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Yachi Neger: Ethiopia Killers by the Name of AESA One

Yachi Neger is a condom called our conscience, if we wear it we can reside in the grace of God or we can disrobe from this same condom and dwell in the abode of Saytan::

by Teddy Fikre  dated: Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Tesebsebu lijoch, kuch belu.  Sit down and listen to a story that I am about to tell you that might one day either give life to your future children or entomb you a wooden box.  This is a story of lust and love intertwined with greed and hubris.  This is an article inspired by Jah Lude and written by the blood of millions of Africans as they made love in the midnight sky only to be greeted by death by the morning sun.  This is story of disease more pernicious than meqegenet, a lethal virus so deadly that Africa is being whittled into an empty continent because they refuse to use Yachi Neger.

The disease I am talking about is HIV/AIDS.  AIDS has decimated Ethiopia and the rest of Africa.  It is not fair to be honest, a people who love God like Africans are the ones who always get it the worst.  We do as God tells us, yet our children starve and perish in unmarked graves.  It breaks my heart and I cry a million tears for million African children who will perish this year because they don’t have anything to eat and they drink from dirty pools of water right outside of Addis Sheraton.  There but for the grace of God goes my child in Bole; there goes my child famished and dying from malnutrition as I complain in my posh apartment about eating Ramen noodles.  I feel like cursing God at these moments when I see wealthy Ethiopians giving Hebret to our mother country by giving a couple of hundred birrs to a 12 year old innocent girl who was forced to become a prostitute in order to eat.

There, this is the heart of the matter.  You see, Yachi Neger is really Yeze Neger.  A dear friend let me borrow her Jah Lude CD last night and I have been playing track four on repeat all day as I ponder and wonder how we have become lost as a people.  The difference between life and death is information, we Ethiopians in the Diaspora have more knowledge than Google, yet we turn to prostituting Ethiopia for the sake of a couple of birrs.  Mata mata you can do your dirty deeds in the darkest nights yene gayta gin nege nege the world will always know what you are up to because you are a rotten injera.  So this is my attempt to lift the veil of ignorance from my community and let you see that we are all intertwined under on the mattress called Ethiopia.  We were all born in between bed sheets and birthed by our mothers on blankets of hope.  Yet we can choose to perish overnight on the same bed sheet and be enveloped in darkness in a blanket of disease if we don’t use protection and protect ourselves from our own demise and our own greed.

All these reflections manifested into my menfes because Jah Lude sang a song about condoms titled “Yachi Neger”.  It is for this reason that I am elevating Jah Lude to the status of Teddy Afro and Tilahun Gessesse, one CD and he has joined a pantheon of Ethiopian legends.  You see, there is a difference between a singer and a virtuoso.  Singers sell products by the way of CDs; virtuosos sell visions by way of redeeming their people.  Two-bit crooners sing about “Fiker” while saying nothing but konjo, virtuosos like Tilahun and Jah Lude sing about “Fiker” and in the process apply love to Ethiopia and her people.  The difference between Soulja boy and Talib Qweli is the difference between genocide and reclamation.  Any denkoro can pick up a mic and sing a song of misogyny and malfeasance, but it takes a true visionary to grab center stage and sing a song of love.

Remember these words when the denkoros at AESA One prostitute our country as they hold their first annual Ethiopian cultural sham while inviting gangster rappers by the names of Jeezy, T-Pain, and Llyod to represent our beautiful country.  I wish I could put Yachi Neger on them all and make them go away into the midnight sky.  They call themselves AESA One; I call them AESA Dicks because they are useless sperms of Ethiopia who are whoring out our names for the sake of a few dollars.  To the AESA crew, you chose to disregard “Yachi Neger”, just remember as you curl your lips between the hips of Al Amoudi that the thousand dollars you make today will not take away from the fact that you just burned yourself with HIV money.

I hope you go buy a double-sided Sealy mattress so that your double-sided tongues can slither at peace while you sleep with the thought of a 13 year old innocent Ethiopia girl being sold into prostitution in Saudi Arabia.  The money you are using to plaster DC with AESA One is blood money and for that we will forever remember your dastardly deeds.  You justify your greed by saying you are… continued…


After reading the above article by clicking on above link, view MUSIC VIDEO ABOUT YACHI NEGER::

[please click to listen to Yachi Neger -> Ethiopian Killers by name of AESA One]

So Al Amoudi gave you $2,000,000 to put together an ARIF Ethiopian cultural event. You could have gotten performers like Common, Beyonce, John Legend or Lauren Hill to put the most positive light on Ethiopia.  Instead you chose to go with T-Pain, Jeezy, BoB, and LloydSo time to focus on the word your feature performers say. This flyer will be translated in Amharic (using GRAPHIC words) and will be plastered all over DMV.  I am going to get 10,000 posters and flyers printed myself and plaster EVERY Ethiopian restaurant, church, market, and business in the DMV to show how duplicitious this event is.

Everyone, please share this article to the world  and print it out and post it where you can.  Let’s be like Adwa Jegnas and defend the honor of our mother Ethiopia and expose those who do wrong by our community….peace and le zelalem Ethiopia and stay away from RFK stadium on July 4th, the event is put together by BLOOD MONEY.  Just know that somewhere in Saudi Arabia a 12 year old Ethiopian girl is being raped by an Arab Sultan as you do Eskista at RFK.  Any promoter or business person that does business with AESA One is taking part the raping of Ethiopia and they are enemies of the people.

Over my dead body will you advertise this phony event using the clean flag of Ethiopia while the AESA One pimp back in Addis has the dirty Ethiopian flag with the devil’s symbol on it.  You are not slick, we see what you are doing, and I will make sure that Washington Post, New York City Times, Congressmen from VA & MD, the DC City Council, Mayor Grey, and Senators all know how you are financing your event.  Judgment cometh AESA One. Peace::

47 thoughts on “Yachi Neger: Ethiopia Killers by the Name of AESA One

  1. I would rather commit, my time in clean energy and soccer. If AESA ONE and ESFNA all star agree to play, me the Ron King?, 100% clean from both, I would spend up to $1.00. I would not be able to spend lavish, but the fiels is at the TITANs and against the odds of the 4th stalker who would never hesitate to divert my blessings and hoax it for more. But, studies show that we are only and around 2% of diasporae, who could not understand the basic meanings and the essence of certain bunch of Sauytans, Fna, Fsa, Yahya, and so forth, not discluding ESHNA, doing certain vague thing under vague organization with no foundation, that got it retarded and retrded it for more than 30 years. Till the 13th cup, particpating in Africa Cup, was nothing, but Meskerem 1, League of Clubs. Then? It is inflated by 29,000%.


    tadesse replies:

    Teddy is the most childish and unclassy person among diasporas. You big baby.

    Your way of writing is so vulgar that it is evident you are a YE MENDER LIJ. I mean how can you write something like “just remember as you curl your lips between the hips of Al Amoudi”? Jesus, have some decency. You can criticze someone in a bit more classy way, but then again that may require a bit more education. You have more in common with those rappers you were mocking than you think.

    To the edditors, I see that you are not exactly The Economist, and that the treshold for publishing here is not that high. That any gangster may dump his trash here.

    Anonymous replies:

    Dear tadesse,

    Is there any better statement to explain those Alamudin’s concubines like Ayaya, Sebsebe Asefa, Abebe Asefa (of LA), Arawit and Fekade Desalegn of Maryland than “just remember as you curl your lips between the hips of Al Amoudi”?

  2. በዚህ በህወሃት በጋሻ ጃግሬው አላሙዲ አማካይነት በተዘጋጀው የማወናበጃና የመከፋፈያ የዲያቢሎሶች ዝግጅት ላይ መገኘት ባለፉት 21 ዓመታት በወያኔ የተጨፈጨፉትን ንጹሃን ኢትዮጵያዊያንን ደም በእግር መርገጥ ነው። ሰው እንዴት ሰርቶ መብላት የሚችልበት አገር እየኖረ ለጥቅምና ለሆዱ ይገዛል??? ይህንን አላሙዲን በንጹሃን ኢትዮጵያዊያን ደም እየነከር የሚሰጣቸውን እንጀራ ለመብላት የተኮለኮሉ አንዳንዶች የሚከተሉት ናቸው።
    1.ንጉሴ ወ/ማ፣ (ከደርግ ካድሬነት ወደ ስደተኘነት ከዛም ለወያኔ እራሱ የሸጠ (ሸርሙጣ)
    2.ንጉሴ ቢራቱ(ከኢ.ሠ.ፓ.አ.ኮ. ወደ ኦነግ፣ ከኦነግ ደግሞ ወደ ወያኔ የተገለበጠ)፣ ከቡልጋሪያ ወደ አሜሪካ ተምዘግዝጎ የገባ እንዲሁም ከ PEOCO ወደ PG County ታክሲነጅነት የተለወጠ እንዲሁም አለአቅሙ የገዛው ቤት ውስጥ መኖር ስላልቻለ የመንግስት ጡረታ ቤት አታሎ ለመግባት እያንዣበበ የሚገኝ ክብር የሌለው አሳፋሪና የቀን ጅብ። ንጉሴ ቢራቱ ከመገለባበጥ የተነሳ በሰውነት አካሉ ላይ ያለው አጥንት በሙሉ ተሰባብሮ ስላለቀና ከጥቅም ውጭ ስለሆነ አሁን ጭንቅላቱና አካሉ በሞራ ብቻ የተሞላ ሲሆን ወያኔ ደግሞ እንደ እሱ ላሉ መሄጃ ለሌላቸው ወዶ ገቦችን በከፍተኛ ንቀት ስለሚመለከት በከፍተኛ ጭንቀት ላይ ይገኛል።
    3.በላይ ሀ/የስ (ከጋፋት የተቃዋሚ ጋዜጣ አዘጋጅነት ወደ ወያኔ ኢምባሲ ወሬ ተላላኪነት የገባ። ኢምባሲም ያስገቡት በፊት እዛ ይሰሩ የነበሩት አቶ አያሌው ይማም በስፋት ተናግረውታል።
    4. ሰለሞን ተካልኝ ስለሱ ምንም ማለት አይቻልም። ሰው ሆኖ እራሱን ወደ ጋማ ከብትነትና ወደ ፉጋነት ስለለወጠ በሌላ ቀን ስለ አጋሰሶች ስናወራ ስለሱም እንናገራለን።
    5.ዘሪሁን ተሾመና ሚሚ ስብሃቱ
    6.ገነነው አሰፋ (ጭቁኑ የወሎ አማራ)
    ሌሎችም በዚህ ድግስ ላይ የደም እንጀራ ለመብላት የሚመጡትን ከዛው ከዝግጅታቸው ቦታ ሪፖርት እናደርጋለን።

    G.T. replies:

    I know Mr. Birratuu in Ethiopia. I worked with him at Teferi Mekon High School during 1980s. He was a smart and hardworking person. My problem with him is, in order to get promotion or get scholarship or whatever he sells his soul. This is the reason why he was Derg’s cadre. I have a question for Mr. Birratuu? Why are you sniffing TPLF leftover, while you have your Oromomia’s abundant wealth (Gold, diamond, fertile land, cattle etc). You don’t know that TPLF and Alamudi are plundering and destroying Oromia? your action not only shame you, it also shames all Oromo people. Please come to your senses and liberate yourself from TPLF’s mental slavery?
    I still love you, because you are my brother.

    Tazabi from DC replies:

    # 6 (Genenew Assefa) any one explain to me what “cekunue YeWollo Amhara” means???

    Meyesaw replies:

    Genenew Asefa is in fact from Wollo who is related to the late banda Kifle Wodajo and the woyane minister Dawit Woldeyohannes and the former woyane minster of education and the current woyane ambassador to India Guenet Zewde (Yodit Gudit)and used to live here in the DC area during the Derg time and until the Bademe war between Shabia and Woyane. This guy has never worked in his life. He never had a dissent job in his life. He was a member of “Key Bandira” during the Derg days and a member of Idhaq (the coalition of more parties after Woyane invaded Ethiopia). This guy wanted to serve Woyane and wrote a pamphlet about the Bademe War praising his former enemy woyanne to get access to their blood money and which he did. They hired him as a translator for woyanne trainees who came to the US. Later he moved to Ethiopia and started serving Woyanne for a couple of years until his use expired. Now he lives in Addis chewing Chat the whole day around Cinima Ras, Merkato from the money he gets from begging. He was saying “cekunue yewollo Amhara” when he wants to get money or cigarettes from people (In Arada language sigara lemeqefef sil). This is his short Urology. Period.

  3. Teddy,

    You are great!!! Thank you for protecting Ethiopia when most abeshas are afraid to talk. Of course meqegenet is there with your ability to
    write. BRAVO TEDDY!!!

  4. Shall I dance at the Wayane drummings or Tedd’y drummings because both of them are attention hungry desert travellers jumping here and there like grasshoppers in the Sahara desert.

  5. Teddy bro God bless ,these primitive belly boys who are now try to come out open after 21 years hidden agenda and that was killing Ethiopia and Ethiopianism being supported by the satan Zenawi and the financial wing the arab tujar Mohammed Alamoudi will face their desrved justice some time in the future for their betraial of Ethiopia.
    but the others who are joining their festival financed with blood stained money are with weak personality that needs to be told again and again not to be decieved by these traitors.

  6. Teddy Fikre,

    Here is a suggestion to you:

    1. Please do not use words like “condom”, “ejaculation” – they are offensive and not a fit on this site, please.

    2. Limit your hybrid use of your words like “Qwas”, “Tikur”, “Yachi Neger” etc., they come across as fake and make you look like some lame writer. When and if you use these words, please use the Amharic fonts instead with the bracketed translated word next to it. If you can, please do not dilute the language on purpose and frequently and not definately for effect. Just use them very rarely and if you absolutely have to. Fashion and trend is not what we need. Why squander your otherwise good writing on something that borders on silliness?

    Gezaee H. replies:

    Fikre, anonymous is wrong when he tell you do not use the word condom or ejaculation. This is weird person. He must be very old? Condom is not a taboo word anywhere in the world. Ejaculation should not be taboo either. Sex must never be a taboo. The actually sexual act must be according to the bible. But sexual words or phrases must never be taboo. One of the reasons Africans are dying like flies is because sex is taboo and can not be talked about in families and among people. But one can live without sex? Everyone does it under darkness without being educated about its proper use and without being informed about it the sacredness of sex. Therefore sex must be discussed in public or in family or among boys or girls or between boys and girls without any taboo or stigma. That is one way of fighting HIV. Ignore anonymous who sounds a conservative and ignorant brother.

    I do agree with the use of language. Please if you use amharic properly. If you use english use english properly. I live where languages is much more than in Ethiopia. But I never come across people mixing different langauge for no reason. But Ethiopians see mixing amharic and english as sign of civilization? You will be so disappointe if you watch Ethiopian TV news. The news is english amharic. Business is called business in amharic. International is calle international in amharic. Diaspora is diaspora in amharic. Transformation and growth plan is called transformation and growth in amharic. Design is called in amharic. art or artist is called artist in amharic. Communication is called in amharic. Plan is called plan in amharic. music is called music in amharic.model is called model in amharic, the list go on and on forever. Amharic is the most abused langauge now. Yet every word or phrase has an amharic translation. But Ethiopians wanted to appear and sound civilized and replace amharic word by english word. This is the most shameful. This is scientifically very wrong. Government of officials the main players on this. They hardly speak proper amharic at all. To be honest, such people should not be leaders. They cannot even identify thier audiences to be honest? Imagine Ethiopia where local langauge is almost 100% used, what would call confusing people by mixing foreign and alien words in local media ? This is shameful. Even english speaking countries, the english word or phrase or sentence has to be tuned to the level of audiences so that people will not use technical words or phrases or sentences. But in Ethiopia, it is not only people use technical jargons for local audiences, but they use deliberately replace amharic words by english words for local audience consumption? but still almost everything has local word. But they do not want to use it.

    Let me give one example from this website? look at the bottom of Mr. Elias Kifle’s web pages, you see where you enter your name.

    To write your comment in Amharic click here. አስተያየትዎን በአማርኛ ለመጻፍ እዚህ ይጫኑ:: ጽፈው ከጨረሱ በኋላ የጻፉትን ኮፒ አድርገው ወደዚህ ተመልሰው አስተያየት መስጫ ቦክስ ውስጥ ፔስት ያድርጉ::

    Look on the above, copy is written in amharic, box is written amharic, post is written in amharic. These three words has amharic word: What is copying in amharic/ what is box in amhaaric? what is post in amharic? I give these an assigment to all of you. Please please do not abuse the amharic langauge. Even if you do not like it, do not abuse it. Every langauge is equal. English is not better than amharic.

    Anonymous replies:

    Just who is weird? Is there any one severely confused and out of place than u?

    Gezaee H. replies:


    If you did not like what I said you need to apply reason to kill what I said. Otherwise, if you tell me I am out of place; you are wrong completely. I live among human being obeying applicable and civized human rules. But you jumped to tell Fikre that Condom is a vulgar word? you must be very very old that you think Condom is vulgar word? You are behind time. You need to open to your childen and tell them to talk about sex with no fear to talk about it. If you do not do that you will be a liability to your children. It is acceptable for you to push yourself into your woman under the darkness? but it is not acceptale for you to speak the word condom? I do not know where you live honestly? where do you live? I guess you do not live in Waldba? kkk.

    There is nothing wrong saying Condom? I can not believe there are people like you in the 21 century? People dying like flies because of lack of knowledge of how to use sex, and you still wanted people to hush up not to say the word condom? Oh my God? you must be very old.You may be even circumcizing your daughters?

    united we stand replies:

    I totally agree anonymous. I’m wondering too, why the activist for the pregnant woyane#3 who maddly misses the naturally grass fed home made kitfo, is incabable sticking with one kemis. Maybe the foriegn cooked chemically spiced kitfo is making him supersized by the days. One way or another, he should be aware that if the nasty woyane#3 fetus is miscarriaged by the united voice of the genuine democrats, the Egypts not gentle blow style, his fat bedbug supporters/puppets would certainly demand full audit of the copmaign management to get refund of thier ill gotten 2% contribution. Becouse what they had been investing is to lead them once againg to the promised land of mountain top-fortune, wearing differnt makeup but same substance.

  7. Elias ,Please The Photos of The Teams who are participating in Weyane Sport festival,
    Because we ,from All over the World will affect them,
    e.g. I have found a player in the team of Atlanta who is the Brother of
    me myself so I have tried to call him and changed his mind ,
    Now he is no more
    Please Post Their Photo

    Anonymous replies:

    @Ethiopian From Eroupe
    Can you post your brother’s (from Atlanta?) photo too? lol

    Anonymous replies:

    His name is Solomon Tekalegn from Atlanta. Sorry, this web site doesn’t allow me to post his picture and please allow me to explain how the individual looks like.

    -He is a big fat @$$ black pig
    -His eyes are bigger than the headlight of an eighteen wheeler.
    -His mouth is too wide that he can swallow two garbage tracks at the same time.
    -His love of money is unimaginable that he can sell his mother for a few dollars
    -When he talks, he sounds like a bull.
    If you see someone like the above discription, that must be my brother. I am not LOLing.

  8. ESFANA has been politicized since the day they choose Birtukan midekssa as guests of Honor.Birtukan could be honored and roasted in a separate event which I personal would be happy to join in honoring her for her an effortless fight to introduce democracy in ETHIOPIA.But not in the event of ESFANA . ESFANA should be free of politics .It should be a place where all ETHIOPIANS with different politics ,gender ,age and religion come together and celebrate our tradition.As we know AL AMOUDIN has been the back bone of ESFANA and because of this he was a permanent guest of honor along with Tilahun Gessese.But we all know how he was treated among few board members of ESFANA.Al AMOUDIN POLITICS has never and ever influence the organization.we all gather once a year watch soccer,eat our traditional food, meet old and new friends ,enjoy the various entertainment, introduce and reserve our culture and tradition.But when we do this can any one tell me that he witnessed WOYANE’S or AL AMOUDIN politics trying to influence the event.I have never seen and never came across with a person who witnessed this.If that is the case why do we care about somebody’s politics who has a right like all of us unless and other wise he or she try to impose on others.But those individual who has a vested interest step in when there was a disagreement among the board members and look at what happen now.ESFANA is in quagmire momentarily.For now till they clean themselves I personaly would join the event in washington DC.they convience me for now that it is free of politics.who ever is pouring in that event I would say GOD BLESS YOU.BUT DON’T BRING YOUR POLITICS here.

    Meyesaw replies:

    Dear Tegbar,

    Please allow me to answer some of your questions which I think not clear for most of the people like you
    1-The name is ESFNA (Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America) not ESFANA
    2-Birtukan would not be the reason for the problem we have now. Bertukan was chosen as a guest of Honors by the majority of the board members, which the minority should abide with. But unfortunately after the vote was counted members like Ayaya and Sebsebe Asefa started crying “gasiye Yeqotal”. From these two words we can tell who was behind it all, not Birtukan but the guy who occasionally wears the t-shirt with a fly.
    3-ESFNA is still free of any politics or what so ever, even though every one of us has the affiliation towards different political parties, church, mosque groups and so on. But ESFNA as the name shows is Ethiopian and will remain Ethiopian.
    4- The Saudi-Tujar has never been and will never be the back bone of the ESFNA, but we Ethiopians. ESFNA was there before TPLF or the Saudi-Tujar and will be there as ESFNA for ever. The alleged money this Tujar “gives” to the organization doesn’t pass Ayaya or Sebsebe. These Individuals are the ones who benefited from his money before it reaches the Organization.
    5- Your question” But when we do this can any one tell me that he witnessed WOYANE’S or AL AMOUDIN politics trying to influence the event?” Are you telling me that this Arab is not a member of the TPLF? I am not fabricating this because he said it in his own words that “HE IS HAPPY TO BE A WOYANE” in one of the TPLF gatherings. Period. And do you think the money that comes from this person was just to make us happy. You must be kidding me. TPLF was sending money through this guy to buy support, which they couldn’t. Money can not buy you love. The second important thing is that the Woyane group formed their organization AESA when they were outvoted by a democratic election that took place in Virginia last fall by the blessing of Abenet who is the right hand man of the Saudi Tujar.
    6- It is your individual choice to be at any of the two festivals, but what you have to know is that the one in Dallas (Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America-ESFNA) is supported by Ethiopians with our hard earned money and the other one in DC (Alamudi Employees Sports Association –AESA) is supported by the Ethiopians blood that comes from selling of twelve year old girls to the Saudis. History will tell which one is right. And I assure you the second one wouldn’t last long and you and me will seat together at the ESFNA’s Festival in DC in 2013. See you there.

    Tegbar replies:

    Dear Meyesaw,
    Your challenge against some of the issue that I was trying to raise is well taken and appreciated.Above all I admire your civility.
    But I will try to show where you and me differ by going through the six points that you mention .
    1. I stand to be corrected for misusing ESFANA instead of ESFNA.Thank you.
    2.The choice of Birtukan as a guest of honors was the major problem.As you said she was chosen by the majority vote in the board members.The excutive body did not accept it because the policy of the organization ws violated.
    According to ESFNA’s policy individual political roles in Ethiopia should not be a criteria to chose the guest of honors.Birtukan was not chosen because she is a judge.T

    Tegbar replies:

    Dear Meyesaw,
    Your challenge against some of the issue that I was trying to raise is well taken and appreciated.Above all I admire your civility.
    But I will try to show where you and me differ by going through the six points that you mention .
    1. I stand to be corrected for misusing ESFANA instead of ESFNA.Thank you.
    2.The choice of Birtukan as a guest of honors was the major problem.As you said she was chosen by the majority vote in the board members.The excutive body did not accept it because the policy of the organization ws violated.
    According to ESFNA’s policy individual political roles in Ethiopia should not be a criteria to chose the guest of honors.Birtukan was not chosen because she is a judge.To stay away from politician benefits the organization .Wher are you going to stop now.Birhanu Nega,HAILU SHAWEL,LIDETU AYALEW,BERKET SIMON…….you name it.
    3.If ESFANA was not poisened by politics there won’t be two events this year.

    4.I hope you are not denying that Al AMOUDIN has been helping the organization for years.That was why he was chosen by the organization to be a permanenet guest of honors.If you have any evidence that can expose the AL AMOUDI money was used by individuals for thier own personal benefits I challenge you to show me.

    5.I didn’t say that AL AMOUDI is not a supporter of TPLF.what I am saying is I don’t care about his politics as long as he is not trying to influence the organization in order to promote the TPLF ajenda.I have been in the event for years and I have never seen that and I am challenging you to give me one example you witnessed in the ESFNA anual event where TPLF politics was promoted.

    6.Your last point has nothing to do with the topics that we are discussing.But since you raise I will say this.
    If you realy belive that ALAMOUDI becomes a billioner by selling 12years old girls I will leave that for you.AL AMOUDI was a billioner even before he went back to his country ETHIOPIA.
    I wish You and me celebrate one event with all Ethiopians in the future.For now you enjoy dallas I will enjoy DC.This is not a divorce it is a momentery seperation.

    Meyesaw replies:

    Hi there,
    Let me go point by point,

    Your challenge against some of the issue that I was trying to raise is well taken and appreciated.Above all I admire your civility.
    But I will try to show where you and me differ by going through the six points that you mention .
    1. I stand to be corrected for misusing ESFANA instead of ESFNA.Thank you.

    -You are welcome

    2.The choice of Birtukan as a guest of honors was the major problem.As you said she was chosen by the majority vote in the board members.The excutive body did not accept it because the policy of the organization ws violated.
    According to ESFNA’s policy individual political roles in Ethiopia should not be a criteria to chose the guest of honors.Birtukan was not chosen because she is a judge.To stay away from politician benefits the organization .Wher are you going to stop now.Birhanu Nega,HAILU SHAWEL,LIDETU AYALEW,BERKET SIMON…….you name it.

    -The thing here is not what Birtukan is or who Birtukan is, but those board members who are crying loud now do not know what is written in the ESFNA’s bylaws (I doubt this guys can read and understand English due to their educational backgrounds). If they had the knowledge of their bylaws, they could have stopped it right there before the vote was given. But unfortunately the crying and “GASHIYE YEQOTAL” came after some of the board members left the meeting. If it were a mistake, which I doubt, the board members should have accepted the decision of the majority just for that year (which they did with the pressure of Ethiopians from all over the world), but not to repeat it again. And we Ethiopians were very very very happy to see Birtukan in Atlanta( I was a witness). Weather you believe it or not the late professor Asrat Woldeyes (who has been imprisoned and killed by the TPLF because of his political outlook) was a guest of honors of this same ESFNA for consecutive years, when Sebsebe Asefa, Yosef Gizachew, etc. were in the opposition camp. In those days Yosef Gizachew and Sebsebe Asefa who tried to kill the woyane PM and who kicked the woyane minister were celebrated by Ethiopians in the DC area and they were board members in the ESFNA and nobody tried to check the bylaws when they invited the late Professor Asrat Woldeyes (aferun yaqelilachew!) as a guest of honors. And now the Saudi tujar came into that picture with the petro-dollar (petro dollar at that time, but now teenage girl’s dollar) with his mission to change the balance in the ESFNA, which he tried for a long time. He could succeed to influence a few money loving individuals in the organization but not the organization. What would be his response if ESFNA had invited BERKET SIMON? Kakakakaka! I heard he would be the guest at the TPLF’s festival in DC.
    3.If ESFANA was not poisened by politics there won’t be two events this year.

    -Again not ESFANA but ESFNA was poisoned by the TPLF/Alamudi politics, because the so called Diaspora is a pain in the TPLF/Alamudi @$$. They tried to inject their dirty ethnic politics wrapped with money into the organization. Some money loving individuals fell victim to that plot, but not the majority. ESFNA is still intact with all its teams together.

    4.I hope you are not denying that Al AMOUDIN has been helping the organization for years.That was why he was chosen by the organization to be a permanenet guest of honors.If you have any evidence that can expose the AL AMOUDI money was used by individuals for thier own personal benefits I challenge you to show me.

    -Let me ask you one question. What the hell does Alamudi gain from this DC festival by wasting two million plus dollars unless he has some hidden TPLF agenda? Don’t tell me that he wants to make Meyesaw happy. Do you think forming another ESFNAONE only because his boys got outvoted is right? It is a shame to him and his followers. And I tell you it is nothing other than dividing and weakening a community with his blood money. But to the opposite we come out stronger.

    5.I didn’t say that AL AMOUDI is not a supporter of TPLF.what I am saying is I don’t care about his politics as long as he is not trying to influence the organization in order to promote the TPLF ajenda.I have been in the event for years and I have never seen that and I am challenging you to give me one example you witnessed in the ESFNA anual event where TPLF politics was promoted.

    -Alamudi is not a supporter of TPLF, but he is a DIEHARD MEMBER who said in one of the TPLF’s gatherings “I AND MY FAMILY LOVE THIS GROUP AND READY TO DIE FOR IT”. And what he was/is trying to do with his money is only buying supporters for his TPLF. I don’t remember if the woyane leader himself has made such a strong statement about TPLF than this individual.

    6.Your last point has nothing to do with the topics that we are discussing.But since you raise I will say this.
    If you realy belive that ALAMOUDI becomes a billioner by selling 12years old girls I will leave that for you.AL AMOUDI was a billioner even before he went back to his country ETHIOPIA.

    -Here I would recommend you to refer the Forbes’ List before the Saudi tujar owned Ethiopia and after. The growth of his wealth was unimaginable compared to others in other civilized nations. Their money is clean and his is soaked with blood.

    I wish You and me celebrate one event with all Ethiopians in the future.For now you enjoy dallas I will enjoy DC.This is not a divorce it is a momentery seperation.

    Anonymous replies:

    Hello Meyesaw,
    Here is my response
    #1-The thing here is not what Birtukan is or who Birtukan is, but those board members who are crying loud now do not know what is written in the ESFNA’s bylaws (I doubt this guys can read and understand English due to their educational backgrounds). If they had the knowledge of their bylaws, they could have stopped it right there before the vote was given. But unfortunately the crying and “GASHIYE YEQOTAL” came after some of the board members left the meeting. If it were a mistake, which I doubt, the board members should have accepted the decision of the majority just for that year (which they did with the pressure of Ethiopians from all over the world), but not to repeat it again. And we Ethiopians were very very very happy to see Birtukan in Atlanta( I was a witness). Weather you believe it or not the late professor Asrat Woldeyes (who has been imprisoned and killed by the TPLF because of his political outlook) was a guest of honors of this same ESFNA for consecutive years, when Sebsebe Asefa, Yosef Gizachew, etc. were in the opposition camp. In those days Yosef Gizachew and Sebsebe Asefa who tried to kill the woyane PM and who kicked the woyane minister were celebrated by Ethiopians in the DC area and they were board members in the ESFNA and nobody tried to check the bylaws when they invited the late Professor Asrat Woldeyes (aferun yaqelilachew!) as a guest of honors. And now the Saudi tujar came into that picture with the petro-dollar (petro dollar at that time, but now teenage girl’s dollar) with his mission to change the balance in the ESFNA, which he tried for a long time. He could succeed to influence a few money loving individuals in the organization but not the organization. What would be his response if ESFNA had invited BERKET SIMON? Kakakakaka! I heard he would be the guest at the TPLF’s festival in DC.

    Professor Asrat Woldeyes was one of the most distinguished Sergeon in Ethiopia.He was one of those people who helps in the creation of the first medical school in the country.He was very known and respected in Ethiopia well before his involvement in poltics.If he doesn’t fit to be the guests of Honor then who else?
    The presence of Birtukan in Atlantaas you said might make you and others happy ,but that doesn’t make it righ though.If an organization doesn’t have a standard and not abided by its own policy then majority anarchy will rule it.And that is what exactly happens here.

    #2.-Let me ask you one question. What the hell does Alamudi gain from this DC festival by wasting two million plus dollars unless he has some hidden TPLF agenda? Don’t tell me that he wants to make Meyesaw happy. Do you think forming another ESFNAONE only because his boys got outvoted is right? It is a shame to him and his followers. And I tell you it is nothing other than dividing and weakening a community with his blood money. But to the opposite we come out stronger.

    I donn’t think sponsoring ESFNA is a big deal for Al Amoudi unlike you said . Al Amoudi sponsored the CECAFA Cup, Africa’s oldest football cup competition, in 2005 and 2006, and the tournament was named the Al Amoudi Senior Challenge Cup as a result in those years. He also supports Ethiopian Premier League Club St. George and covered the medical expenses of one of Ethiopia’s most celebrated footballers, Mengistu Worku, before his death in December is unfair for trashing what he has done so far in sport ,entertaiment and so on.

    But this time Alamudi is pouring all this money to retaliate for how he was treated in the ESFNA after helping them for the last twenty years.(Bagoresku ejen Tenekesku).You keep saying that he has some hidden TPLF ajenda to inject it in the organization and I urge you to give me at least one example in the last twenty years where and when this ajenda was promoted.But you fail to do that.
    I don’t want to see neither Woyanes politcs nor Daisporas toxic politics in ESFNA .

    #3.-Alamudi is not a supporter of TPLF, but he is a DIEHARD MEMBER who said in one of the TPLF’s gatherings “I AND MY FAMILY LOVE THIS GROUP AND READY TO DIE FOR IT”. And what he was/is trying to do with his money is only buying supporters for his TPLF. I don’t remember if the woyane leader himself has made such a strong statement about TPLF than this individual

    You sound like you are more obssesed with individual politics than thier influence on others.As I don’t care about your politics I do not care about any one politics including Alamoudi who like you has a full right to excersise what he chooses.
    Let me ask you this.Do you care if a member of Ginbot 7 or reminesence of kinijit donates money to ESFNA? my answer is NO!!I don’t care as long as thier ESFNAS event is not painted with thier politics.
    20 years is very long time, my friend , to see if there is hidden ajenda.I have not seen one.If you do.,.please ,please show me one.Your opinion is mostly based on speculation and suspection of conispiracy than facts.

    #4. -Here I would recommend you to refer the Forbes’ List before the Saudi tujar owned Ethiopia and after. The growth of his wealth was unimaginable compared to others in other civilized nations. Their money is clean and his is soaked with blood.

    As you asked me I couldn’t wait till I checked Forbes to see your facts but it turns out that there is no where that stated the growth of his wealth is based on selling 12 years of girls and his money is soaked with blood. A very serious charge but not well stablished with facts.
    Instead this what I found in wiki..just for your refrence…

    Al Amoudi owns a broad portfolio of businesses in oil, mining, agriculture, hotels, hospitals, finance, operations and maintenance. His businesses are largely to be found within two conglomerate holding and operating companies, Corral Petroleum Holdings and MIDROC, both which he owns and manages. He employs over 40,000 people through these companies.
    Al Amoudi’s construction company consortium, Mohammed International Development Research and Organization Companies, also known as MIDROC, won a contract to build Saudi Arabia’s estimated $30 billion nationwide underground oil storage complex in 1988. MIDROC acquired Yanbu Steel in Saudi Arabia in 2000.
    Most of the allegation that you are throwing on him are very familier on ETHIOPIAN REVIEW’s (Elias Kifle)report.If you are basing your facts on this particular website then I will leave that for you .
    Other wise be serious and get your facts from a reliable source.

    Cher senbt wondmea!!!!

    Bubu replies:

    A nice debate between you two, I wish we had such an open debate between Woyane and the opposition in front of Ethiopians back home like the one we had during the 2005 election. I hope we will have a better one after the downfall of Woyanne.
    But one question for Tegbar,
    In your statement above you said ” ESFANA should be free of politics .It should be a place where all ETHIOPIANS with different politics ,gender ,age and religion come together and celebrate our tradition”.
    Are you going to celebrate our tradition with Jeezy, T-Pain, and Llyod or Alamudi is trying to give you a new culture and tradition.
    Tegbar! if you are ready to celebrate “your” tradition and culture with Jeezy, T-Pain, and Llyod, I wish you a happy celebration.

    Tegbar replies:

    Hi Bubu,
    Your question is fair.I personaly would not enjoy the rappers presence.But as you know a lot of ethiopian Youths including those who are born here love to see those singers.I don’t even enjoy some of the ethiopian singers who are going to present thier show.But I still go there to see the singers who I like.I do not like some of Ethiopian dishes but I still go to ethiopian Restaurant to eat what I like.There will be a lot of Ethiopian girls who will dress like a whore (sorry about my language).But I still go there to see the beautiful decent ethiopian girls with very decent cultural and modern dresses.
    I am not sure If I answer your question if not let me know.

    Enjoy your day Bubu.

    Teddy Fikre replies:

    So you don’t mind going to a concentration camp to see Jews killed in ovens…well because there happen to be some decent prison guards amongst the filth…

    Does that sum up your logic Tegbar??


    Tazabiw replies:

    Teddy you don’t make sense .Your question is like MAMO LELA METAWQYAW LELA.I was so impressed with the conversation between Meyessaw and Tegbar.God bless both of you .This is what we want in Ethiopia..decent dialog.

    Hayal replies:


    Your statement I quote…. “But as you know a lot of Ethiopian Youths including those who are born here love to see those singers.”…. is a little bit naïve, because the kids here in the US do not need to wait for the July 4th Ethiopian celebration to see these gangster rappers. They can find and see them for $30 or $40 any time around the Metro-DC. I wanted to bring my kids to show them what Ethiopia and Ethiopian culture is, not Jeezy or T. Payne. I cannot afford to go to Dallas this time and I am NOT coming to RFK to show my kids the gangster rappers. The only option left for me is to wait for the Ethiopian Heritage Festival later next month to show my kids what Ethiopian culture is. Tegbar I wish you also enjoy those Gangster rappers with hot dog and cheese burgers. By the way you can get a free ticket by texting Hot 99.5 radio station the word tpayne ( listen to Toby’s show and text tpayne –the should be written together) good Luck!

    Teddy Fikre replies:


    BAM! you just made my day! :) Please disregard Tegbar ..the last three letters of his name describe him right…BAR…he drinks and he stays behind iron BARS :) Anyway, please bring your kids to this event…it’s free and we will not be playing ANY rap at all..

    RSVP Here ->

  9. Ethiopian from Europe,

    I will be attending the event. Do you want my picture? I will be going with my wife. I am sure I can post my picture here or send it to Elias to post it. Your call.

    Kuribachew replies:

    “Attending” above, if you have the courage as you claim, why don’t you send your picture with your identifying information to this website now? But, you are fake as your masters Meles Zenawi/ Alamudi. Go and continue licking Alamudi’s ass/ rectum to get money. He will give you money from what he has robbed from Ethiopian people.

    Attending replies:

    You also wish you could lick it if you had access.

    Anonymous replies:

    Dear Attending,

    It is not only you who is going to attend this blood gathering, but hundreds of woyanes from across the USA who are ordered to be there by their masters in Addis. These attendees will get FEREFARIS from their Master. How about you? Looking for some FEREFARI? Good Luck to you and your wife!!!

    Attending replies:

    Who is winning? Who is ruling? Those guys who’ve been barking at the white house gate for the past 20 years don’t even know what winning means. Sorry guys…get onboard or get lost.

    Teddy Fikre replies:

    Attending Asshole

    Ayeee ante banda…the Italians were once winning too. Go ahead and cheb a cheb you askari…in time your cheb a cheb will have you burning in chebo ante woyane doro::

  10. gentlemen,
    I, ye ager tikur sew/fara got sexy answer for you:
    The woyanes#2 are intentionaly leaving aids to go wild in Ethiopia like themseves, following the succesful south African model under president Beki; however, like the spoiled Janhoy lions, they are keeping internet in the cage, deeply concerned it might steal the fertile land, i mean brain of the beloved Ethiopians. Guys, you may not notice the posetive result now, but trust me, when woyane#3 took over dressing different kemis, you will definetly appreciate the brilliant brindchild of our dedebit cadres in couple of decades.
    Ato Gezaee H esq, woyane#3 party appointed campaign strategist, alah bless his soul who sadly seems inherted the dedebit founders visionless principle sickness, recently lectured that the best route for Ethiopia is adapting English as national language. Now, he is flirting with Amharic, another brilliant move to win the heart of the old guard conservative amhara nationalists. For the record, when the woyane cadres were in the dedebit bushes searching for their lovely tiny clil Tgray manifesto, they were preaching the ancient axumite kingdom primary language was tgrigna but stolen later by the amharas. This was dark age era before the thankless big shaebia showed up on the stage and brighten the tunnel by streching the mind. Infact, still deep inside, that’s the preference of my G friend as well, had the irisistable kitfo is not threatened by the bad pro-freedom activists. That’s why he chose not to blow out his feeling like woyane’s aids infected Ethiopia but rather kept it in the closet as timid fagets do instead of boldly exercising thier freedom of choice; that ejoying the dogie style from the back exit is their god given right, a worthy of dying just cause which can never stolen away by any corrupt dictators.

  11. How to kick Waltainfo, out of business, and for couple of hours[=].,.

    “Qyuality HIgher Education” Vs. “Quality Euucation”. Tessema is goodman.

  12. Teddy Fikre,

    What happened to your meeting with the congressman?…LOL LOL….I thought you were going to shut down RFK. I like your style….”I am not the typical habesha” what a laughing stock you are. You are undermining habeshas by that comment.

    Question for you, can you afford to fly to Dallas?

    Teddy Fikre replies:

    Attending Dr.Jackass,

    You laugh…i had that meeting and a meeting with DC Counsel too…


    Moreover, this email sent to over 1,000 media personalities…

    Hope this finds you will, this is not meant to accuse you of this. I am just hoping that you merely pass this along to your cohorts. I pray you do because I cannot bear to witness injustice while watching MNBC, CNN, and FOX news airing sensationalism instead of practicing journalism. I hope to hear back from you. I can be reached at 202.367.6429

    Child Exploitation in the Midst of Washington DC

    The fourth estate has fallen asleep. It takes shock and horror before the media wakes up and walks away from sensationalism to perform their journalistic duties. Over and over again, mass media has let down the public as they cover inane issues like iPhone’s new release while right under their collective noses resided a devil by the name of Jerry Sandusky who was raping little boys for well over 20 years. The rumors ran rampant, the whole community at Penn State knew the dirty little secret, yet the media focused on Joe Paterno’s broken hip in 2009 while disregarding the countless hips that Jerry Sandusky broke in the very same stadium.

    I am not sure what happened to the fourth estate, we went from media to hysteria and from giving Americans news to chasing stories to amuse. The United States is in a dire straight, intelligence is mocked and naked ignorance is valued. Everyone is out to get their 15 minutes of fame while ceding their morality and their code of ethics for the sake of getting the most followers on twitter. I turn on MSNBC news on a daily basis and there I see media personalities who think they are now stars who fall in love with their own voices. This is a crying shame, we live in the age of narcissism, I want to blame Mark Zukerberg but in the end the compass points right back at the fourth estate.

    I am not sure what you are doing, I am challenging you today to wake up from your collective coma and investigate news instead of relying on single sources and sensationalism to earn your keep. Earn your paycheck by putting on your shoes and walk the soles to your toes so that innocent souls don’t get raped and pillaged. Put down your twitter accounts and pick up your notepads, drop your iPhone cameras as you send out endless inane pictures instead go with your photographer and make news the way your fathers used to. For God’s sake, what happened to you? What happened to your idealism? What happened to your bravery? All transformed into bravado as you yell bravo tweet after tweet. It is the age of Facebook and it seems that all you care about is getting your collective faces in that book.

    Here, let me give you some bread crumbs so that I can lead you to a story. In Washington DC there is a tournament being held at RFK from July 1st to July 7th. This event is being held by AESA One, a supposed 501-3-c non-profit sports federation. But here is the rub, they don’t list their source of income and never detail their expenses. The source of their money comes from Ethiopia from this man named Al Amoudi, the richest man in Africa and a renowned billionaire. The way he is making his money is shocking; he is literally parceling out Ethiopia to China as he builds some of the most luxurious hotels in Ethiopia as children of Ethiopia drink from the sewer systems right outside of that hotel.

    But wait, it gets worse. There are insidious rumors all around Addis Ababa that Al Amoudi is involved in child prostitution. In Ethiopia, child prostitution is a burgeoning business, every day hundreds of Ethiopian teenage girls and younger are shipped off to Saudi Arabia and the Middle East to become child prostitutes or wealthy Arab sultans and princes. This is heartbreaking that Ethiopians would sell their own children to others for the sake of a few dollars. Close your eyes at this moment for a brief second—that sound you hear is the muffled screams of a 12 year old Ethiopian girl losing her virginity as she gets raped over and over and over and over again—her flesh being torn asunder bit by bit and her innocence being shredded on dirty bed sheets.

    Now this same man is funding AESA One to the tune of $3,000,000 to fund a soccer extravaganza for one week. They hired thug rappers by the names of TI, T-Pain, Jeezy, and BoB to perform at RFK while at the same moment back in Ethiopia over 400 children will die in that same week and hundreds of teenage girls are being raped in the Middle East. Now, I don’t have solid proof that Al Amoudi is involved in child prostitution, but neither did a lot of people at Penn State even though they knew in their hearts something was fishy. All they had to do was notify the authorities and notify the media—maybe they did like I am doing now and were ignored—and Sandusky might have gotten his justice ten years ago. It is not my job as a citizen to have solid proof, that is your job—professional media and journalists—to investigate and arrive at the truth.

    So this is my clarion call to you. Get off twitter and do your job. Go investigate and uncover the truth. You don’t even have to go to Ethiopia, just go to 14th and U Street in DC, there is a building with Ethiopian flags draped all over it. Knock on the door and ask to speak to the Public Relations staff. Ask them for their source of funding and ask them to see their non-profit papers. Get off twitter and Facebook, stop trying to get more followers and follow this story instead. For once, be less Fox News and be more like Walter Cronkite. For once stand up for your profession instead of sleeping with the very same filth of nothingness that is filling up our airwaves.

    Please I am asking you, stop being in love with your own voices and love the people whose interest you are supposed to have in mind—especially the 12 year old Ethiopian girl that is being raped at this exact moment. You can follow this lead or beg for more followers on twitter. If you choose the former, you are my hero. If you choose the later, you will know that all that is wrong with America and the inanity of idiots’ screeds on our TV screens is your fault. It is your fault as you continue to ignore Child Exploitation in the Midst of Washington DC.


    Contact Teddy Fikre

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: 202.367.6429


    The AESA One Soccer Tournament is kicking off on July 1st at RFK Stadium in Washington DC and concludes on July 7th. The event is supposed to “celebrate Ethiopian culture”. Ask yourself, where is the money coming from?

    AESA One is a federation that spun off from an existing Ethiopian federation. Consequently, AESA One decided to launch their first annual soccer tournament in DC starting July 1st. Alas, the ominous winds wafting through the DC air from RFK that that infiltrates your nostrils is the smell of corruption in Ethiopia.
    AESA One is being funded by some “fat cats” in Addis Ababa. Some say the funding comes exclusively from Al Amoudi, one of the wealthiest people in the world—a renowned billionaire. Others say the funding comes from a former cabbie who is now the CEO of MIDROC by the name of Arega Yirdaw. The mere fact that there are questions surrounding the revenue and donations that AESA One, a supposed 501-3-C, is more than problematic. Are we not in America, since when do non-profits not disclose their revenue and detail their expenses?

    But there is something more nefarious than AESA One not listing their contributions. Child exploitation is a growing cottage industry in Ethiopia. Every day, dozens of Ethiopian teenage girls are shipped off to the Middle East to be turned into child prostitutes. I do not have explicit proof that Al Amoudi or Arega Yirdaw are directly involved in child prostitution—for the record I am not saying they do. But there are rampant rumors that affiliates of these wealthy “fat cats” have blood money in their pockets. While Al Amoudi and Arega Yirdaw might be upstanding individuals, that does not mean that they have shady people and affiliates within their network. Again I don’t have direct proof, but a lot of people at Penn State did not have solid proof about Jerry Sandusky and his proclivities in raping young boys but they all knew that something was fishy. Isn’t it your job as media and lawmakers to look into this insidious chatter coming from Ethiopia and determine if what some dismiss as “rumors” are really an omen to a 13 year old Ethiopian girl getting her flesh ripped apart at this very moment. Isn’t that your job as a human being—to do all that you can to alleviate the suffering of the children of Ethiopia?

    But you don’t have to go to Ethiopia, just call AESA One and their affiliates by the name of DC Dynasty. Ask to see their paperwork, ask to see the source of their funding, ask for the names of their contributors. Ask why AESA One don’t they have their phone number and address or their headquarters listed on their website ( Ask how they can afford to pay over 10 promoters and DJs over $20,000 a piece in most instances. Ask how they can afford to rent out RFK for an entire week. Ask how they can afford to get gangster rappers by the name of TI, Jeezy, T-Pain, BoB, and Lloyd. Ask if their money is blood money. Ask because it is your job; ask because you have a heart for disadvantaged children of Africa. Just ask!

    Contacts for AESA One & DC Dynasty:

    ASAE One: Address (on the corner of 14th & U Street—look for countless Ethiopian flags draped all over the building) Phone number: Unknown and unlisted
    DC Dynasty (promoters of their parties) Danny Davis (202-320-0131) East Coast Sound Patrol (202-422-9030) Dream Team Ethiostar Entertainment (240-476-2342) The Ethiopian Times (202-718.6684 & 202.368.8610) Nate Tilahun (202-491-1282), DJ XL-Yafet (202-421-8600) & DC 5 Stars Productions

    Are you still laughing you cackling jackass?? smh…

    Attending replies:

    hahahahahaha…kkkkkkkkkk. Teddy my man. you are so hilarious. First of all, you don’t have your facts right so I am not even going to start tearing apart your garbage.

    Alamoudi was a billionaire before his businesses came to Ethiopia. Get that right. One more question: Why would anyone need to check where the money is coming from, if you have already indicated that Alamoudi, world known billionaire, is funding it?

    watch the videos on AESAone website and they will openly tell you that Alamoudi is funding it 100%. What more do you want to know?

    I used to be entertained by Elias Kifle’s articles…now a better writer with twice the size of Elias’s garbage is discovered.

    Alamoudi my man is going to own your a** wherever you go. You got it?

    Teddy Fikre replies:

    Eski attending…look at all the promoters Al Amoudi bought $20,000 a piece…after I started the war with AESA One..they all stopped promoting it…they took the AESA logos off the flyers…Al Amoudi hired feraris beunet…it took tinish heat for them to tuck tail and run…smh

    One man defeated an army of blood suckers…

    Enjoy the event though Hodam…but Sunday might be the Grand Opening and the Grand Closing… ;)



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