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4 thoughts on “Kangaroo court trial of Elias Kifle et al – (video)

  1. This is another power abuse at its best. Elias take it as a badge of honor. You are loved and admired by over eighty million Ethiopians and the same people that love and admire you, hate the tyrant and they know who the real terrorist that has been terrorizing them, looting them and giving away their land for the last 20 years.

  2. Elias that puts you on line with Ethiopian patriots as because the gang is existing as the No 1 enemy of our beloved nation these days 80 million Ethiopians are Eskinder, Arage, Wubshet, Ryot, and others like Elias the whole nation is under trial.It is the very time for arab spring and to wipe out the gang once and for all no matter the sacrifies.

  3. Many repudiate the fanfare of Woyanes “judiciary system” repeatedly. Unfortunately, the current Ethiopian “rule of law” is a parody of what is understood by a democratic legitimate state’s term. The “law of Woyane’s system” can be described as hysteria phenomenon witch-hunt trials. Nothing more, nothing less! Woyanes psyche hangs still in the fifteenth century.
    I however, do not understand why Woyanes who believe are justified, close the case Elias Kifle vs. Woyane’s indefinitely by suing him in a US courts who certainly are against anyone who is a terrorist in any form of the word whatever his background, nationality etc. is? If Woyane is so sure of their case why do not dare to do so?
    I am absolutely sure that Elias will admit and say yes in a US or for that matter in any court if he has been involved rightly in encouraging and spreading the word BEKA, GAYE! BASS! YIAKEL!!!
    On the other hand, bad luck for woyane’s and their masters Melles and Azeb that I am also another Elias including Millions of Ethiopians. You only need to go and see some of the social Medias like facebook and the like to get a nightmare of your life with BEKA, GAYE! BASS! YIAKEL!! Slogans as expressions of we do not want you terrorist Woyanes!
    I can imagine how it might sound to see Melles vs. Elias Kifle in a US courtroom including being administered by a lie detector. Again, I see no problem for Elias and millions of patriotic Ethiopians to admit for their stands of BEKA (ENOUGH) to Woyanes terror “regime.” No problem to admit to exposing the corrupt couples and their cliques. No problem to admit to resisting and exposing the selling of our country by woyanes. We millions of Elias’s are ready to stand in court to face Woyane’s accusation for declining and opposing their rule. We are ready to face their representatives and agents who are sitting in our hijacked Embassies in court if theire Mafiosi masters are scared to come face to face where the rule of law exists! But certainly not in Woyane’s Kangaroo courts where the principles of law and justices are disregarded, perverted, mocked upon as it was in Hitler’s time. Everyone knows how the outcomes of a Kangaroo court functions: that cases are determined in advance, by denying proper defense, corrupting evidences, manipulations, tortures and other ugly methods to reach the premeditated conclusion of the accusers.
    Nevertheless, what about Melles? One do not need to go very far to get the lie detector come to sweat by asking Melles who was behind the killings of for e.g. General Hayelom Araya, General Berhe Shaebia, Kinfe G/Medhin the first husband of Azeb (was he probably the better man??), General Yahelom, Berhe Shaeiba, Teklu Hawaz, G/Meskel and more ? By the time he gets the questions, did you, your spouse and elite cliques stole and sold Ethiopian people’s land and treasure? I will not be surprised to see the lie detector machine goes on a siren modus for the no and never answers of Melles. With his final denial for the question have you ever tortured, murdered, imprisoned, and stamped civilians and journalists as terrorists for none other than demanding their democratic rights? Melles denying the question as usual I bet the machine will voluntarily shut itself off not being able to take such compulsive and pathological lies from such a brutal animal like Melles.
    Is that not the reason why Woyanes do not want to confront people like Elias in a country where the rules of law is the ABC and part of the country’s entity? We know that a crime, which has been committed in foreign countries in the past, has been confronted by the justice system of USA for example the case of a torturer from the time of Mengistu. So no excuses or pretexts as an argument that the law in the US will not work for such cases…
    Again, Woyane’s elites stop your primitive accusations, abuse, threats, torture, and murder against people who did nothing other than exercising their democratic rights but instead be courageous enough to come to internationally accepted norms of law and accuse or sue us please! Otherwise, you are pathological liars, thieves, and murderers! We are millions of Elias’s!

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