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18 thoughts on “Video: Four Ethiopian groups create military alliance

  1. In any struggle peaceful or armed it is fatal to undermine your enemy.When you think you are smart, you must at the same time ask yourself why enemy is stupid.For many people Woyane apeared to be stupid and now we are paying that price of undermining the Woyane 20years ago.Now also I hear many fellow Ethiopians are already enjoying the feeling of victory of the new anti EPRDF Army.This will not remove Woyane ,but allows him to take a propaganda advantage,to send the Youth to the front ,defeat this Allience and stay on power forever.The other thing that I can tell readers of this website is this” Never forget what Binyam said ,this Army is going to destroy itself at no cost to Woyane.They fight for for Eritrea .

  2. If you don’t see the end of Woyanne front of your eyes, you can see nothing at all. Meles is gone and Woyanne is done, I am thinking about how the new Ethiopia will look like!

  3. Those who do not respect the rule of low will respect power!

    For the past 16 years every civilized attempt and discussion has been conducted to bring a peaceful power transition from handful TPLF thugs. The Woyane regime refused again and again and ignored the voice of Ethiopian people and continued its brutality while dividing the nation under ethno politics. All opposition parties finally realized that Woyane will never understand or respect genuine talk or democracy.

    The Time for peaceful talk with Woyane is Oliver!!!

    We can’t simply seat tight and continues our wishful discussion by condemning Woyane through internet or radio media. It is time to rise up and crush Woyane infrastructure if we want freedom and democracy. The crime minister Meles failed to respect or understand the meaning of peaceful resistant yet, he will understand the harsh reality of armed struggle. The newly formed alliance between different opposition groups is a breaking new that would bring the end of Woyane Tyranny.

    God Bless Ethiopian –Sons and Daughters of Ethiopia who dare to pickup arms for their motherlan.

  4. Wow!I will never sleep to tonight.Did You see those Young, productive $ handsome individuals determined to save their nation?My God! I felt something good in my heart.I must join them.ZEFENU ZERAF YASEGNAL!!
    I will help these people as much as I can.I will pass this information to my colleagues too.If some are determined to die,Others should be determined to help the survivors!

    It is now time to throw out Woyanne.Let all the opposition forces unite and show victory on the tyrant regime—Meles regime.Great job is done by the four allies.Please the other parties get your job done!

  6. What is left is the burial of Meles! We will soon start to hear the agonizing death of Weyane when it’s attacked from 4 directions. ONLF and OLF are also another ice on the cake! Go alliance and bury Meles once and for all.

  7. beniam,
    it does not matter who this army fights for. it does not even matter if this army is going to be successful in removing woyane violently. the significance is that when dictators close all doors for a peaceful participation, this is the inevitable outcome. i tried to bring this fact home to woyane supporters on many occasions. blinded by their arrogance and emboldened by the west donated arms, woyanes laugh at you at such suggestions. however, videos like this are a testimony to my line of argument. again, if woyane continues to ignore the plea of those who are calling for a peaceful participation, this or another group will emerge as a formidable military force against woyane. what baffles me the most is, of all people, woyanes should have known this fact. yet, power corrupts, probably including your logic as well.

  8. We need to establish a serious political guidence for our young brave Ethiopian bretherens who politicaly conisious and read to sacrifice thier young life for mother Ethiopia/ ready to fight the the TPLF thugs. Please for those of you whom you politically wise(I mean the older generation) need to help us/need to find a guidence for the million young generation Ethiopians who are ready to combat the TPLF thug army man to man and save our beloved Ethiopia. We need your guidence. Lead us and let us get read off the TPF thugs.
    Love for my Brave Ethiopian brotherens.
    Long live mother Ethiopia.
    Unity is our strength

  9. This is the only way and language what weyanes do understand. Weyane has closed all the doors for peacefull transformation of power peacefully, so weyane must test the muscle of brave ethiopians. weyane knows very well that it doesn’t trust and doesn’t have any confidence in the army, the army is divided by it self ethnically and it will disarray in all dircetions and join the newly created alliance to save ethiopia and protect the voice of ethiopia’s ppl. This newly borned alliance must do more to include other fronts like OLF and ONLF.The will be an end of weyane’s repressive regime . With out including these liberation fronts, Ethiopians will have some reservation about eritrea’s government committment to support ethiopian’s to topple weyane’s and replace this repressive governemnt by democractice one. GOD bless these young ethiopians who have decided to saccrifice their life for the unity of ethiopia . amen

  10. congragulation newly born alleince, the only voice malez listen is gun and ONLF will show males how real we are , so here we come and malez count days, we will get our right by forces.

  11. It is time to show the Woyane that no game has left for them to play. The Ethiopian people are now mature enough to understand that distruction of ethiopia is from them and not from the ONLF or OLF. Give them chance to express themselves to the Ethiopian people, but if you your policy is just to say they are armed by the Eretreans, ask yourself who created and armed TPLF? And who brought in person Addisababa?
    ONLF supporter.

  12. mellez has to go once and for all as my coleauges said before me. Ogaden people witnessed i Melles era a horable stories and Melles has to pay the price so high.
    Freedom for the people of Ogaden is our first priority. look at the madness of Melle and what he is doing in neibouring Somalia. the poor Ethiopian soldures are dying every where because of Misculculation of the Melles

  13. While Weyane might be on its death bed it is important to prepare for what will follow. It is imperative to think of what comes after, otherwise weyane might follow weyane.

    I mean every Ethiopian must think beyond the downfall of weyane. The defeat or removal of an unpopular regime is the first and easiest step to the ultimate goal of peace and prosperity.


  14. The new force merging will create panick on the TPLF Military junta ruling Ethiopia, and it also makes the other active organization get serious. AFD will be pressurised to be more active or it will fail to materialise to the Ethiopian people. While it is good to be a peaceful opposition, but we all have seen the result of peaceful struggle, it has landed many of our people in jail and many were killed in the streets like animals. But having a military wing will make TPLF realize that there is no joke, we no longer be vitims of our own success, but victorious in our own land.


  15. Oh!

    now, i can see that we have found the road to freedom. It has been the aspiration of TPLF to block class struggle in the name of peaceful struggle. Now, we are able to see the true wa to freedom.

    Freedom comes at a price and that price is dear and expensive. The fools do not like it because of selfishness.
    But, struggle is a must and we can not avoid it.

    Thanks to the efforts of eritreans!


  16. As soon as members of the crime family capture alive, they hadcuffed and chained on their looting hands and legs and will be taken on the world tour. It isn’t that they will be kept in a musem for a display, not at all; rather, they will be shown to the world that they have been on Ethiopia most wanted crime list since they came into Ethiopia.

    They know it, Ethiopians know it, when they came into Ethiopia they had nothing in their pocket but a lot of guns and bullets; with their guns and bullets they murdered a significant number of Ethiopians and continued to loot the resources of Ethiopia to establish a vast business empire.

    Because they are overwhelmed with the wealth they accumelated and intoxcatedd with the blood they drank, they have now become deaf and blind. When they can’n hear the thundering voice of Ethiopians and can’t see the mighty power of the united Ethiopians, they will definitely and positively kiss their sour and bitter fate.

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