over in Rome, a security expert told 9NEWS NOW, “If you can store human bodies, you can certainly store a bomb or put weapons on board.” Larry Johnson says the TSA and FAA should demand better security measures by airlines overseas or suspend flying privileges in the U.S.

At last check, the two stowaways were in the custody of Customs and Border Control. No one returned our phone calls when we attempted to seek information about their status or any charges they may face.

Written by Nancy Yamada

7 thoughts on “Ethiopian Stowaways Land at Dulles Airport

  1. Stowaways is not a new thing; its happened before and it will happen again and again. So long as they are not terrorists, one should not moralize on it, is up to them to take the risk for a better life just as you and I wanted before coming over to the West.

  2. “what human kind wont do to better his/her life some how”

    your comment comes out to be a little too little and makes ur brain power look as if its on the negative side of use…This is not a matter of being woyana or etc…This is an actual example of what is life like in our country. people will take the most extrim major of risk to better themselves. just as comment #3 said just as we have, before making it here…..

    The question now is, how will it affect the reputation of Ethiopians and Ethiopian air line as far as trust in security issues…I SURE HOPE THEY NOTICE THAT THIS INDIVIDUALS DID WHAT THEY DID , TO GET A BETTER LIFE…

    ETHIOPIAN AIR LINE NEEDS TO DO MORE THAN THIS , TO SECURE AND PROTECT ETHIOPIA, AND THE REST OF THE WORLD. experts already sugested suspension of fligt to the U.S. that aint good.

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