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Author: Teddy Fikre

Paradigm Shift: TPLF Intimidation No More

The time has come for an Adwa Spring, what started with a joke of a soccer tournament come cultural sham has transformed into something bigger::

by Teddy Fikre  dated: Tuesday, July 2nd, 2012

Do you feel that? Feel what you ask. That shaking, the tremble below your feet as the upper crust of society suddenly shifts under the sea bed and a new ground pops up overnight to replace the staid landscape. That feeling you feel in your toes and gyrating through your bones is not an earthquake, it is the transformation of the Ethiopian vanguard as the Habesha scene is being mangled and renewed in the most violent way yet in the most serene sense of quietude. The old is giving way to the new, this is a new day and an Addis Moment–what you are witnessing is a Paradigm Shift.

For too long, good and decent everyday folk have been too intimidated by brute force and implied threats to keep quiet or else face eternal banishment. Too often, these words of bluster and hubris have been accompanied by violence as hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians since 1974 have perished overnight and were later buried in unmarked graves. First the ruthless Derg government led by Mengistu Hailemariam ravaged Ethiopians and left us whispering in cold corners and afraid of our own shadows. The unending sense of foreboding and fear can be traced back directly to the Derg regime where everyone suspected their own neighbors—hell, some were even afraid of their own children. Dictatorships are fomented and made permanent by tyrants that cripple leaders and leave the populace in an unending sense of terror.

Where the Derg left off the TPLF junta has perfected. I don’t understand it and I never will, how is it that a people who felt the touch of injustice turn to the very same tactics that brutalized their children to pass on a legacy of horror to the children of their own countrymen? How is it a group that felt oppressed now can oppress the group that they felt oppressed by while knowing full well that all  Ethiopians—without regard to ethnicity—suffered immensely under the Derg. This is the way of humanity though, no people on this earth–putting aside Native Americans and African-Americans–suffered a collective injustice like the Jews. Alas, now they have their own country, which parenthetically robbed Palestinians of their homeland, and the Jews in the name of “Homeland Defense” turn to some of the most horrific tactics to oppress and put down the Palestinians people.

But all things done in the name of injustice eventually give way to equity. Eventually the paradigm changes as people, leery of stifling oppression, revolt and say enough. That moment happened in Tunisia, Egypt, and throughout the Middle East. Look closely, and you might find in the least likely place a seed of a revolt taking place in between a kick and a testa.  A test case is being implemented by a group of outgoing Ethiopians, most based in the DC metro area, to change the paradigm and introduce a new form of non-violent tactics to oust tyranny in Ethiopia. Egsyaber willing, this seed will sprout, Inshalla the community will water the seed planted by these young people and let a new movement develop that will be our version of the Arab Spring. We might call this paradigm shift the Adwa Spring.

If you think that this article is a self-adulation missive, let me first state a disclaimer to dissuade you from that thinking. I promise you that this is not a self-love note. I might be the most visible of those “younger Ethiopians—I say “Younger” because I am 37 and I feel like I am 87 right at this moment—but rest assured that there are hundreds behind the efforts that I am a part of. We communicate and strategize on Facebook, Twitter and text messages. There is an army of Ethiopians behind me; some have family back in Ethiopia so they are leery of coming out in public for fear of putting their relatives in danger. Others are still a bit hesitant to be too public with their “resistance campaign” for fear of being targeted for persecution and intimidation. However, as each day passes, their spines are turning to steel as they slowly come around to realizing that fear is the only thing to fear.

I don’t blame them for their reticence. I myself prayed for days before I decided to wage war on AESA One. I thought of my family and how their lives would be disturbed. To be honest, I built in a 20% chance of bodily harm or death before I decided to leverage all my abilities to bringing down a nefarious and a duplicitous organization by the name of AESA One. And just as I predicted, the threats and harassment followed suit as soon as I started sending out press releases accusing AESA One of being a sham and tying them in to blood money from back home.

On Saturday, as I was going around passing out flyers for the “Free Ethiopia Celebration” where we were planning to feed our people for free and entertain them for free, a coward called my sister with a blocked number, cited where she lived, and made an implicit threat that my life was in danger if I did not back away and leave the AESA One event on Wednesday alone. Then on Sunday, when I arrived to set up the “Free Ethiopia Celebration”, two cowards–one in a blue shirt and a cast on his hand–came towards the African-American Civil War Memorial with a menacing look and called out my name as if though they were itching for a fight. As God would have it, my friend Mastewal and another compatriot showed up at that exact moment and convinced these two TPLF goons to tuck tail and run.

In America, if someone is spreading lies and untruths, there is this thing called defamation and libel and issues are settled in the court. Only in TPLF oppressed Ethiopia are citizens harassed and intimidated with death threats in order to keep quiet. Listen here AESA One, your brutal tactics might work in Ethiopia but this is America. I will NOT be silenced by your tirades and your threats. If what I say is untrue, sue me and I will see you in court. But just know this, I am in talks with the media and contacting the American Journal Association, I am begging you to sue me so that I can turn you into the face of African tyranny and in the process expose what Meles Zenawi did in locking up our brave Ethiopian jegna journalists.

The minute that the paperwork is filed, I will drive immediately to Philadelphia and hold a press conference in front of Liberty Bell with a ts-hirt that has the picture of Eskinder Nega. Moreover, there is this thing called discovery; I will request for 10 years worth of financial records of not only AESA One but each and every one of the AESA Executive Board.  Ask your expensive lawyers about discovery and they will most likey advise you not to sue me or else you will pay a lot more than the PIPER.  I will turn the whole of AESA One, Al Amoudi, and Abinet Gebremeskel and alike into the personification of all that ails Africa. I have 4,000 press releases ready to be sent the second you sue me.

Alas, you know not to sue me, you are smarter than that. So like cowards you turn to intimidation tactics like calling my sister and terrorizing her to death. You turn to calling my phone endlessly with blocked numbers. You turn to sending goons out on Sunday to intimidate me. In the process, you seek to make me go quietly into the night and aim to keep the hundreds who are behind me to never follow the same tactics. But here is what you don’t understand, my grandmother was a hero who fought the Italians during World War II and was given a medal of honor by Haile Selassie. My grandfather was a war hero as well; he was the pride of Gonder for his bravery and courage in the line of fire. I do not scare easily, hell, I don’t scare at all. Keep your mafia tactics up, you do nothing but encourage me to keep pushing because you only verify what I accuse you off each time my sister gets a death threat from a blocked number.  Moreover, the death threat I received gave my press releases extra weight, two lawmakers and one major media outlet that were ignoring my press releases are now seriously looking into my allegations.  I guess I should thank you and that coward who called my sister on Saturday for the Hebret.

But, rest assured that I am not a meek individual. I have read the Art of War over 200 times. So you want to get thuggish with it, here is my warning to you. Stop making death threats at my family, or else. Or else what you say? Well in the past 24 hours, people have sent me the pictures, addresses, names, school addresses, and work places of EVERY AESA One affiliated member’s family from Al Amoudi, Abinet Gebremeskel on down. This information I will guard with my life and will take to my grave, unlike you I have honor and choose not to involve the names and pictures of family members even as you make implicit threats against my nieces and nephews. But I warn you, back away, I have now written an articles that publicizes the names and pictures of EVERY single member of the AESA One family, including the addresses of your homes, your work and on down.

This information was forwarded to me by over 16 individuals who you must have wronged in the past. As my family goes so does your family, as I go so you go. If you want to fight me, fight me in court, but if you turn to the ways of gangsters, I will… CONTINUED


Audit of “Free Ethiopia Celebration”

A  detailed audit will be published within 48 hours on  of all monies raised for this weekend’s “Free Ethiopia Celebration”.  We will provide line by line accounting of each expense and where the money went.  AESA One and all other non-profits affiliated with Ethiopia, please follow our lead, it is time to open up your books or be known forever as leboch. If you have ANY questions about the expenses affiliated with “Free Ethiopia Celebration” contact us at [email protected]

Sew Tefah? Ethiopia Motech?

The choice is simple, be about Hebret and charity or take part in evil and do Eskista as you protest AESA One as everyone—including me—laughs at you::

by Teddy (Ambessa) Fikre  dated: Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

I am writing this open letter to my community to call you out on your own duplicity. I am directly challenging your love of Ethiopia and your professed desire to help the hopeless children of yena enat Hager. I have been a witness to our own inertia for too long, I have seen my own community cry crocodile tears for beloved Ethiopia while sipping buna at Starbucks yet do nothing more than say ye Habesha 911 as they say “MTS” every two seconds behind double-forked tongues.

I am sick and tired of supposed Jegnas who espouse war in Ethiopia while sitting in their lovely abodes in America.  Today I say BEKA! Beka with your lies and your rank hypocrisy.  Today is the day to separate the wheat from the chaff, today is the day to see how many Habesha men are wearing Habesha kemis—today is the day to expose the Woyanes in our midst.  Today is judgment day.   From this moment on, we will finally see who is about Ethiopia and who is prostituting our mother Ethiopia as they walk about town pleading poverty while they line money from our community in the name of helping our country.

I arrive at this day with pain in my heart. I have always thought that when the time of trouble arrives, our community would unite and meet challenges the way our forefathers did during the time of Adwa.  This notion was dispelled when Eritrea broke away from enat Ethiopia.  The saddest day of my life up to that point was looking at the map of Ethiopia and seeing her robed of her head—as if some evil axman came along and chopped her off at the neck.  From that moment on, I have been crying blood embas, my innocence was robbed and I grew up to see the hatred of this world.  I felt like a kid whose parents just divorced, I wanted to beg Eritrea to stay but I was a voiceless and a hopeless teenager.  Thus, I turned to liquor at the age of 17 to numb my wounded heart.

Thus a plight towards misery commenced, I walked away from my community as my own community saw it fit to stab each other in the back over and over again. The Ethiopian churches I attended started to fracture just like Ethiopia—each supposed house of God ran by men with egos bigger than Bole and who don’t have the menfes of God in their hearts at all.  It was then that I started to notice the duplicitous ways of our leaders in our community.  I started to observe men of the cloth who at night wear the clothing of saytan.  I started to see how supposed community organizers really rape the community as they line their pockets with our money.  I started to sense the touch of the devil’s fingers when I realized that supposed doctors and professors who have so much respect from our community are not doctors and professors at all—instead of healing they just ripped open new wounds and instead of teaching they just professed hatred in the minds of our children.

It all made sense; we are colonized by our community leaders.  We have no leaders at all; we are like Jews lost in the desert without a Moses in our midst.  We are confounded and dumbfounded by lebas and hodamoch who go around DC and beyond professing their love of Ethiopia as they go home at nights and masturbate to the sound of their own voice.  These people are poison, they are toxic to the core, they are the reason that children in Ethiopia die by the minute and the reason why the first page of Google image is populated with decayed bodies of Ethiopia’s lijoch.  What a cursed people we are, we curse ourselves with our own meqegenenet and treacherous envy.  We hold the gun to our heads and pull the trigger, we place the noose around the necks of dying children and break their necks with it, we feed our people back home Kitfo laced with arsenic only to turn around and have a community lekso filled by the tears of indifferent Habeshas who don’t give a shit about the country they cry for.  I type these words without exclusion of any group in Ethiopia, I speak if of TPLF goons and of the 66 hodamoch opposition.  I speak if of Tigray men and Amarha women alike, I speak it of Oromo or Wollo, not one ethnicity or religion in Ethiopia escapes this condemnation as I throw two iPad tablets at your collective foreheads the same way Moses threw the ten commandments at his lost tribe.

Grant it, not all Ethiopians are like this; there are some amazing Ethiopians who refuse to bend to the inertia of our people.  They break their backs and never back down from the challenges they face when they try to convince colonized Habeshas to believe in Hebret as those same enslaved Habeshas accuse them of being lebas.  I don’t speak of Ethiopians on this article; I speak of stupid Habeshas who call themselves Habesha even though that word is one that is used by Arabs to insult us to the bone.  I speak of Habeshas who have evil intent and intentionally rape our community so they can have the finest dulet in the city.  I speak of Habesha promoters who would quickly sell their own mothers to get a dollar.  I speak of Habesha listros who sing the devil’s tune in order to get a few birrs from their fat cat pimp by the name of Al Amoudi from back home.  I speak of Habesha political parties who advocate the death of Woyane; trying to start a revolution by openly espousing the eradication of Tigray people.  What kind of sickness is this, who have we become as a people?

But most importantly I speak of Habeshas like you.  Yes you, the one who gave up tesfa and walked away from your own community.  I did it once myself so trust me I am not preaching.  Gin I know one thing, I don’t blame evil people, evil people do evil because—well they are evil.  But my ire is reserved for those people who should know better, my anger resides at those who chose indifference instead of action.  I blame you—the reader—if you gave up and chose to walk away.  I blame you if you choose to call out the evil ways of some in our community because you are afraid to rattle the boat.  Again, I ask, what have we become as a people.  We have supposed Jegnas who use the name Jegna on Facebook with fake pictures and then have the audacity to call others cowards.  We have fereri trolls who create fake email accounts to spew some of the most vicious rhetoric but refuse to identify themselves.  We have a people who see the work of the devil right in front of their face and walk away by saying “well everyone has a bit of evil in them”. I can’t believe we are the seed of Adwa, we have become tainted and rotten as a people—we went from Jegnas to niggas as we call ourselves Habesha which means nigger.

So I am here today to say ENOUGH!  BEKA! I am calling you out on your own bullshit.  I arrived at this juncture when I decided to attend an ESFNA fundraiser on Saturday at Maeza Restaurant.  I went there with Fana from Sheba Post, Luladey, Liyou Gennen and a few other friends. We went there thinking we would not be able to get in or find an empty chair.  Yet we arrive and not one person is in sight except the ESFNA soccer players and the organizers?  Two hours pass and the room was empty except a few folks.  Yet I hear assholes on Addis Demse screaming bloody murder about AESA One, but when the time comes to put their money where their mouth is, they slither away and disappear into the midnight sky.  These people—ye Saytan lijoch—are organizing a march on RFK to oppose AESA One yet when the time comes to support our beloved ESFNA, they are nowhere to be found.  AESA One is the essence of evil, we all know this, but those that oppose AESA One yet do nothing to support ESFNA are leflafa hodamoch!  Ayeeee, our community, always against something but never standing for anything.  CLICK! CLACK! KAPOW! Ethiopia murdered by the bullshit of her own children.

Now you know why I cuss liberally.  Don’t think for a minute that this is due to my upbringing.  My parents raised me well, I am respectful to the fullest and I defer to my elders ALL the time.  I have love in my heart, I don’t have to list the many ways that I help out my own people—that is between me and God.  Alas, I have become radicalized by my own people.  A gentle soul has become a fire breathing dragon because I have swallowed the bullshit saytan kibrit of my own community for far too long.  As much as I respect my community and my country, I will not stand pat and observe the germs that are killing us and our children.  I am not the maker of Habesha, but I sure will be the shaker and breaker of Habesha.  If you call yourself Habesha and have any ill intent towards the children of Ethiopia, consider yourself the enemy of the people and I will invest all my energy to breaking you in a trillion little pieces.

So here is the point of this article, I am now calling bullshit on anyone that professes to be a supporter of ESFNA.  If you go to RFK stadium on Sunday to protest AESA One, you are not Ethiopian; you are an Habesha nigger of the worst kind. Go there and I will call you what you are, a banda who is trying to destroy our community and a Woyane who is trying to confuse us.  How dare we—proud Ethiopians and supporters of ESFNA—go down to RFK to march against a people who are beneath us?  That is like Obama holding a march against racist Tea Party Baggers.  This is nonsense, if you want to help ESFNA and embarrass AESA One, then support us in what we are trying to accomplish.

Our plan is to have a free picnic on Sunday and Wednesday as well as a sendoff party for ESFNA on Saturday night.  We will finance as much as we can to put these events together, but what we are planning will take thousands of dollars.  Thus, here is your opportunity to actually be about the community if you say you are of Ethiopia.  I am asking each and every one of you that is reading this article to give what you can by clicking on the picture below. There will be over 10,000 people who will read this article between Ethiopian Review and Brown Condor in the next 24 hours. If each one of you donates $1.00, we can put together an event that will utterly embarrass the TPLF goons at RFK.  I do not want to cede DC to AESA One; initially I was going to go to Dallas to take part in the real soccer tournament.  But upon further though, I am needed in DC and so are my friends who were going to go on an epic road trip with me.  The bus convoy to Dallas has been promptly cancelled; all energy and focus will be putting on an epic event here.

I ask you my fellow Ethiopians, please believe.  For once stop being jaded, give the next generation of organizers like me, Fana, Mastewal Sebro, Mo Nursani, Aster Tadesse, Fino Habte and the rest a chance to succeed where the older generation failed us miserably.  Forget how young we are; value our vision and our audacious dreams instead of mocking us for being IBD or crazy. Stop calling us leba because others stole from you, open up your hearts and give fiker a chance.  Give us chance to do something special and if you support us I swear it what we will do will be remembered in history as the third coming of Adwa.  Give us a chance, give us a rock to work with and I promise you that we will slay the Goliath that is AESA One.

In the process, we will show you how all non-profits should operate going forward.  We will track EVERY penny donated on a spreadsheet, we will update the spreadsheet on a day to day basis until our last picnic on July 4th.  Not one person affiliated with this effort will get a penny; we are doing this for FREE and on a pro bono basis.  Every dollar collected will go towards the expenses associated with putting these free events for our community.  Every dollar after expenses will go towards feeding homeless people in DC (some of which are Ethiopian) and the rest will go to a non-profit that will feed children back home.  We are negotiating with a few non-profits, if they can prove that every dollar will go back home to feed children, we will publicly announce them and make sure that all monies raised will go to that non-profit.

Semu, this is something big we are planning—something we can all be proud of.  I want you to imagine Sunday and Wednesday—AESA One’s big days.  I want you to imagine a sea of Ethiopians celebrating the true beauty of Ethiopia while half-way around the city a bunch of TPLF goons are doing Eskista and dancing to the devil music of gangster jigaboo bandas.  I want you to imagine free food and free music, a big cultural celebration while AESA One is drowning in a sea of misery as their feature performers are rapping on stage yelling.. (CONTINUED)


Now watch the Woyanes attack me, Teddy Fikre, instead of either attacking the message or debating what I wrote.  I told you today is judgement day, all those who attack a message of hope and unity are WOYANES.  There, I just exposed them::  For those that are not WOYANE, please help us out by giving us HEBRET so we can give HEBRET to our community::

[click on picture to donate and help us put together this magical event]

As I promised, every penny raised from this event, EVERY PENNY, will go towards putting together this event.  The remaining revenue raised will go towards feeding homeless people in DC and feeding hopeless children in Ethiopia.  A detailed spreadsheet of expenses and reveune will be published on a daily basis on  Believe, please believe, I ask this of my community.  Give us, the younger generation a chance and we will give you desta for a lifetime for it.  Enamesegenalen!

Yachi Neger: Ethiopia Killers by the Name of AESA One

Yachi Neger is a condom called our conscience, if we wear it we can reside in the grace of God or we can disrobe from this same condom and dwell in the abode of Saytan::

by Teddy Fikre  dated: Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Tesebsebu lijoch, kuch belu.  Sit down and listen to a story that I am about to tell you that might one day either give life to your future children or entomb you a wooden box.  This is a story of lust and love intertwined with greed and hubris.  This is an article inspired by Jah Lude and written by the blood of millions of Africans as they made love in the midnight sky only to be greeted by death by the morning sun.  This is story of disease more pernicious than meqegenet, a lethal virus so deadly that Africa is being whittled into an empty continent because they refuse to use Yachi Neger.

The disease I am talking about is HIV/AIDS.  AIDS has decimated Ethiopia and the rest of Africa.  It is not fair to be honest, a people who love God like Africans are the ones who always get it the worst.  We do as God tells us, yet our children starve and perish in unmarked graves.  It breaks my heart and I cry a million tears for million African children who will perish this year because they don’t have anything to eat and they drink from dirty pools of water right outside of Addis Sheraton.  There but for the grace of God goes my child in Bole; there goes my child famished and dying from malnutrition as I complain in my posh apartment about eating Ramen noodles.  I feel like cursing God at these moments when I see wealthy Ethiopians giving Hebret to our mother country by giving a couple of hundred birrs to a 12 year old innocent girl who was forced to become a prostitute in order to eat.

There, this is the heart of the matter.  You see, Yachi Neger is really Yeze Neger.  A dear friend let me borrow her Jah Lude CD last night and I have been playing track four on repeat all day as I ponder and wonder how we have become lost as a people.  The difference between life and death is information, we Ethiopians in the Diaspora have more knowledge than Google, yet we turn to prostituting Ethiopia for the sake of a couple of birrs.  Mata mata you can do your dirty deeds in the darkest nights yene gayta gin nege nege the world will always know what you are up to because you are a rotten injera.  So this is my attempt to lift the veil of ignorance from my community and let you see that we are all intertwined under on the mattress called Ethiopia.  We were all born in between bed sheets and birthed by our mothers on blankets of hope.  Yet we can choose to perish overnight on the same bed sheet and be enveloped in darkness in a blanket of disease if we don’t use protection and protect ourselves from our own demise and our own greed.

All these reflections manifested into my menfes because Jah Lude sang a song about condoms titled “Yachi Neger”.  It is for this reason that I am elevating Jah Lude to the status of Teddy Afro and Tilahun Gessesse, one CD and he has joined a pantheon of Ethiopian legends.  You see, there is a difference between a singer and a virtuoso.  Singers sell products by the way of CDs; virtuosos sell visions by way of redeeming their people.  Two-bit crooners sing about “Fiker” while saying nothing but konjo, virtuosos like Tilahun and Jah Lude sing about “Fiker” and in the process apply love to Ethiopia and her people.  The difference between Soulja boy and Talib Qweli is the difference between genocide and reclamation.  Any denkoro can pick up a mic and sing a song of misogyny and malfeasance, but it takes a true visionary to grab center stage and sing a song of love.

Remember these words when the denkoros at AESA One prostitute our country as they hold their first annual Ethiopian cultural sham while inviting gangster rappers by the names of Jeezy, T-Pain, and Llyod to represent our beautiful country.  I wish I could put Yachi Neger on them all and make them go away into the midnight sky.  They call themselves AESA One; I call them AESA Dicks because they are useless sperms of Ethiopia who are whoring out our names for the sake of a few dollars.  To the AESA crew, you chose to disregard “Yachi Neger”, just remember as you curl your lips between the hips of Al Amoudi that the thousand dollars you make today will not take away from the fact that you just burned yourself with HIV money.

I hope you go buy a double-sided Sealy mattress so that your double-sided tongues can slither at peace while you sleep with the thought of a 13 year old innocent Ethiopia girl being sold into prostitution in Saudi Arabia.  The money you are using to plaster DC with AESA One is blood money and for that we will forever remember your dastardly deeds.  You justify your greed by saying you are… continued…


After reading the above article by clicking on above link, view MUSIC VIDEO ABOUT YACHI NEGER::

[please click to listen to Yachi Neger -> Ethiopian Killers by name of AESA One]

So Al Amoudi gave you $2,000,000 to put together an ARIF Ethiopian cultural event. You could have gotten performers like Common, Beyonce, John Legend or Lauren Hill to put the most positive light on Ethiopia.  Instead you chose to go with T-Pain, Jeezy, BoB, and LloydSo time to focus on the word your feature performers say. This flyer will be translated in Amharic (using GRAPHIC words) and will be plastered all over DMV.  I am going to get 10,000 posters and flyers printed myself and plaster EVERY Ethiopian restaurant, church, market, and business in the DMV to show how duplicitious this event is.

Everyone, please share this article to the world  and print it out and post it where you can.  Let’s be like Adwa Jegnas and defend the honor of our mother Ethiopia and expose those who do wrong by our community….peace and le zelalem Ethiopia and stay away from RFK stadium on July 4th, the event is put together by BLOOD MONEY.  Just know that somewhere in Saudi Arabia a 12 year old Ethiopian girl is being raped by an Arab Sultan as you do Eskista at RFK.  Any promoter or business person that does business with AESA One is taking part the raping of Ethiopia and they are enemies of the people.

Over my dead body will you advertise this phony event using the clean flag of Ethiopia while the AESA One pimp back in Addis has the dirty Ethiopian flag with the devil’s symbol on it.  You are not slick, we see what you are doing, and I will make sure that Washington Post, New York City Times, Congressmen from VA & MD, the DC City Council, Mayor Grey, and Senators all know how you are financing your event.  Judgment cometh AESA One. Peace::

New Fashion Trend: Habesha Men Wearing Habesha Kemis

Two years ago in America, it was the year of the “metrosexual”, it seems we have arrived at a new day, we have arrived at the age of the “Habeshasexual”::

by Yohannes Aramaji  dated: Thursday, June 21st, 2012

[picture provided by AESAOne Habesha men]

(Washington P0st DC Bureau) It is the hottest fashion trend of the summer.  All around America and Ethiopia, from DC to Addis, Habesha men can be seen strutting and flaunting their hips as they sway down city streets wearing Habesha Kemis.  The scene is omnipresent, Habesha man after man can be seen sipping buna at Starbucks as they gossip about sports and politics wearing Habesha Kemis to keep them cool from the heat of summer dog days.  As their wives and girlfriends are at home taking care of the kids and the household, Habesha men everywhere are setting the fashion world upside down as they wear some of the most exquisite Habesha dresses and skirts.

We are not sure where the trend started, most likely it was a trend that started sometime after World War II and has taken on a life of it’s own since the turn of the 21st century.  Take a moment today and drive over to Starbucks off Leesburg Pike in Alexandria Virginia or a random Ethiopian restaurant in Addis and there you will see Habsha men sipping Italian cappacino or smoking sheesha wearing the most lovely Habesha kemis.  You will see these men sitting on their duffs all day with their legs crossed gossiping all day and night about soccer or debating who is a Woyane or a Shabia as children in Ethiopia die on a minute by minute basis from a lack of hope and nourishment.

The favorite color of these Habesha men in Habesha kemis is the hot pink, they have forsaken the warrior clothing of the past and have now embraced the Habesha kemis as the outward representation of their true manhood.  Some Habesha men have taken it even further and have augmented their Habesha kemis with panties and thongs from Victoria Secret as they talk endlessly about overthrowing Meles Zenawi and advocating a war on the TPLF even though it is not them or their children that will be dying in this war they desire so.  This is the next iteration of Habesha fashion, Habesha men have embraced their oneness with their femininity as they have lost all semblance of Ethiopian jegnas and are now content on wearing bras instead of adorning shields to protect their country from outside invaders.

By far the biggest consumers of this new trend are Habesha promoters and so called doctors.  You can see the Habesha men promoters walking up and down DC passing out flyers as they wear their Habesha kemis and disseminating flyers that have pictures of Ethiopian queens looking like sluts and whores on their flyers as these Habesha men promoters switch their hips while wearing their Prada sunglasses to match their Habesha kemis.  You can also see Habesha men who call themselves “doctors” who have no PhD to speak of and are doctors by name only wearing Habesha kemis instead of surgeon’s gear as they bop and flop down 9th Street in DC or while they stay at Addis Sheraton in Addis.  These Habesha men doctors are a hit in Addis wearing their Habesha kemis, they arrive in Addis as conquering warriors in the mold of Italian soldiers, they do more damage than Mustard Italian mustard gas, they spend their precious money not to help out starving children back home, instead they help out the local economy by giving a few birrs to young prostitutes in the streets of Addis.

While they are wearing their Habesha kemis, these so-called “doctors” have become the biggest consumers of prostitutes in Ethiopia—they destroy the lives of young and precious Ethiopian girls as they steal their future all while these Habesha men are wearing the hottest hop pink Habesha kemis while they sip the finest wine as these set-a-set “mena” sit next to Al Amoudi.  Al Amoudi in fact has bought the most expensive Habesha kemis, the Chinese had to use 400 bales of cotton and 4,000 pounds of silk to make a custom made Habesha kemis for Al Amoudi and you can see him driving in the back of limousines with his legs crossed and sipping Moet with his $4,00,000 Habesha Kemis. In a couple of weeks, you will see DMV invaded by Habesha kemis wearing men as they decend by the thousands to celebrate at RFK stadium for the first ever AESAOne “Ethiopian” soccer tournament sponsored by none other than the $4,000,000 Habesha kemis wearer himself Al Amoudi.

Sweat shops in China cannot keep up with the pace of demand for Habesha kemis, over 100,000 Habesha Kemis are manufactured and shipped from Beijing on a day to day basis to Addis and DC—95% of which are being shipped to Habesha men.  This trend of Habesha men wearing Habesha kemis will not go away anytime soon, it seems that both the younger generation and the older generation of Habesha men are loudly and proudly yelling “I am set a set and I’m proud of it!” as they snap their fingers and do… (continued )

Sewoch, this is only 1/3 of the article, please read FULL article before forming your opinion!  Click HERE To read full article

PS now watch what will happen, the very same Habesha kemis men will attack the messenger while disregarding the message.  This is what Habesha kemis wearing men do, they are best at leflafanet and never follow logic.  Watch them reveal their Habesha Kemis with the comments below…

[click to read full article and listen to Brow Condor Radio]


Tikur Retold

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The next revolution was sang by Teddy Afro and directed by Tamirat Mekonen; this weekend, 65 of our people wrote a revolution on the back of Busboys and Poet napkins::

by Teddy Fikre  dated: Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

Black.  It is a color often disabused.  It is a hue seldom given credit.  For too long, black has been seen as a curse.  Even by her own people, black has been a color of death and a the perfection of misery.  Black has been given a bad rap, instead of being treated as royalty, black has been abused as the color of disease.  This pernicious disease of the mind; we live in a world where black is prostituted as the essence of debauchery while other colors are praised as the hue of God’s perfection.  But black is the mother of all colors and the children of all hues, without black there can be no white, black is what you get when you fuse the colors of the rainbow.  Black is perfect. Black is me.

It is for this reason that I am in awe of Teddy Afro’s “Tikur Sew” music video.  Most don’t understand it yet, but what Teddy Afro is singing about is not merely a retelling of Adwa, Teddy Afro is chanting the melody of a black revolution.  Never in my lifetime did I think I would witness a sea of Ethiopians in a soccer stadium—30,000 strong—singing “Tikur Sew” and being proud to say “I am black”.  Yet, one song by Teddy Afro and a corresponding video by Tamirat Mekonen has revolutionized black and now we stand in awe and love our blackness. This is the happiest moment of my life because black has been raised from poverty to prosperity.  Teddy Afro repainted the canvass of the world with tikur and managed to burn into the psyche of Ethiopians and black people as a whole the true beauty of black.

Nearly 60 years ago, Thurgood Marshall changed the glide path of humanity when he had the audacity to challenge the mendacity of “Seperate but Equal”.  The most powerful means he turned to when he challenged this pernicious law was a study his team conducted of the evils of racism.  They turned to black children less than 10 years old and gave them two dolls.  One doll was white and the other was black; all the black children immediately gravitated to the white dolls while they abused the black dolls.  The depravity of bigotry was engrained in the minds of these black children that the color black represented all the ills of the world while white was the personification of good.  The irony of all ironies was that these children were fed into their spirits the negative light of black by their very own parents.  When I say that racism only exists because it is espoused and propagated by black folk I don’t say it out of hyperbole—the biggest obstacles in the way of black folk are black folk themselves.  The Klu Klux Klan has nothing on rappers like Soulja Boy and gangster rappers when it comes to destroying black hope.

Now you know why Teddy Afro’s Tikur Sew is all powerful.  Teddy Afro has become out Thurgood Marshall, he is dispelling the idea that black is evil from the mind of our children.  I hope in due time we will stop wearing black to funerals and only wear black to our celebrations.  In due time, we will stop referring to dark skinned Ethiopians as “koolies” and accept them as the closest thing to the color of God.  In due time, we will not be repulsed as a people when the winner of Miss Ethiopia is from Gambella and accept her as the truest sense of Ethiopianism.  This is a revolution my friends, one fired without a single bullet and started with eskista instead of dead bodies piling up in Bole and beyond.

It was for this reason that I organized “I am Tikur” event at Busboys and Poets this weekend.  I had a vision of retelling Tikur and showing to the world that black is beautiful and that we should be proud to say we are black.  Even though I got endless emails and text messages saying “I am not black, we are special”, for the most part the vast majority of the responses I received were positive.  My people, children of Ethiopia old and young alike, started to change their Facebook status updates with “I am Tikur” and made the “I am Tikur” poster their profile pictures.  Endless tweets were sent with #IamTikur and by the time the event at Busboys and Poets launched, a sea of our people and others who love our mother Ethiopia came out to celebrate our… continued…

(click HERE  to read the rest of article)


I am Eskista ~ 07:14:12

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HEBRET (unity). Please post this article on your Facebook wall with a status update “I am TIkUR”  and send out multiple tweets on twitter by embedding this article URL and use #IamTikur Let’s make #IamTikur (I am black) a trending tweet today. YICHALAL!

Making a profound impact

Do you know what Ethiopian website is so powerful that it ranks in the top 5% of all websites in the world? Do you know the Ethiopian website that is recognized as the gold standard of all Ethiopian websites? Do you know the Ethiopian website that gets so many hits that it literally penetrates every continent (excluding Antarctica)? Do you know what website gets over 100,000 hits per day? Do you know which website is so powerful that it literally has become the number one source of information for the Ethiopian Diaspora and beyond?

I will give you a hint; it has the word Ethiopian in the name. No, wrong guess, let me give you another hint; it has the word Ethiopian Review in the name. That’s right! The website is, the most wide reaching Ethiopian related website that has ever been created. Since its inception on January 20th, 1991, Ethiopian Review has exploded to become the number one source of news and information on Ethiopian and East African related events… [read more]