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EPRP conspiracy against Ethiopian workers – Dawey Ibrahim

Ato Dawey Ibrahim, former President of the Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions, currently living in exile in the Netherlands, writes this 6-page article (Amharic) about the EPRP conspiracy against Ethiopian workers and their unions. Click here to read.

25 thoughts on “EPRP conspiracy against Ethiopian workers – Dawey Ibrahim

  1. Ato Dawey, Are you alive?

    I am happy to hear your voice after some three years of silence. I am eager to know your answer where you were in last three years. Ethiopia and Ethiopians were in trouble, Diaspora was intensifying its struggle to liberate Ethiopia from fascist rule. We didn’t see you at Demonstrations, vigils, rallies, lobbies…. We didn’t hear your voice. You never show your solidarity to the people while they were in need of our voices.

    Good that you exposed the EPRP conspiracy, but do you think that serves our interest at this particular time. Is our enemy the EPRP or TPLF. Why don’t you also expose the TPLF conspiracy on the entire Ethiopian people?

    Amazing! The ghost of EPRP? Amazing!

  2. እኔ የሚገርመኝ ኢህአፓን ብንተወው ምን አለበት ራሱን የቻለ
    ፓርቲ ነው ዲሞክራቲካሊ ተወዳድሮ የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ በፕሮግራሙ ካሳመነና ውድድሩን ካቸነፈ ለምን አይመራም
    በተለይ የዚ ድህረ ገጽ አዘጋጅ ገና ወደ ሀገር ሳይገባ
    ኢህአፓ ኢህአፓ ኢህአፓ ብሎ ሊሞት ነው. ዲሞክራሲን አትፍራ ተወዳደር, ገና ለገና? መጀመሪያ እስቲ ወያኔ ለዲሞክራሲ ይንበርከክ. አትፍራ ጃል

  3. Ato Dawey Ibrahim,


    I never taught that such an adult person, once who held the highest office of Trade Unions in our country would go so cheap as to calling names the arada duriye style and write the nonsense and his only dream, imaginary article.”LAM BALWALECHIBET KUBET LEKEMA”

    Dawey, Where have you been, the last couple years, when patriotic Ethiopians from all corners were standing together and struggling with the peoples and workers of our country in various ways. You were negotiating with Woyane and submitting your CV through your roomate? SHAME ON YOU!!!!!

    What you wrote is sheer nonsense. Your statements are shamefully too low and pedestrian! FNV (The Netherlands Trade Unions) and Ethiopians living in Amsterdam know you very well. Your irresponsible act costed you everything and forced FNV to kick you out, which landed you to be straight homeless in the streets of Amsterdam. Where you are unable to manage yourself and family, your attempt to advocate for others is only an act of sick person.

    “BEAF YITEFU BELEFELEFU ENDETEBALEW” This is only the tip of ICE Berg. Many more to follow.

    You don’t have to go out and preach your own beauty, leave it to others to decide, and in the last decade you have a lot of scandal to write about you and with this article you have added a brand new chapter to your book of scandals. Many hesitated to expose you not to hurt the struggle of Ethiopian workers. But You don’t learn from your shameful acts and forced me too to tell you who you are. You are a sick person, who doesn’t know your limits and needs to seek medical advice.

    Do you know what the Ethiopians in Amsterdam call you? “JORO LEBALEBETU BADA NEW!!!” In the near future, you will have a chance to know all those and compile your shameful story in the place of your garbage article for good. “Seeing is different from being told.

    Tazabie Kemado

  4. ኢሀአፓና ወያኔ እንዲሁም የነሱ ትዉልድ በኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ዉስጥ እራሳቸዉን ማግለል አለባቸዉ። ኢትዮጵያን በጥሩ ሁኔታ መምራት የሚችለዉ ከ40 አመት በታች ያለዉና በ1966 የፖለቲካ ቀዉስ ዉስጥ ያልተነካካ መሆን እንዳለበት ይስማኛል። The old generation was a cancer for Ethiopia. It is time for them to leave matters for us. We had had enough of these people. In the last 33 years, Ethiopia went from poor to the poorest.

  5. የሚገርመኝ፤ ኢህአፓ አለ እንዴ? ኢህአፓና ወያኔ እንዲሁም የነሱ ትውልድ ለኢትዮጵያ እድገት ነቀርሳ ናቸዉ። ወጣቱ እንዳለዉ ሞት ይገባቸዋል። አሁን ለኢትዮጵያ ከ40 አመት በታች ያለዉ ተረኘ ነው። ቦታዉን ለዚሀ ትዉልድ ለቀቅ አድርጉለት። ከ40-65 ያለው የኢትዮጵያን የእድገት አቅጣጫ ያበላሸ ትዉልድ ነዉ። ኢትዮጵያ የምትፈልገዉ ከ65 በላይ ያሉ አባቶቻችንን ወኔ ከ40 ዓመት በታች ያለዉን ውጣት የመስራትና አብሮ የመኖር ፍላጎት ስለሆነ እባካችሁ ወያኔና ኢህአፓ ሌላም ስዉ እንዳለ አስባችሁ ቦታችሁን ያዙ። ሁላችሁ ብትሞቱ ጥሩ ነበር። ለኢትዮጵያ የተዋችሁላት ችግር ነዉ። ለአርመኔዎቹ ለነመለስ አሳልፋችሁ ሰጣችኻት። እስቲ ዝም በሉ። በቃ ጊዜአችሁ አለፈ።

    ወጣቱ እንዳለዉ ሞት ለናንትና ለናንተ ትዉልድ!!!!

  6. ኢህአፓ ያረጀ ያፈጀሊትዮጵያ ውድቀት ከወያኔ ባላነሰ ሁኔታ ሊጠየቅ የሚገባው ትውልድ በላ የጡረተኞች ጥርቅም ነው:: አይሰራም አያሰራም:: ደርግን ይጠሉ ከነበሩ ሃገራት የተመጸዎተውን ገንዘብ እየተካፈሉ ከመብላት ውጭ ሊትዮጵያ ኢህአፓ የበረከተው ነገር ቢኖር ትውልድን መፍጀትና ማስፈጀት እንዲሁም ለስራና ህብረት እንቅፋት መሆን ነው::
    በኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ዘንድ የጠላ እና የተተፋ ኢህአፓ አሁንም የድሮውን ለቅሶ ያላዝናል:: ብድሮው በሬ ለማረስ ይሞክራል:: ኢህአፓ ራሱን ከዘመኑ ጋር ለማራመድ የተሳነው የጡረተኞች እድር ነው::
    ሞት ለኢህአፓ!

  7. “የወደቀ ዛፍ ምሳር(መጥረቢያ) ይበዛዋል”፤ ስሞኑን ድሞ የተያዘው ፈሊጥ ኢህአፓን ማጥቃት ነው፤ ምን ተፈጠረ?

  8. በውነቱ አቶ ዳዊ እርስዎ አልሰበስብ ያሉዋቸው ስደተኛ የሰራተኛ መሪዎች ለመሰባሰብ ጥረት ማድረጋችው ኢንዲህ ስጋት የለቀቀብዎት ለምንድን ነው..ምን ምስጢር ኢንዳይወጣብዎት ይሆን ለውግዘት መጣደፍዎ.. ለመሆኑ እትዮጵያውያን ፊት ለመቆም የሚያበቃ ሰብና አለዎትና ነው ሰው ላይ ጣትዎን መጠቆምዎ .. እንግዲህ ለዘመናት የተደበቀልዎ ጉድ በሙሉ ኢንዲዘከዘክ ፈቅደዋልና ቀበቶዎትን ጠበቅ አድርገው ይጠብቁ… ትላንት እምቦቀቅላዎቹ እነ ሽብሬ ደሳለኝ ዕምቢ ለአምባገነነት ብለው በወያኔ ጥይት ሲደፉ , ባል በሚስቱ ፊት ሲዋረድ ሚስት በባሉዋ እና በልጆችዋ ፊት በወያኔ ጥይት ስትደፋ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ በውጭ ላሉ ልጆቹ የድረሱልኝ ጥሪ ሲያሰማ እርስዎ እንደ አንድ የሰራተኛ መሪ የዋኔን ግፍና በቅንጅት መሪዎችና ደጋፊዎች ላይ የደረሰዉን አረመኔአዊ ጭፍጨፋና እመቃ ለማውገዝ ያልሞከሩበት ምስጢር ምን ይሆን ….ዛሬ የውርደት ስንክሳሮትን ለመጎርጎሪያ ያነሱት ሰባራ ብእር የማንን ጎፈሬ ሲያበጥር ነበር… አልሰሜን ግባ በሉት አለ .. አዎ ብእርዎ የ አምስተርዳም ወያኔ ተላላኪዎች የነ ሙሉጌታ አስመላሽ የውስኪ ብርጭቆ ማማሰያ ነበረች..ዛሬም የላብ አደሩ መሪዎች ተሰባስበው ጸረ ወያኔ ትግሉን እንዳይቀላቀሉ የማሰናከሉ የቤት ስራ በነ ሙሉጌታ አስመለሽ ተቀምሮ የተሰጠዎት እንደሆነ አምስተርዳም ያለ እርስዎ ከነ ማን ጋር እንደሚውሉ የሚያውቅ ጸረ ወያኔ ኢትዮጵያዊ በሙሉ ሳያልም የሚፈታው የልጆች ድብብቆሽ ነው. እርስዎ ብዬ መጻፌ እርስዎን አክብሬ እንዳይመስልዎ ኢትዮጵያዊ ባህሌን ብዬ እንጂ .. በተግባር እና በስነ ምግባር ምን ያህል የዘቀጡ ለመሆንዎ አንድ ሁለት ብዬ ጸያፍ ተግባርዎትን መግለጹን ለ ወደፊቱ ጭውውታችን አሳድሬ ለዛሬው ታላቅህን አክብር ብለው ላሳደጉኝ ቤተሰቦቸና የሞራል መምህራኖቸ ስል ከነ አንቱታዬ እሰናበትዎታለሁ..ዶሮ ጭራ ጭራ ታወጣለች ካራ ነዉና እባክዎን መጫርዎን አያቁሙ .. የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ሊያውቅዎት የሚገባ የዘመናችን ጉድ ነዎትና

  9. አቶ ዳዊ ኢብራሂም
    በአሁኑ ሰዓት እየተካሄደ ያለውን ህዝባዊ ጸረ ወያኔ ትግል ለማስተባበር ከምታገል ይልቅ የወያኔን አምባ ለማጠናከር በመስራት ላይ መሆነዎን ስገነዘብ ልቤ በሃዘን ይሞላል::
    “በኢሃአፓ በኩል ለተፈጸመው ስህተት” ጠመንጃ አንግተው ወደ አሲምባ ከተጋዙት አንዱ በመሆንህ የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ ይቅርታ ልትጠይቅ በተገባ ነበር::
    ለስደት ከወጣህበት ጊዘ ጀምሮ በስደት ራሳቸውን ችለው የሚኖሩ የትግል አጋሮችህ ጋር ተመካክሮ መስራት ያቃተህና የሆላንድ ሰራተኛ ማህበር ጠቃሚ ያለመሆንህ የተረጋገጠ; ከሌሎች የሲቨክ ማህበራት መሪዎች ጋር ተባብሮ መስራት ያቃተህ; በአሁኑ ሰዓት እየተካሄደ ባለው ህዝባዊ አመጽ በሴንትራል አውሮፓ የዲያስፖራ የትግል እንቅስቃሴ በየትኛውም መድረክ የማትታይ በድሮ ዝና ብቻ የምትኖር ይባስ ብሎ ከወያኔ ጉዳይ አስፈጻሚ ሙሉጌታ አስመላሽ ጋር በመሆን ህዝባዊውን ትግል ለማዳከም ደፋ ቀና ማለትህ እጅግ አሳዛኝ ነው::
    የዚህ አምድ አዘጋጅም ከእንደዚህ ዐይነት አፍራሽ ተልዕኮ ካለው ግለሰብ የተላከ መልእክት ከማውጣት በፊት በሆላንድ አካባቢ ከሚገኙ የነጻ ፕሬስ አባላት መረጃ በመሰብሰብ የጋዘጠኝነት ሙያ ሃላፊነት በተሞላበት ሁኔታ ማስተናገድ ይጠበቅበታል::
    ይታያል እውነቱ

  10. አቶ ዳዊ ኢብራሂም
    “ለመስራት ያልታድለች አእምሮ ለቅናት ተወዳዳሪ የላትም” እንዲሉ ለስደት ከተዳረጉ ጀምሮ ሰራተኛው የሰጠዎትን ሃላፊነት ለመወጣት የትግል አጋሪዎቸዎን በማስተባበርም ሆነ ተባብሮ መስራት ከሌሎች የሲቭክ ማህበራት መሪዎች ጋር ያደረጉት ጥረት በየትኛውም መገናኛ ብዙሃን ሲገለጽ አልታየም::
    ለምሳሌ ከአቶ ከፋለ ማሞ,አቶ ገሞራው ካሳ በአካባቢዎ ከሚገኙ የነጻው ፕሬስ አባላት ከእስር ከተፈቱ በሃላም ዶ/ር ታየ ወ/ሰማያት ከሚጠቀሱት ጥቂቶቹ ናቸው::ከእነዚህና ከመሳሰሉት ጋርና ምርጣ 97 ተከትሎ ወያኔ በሰላማዊ ዜጎቻችን የፈጸመውን አረመኔያዊ ግድያ በዲያስፖራ የሚገኘው ኢትዮጵያዊ ባደረገቻው ህዝባዊ የተቃውሞ ሰልፍ የገንዘብ ማሰባሰብ ሂደት በአንዳቸውም እንቅስቃሴ አልታዩም።
    በምን አይነት መንገድ እየታገሉ እንደሆነ አልገባኝም።

  11. It is amazing to see if the brain is once twisted cannot think normally not matter what you try to treat and correct the problem. It is well known case since his departure from Ethiopia, Dawey has been silent about the gross human rights violation and mass killings that has been taking place in Ethiopia. All of sudden this creature opens his mouth to condemn an organization that has been victim of successive fascist regimes and fails miserably to condemn mass murders. The language he uses is telling me that this man is thinking by the minds of dead/imprisoned/exiled dergue officials and even unable to see what the current regime is doing. Ato Dawey, do you remember who came to rescue? It wouldn’t surprise me if you say it was Mengistu or some how an undercover official of the current regime. You belong to them than the Ethiopian people.

  12. It is amazing to see if the brain is once twisted cannot think normally not matter what you do to treat and correct the problem. It is well known case since his departure from Ethiopia, Dawey has been silent about the gross human rights violation and mass killings that has been taking place in Ethiopia. All of sudden this creature opens his mouth to condemn an organization that has been victim of successive fascist regimes and fails miserably to condemn mass murders. The language he uses is telling me that this man is thinking by the minds of dead/imprisoned/exiled dergue officials and even unable to see what the current regime is doing. Ato Dawey, do you remember who came to your rescue? It wouldn’t surprise me if you say it was Mengistu or some how an undercover official of the current regime. You belong to them than the Ethiopian people.

  13. I really apperciate dawis’ past contribution to the Ethiopian workers’ movement .Dawi has played a big role in exposing weyane during his leadership.He has been against weyane by promoting tht the Ethiopian workers would not be organized on ethnic basis .
    [i]During this time dawi and his leadership has showed to the world how weyane was against the free union and civic organizations .At last dawi has fled his country .It was a big blow to the weyanes’ democracy.
    After he has fled the country ,he was active in politics but later and specially during the last three years ,he was almost disappeared from the struggle.Now it seems tht he is coming back to the struggle but me i do not understand why he is concentrating on the opposition party eprp ,when there is a big enemy weyane .I think dawi might be in a big stress in Europe ,even though on this matter dawi has to consider his move ,but on the other side We Ethiopians have to consider his past contribution against weyane ,let we try to tolerate him .
    Ethiopians wil win

  14. የአቶ ዳዊን ጽሑፍ ተቃዋሚዎች; ጽሑፉ ውስጥ ገብታችሁ ይህ ልክ ነው ይህ ድግሞ ስህተት የምትሉት አንድም ነጥብ የላቸሁም:: በግለስቡ የኑሮ ሁኔታ ላይ ማውራቱ ርካሽነት ነው: ትምሕርትም አይስጥም:: የኢሕአፓ አባሎቸ ወይም ድጋፊዎች ከሆናችሁ ድርጅቱን ትዝብት ውስጥ እየክተታችሁት ነው:: ከዚህ ሌላ ከአጻጻፋችሁ አቶ ዳዊን የምታውቁ ስለሚመስል ደፍራችሁ ለምን የእውነተኛ ስማችሁን አትጠቅሙም?

  15. Yes diplomat Dawi is back in to politics but with a wrong footing and with a hidden mission it seems. He inaugurated his come back by preaching hate and vengeance, by attacking the opposition and by condemning other trade unionists who contributed enormously and paid more sacrifice than him in the trade union movement just because they tried to reorganize and contribute to the same anti woyane struggle that the Ethiopian people are engaged in. He is condemning them just for sharing their view on the history of trade union in Ethiopia commemorating MAY DAY in Assimba paltalk room.

    Dawi’s political past is marked by repeated shift of political camps. First he was a member of EPRP and he even had joined the armed struggle in Assimba. Later he willingly surrendered to DERG as “WEDO GEBA” as they were officially called by DERG. When weyane came to power old EPRP members formed a group called FORUM 84 to welcome Weyane and Dawi was executive committee member. Later he was assigned in the workers organizing committee and contrary to what you said DAWI has loyally served Woyane’s interest in the commission. He was so loyal to them that he was assigned to co-chair the founding congress of CETU together with MEKURIA GEBRE MEDHIN. He was elected as a leader of the confederation because he switched to the workers side around the end of the founding congress. This historical fact is documented on video. When woyane totally controlled the confederation after long battle DAWI left the country and fled to Kenya. As he stated in his writing on his 6 page opinion he was accorded a hero welcome by EPRP and was treated well. Even they had wrote a poem for him and stayed with them in their flat. He was using their line to reach his trade union friends that he left in the custody of EPRP. Now again EPRP is his first sworn enemy and he is friendly with woyane agents in the Netherlands.

    The Dawi generation including himself has contributed to the murky political culture that we found ourselves now. The new political culture that is being sowed by KINJIT and HIBRET is tolerance, reconciliation and unity. He should have learnt a lot from the fact that KINJIT LEADERS never condemned their friends for joining parliament. He should have learnt a lot from the fact that EPRP and MEISON are working together to save Ethiopia. This new culture is not palatable for Dawi. I don’t think that people with Dawi’s mind set of crave for vengeance could fit in to this new political culture.

    Dawi’s come back is even more dubious since he has long aligned him self with known woyane agents in the Netherlands. He never showed up when Ethiopia was in deep agony and calling her children. The Ethiopians in Netherlands know where he was and with whom he was for the last 8 years. We should be vigilant and scrutinize his new intention and mission. We have suffered enough by woyane surrogates like Lidetu and we don’t need to plant another one.

  16. Dear Editors,
    I have read the article under the title ” EPRP conspiracty against Ethioopian Workers” by Ato Dawey Ibrahim. The article embodies historical facts going back more than 30 years of the suffering of the Ethiopian workers. To add insults on injuries, the conspirators, whose objective has always been creating chaos, anarchy and confusion among the workers infilterating their union, have opened a front against genuine labour union leaders who are in exile in different parts of the world in general, and smearing campaign and charachter assasination against Ato Dawey Ibrahim, in particular. If we look back into its history, EPRP has always looked for loopholes to create confusion in unsettled environments, as it did in the 1970s leading to the deaths of many young Ethiopians. What is more alarming is, it is still working in the same manner to accomplish its dreams of 30 years. Ato Dawey has put it in such an indisputable manner, supported by documented facts that everyone has to be cautious of their poison covered with honey. Everyone with a clear conscience and a balanced mind knws who Ato Dawey really is. Calling namesdoes not bring about a solution. I was a private school teacher before being forced out of my country, just like Ato Dawey. He worked unreservedly at the detriment of his own safety towrds achieving the rights of workersup till he was forced to leave Ethiopia. Now that his absence has openned another chapter for thes irresponsible liars to fire at this innocent man, who gave his time, energy and knowledge to the cause of Ethiopian workers in order to achieve their rightful position in Ethiopia and, moreover, their voices to be heard around the world.From the time I first met him until now, Ato Dawey hasnot flinched from hisposition as an advocate of the workers and their union. I still believe that he is the rightful leader elected by the workers. I don’t see any reason for any sensible person to resort toinsults and defamations whereas there is a civilized way of discussing over issues, if at all there are any to tell you, if referendum is held in Amsterdam within the Ethiopian commmunity, Ato Dawey will for sure be the one at the top. He is a very respected man whom everyone looks up to for advice. Leave about him to us, because we are living witnesses for him at any level. If he is the type of person that his adversaries are saying he is, he would not have been here for so long. I say to those who are smearing his name, come up with reasons or shut up!

    M. Amberbir

  17. The article of Ato Dawey is a voice for the voiceless Ethiopian workers. He makes serious points about:
    * continued assassinations of members of the working class,
    * Obstruction of trade union activities,
    * Intimidations & harassments of unionists,
    * Illuminates gravest historical perpetrations,and current attemts being made to repeat that same evil. No boby, not even a single person, has commented on the the substance of the article. Why are we lacking this?

  18. እኔ የምለው ኢህአፓ እና ወያኔ ምን ለያቸው?? ሁለቱም እኮ ነፍሰ በላዎች ናቸው፡፡ የአገሪቱም ነቀርሳ፤፤

    ኢህአፓ ዛሬም ድረስ በንጹሃን ግድያ ላይ ተሰማርታ??? ስልጣን ብትይዝ ምን ልንሆን ነበረር?? እግዚኦ፤፤፤

    A group of arrogants and (serial)killers!!!! Thank you Dawey for giving us timely information.

    Down with EPRP and Woyyane; God bless Ethiopia with the sence of visionary attitude; Amen

  19. M. Amberbir , Abiyu , Tariku I have an advise for you. Go and read the reply to DAWEY . This reply is comming from people who worked with him in the same trade union and who still fight for the right of Ethiopian workers. The reply is not comming from EPRP
    If you think Dawey is the only trade unionist worth trusting then there reply supported by every evidence showing how corrupt, incompetent and despot DAWEY is will give you a second thought about DAWEY. They have provided an email address through which you could reach them in case you want to challenge the facts that you stated. If you just want to support DAWEY just because you hate EPRP as DAWEY did then this has nothing to do with ETHIOPIAN WORKERS.

  20. I have long suspected Tesfaye Tadesse, the head of the Legal Department of ” Kiraye-betoch Astedader” ( Rental House Administration was brutally murdered by EPRP tugs right after the death of Gayem. What the writer exposed more than anything else is the brutal act of EPRP leaders.

  21. Gobaw,

    The murder of Tesfaye Tadesse is different from other political assasinations. He was stubed to death with a knife. Tesfaye Tadesse was envolved in the “rescue operation” of DAWEY IBRAHIM. It was Tesfaye Tadesse who gave/lend DAWEY thousands of Birr for the trip. After DAWEY left the country Tesfaye published an article about the “rescue operation” as stated in Dawey’s article. DAWEY got mad with Tesfaye and bitterly protested to the leaders of EPRP and asked them to silence Tefaye (This is also in his article). But Tesfaye refused to keep quite. Why Dawey wanted to silence Tesfaye? What secret deals could be revealed if Tesfaye remained alive? … These questions will have to be answered.

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