Voting will end tomorrow, Sunday. Please vote now.
Listed alphabetically:

Ethiopian Review has been collecting suggestions on potential candidates for the next president of Ethiopia, if there is a free and fair election, and system is presidential, and not the current fake parliamentary. The response has been massive. Within the past 3 days we have received over 170 suggestions, out of which we have prepared a list of 15 candidates. Please vote above by clicking in the small box next to the name of the candidates you prefer. Vote for two candidates: President and Vice-President
As the numerous suggestions prove, Ethiopia is rich with able individuals who are well qualified to govern the country better than the current genocidal murderer in power. Meles Zenawi and gang are not governing the country. They are destroying Ethiopia piece by piece.
The candidates are from divers background — age, gender, ethnic, education, and profession wise. We would have liked to see more women in the list.
After you vote, please explain in the comment box below your reasons for the choice you made — campaign for your candidate.
Criminals such as Meles Zenawi and traitors such as Hailu Shawel have been disqualified from the list.
President Isaias Afwerki’s name came up several times. We could not include him in the list for the obvious reason. Let him confederate Ethiopia and Eritrea and he will be every one’s first choice. It’s within his power to do it.
70 thoughts on “A clear winner is emerging – Vote for the President of Ethiopia”
If the vote is for prime Minster , I would vote for bertukan Midekessa! …
It will be the renaissance of Ethiopia if Daud Ibsa and Dr. Berhanu are elected respectively. They could heal and save the contry.
I would vote for Mideksa because she is the only young, female true democrat who showed her courage and sense of justice when she was still judge during Siye’s (a top ranking TPLF officla) trial. And she continued to resist as an opposant in CUD and as a charismatic leader in UDJ.
Dr.Berhanu Nega president,Judge Birtukan Mideksa vice president.Both belive by TRUE Democracy and Both LOVE their country and people.I hope this comment will be come TRUE.
Dear Ethiopian Review editors,
I have one quetion unrelated to the topic you have for the day:
The investor Shik Alamude who has a contract in exploiting the gold mine of ethiopia in sdamo-Adola and welega region; what percentage is he taking and what percentage for ethiopia? Is it clear for the parlament? Is it only lease of the land disregarding the resources?
Or cite me any resources where I can find it.
Thank you
Your list nagates your assertion that says “Ethiopia is rich with able individuals who are well qualified.” I think you should look for people that are beyond the narrow political spectrum and incorporate people with solid leadership, achievement and integrity… One name that comes to my mind is Ato Shimelis Adugna with years and years of service and dedication for his country. I am sure there are many others as well. So get out of your small box of articles and periodic rehtoric and look for real people. As to Esayas … well I don’t really know what ur thinking … but it is ur right …
I believe that it is about time for the Ethiopian women to come to power to get the country out of the mess it had been since many years and various governments. It is a fact that men had been governing our country all the years with disasters, war, hunger, hate backwardness, corruption, and the never-ending begging culture. Therefore, don’t you think it is about time to accept the reality and say Ethiopian men (at least in the political arena) are the weak links of our fate? Thus, Birtukan Mideksa is the only alternative I could imagine of might bring any positive change at all or at least give the chance to experiment as something new. We have enough of those manly testosterone charged machos without vision.
Democracy and Unity. Our generation understsands the meaning of these two from Dr. Birhanu and judge Birtukan! They taught the generation these big assets! we have big deficiency of having democracy and these deficiencies exacberated by TPLF dictators! Thanks to the two respected Ethiopians, apart from understaning what democracy means we have started the struggle to bring it.
The starting point to get Democracy and Unity is removing one man 20+ dictatorial ruling from the motherland
Go for G7 and EPPF!
Thankyou Elias1!
Unity first!
“Criminals such as Meles Zenawi and traitors such as Hailu Shawel have been disqualified from the list.”
thanks Elias I strongly agree with the above statement as a result I mark my vote…….
Hailu is not only a traitor but also a criminal who destroyed kinijit and sold out aeup for weyane ……
My choice for President is Dr. Brihanu Nega. My reason for choosing him is stated as follows.
Our internal problem is very complex. There is no one who is as capable as Dr. Brihanu Nega to tackle such problem. He has the education, experience, caliber, smartness, charisma, patriotism, and good heart that are necessary for a good statesman. Of all things, what matters is honest intention, which he has plenty of it.
At this time of Globalization, we need to compete politically and economically with different countries. Besides, we need to ward off the various pressures that come from our neighbors such as Egypt, the West such as America, and the East such as China, and play smart politics. And there is no person better equipped to deal with such pressures than Dr. Brihanu Nega. Some of the other candidates (forget Teddy Afro, Seleshi, Haile, and Kemal) are good. But they cannot talk on, or deal with, equal footing with the different power players in the international arena like Dr. Brihanu Nega can do.
My choice for Vice-President is Bulcha Demekesa.
this is my choice
President Dr. Berhanu Nega
Vice Predient Judge Birtuakn M
Dr Berhanu Nega president for his wise understanding world politics,strong beliver of unity of Ethiopia and individual right,bulding strong dimocracy inistutution of future Ethiopia and respecting of any ordinary citizen and geniune,honest. Birtukan Mideksa vic presidant honest,charesmatic,sacrify for our fridom.
Dr. Birhanu Nega should be the president of Ethiopia, most importantly, because he is the elected mayor of Addis Ababa. As we all know Addis Ababa is the reflection of the wider nation.
Mr. Andargachew Tsige should be the vice president because he is a very intelligent man who has a deep understanding of Ethiopian psychology. People might be discouraged by the lack of a “Dr.” title infront of his name (and I appreciate that since that shows our people’s value for education), he is actually very smart and probably as competent as any Dr. I have seen so far.
——- That is my 2 cents.
I don’t know anyone who is able to frame the real problems of Ethiopia better than Berhanu Nega including the way forward. His incremental approach to dislodge the criminal gang (TPLF) is obviously a winning one; G7 has a great deal of support in such short life of the organization. Clearly that shows his leadership ability. He is very passionate and hardworking person whose love for Ethiopia immense. If Berhanu Nega is elected President, I believe he will not let us down.
Bulcha Demeksa is a well known and accomplished technocrat and entrepreneur. His experience and loyalty to our Ethiopia is still alive and well. I understand why he is singing ethnic party song at this moment. He is great advocate of AfanOromo which I like to see adopted as second national language, but with Amharic letters.
Dr Berhanu Nega president for wise understandingof world politics,strong beliver of Ethiopia unity, full skill bulding dimocratical inistutition,respect individual rights and ordinery citizen,honest and genune.Birtukan Mideksa honest sacrify her self forour fridom as vic president
For Ethiopia to be democratic the next leader should be, I think, an ethnic-Ethiopian–I pray for some magic potion that would play down the whole ethnic sickness without interfering with the cultural rights of people. I think Obang Metho would be the right person if he will not be hijacked. He is just a sincere voice and visionary young person!! Let’s pray for the Obang moment in Ethiopia.
Instead of choosing the president and vice president on the same list, it would have been better if you have one more list with the same candidates for vice president. This will tell us what most people want to see as president and vice president by choosing president from the “The next president of Ethiopia” list and vice president from “The next vice president of Ethiopia” list.
Daud Ibsa for presidence.Simply to keep Ethiopia to keep together, I would also suggest Mohamed Omar Osman for vice presidence, for that same reason.
Elias Kifle for information minister, he is the most suited for that post, seasoned politician and journalist. While the foreign ministery post goes to Dr. Berhanu Nega because of his education and great experience.
No one can lead Ethiopia wisely an Birukan, My respect her goes behond every human being… I am ready to die for cause.. no more no less
Bulcha Demeksa is the right person to lead Ethiopia. I like him very much.
Please be serious, how could you put Teddy Afro or Haile G/Selassie as candidate to run for the presidency of a nation with 85 Million population? No doubt, they are great in what they do, but just because they are popular does not mean they have the political capacity to rule a country!
Dr.Birhanu president, Birtukan
I vote Dr. Birhanu for president and Ms. Birtukan for VP. Because I believe these individuals are qualified in education, believe in people’s choice and can give an excellent leadership without discrimination.
Birtukan and Dr Berhanu and Andargachew are fit for the positions
Poor Ethiopians. we do not even know how to choose who our leadre should be? we are standing behind the one who chooses war over peace… amazing no wonder our country is in such a miserable condition…remember people, leaders are the reflection of the people, they have growng with us lived like us and they have no choice but to behave like us.
I would for Dr. Berhanu Naga President and Birtukan Mideksa Vice-President. As far as I know these guys are able to divert the wrong direction that the country is heading to the right track. Both of them understand the situation in the country which is an asset for leadership.
we must have for the futur leader we need:educated,rich,kind that is Dr. berhanu!!!
Elias does not seem seroious when he requests us to vote for the next president of our great country. Initially he should have invited his fans to nominate names for the candidancy instead of listing names as
he likes and ask for voting . The major factor for his
picks seems fame in any manner. In his own patern, he has forgotten Asnakech Worku the famous kerarist and vocalist as well. I do have due respects to our athlets and singers. But in any way they do not have the capacity to shoulder such posts. He should immediately substitute these names by ambassador Immru Zeleke, Goshu Wolde, Tesfaye Dinka and the like and do his pole. After things have been straightened up, i will cast my vote. Am I clear?
I choose Dawid Ibsa,because he is accountable for the majority oromos.As we all know oromos posseses 40%of the population.
I voted for Mr. Obang Metho. Mr Obang metho is an individual who deeply cares about Ethiopia and Ethiopians. He is an intellectual who is well aware of the root problem of our country. I believe He can Bring Peace, unity and tolerance to he can be the hope to the new generation. This selfless individual should be the president of our beloved country.
I pray to God,in order ask the almighty a good leaders!!!My nomination for my leader including the ministers will goes to:
1.Bulcha Demeksa(President!!)-Bulcha,who was the ministor during Hailesellasie,a father of four,served his country for long year,representing Ethiopia in World Bank and UN.Now,he is the owner of Awash International Bank plc. and leader of Oromo Federalist. As he has a lot of wealth,he will never tried to steal the property of Ethiopian People. I am quite sure that,He will bring a Unity ,prosperity of Ethiopian people!!!;
Dr.Mogga Furissa(vice president!!!!)
2.Birtukan Midekssa(Prime Minister!!!!!!);Daud Ibass(v.PM)!
3.Dr.Birhanu Negga( Ministory of Finance)
4.Dr.Merera Gudina(Ministory of Education)Ato birhane Mewwa(V.ME)
5.Dr,Beyene Petros;Gebru Asrat(Ministory of Agiculture)
6.Mengistu Haile-Mariam(Defence Ministor)under Guad Menge,Siyye Abirha(head of Security);General Kassaye Chemeda(head of regiinal police)& General kemal Gelchu(head of federal police)
7.Dr.Negasso Giddada( Ministory of culturean turism)& Dr.Hailu Araya (Ministor of language studies and culture)Under their leader ship
8.ProfessorAlemayehu Gebremariam(Ministory of Information);Under professor Alemayehu leader ship,,,Elias Kifle and Tesfaye G/Abbe(for Press department!!!!!!-we really need them! For Radio and EtV-Abrha Belay)
9.Obang Metto(Ministory of Justice!)
10.Eng.Gizachew shiferaw & Sileshi Tilahun;(ministory of urban development)
Sorry,,I forget to nominate,,
***11.Dr.Yakob Hailemariam( Ministory of Justice together with Metto Obang!)
****12. Ato. Addisu Abebe(VOA);Head of Radio and Television together with Abrha Belay under ministory of Information!
****13.Tamirat Negera and Abiy Tekilemariam(Addis Neger!!!);Head of press department together with Elias Kifile and Tesfaye G/Abbe
Why is Elias Kifle not on the potential candidates list for the office of the Ethiopian presidency? Is it because he is too young or too wise?
Dear my Ethiopian brothers and sisters always when you are voting some one be careful it does not matter wheather he is a doctor or not you must vote some one who loves his country and able to protect EHIOPIA from mafia CIA
Birtukan Mideksa, should be the next President of Ethiopia, while Hailu Shawel should be the Prime Minister.
I think the right person for this position is Mr Sileshi Tilahun. His Ethiopianism is much wider than everyone else in the list.
it is birhanu nega….nobody has the caliber to lead that country except him at the moment. He is honest, bleives in democracy and and knows how to deal with the foreigners. He is a true son of Ethiopia. Obviously, Birtukan Midekssa needs some time to manage the complex society like Ethiopia. Yet she can be vice president.
mohamed omar osman is good leader, for dificult times. so we need someone who lead us.
My vote is as follow:
President: Birtukan Medekssa
V.President: Dr. Birhanu Nega
With Birhanu Nega as a president and Birtukan as his vice will bring about the change we all hoped for.
The Honorable Obang Metho would be the right person for this job. I never had the privilege of meeting him in person but from I see and understand about him from his various writings, he possess a well balanced mind to rule in a just and honorable way.
Presidant: Dr. Birhanu Nega,
Vice Presidant: Haile Gebreselassie
Chief Justice: Judge Birtukan Mideksa,
Attorney General: Mr. Obang Meto
Vice Att. General: Dr Yacob H/Mariam
Cabinet members
Foreign Minister (Secretary of state): Prof. AlMariam
Information Minister: Ato Andargachew Tsige, Vice Mr Sileshi Tilahun, Advisor Mr. Elias Kifle
Finance Minster: Mr Bulcha Demeksa
Defence Minster: Mr. Siye Abraha, Vice Br. General Kemal Gelchu
Minister of Culture: Ato Eyasu Alemayehu
Agricultural Minister: Dr Eleni
Minister of Mines: Mr Mohamed Osman
Vice. Engineer Gizachew Shiferaw
Eduacation Minister: Dr. Negaso Gidada Vice, Mr. Daud Ibsa
Transport Minister: Eng. Hailu Shawul
Minister of Collecting Foreign Aid: Ato Siyoum Mesfine (He only deserves that)
Minister of Hate, Ethinicity and Division: Mr. Legesse Zenawi,
Vice Mr. Ergumu Kebit Simon
Minster of Corruption and Mishandling all resources: Mr. Sibihat Nega
Andargachew Tsige president, Mohammed Omar, V-president, Sileshi Tilahun foreign Minister, Kemal Gelchu, secretary of defense.
I know we are voting based on popularity, no doubt Berhanu and Birtucan are the main would-be presidents or vP. Think about it however. What is it that is going to bring peace that involves two ethnic groups that are very volatile currently are Tigray and Oromo. So it is very important to appoint from these groups that believe in saving Ethiopia because TPLF and OLF could influence their people against the rest of Ethiopia that could bring chaos and destruction to our people. However to rally behind the would-be presidents and vps would divide the groups rather than unite against one Ethiopia therefore bringing peace, equality and harmony in Ethiopia. Therefore supporting behind Andargachew Tsegie, Hailu Araya, Siye, Bulcha, Kemal Gelchu is very important. Because these people believe in One Ethiopia. Of course to avoid pro ethnic support, other appoints will be people like Birtucan, Berhanu, Obang, etc.
Brtukan shall be president and yacob, pm. i have seen the result Birehanu is leading i do not know why peoples elect him. he is now abroad and want to struggle EPRDF by force which unnecessary.i do not support such like people.
Birhanu Nega, Birtukan Midekisa, H.E. Dr. Negasso Gidada
I am up for Birtukan, she knows the law and respected it, sacrificed for it when needed and still being locked up for it. She is one of a kind in this time of ours. She is tested individaul, even being a mother do not hold her back to pay the ultimate price for Justice. What a wonderful lady. I am always grateful to her for what she has done for our country and our people. I wish I could share her pain and wish God could give me the age to see our children enjoying the freedom she and her alike brought us.
So she is my nominee.
Next inline is Birhanu Nega – I know he would not let us down.
የሕግ ፕሮፈሰር ዶክተር የሆኑትን በትውልድ ኤርትራዊ የሆኑትን: ፍስሓጽዮን መንግስቱ የኢትዮጵያ ፕረሲደንት መሆን ይገባቸዋል ነበር:: ምክንያቱም ለኤርትራና ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝቦች ሰላምን ብልጽግና ሲሉ: ሂወታቸው በሙሉ; እውቀታቸው: ገንዘባቸው: ቢተሰባቸው: ትዳራቸው:… ለመስዋእት ያቀረቡ: ቅኑ: ጽኑና ታታሪ የአፍሪካ ሙሁር ናቸው:: እሳቸው ፕረሲደንት ቢሆኑ ኑሮ: ይህ ከኤርትራ ያሳለፍናቸው ጦርነትን: ያስከተለው የሂወትና የሃብት ውድመት አይከሰትም ነበር:: ኣሁኑም እድል ቢያገኙ ኑሮ: ኤርትራውያን ከወንድሞቻችን ጋር ቤኩልነትና በሰላም ለዘል አለም መኖር እንችል ነበርን:: ህየ ደግሞ የኤርትውያኖችና የኢትዮጵያውያኖች ምኞትና ፍላጎት ይመስለኛል::
Those who nominated some OLF members for the presidency did not realize the fact that those members have already served as presidents. Twice each already. Especially Kemal is credited for extending the Oromia territory all the way to Mobasa(Those wicked Brits changed it to Mombasa). I heard that the Woyane soldiers piss in their pants when they hear the name Kemal. Southern Sudan Army has just sent a letter of plea to Kemal please not to send his troops to Illu Aba Bora. ANDM leaders has pledged to him that they will pay for the damages done by the Chauvinist Amharas for the last 3,000 years. President Obama just named him the next recipient of Hero of All Heroes Medal. The Indomitable Kemal has not responded to all of this yet. That is why you see a long line of people that goes 600 times around the boundaries of the Horn of Africa in front of The US Embassy in Addis Ababa. All the Amharas, Somalis (specially the Issas), Afars, Southern Sudanese and the rest of all nationalities except the people of Tigray are filing for political Asylum in the USA. People of Tigray are spared because their leaders were able to strike an 11th hour deal with Kemal.
But on a serious not, I elected Mt. Obang.