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Person of the Year – nominees

Ethiopian Review is resuming its tradition of naming “Person of the Year” at the end of every year. The man or woman chosen as person of the year is believed to have made significant contributions for the betterment of Ethiopia in the past 12 months. Readers’ opinion is heavily weighed in making the selection, so let’s hear from you. The following are the nominees:

[In alphabetical order]

Alemayehu Gebremariam
Andargachew Tsige
Berhanu Nega
Bertukan Mideksa
Chris Smith
Daud Ibsa
Donald Payne
Ephraim Isaac
Haile Gebreselassie
Issayas Afeworki
Meseret Defar
Mesfin Woldemariam
Mohamed Omer Osman
Obang Metho

The announcement will be made on December 31, 2007.

485 thoughts on “Person of the Year – nominees

  1. I nominate Dr. Birhanu Nega. He has been hammered by EPRDF, EPRP, Lidetu,s group, and the Hailu Shawel cronees and he survived all the punch. His book, his speeches in the U.S.A are marvlous and he has a potential to be a good leader and he deserves to be the man of the year.

  2. A point people in Kinijit forget about is their existence is as a result of commpliment. One complmenting the other. Dr Birhanus talent is an asset for everybody in the party and so is others. Lets not forget what Debebe Eshetu has achieved in the 2005 election campaign!! Dr Mulualem, etc.
    Lets abandon hatred politics

  3. Dr. Berhanu make me to respect each other.He is intellectual,charismatic,simple man of princples Berhanu Nega is the gift of God for Ethiopia.I pray to God to watch over him and the other members of Kinjit.Amen!

  4. Dr. Berhnau is one of the few public figures that seems to clearly understand that being open-minded has nothing to do with how one treats other people, but how one treats him/herself. Our mind is autonomous from the minds of others. As social elements, we may be influenced by others, but we make our individual decision. The core idea of open mindedness is to have the capacity to admit mistakes, and gulp down our arrogance and allow ourselves to be corrected by others. If one is arrogant, proud, and hostile then he/she cannot be open-minded because they don’t have the will to accept that they are wrong.


    Free Ethiopia from TPLF

    Free Oromia from TPLF (Daud Ibsa)
    Free Amhara from TPLF (Andargachew Tsige)
    Free Tigre from TPLF (Isayas Afewerqi)
    Free Gurage from TPLF (Birhanu Nega)
    Free Gambela from TPLF (Obang Meto)
    Free Ogaden (ONLF)
    Free Southern People (Beyene Petros)
    Free yourself (Egelit Egele)


  6. No doubt in my mind person of the year is the one and only Daud Ibsaa. Some of you might not know this but Daud Ibsaa not only escaped from Derg prision twice but also managed to survive from a poison food he ate given to him by Derg spys. Daud could easly be a medical doctor, lawyer, economist or a PHD on various fields but he choose to stand up for his people. In doing so he united the people of south with the northern higlanders despite the nay sayers within his camp and in the Habesas side. We need people like Daud Ibsaa with vision and integrity.

  7. መስፍን ወልደማርያም !!!!!
    ከሌሎቹ ላቅ የሚል የረጅም ጊዜ የሰብኣዊ መብት ና የዲሞክራሲ ትግል ተሞክሮ አላቸው::

  8. Dr. Berhanu Nega is my choice.No one can be person of the year than this opened minded intellectual man.we know others have done much.but he must be at the top.

  9. እኔ የዶ/ር ብርሃኑ እልህ አስጨራሽ ነገሮችን የሚያልፍበት ትግስቱ ነው የሚገርመኝ::ኢትዮጵያ ደግሞ ከስሜታዊነትና ከግትርነት የተላቀቀ ሰው ነው የሚበጃት!አታቅማሙ የአመቱ ሰው ብርሃኑ ነጋ ነው::የሌሎቹም ጥረት እንዳለ መዘንጋት የለበትም::ብርሀኑ ነጋን የሚያገኝ ሰው በዚህ ኢሜል እንዲጽፍልኝ ብትነግሩልኝ እጅግ ደስተኛ ነኝ::

  10. እባክህ ኤልያስ ዶ/ር ብርሃኑን እልህ ውስጥ አስገብተው ክፉ እንዳያናግሩት አደራ በልልን::ከአይን ያውጣው!አሁን ስም ጠቅሶ ስለማንም አይናገር::ፊውዳሎችን ዝም ብሎ ማለፍ ነው የሚበጀው!ረዥም እድሜ ለዶ/ር ብርሃኑ እና ቤተሰቡ

  11. I vote for Isayas Afewerki for allowing Ethiopian patriots to use his homeland as shelter. I am pleasantly surprised to see President Isayas in the list since only those who face Woyanne guns on a daily basis understand the full scope of the favor done to Ethiopia by Isayas and his regime in the anti-Woyanne struggle.

  12. No one can be at the top.this person is Dr. Birhanu Nega.Elias you should also collect poor Ethiopians vote who have no internet access.No one can be No one ….Dr. Berhanu must be person of the year!

  13. i vote for professor Ephrem issak !This man broke the dead lock of the weyanne prison house just by peacefull neutral( non sided) dialogue in which other leaders including sprituals one failed. He showed us the rising sun for the future struggle and he also gave us the opportunity to know the real personality of our leaders ,yes ofcourse!

    if i have given another chance .i will vote Metho obang. he is realy smart and true ethiopain for me.i read alot of his articles ..they all sounds good.

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