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More officers are being arrested in Ethiopia

The Woyanne regime in Ethiopia is currently on a witch-hunt, arresting several military officers whom it is suspecting of supporting {www:Ginbot 7}.

Shocked by the level of infiltration in the military by Ginbot 7, Meles Zenawi’s tribal junta seems to be considering all non-Tigran officer as possible opposition supporters.

The highest ranking officer to be arrested so far is Gen. Teferra Mammo. But Woyanne officials says that several lower ranking officers, including colonels, have been arrested and more are expected to be rounded up… [more in Amharic]

3 thoughts on “More officers are being arrested in Ethiopia

  1. This truly signifies the final moment is really approaching for woyanne to be on earth they arrest all the non-tigrean officers. this depicts that woyanne is the
    racist. let us support ginbot 7 from this moments onward PLEASE.
    if we want to save our beloved country, LET us help the patriots in any way we can. the support can be ideas, money
    and courage.

  2. no wonder in a country where 26 generels are tigres out of 26. Just look where you live. Even in colleges most new comes to europe and usa are now tigres. They send them from Tigray for scholarship and business. 99% of people who travel on Airplane to Dubai to do business are Tigres.

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