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Somali insurgents killed 48 Woyanne troops

(Press TV) Dozens of Ethiopian Woyanne soldiers are killed in ongoing clashes with Islamic Courts Union forces in the central region of Hiraan in Somalia.

The fighting broke out early on Thursday morning in the town of Kalaber where Ethiopian Woyanne soldiers are based.

The Islamic Courts fighters targeted the Kalaber base with heavy mortar fire, killing at least 48 of the Ethiopian Woyanne soldiers.

Press TV correspondent in Somalia Ahmed Mohamed said more than 17 civilians were killed in the fire exchange, while the violence has forced thousands of people, mostly women and children, to flee their homes.

… more from Garowe Online

Insurgents attack Ethiopian forces in central Somalia

BELETWEIN, Somalia Jan 24 (Garowe Online) – An unknown number of heavily armed insurgents attacked an Ethiopian a Woyanne army garrison in central Somalia on Thursday, in what locals describe as the first large-scale attack on the Ethiopian Woyanne contingent in the region.

The fighting erupted in the central Hiran region, in a village approximately 20KM west of the provincial capital Beletwein, witnesses reported.

Ethiopian Woyanne troops and allied Somali security forces based at Kala-Beyr village came under heavy fire early in the morning. The fighting lasted for more than three hours, with our Beletwein correspondent reporting that the sounds of explosions could be heard inside the town.

There are no confirmed reports on casualties, but local sources said the fighting was intense and there were casualties on both sides.

“The fighting was fierce and I saw dead people, but I cannot say how many for sure,” said one witness who did not wish to be named.

The witness said local villagers, including nomadic families, began fleeing the area for fear for more attacks.

Three civilians were wounded in a location “far from the fighting,” said another witness.

Fighters on both sides used heavy weaponry during combat, including tanks, mortar shells and rocket-propelled grenades. Sources said Ethiopian Woyanne troops later bombarded a mountainous area, where the insurgents are believed to have fled.

Hiran Governor Yusuf Daboged confirmed to Garowe Online that the fighting did take place today, adding that the “attackers were overwhelmed and chased away.”

Locals said the fighters are “allied to the Islamic Courts,” an Islamist movement that ruled southern and central Somalia for the second half of 2006.

Islamist guerrillas are responsible for daily attacks on Somali and Ethiopian Woyanne government troops in the national capital Mogadishu, but today’s heavy battle in Hiran is an indication of the war’s gradual expansion to other regions.

The African Union recently warned in a report that Mogadishu’s guerrilla war was slowly “spreading” to other Somali regions.

3 thoughts on “Somali insurgents killed 48 Woyanne troops

  1. At the rate the Press TV is telling us the Woyane soldiers are being killed, there will not be any Woyane soldier to fight against in less than a month. Interesting.

  2. As a parent it kills me when I read this many people killed or that many killed! I just hope Meles and his stooges pay the price for all the deeds that are committed in the name of Ethiopia; can you imagine how many people are becoming fatherless, motherless, and widowed as the result of this war. I just pray to god Meles and his stooges must pay for these crime against humanity!

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