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Condoleezza Rice travels to Ethiopia in December

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Will Travel to Ethiopia and Belgium First Week of December

In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the Secretary will attend a meeting with leaders from the African Great Lakes states (Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda) to discuss issues of regional peace and security on December 5. Secretary Rice also will engage in consultations on current developments in Somalia and on implementation of Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) with cabinet ministers from east African countries as well as senior representatives of the African Union and United Nations. She also will hold bilateral meetings with the Government of Ethiopia.

Secretary Rice will arrive in Brussels on December 6 to attend foreign ministerial sessions on December 7 among NATO’s 26 Allies. This includes a meeting of the North Atlantic Council, which is likely to discuss Afghanistan, Kosovo, the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty regime, and the upcoming NATO Summit in Bucharest. She will participate in a meeting of the 26 Allies with NATO’s seven Mediterranean Dialogue partners (Algeria, Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco, Israel, Jordan, and Tunisia) and a session of the NATO-Russia Council. There will also be a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission. She will also take part in a transatlantic dinner bringing together EU and NATO foreign ministers.

U.S. Department of State
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
November 29, 2007

7 thoughts on “Condoleezza Rice travels to Ethiopia in December

  1. There is a lot to be said about the first African American Secretary of State Dr Condoleezza Rice. She is highly educated and self disciplined individual, she is expert on the old Soviet Union inner politics especially on the cold war era, she served in numerous high level post during the Bush senior administration and to her credit she is accomplished pianist.

    Despite such great accomplishments and overcoming many adversities as a woman of color who experienced segregation and oppression, Dr. Rice failed to speak for millions of Ethiopians who have been suffering under the yoke of TPLF regime. I do hope when she visit Ethiopian, she has the courage to challenge the Meles regime for the undemocratic governance in the country that she consider “an allie”

    Remember: Pervez Musharraf is a brutal dictator who is considered a strong US allies but he is on the verge loosing his power grip.

  2. I fear that the killer regime may organize a demonstration by its cadres, greedy opportunists and bribed followers against HR2003.
    I suggest that Tegbar League does something to preempt such a possibility.

  3. She may be black or DR or what ever, she dosen’t give a dam about Ethiopia or the people, ask your self what is she done for here own people black americans the answer to that nothing.

  4. Will Ms. Rice’s visit to Ethiopia bring a real democracy to the country?

    As a tough politician, a peace negotiator, and a lover of democracy, Dr. Rice has tirelessly traveled all over the world to support and help mostly the democratically elected leaders. However, her visit to Ethiopia may be a little bit different from her previous visits to other countries. For example, when she visited London, Rome, Tokyo, Moscow, Seoul, Santiago, and many other lovely cities, she might have been thrilled by the neatness of these megalopolis and the high living standards of the citizens of these great cities. In contrast, what she is going to see in Ethiopia with her own eyes is the extreme backwardness of the country under the dictatorship of Meles Zenawi: streets with no adequate sidewalks, collapsing buildings everywhere, dilapidated houses, abandoned children and homeless elderly people wandering aimlessly along those dirty streets, street beggars sleeping at church squares, and attractive young Ethiopian girls filling the brothels so that they can make a meager living by selling their bodies to strangers for ten or less Ethiopian dollars.

    Gifted in deception, equipped in political maneuvering, surrounded by crooked advisors, accompanied by blood- thirsty body guards, fathered and counseled by the usurper of power – Abune Paulos – Meles Zenawi may try to deceive Condoleezza Rice by transporting the beggars, the blind, the crippled, the homeless, and the abandoned Ethiopian children from Addis Ababa to a remote area where no one could see them. As deception is his daily bread and wine, he may also deceive her by planting new trees along the main streets, painting them and the buildings around the street white and by shutting down most of the brothels nearby the streets.

    Shocked and horrified, among many other things, by the magnitude of the poor living conditions most Ethiopians are living in, Dr. Rice, then, will ask a disturbing question, the same question most Ethiopians abroad and at home always ask, “Where did Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, spend the millions of dollars America has been giving him all these years? Meles, not anyone else, can easily, answer this disturbing question by simply saying: “I spent all the money the United States gave me on fighting the Islamist terrorists in Somalia, in Ogden, and Eritrea, and I still need some more millions from the United States to completely eradicate terrorism from the continent of Africa. Not only money, I also want the United States government to block the Human Rights 2003 bill from passing.”

    Would Ms. Rice buy Meles’ request for extra dollars to fight Islamist terrorists in Africa and to completely eliminate them from the continent? As a highly educated, religious, and experienced politician, Dr. Rice may hesitate to accept his request for extra United States money after she has sensed that the misery the Ethiopian people are living in, the violation of the Human Rights in Somalia, Ogaden, and the thousands of Ethiopians still in jail, hankering for their freedoms.

    Many people including Dr. Rice believe that the correct definition of democracy is “rule by the people.” In Ethiopia, however, the correct definition of democracy changes from “rule by the people” to a “rule by a dictator.” That is what most Ethiopians know so far, and they are helpless as far as the United States is supporting the dictators. In the past, the Unites States supported dictators such as Batista of Cuba, Jean Claude Duvalier of Haiti, President Ferdinand Marcos of Philippine, the Shah of Iran, Mobutu of Congo, and many other dictators. Even now, the United States supports, General Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan, and of course Meles Zenawi.

    This time, I hope, Ms. Rice without any reservation will report to the United States government every thing she sees in Ethiopia: the hunger, the diseases, the violations of the Human Rights, the sufferings of the Ethiopian people, the killings in Somalia, in Ogaden, and the deep hostility that exists between Ethiopia and Eritrea.

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