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Why are we surprised by Hailu Shawel’s betrayal?

When Ethiopian Review published a series of articles 2 years ago about Hailu Shawel’s corruption and treachery, his supporters were up in arms. It took them 2 years to find out that this man is a pathological traitor.

It is sickening for many of his supporters to watch him shake the hands of a monstrous tyrant whose hands are socked with the blood of the likes of Shibre Desalegn, the people of Anuak, Ogaden, Somalia… just to mention some of Meles Zenawi’s victims.

Much has been said about Engineer Enjera Hailu by angry Ethiopians in the past few days following his cowardly act. So there is nothing new to add. Instead, let’s revisit what Ethiopian Review has been writing about him since 2007 when he first exposed himself as a double-tongued scoundrel:

* Hailu Shawel’s trail of betrayal
* Hailu Shawel’s family business thriving under Woyanne
* Hailu Shawel to face angry protestors in Washington
* Hailu Shawel gets a no confidence vote by Ethiopians in DC
* Hailu Shawel lies to Washington Post

21 thoughts on “Why are we surprised by Hailu Shawel’s betrayal?

  1. I am not as such much surprised. But what if he has been the PM? What kind of government could we have under Hailu Shawel? So now there should not be any regret for the loss of kinijit in 2005. He was showing so many feudalistic and erratic behaviours and even lack of knowledge and chariasma to be a leader. I cannot trace any relevant speech from this arrogant person for which I used to be surprised how he could manage to be the leader of kinijit, once a known and significant opposition party.

  2. ለስላም መፈራረም በጣም ጥሩ ነው ለሁላችንም
    ወደፈት ጥሩ ነገር ሊመጣ ይችላል ጦርነት ለማንም
    አይበጅም ለምሳሌ መድረክ ውስጥ ለኢትዮጵያ አንድነትን የማይፈልጉ ስዎች አሉ ብሔርን ከብሔር
    የሚያጋጬ ከነዚህ ከሐዲዋች የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ መጠንቀቅ አለብት


  3. You evolve to your true self and he obviously did. It is a clear indicator and revelation of his identity. Well let him try an opportunity and ways to sit on the head of the Ethiopian people without their consent. Did not he insulted the Ethiopian people as double tongued?

  4. Edina the person who posted earlier is reading something that is not there. You probably are an Agent provacateur. Where do you see the $600, ooo house?
    This time we all have to say ER was right on the money two years ago. We have to apologize for not taking ER’s warnings seriously.

    Hailu is no better than Ayele Chamisu. The only difference between the two we thought was the price they were asking. We now see that Hailu is also for sale for cheap!
    Shame on him!

  5. Well, a picture tells every thing. This is a ceremony supposed to be, four parties sign what ever document representing their party. Here, the old man looks as if taking a certificate from the master. Please,for God sake, stand straight, firm and shake hands, don’t see his shoe, see his butcher face. To me he already accept defeat.

  6. The way hailu shawel is bowing to meles while shaking his hand, he looks like some body receiving a certificate from a higher offical than one who negotiated and signed as equal partner. Ironically, this is how the election is going to end up- meles will grab every seat while throwing a couple in hailu’s direction. After all, he has to do that to legitimagize the sham election.

  7. ገና ካሁኑ ተረባ ጀመራችሁ? ወየ-ጉድ!
    ለኢትዮጵያ መሪነት ምን ኣይነት ሰው ቢፈጠር ትሻላችሁ?
    “መድረክ”- የጎሳ ክምችት የያዘና በኢህኣደግ የኣይዶሎጂ የተገረፈ ስብስብ ነው:: የኢህኣደግ ካርቦን ኮፒ ስብስብ ሲሆን በተቀደደለት የጎሳ ቦይ ለመግባት ኣቆብቁቦ የሚጠባበቅ የጠባብ ብሔረተኞች ስብስብ ለመሆኑ ያደባባይ ምስጢር ነው ኣዲስ ታኣምር መፍጠር የማይችል ከመሆን ኣልፎ 24 ኣባላትን ያባረረ-ካሁኑ ኣምባገነንነትን የሚያራምድ ስብስብ ነው:: የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ዳግመኛ ጎሳን መሰረት ያደረገ ኣመራር ውጉዝ ክመኣርዮስ በማለት ላይ ነው::
    መድረክ ራሱ ኣፈንግጦ የወጣው ከኢህኣደግ ጋር ብቻየን መደራደር እፈልጋለሁ በማለት ነው:: ለምን ለብቻ? ሌሎቹ ፓርቲዎች የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይ ኣይመለክታቸውም ማለት ነው?
    ቅናት, ምቀኝነት መጀመሪያ መወገድ ኣለባቸው
    ሰዎች እባካችሁ በንጹህ ህሊና ማሰብ እንጀምር!

  8. Was he carrying a stone when he is asking for forgiveness. This looks more like submission than a handshake.
    Anyway he had no where to run to except to woyanes’ arm.
    Does anybody know for how much this modern day Judas sold us out?

  9. ቁጥር 3 ከበደ
    ከመድረክ ለአኢትዮጵያ አንድነት ጸርና ብሔርን ከብሔር የሚያጋጩ የምትላችዉ እነማን አንደሆኑ ብትገልጽልን? በእዉን እንደታየዉና እየታየ ያለዉ ምንልክ ቤተመንግስት መሽገዉ ያሉት የትግራይ ወንበዴዎች ናቸዉ ህዝብን ከህዝብ በማጋጨት የሀገርን ህልዉናና የህዝብን አንድነት እያናጉ ያሉት:: አና አቶ ሀይሉ ሻዉል ይህንን አና ቅጥ ያጣ የወያኔ የዘር መድሎ ፖለቲካን: ጭቆናና ዝርፊያን አንድሁም የሰብዓዊ መብት ረገጣና ግድያ እንዳለ አንድቀጥል ለመተባበር መሰለፉ አንተ እንደምትለዉ በመድረክ ዉስጥ ከተሰባሰቡት የፖለቲካ ድርጅቶችና ግለሰቦች የተሻለ ሰዉ ሊያደርገዉ የምችል ነገር አይታየኝም::

  10. What about those who were slaughtered by the order of Meles in 2005? What do families,relatives,friends of those martyr and the Ethiopian people in general feel when they see this picture?
    Making peace is good,but it should not be with status quo.

  11. I wonder what Hailu Shawel motives are? I mean he knows he is not going to win the 2010 election. So, why is doing this? at least we now know he responsible for the death of 193 people in the 2005 election and he is going to be hold accoutble for it.

  12. It is sickening! He betrayed the people who trusted him especially those who are in jail and languished in Woyanne jails. WHAT A SHAME ! WHAT A SHAME ! The shaking hand shows what kind of person he is.

  13. Poor guy this is a lose lose situation for him because woyane will never trust him. They will follow him spy on him and anyone associated with him. He will never have a freedom again and lost most if not all his friends. His wife will cook him food with no oil and salt. The neighbor will pee on his fence; he will live the rest of his left over time with shame.

  14. አበው በምሳሌ ሲናገሩ’ ሃገር ሲያረጀ ቁልቋል ያበቅላል ይላሉ” ይህ የቆየ አባባል ምን ይህል እውነት መሆኑን የሰሞኑ የኃይሉ ሻውል ታሪካዊ ቅሌት አረጋጦልናል:: አረጋዊውና በህዝብ ዘንድ ታላቅ ከበሬታ የተቸራቸው ኃይሉ ላለፉት 15 አመታት ማንዴላ እያለ ሲያከብራቸው ሲያመልካቸው የነበረውን ህዝብ በመናቅ ብሎም የሞተላቸውን,የታሰረላቸው,የተሰደደላቸውን ወዘተ ህዝብ ውለታውንና ድካሙን በመርሳት ትግሉን እንደ ይሁዳ በ——-ጠገራ በመሸጥ ዛሬ በወያኔ ጉያ በመወሸቅ ክሀደታቸውን በአደባባይ አረጋግጠዋል::

  15. Wow, is Hailu (Shame) Shawel that strong to bend this much? If he is, he has much time left to further cheapen himself. Good Luck! My heart bleeds for him. “Ye enchet shibet”


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