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Tilahun Gessesse funeral procession – Video

A massive funeral procession was held for Ethiopia’s legendary artist Tilahun Gessesse today in Addis Ababa, a city where he died unable to get the most basic emergency medical care. Tens of thousands of people participated in the procession as the video below shows. (Sorry for the quality of the video. It was recorded by the incompetent staff of the Woyanne-controlled ETV)
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

40 thoughts on “Tilahun Gessesse funeral procession – Video

  1. I can’t even watch the cascade clearly, what a video? shame shame shame. Is that all they have to provide for Tilahun? A grainy video worst than any youtube vids? I am shocked!

  2. I am so sorry about the big and the famus artist ever seen before in the history of Ehiopia. Really I have got empity.I love more than enough to evetything. Tilaun Is unique, Talent gifted, the pop star of our nation.
    He has enormous evergreen classical and vocal rythem of music of message carring.I have never forget him everyminute when I hear any types of music just coming to my mind.
    Let God will put him in the heaven eternally.

  3. What a shameful video! But what do we expect from a buch of AK-47 totting imbeciles? Even this is too good when you know that the video was taken and processed by a Deddebit graduate, socailly aberrant TPLF member!

  4. how come a vedio which should be documented for posterity be done in such a sub stanard quality. Look friends this is a deliberate act of the woyane regime. These people are determined to undermine whatever is Ethiopian in any way they can. They know that Tilahun represents a united Ethiopia and it is no wonder they paid little attention to this video. Aye woyane. Ere and neger enadirg endezih siniwared arfen anikemet

  5. Tilahun –

    your legacy is timeless –

    rest be your soul.

    I think the attched video clip is not official so we should tolerate the quailty – I hope there will be a better copy than this – Thank you forl letting us see his funeral procession video


  6. com’on people …this is a copy of a tv broadcast…that is why its this bad…..lets just concentrate on Telahune and prey for his soul to get to heaven….

    RIP Tilahun….you went away, you didn’t die. you thought us so much but we failed to learn….you will continue to teach , I hope we will one day grasp the fruits of ur message and consume them to better our country…

    long live Tilahun

  7. Hey guys please concentrate about the message, don’t talk about video quality minamin….or it was better you go there and recorded by quality camera. any ways thx Elias for sharing this video.

  8. RIP Tilahun RIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am standing upon the seashore.
    A ship at my side spreads her white
    sails to the morning breeze and starts
    for the blue ocean.

    She is an object of beauty and strength.
    I stand and watch her until at length
    she hangs like a speck of white cloud
    just where the sea and sky come
    to mingle with each other.

    Then, someone at my side says;
    “There, she is gone!”

    “Gone where?”
    Gone from my sight. That is all.
    She is just as large in mast and hull
    and spar as she was when she left my side
    and she is just as able to bear her
    load of living freight to her destined port.
    Her diminished size is in me, not in her.

    And just at the moment when someone
    at my side says, “There, she is gone!”
    There are other eyes watching her coming,
    and other voices ready to take up the glad
    “Here she comes!”
    And that is dying.”
    Parable of immortality ( A ship leaves . . . ) by Henry Van Dyke – 1852 – 1933

  9. Thanks for sharing, Elias. Rest in peace Dr. Tilahun. Just to add some more comments, please guys don’t be stupid. Have u ever thought for a second that u r responsible for each and every failure of the country? I don’t think u did. Anyways, lets stand today to improve the quality of the video or whatever thing in the country rather than picking our hands to type nonsense comments.

  10. To Tilahun: RIP Tilahun! You were really a great Ethiopian. You are an inspiration to many Ethiopians. You will always be remembered.

    To Ethiopian review: Your way of providing the info is so pathetic! You try to thwart every bad thing that happens in Ethiopia into an act of incompetency of the government! Well, face it, that is not always true! I used to think that I would use you as a source of info, but you don’t have the journalistic ethics.

    To some of the commenters: I am also not happy the quality of the video on this page is not good. But i don’t believe it is the incapability of the primary camera man. It has to do with the one who got it from ETV!
    Also, I think, those of you who think that it was “a deliberate act of the woyanes; you are not “thinking big”! It is really kiddish! The woyane regime, as you call it, or the Ethiopian Government, as it is legally known, has a lot to do! like building the country! You will never find it playing with such little stupid acts as you think!

    God bless Ethiopia!

  11. Here you come!
    I see you with your crown
    you walk the same road I walk on
    and you got the crown

    Here you come!
    I see you holding the water of life,love
    and smile and say here I come.

    Here you came!
    I see you with your pen and paper that you thought
    you put your name in the book I wrote
    Every one learn love from you, I hope
    So, the soul of Ethiopia rest in peace

    Here you come!
    I see your powerful eyes
    Sit next to me and sing your songs
    and tell me all about our home
    Let’s celebrate Tilesh,heaven is your place!!!!!!

  12. you will be missed and i love you i will miss u forever i will pray for you and for your family. i will never forget the words you told me to be a good person for my country and lewegenay RIP TILAHUN.

  13. Very Sorry for Our loss!!

    I grew up listening Tilahun’s songs. My life yesterdat, today and perhaps tomorrow more or less can be summed up to whatever Tilahun had sang about!!!

    All my childhood and adulthood memories: sweet or sour; joy or sorrow; laughter or cry, etc… are all Tilahun’s songs!!!


    Asnake Bekure

  14. Thank You for leaving us joyful memories of our lives and your patriotism and the person you had been.

    In the summer of your life you released a CD as a WILL on forgiveness:
    ‘If I offended any one, please forgive me. If I had done the same to others, I forgive you.”

    You hosted your funeral with never heard before music. How well the music was composed in Begana style ( King David’s way of music). Begana is traditionally is played on Ethiopia’s radio broadcasts during the Easter fast as a form of prayer song. The way you plea to God and lyric with precision prophesy is not only wonderful and suiting to the spirit as you are in a journey to meet God.

    Fare well Ethiopia’s precious star. Rest in peace and you will not be forgotten. Generations will continue to honor you.

    Sincerely and Respectfully,

    A1 (Gannat H. G)

  15. Shame on you people! Instead of posting nice words about this wonderful man TILAHUN, you are talking about woyane, TPL whatever their name is? SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!

    R.I.P Mr. Tilahun!

  16. After breathing-in her last air, the prime minister’s mother could not find a spot for burial. the son himself had to make as pecial trip to tigray to force the natives to dig a shallow grave some where behind an old monastry. the grave ofcourse is unmarked for fear that the natives could abandon it. rightfuly so. This is the type of farewell treatment one gets in the last journey for abusing Ethiopia and her people. The mother and her husband sold Ethiopia for a fist full of worthless coins. let the record show. TO THE CONTRARY, WHOSOEVER LOVES ETHIOPIA AND HER PEOPLE, THE TREATMENT AT THE LAST JOURNEY IS ALWAYS IN ITS UTMOST MAGNIFICENCE. TILAHUN’S FUNERAL MADE A STATEMENT TO THAT EFFECT.
    DO you think the jealous woyane will record such magnificence to be kept in the archives? It calls for quality character, decency and understanding to do just that. I think we are looking for honey in an empty hive.
    May the Lord rest the soul of TILAHUN, one remarkable Ethiopian.

  17. We eritrean people like you too much specially those above 50 years for we were always hearing your music during hailesellassie and mengistu era. But sorry woyane tried many times to get rid of you and this idiot organization should prish. I give my condolence to your family and to the ethiopian people

  18. First and for most my heart felt condolence goes to Tilahuns next to kin and all Ethiopian people. It is a great loss. I hope his heavenly life will be much better than his earthly life. We will miss you Tilish.
    A number of reasons why Meles didn’t show up. He was afraid of being booed and insulted like Tamirat was done long time a go at Addis stadium. Second, he might not be fond of Tilahun as much as the rest of us, because Meles for most of his life was in the bush or some where else working and fighting for wayane. Last, he might have been busy with whatever as a prime minister.
    But I would like to add this, at least weather out of fear or fairness they gave him a state funeral. Let us not forget the ultimate judgment will come from the one and only (GOD). Every ones action will be judged by him.
    Let us prey for Tilish and enjoy all the beautiful songs he left us.

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