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Could Tilahun’s death have been prevented?

An interview with Tilahun Gessesse’s wife Wzr. Roman Bezu indicates that his life could have been spared on Sunday had he received timely medical care in Addis Ababa.

{www:Tilahun Gessesse} arrived in Ethiopia from the U.S., where he was receiving treatment, on Sunday, April 19, to celebrate Fasika, the Easter Holiday.

Wzr. Roman said that on Sunday evening when Tilahun started to complain about shortness of breath, she put him in a car and headed for Bete-Zata Clinic to get him an emergency treatment.

Bete-Zata could not even give Tilahun oxygen as he cried out that he could not breath. The doctor on duty told Wzr. Roman that he is not a heart specialist and suggested another clinic. What kind of medical doctor doesn’t know about stabilizing a patient until a specialist arrives?

Wzr. Roman accepted the Bete-Zata doctor’s suggestion and headed to the other clinic without making sure how to get there — and she got lost. By the time she found the clinic, Tilahun was too weak, unable to breath.

Click here [pdf] to read the interview with Roman Bezu.

Tilahun’s inability to get emergency medical treatment in a timely manner exemplifies the extremely poor state of health care in Ethiopia under the {www:Woyanne} tribal junta regime. After all, it is the same regime that murdered the country’s world renowned surgeon Professor Asrat Woldeyes by depriving him of medical treatment.

While mourning Tilahun’s untimely death, let’s also remember the countless other Ethiopians who are dying every day for lack of the most basic health care in Ethiopia, as the parasite regime spends hundreds of millions of dollars to buy weapons that are used to brutalize the people of Ethiopia and Horn of Africa.

The shameless Woyanne regime officials may decide to attend Tilahun’s funeral ceremony Wednesday for their own political reasons. Tilahun’s friends and fans need to use the occasion to demand the release of Teddy Afro, another Ethiopian music icon who has been thrown in a filthy prison cell for singing about justice, peace and unity.

54 thoughts on “Could Tilahun’s death have been prevented?

  1. This is my first time writing comment on this sad website but i had to write this comment in honor of my idol Tilahun. “thankyou” ethiopian review for keeping us divided in a time we should be united to honor the most unifying figure in our history Dr. Tilahun Gessesse. This website is really the shame of all shames. may be a media like you should learn from Tilahun (a man who stayed out of politics during 3 different governments) if you care about our country.


    our country needs a loving man like Tilahun to live for 100 years and an evil man like you Elias to die as soon as possible before you reach 50.

    May God save your soul

  2. The doctor at Betezata told Tilahun to go to another hospital? In order to tell that he has to be an MD? If he is real doctor, is that the best he can do?

  3. Are you serious in posting this article. This is an utter disrespect to Tilahoun and his family, a mockery of humanity and respect. Shame you should pull this article or else you will pay dearly.

    What a corrupt mentality.

  4. Yes Tilahun went to hospital seeking first aid for a DIY accident at home, didn’t he ? Why not ? Every hospital should be able to give first aid.

    Hahahahaah….You’re all farcical commentators. Really farcical. Tilahun died of a long term condition as all reports can show, not from an accident which would have required first aid assistance to begin with. It just goes to show how ridiculously uninformed, ignorant and totally out-of-touch people are on this web page. Just unbelievable how someone can remotely consider first aid for conditions such as hearth attack, or breathlessness or diabetes whatever might have claimed the legendary singer’s life. Plain stupid is all I can think of those who suggest first aid.

  5. Tilahun is a hero to all of us and We should be thankful to God for giving us such a talented son. However, Elias, I don’t think woyane did anything at all in this case. Are we now saying every individual in Ethiopia is a woyane? What is going on? Sometimes I wonder if you (Elias) are a woyane yourself. Otherwise no sane individual will politicize everything. Tilahun is a friend to all (rich, poor, Tigre, Oromo, Christain, Muslim, diaspora, local). SO please stop.

  6. Elias, you might be the only one who become happy on the death of our hero Artist DR Tilahune Gessesse for your rubbish, hate and ignorant politics. But the Ethiopian people specially his beloved family know that Tilahun’s death was nothing to do with the current government, Woyanne/EPRDF.

    Shame on you.

  7. What the hell are you talking?!!!
    Who are you guy? Are you blaming Woyanne for everything even for a natural death?! IS Woyanne a soul-tender?
    I think it is GOd. And this comment of yours is not well thought out. May be you are the Woyanne yourself, I guess. Otherwise, we need people who contribute to construciton than destruction.
    Of course, it is largely true that medical ethics in Ethiopia has gone far below the poorest standards. Although the problem of infrastructure and facilties comes into question, trying to make an unscruplous conneciton between Tilahun’s death and woyanne is really unthouthful, and really sympathetic. Shame!!!

    Please don not spend time to correct your article. I do not think this is the case that political profit can be reaped of. I do not think you thought it that way!! Well if you really did, please do not take much time to make corretions.

    Guys please shade off all hatchet, and let’s be good to our country and people. Let making mazes for each other be enough. I do not take the King’s death as an occassion to preach, and I will come up with my veiws some other time.

    In the meantime, pray that Ethiopia be safe from divisive forces, messangers of disaster.

    Let Tilahun’s soul rest in peace.

  8. Ohhhh Elias! Now someone is really tired of your controversy mongering. Mr. “Every-misfortune-is-caused-by-woyane”, you almost smell like a medieval thing blaming the devil for every mishap. We whose sensibilities were shaped by Tilahun unite in mourning his death…

    (What am I now? Woyane’s cadre? lol)

  9. Look at these woyana rats spewing shit like it is their mommas kitchen; it is a well known fact that most Ethiopian doctors are inexperienced; moreover there is hardly any decent clinic or hospital. Furthermore, if the malpractice of doctors in Ethiopia was known statistically, one would be utterly shocked, and I am saying this out of experience for I have herd numerous deaths caused by doctors giving wrong medication. The point here is numerous Ethiopians die because of the lack a good health care system. The case of Tilahun can be discussed because he is a giant but what about those who die for being turned away because they cannot pay or stuff like that? There is no one to blame but the government for this. who the f** is to blame for producing inexperienced pathetic doctors? the government! But of course the government is busy massing money and imprisoning people.

    Everything is political; you can’t escape from it you mole rat woyanas!

  10. Tilahun death has no relation to anybody. It is common in Ethiopia you may not get MD at such critical time, however, even though he got MD his death would not have been avoided since it is the day that is written and should not pass. Have you watched ETV, please they prepared full time coverage from morning to night. this may indicate how the Ethiopian gov’t as well as the people gave him the highest respect. actually he deserves and the gov’t did it.

  11. hi Elias

    this shows that there are a lot of people in Ethiopia without proper patient care and treatment died every day in hospitals…what a shame for the poor health system there

  12. comment no. 9

    please read the article before you judge wrongly. It doesn’t say anything about Tilahun’s political views… you said “woy gud” like a person who understands the article, you moron!

  13. I have never posted here and I never will. Just came across this article when I googled Tilahun. Your infamy does you justice, ER…You really are as vile as they say you are! The man has been suffering for a long time, lost his legs etc. His poor health is no one’s fault. I feel sorry for you as you have lost all objectivity and are totally obsessed.

    Nefson Yimarew, Gashe Tilahun…Let alone legs, may you have wings like the angels. Amen.

  14. Your report about Tilahun Gessese’s death did not have to mention the current government in Ethiopia. You didn’t have to go there. If you are a news source you need to be able to cover a report without putting your personal thoughts/views in every news article that may or may not relate to politics.
    These words taken from your main page:
    (A journal of news and views about Ethiopia and Africa. The #1 ranking Ethiopian web site in the U.S.)

    It’s inefficient! Makes me feel like all your articles have been twisted, dramatized and exaggerated.

    May be you should change the focus of your site!

  15. I don’t see anything wrong with this news report. If the health care system is so bad that even a legend like Tilahun can’t get a proper first aid, according to his wife (not ER); then this is the best opportunity to expose and criticize the system. Yes, how many people are dying needlessly when they could be cured easily?

  16. Hi i feel so sad! what kind of country we have were the doctor can’t treat shortness of breath? i am not a doctor but i know the treatment because i am working at the hospital. It is such a shame and i am afraid about our doctors in ethiopia.

  17. Blaming the Woyanne in every matter will not help your cause ,or give you status of a national hero,it rather lowers your genuity.The comment is not the way to praise Tilahun,or it does not show your readers how bad Woyanne is. Elias, this time your unreasonable blame shows just that you have no strong cause to oppose Woyanne. The news about Tilahun’s death was used to blame woyanne doesn’t make sense. You need to make or select cases that have reasonable foundation when trying to criticize others, otherwise you yourself will be judged for being weaker than your opponent.

  18. What did they do for the last 18 years? Woyanne should definitely be accountable for the lack of health services and bad infrastructure in Ethiopia. As these are the main factors which contributed to the death of Tilahun. (He lost precious time during the lat moment). By the way, so many Ethiopians lose their lives every day due to lack of basic health services! Just one stunning data: 60 Ethiopian mothers are lost every single day in Ethiopia due to birth complications (W.H.O. report 2008). And do not tell me the government should not be responsible!


  19. ER has a point in putting blame on the medical “professionals” in Ethiopia. I had once my little brother, 4, in life-threating situation; unable to breath as his lung was stressed and his tongue stuck out of the way. I rushed him to a hospital and the doctors and nurses seemed not to care. They just kept on telling me to stick around and wait. Can you imagine having a kid dying on your laps and the so-called medical “professionals” telling you “simply to wait”! They did not even tell me what I should be waiting for. After a few moments I rushed to another hospital to try my luck and fortunately I got help this time and my brother’s life was spared.

    On another occassion, one of my neighbors knocked on my door one day shortly after midnight. He wanted me to call an ambulance for his ailing family member who was in need of urgent medical care. I called Yekatit 12 Hospital. What I heard from the person who received my called was shocking. I politely explained the situation and asked if she could send us an ambulance. Guess what? She changed her tone and started shouting and swearing at me – “chemlaka! Bisbis!” and she hung up the phone. Perhaps she wanted to go back to her sleep while she was on duty. I was totally shocked!

    Trust me, there are hundreds, if not thousands, dying in Ethiopia because of such stupid medical “professionals” who are not willing to give the level of help even a bypasser is willing to offer.

  20. You think this kind of connecting woyanee with every occurence is new? We who live in the diaspora are used to it. If you came recently from ethiopia and say like you saw buildings and roads, somebody will jump at you and say’ Oh the roads were not built for ethiopians it is for some hidden agenda some twisted motive”.
    My question is are these woyanees human beings, or some kined of real develis or aliens? Why would they think day and night to destroy their country? Even the Nazis or Fascists or any evil regime are not as evil as woynes are.

  21. i am sure these are woyanes: Binyam, Miss E, saysm, G-haile. we are not united because of some one’s death. i respect the great hero Tilahun Gessesse, and the cause of his death must be investigated

  22. Dear Elias, You are dead wrong, the scenario is completely different for Prof. Asrat. I am not sure woyanne should be blamed for the death of Tilahun. The poor quality heath care system in Ethiopia is the same as of other African countries,it is pretty deep-rooted problem, is related to poverty and underdevelopment. The problem has been there for thousands of years. Had it been in the developed countries, the death of Tilahun could have been prevented with intensive follow up. In the United states 911 call plays a very great roll in saving lives. Emergency teams, starting from ambulance workers are well equipped and have well trained human power.

  23. when I read that Tilahun was in good health when he arrived in Ethiopia and he died 7 hours later, my first reaction was shock and then I thought if he was in America he would have gotten proper care and treatment that his death could have been prevented. It shows you how bad the health care system is in Ethiopia, for the first doctor not to know or find out Tilahun’s medical needs enough to immediately call may be an ambulance? so he can get a better treatment some where else — instead of having the poor lady drive him around frantically and get lost. so yes, the lack of sufficient medical care is responsible for Tilahun’s death, like countless many Ethiopians who die from simple treatable diseases because Woyanne’s health care system is sick itself.

  24. I am shocked by this article. I have been living in the united states for a long time and I am in the health care industry. Tilahun’s death should be blamed at the poor health care system in Ethiopia not the government. Any doctor that can’t provide oxygen for a patient with shortness of breath is not well equipped to open a clinic. I just want to remind you that even in the previous administration of Mengistu, our health care system in Ethiopia was always very poor. If you know anything about the field of medicine, you will be so shocked about the reasons Ethiopians in Ethiopia die every day. Things that are easily treated in other countries can not be treated in Ethiopia. So instead of blaming the government for this, lets try to contribute and improve Ethiopia’s health care.

  25. Is this the best you can do? Seriously? Being divisive upon the death of the great UNITER of Ethiopia? I think it would have been better if you did a POSITIVE story on the life and works of Tilahun Gessesse. Let the politics rest for one day. PLEASE.

  26. Don’t get sick or have emergency situation in Ethiopia – Once I heard people are mistakenly treated for typhoid while their illness is Malaria. This clearly indicates that there is no accountability or an authority to oversee medical procedure or some sort of medical procedure. It is evident that his life could have been saved had he not left the US.

  27. Why all you try to do something to improve healthcare in Ethiopia? Let Tilahun’s soul rest in peace. Remember we all wil die sooner or later. When nature takes its own course do not blame anyone. Have you ever thought about changing the system from ground up in Ethiopia in a non-violent way? That is the only way to change Ethiopia and gurantee future existance of Ethiopia as a country. Elias I beg you to use your intellegence for good of Ethiopia. We had enough of hate already.

  28. Elias,

    It is a very good question you raised.

    When I heard it first from Mrs. Roman, I was shocked. A clinic/hospital licensed to give patient care not be able to give first aid to a dying patient of heart attack must be a joke. Tilhaun didn’t die instantly. He had the window of opportunity to survive, like many other mi survivors do if he could have got first aid.

    The doctor at Bete-Zata knew what was going on with Tilhaun when he referred him to cardiologist. My guess is the clinic doesn’t have even aspirin to give to. I wonder how many Ethiopians died untimely like Tilhaun. Bringing the collapsed health care to public domain will save unnecessary agony many people go through. Tilhaun would be better of died comfortably at home if he knew about Bete- Zata beforehand.

  29. RIP for Tilahun! For those ridiculous comments, I would say this: 1) read the article before you start pouring your pre-designed comments. Even if it is a paid job, you would be more effective if you paid attention to what is said and your comments; 2) it is not somebody else’s comment, it his wife’s resentment (interview) against the health system there. I total don’t understand what all this is about. you can run, you can hide for while, but the more you do so the closer you are to your grave.

  30. Other than Elias’ article, PLEASE READ: THE INTERVIEW WITH W/z ROMAN, TILAHUN’S WIFE. Not only the interview details the lack of health care system, the difficult and messy road (right in the capital city), but also REFLECTS on the regime’s incompetence. As the lady was honest enough to state, part of the delay was caused by the driving to the next clinic (this is less than 24 hours after their return from US, after three years of stay; it was at night, and of course a state of shock had also played in). The government technically is responsible for not undertaking a major step for health improvement.

    -If Ethiopians are to contribute for a change, the government can give a better incentive for the thousands of health care professionals who practice abroad. In Illinois alone, there are over a thousand Ethiopian Medical Doctors.

    -Most of the country’s assets are tied among Meles, family and closest confidants who are almost all Tigrays. I am sure the medical attention they are given and the general population receives is worlds apart.

    -Ethiopians pay taxes the highest ever in any government in the past. That is how they have contributed to their welfare, which is not reciprocated by the government.

    -True, Tilahun is a man of unity and love. It takes all kinds to defend an icon like that. I believe Elias did it as his usual self, and W/z Roman, as a dedicated spouse expressed, their concern the way they saw it.

    Aside from Elias’ add on, many people might agree with him about the recent military weapons build up; while so much of the people’s welfare is at its bottom, including health care.

  31. It is my first time to leave a comment on this site. It is just because that i couldn’t leave this “expert’s comment” on Tilahun’s death without giving my professional critique. First of all, i am a medical doctor who has been working in Ethiopia for ten years. And i am also an instructor of medical doctors in one of the medical colleges of the country. Currently i am working in the US. The first thing the so called expert doesn’t know about is the quality of medical doctors’ training in Ethiopia. You can go to any health facility in the US and ask for the competence of Ethiopian medical doctors and it is beyond reproach. We have done all our level best to graduate the best quality doctors by all means. Who are you to teach our medical doctors about how to manage a patient with acute chest pain and possible myocardial infarction? Do you think that a medical doctor in Ethiopia doesn’t know the basics of emergency management of patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction? Even a nurse knows that. First of all, you should see the grave situation the patient was in, and what exactly he had at the time of presentation? And if you just see the mortality rate of that situation even in the best setup like the US, it is more than 80% with the up to date technology. That is if they reach hospitals without succumbing. More than 60% die on their way to the hospital. Lets see what Tilahun could have according to what he said to his wife. “ye libe ametat tikikil ayedelem.” this is what he said and started to be short of breath. This is typical of a patient with Arrythmia which is most probably Ventricular fibrillation as it was immediately followed by shortness of breath which is most probably pulmonary edema. Now if we see the mortality rate of this situation is close to 100% if this patient is not given electrical cardioversion within 4 minutes of development of this situation which is mostly given on the roadside or in the ambulances in the western countries. Now are you telling us that a patient with all the serious situation in the world like Diabetes, serious atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease and who suddenly developed ventricular fibrillation died of lack of proper medical treatment??!! It is really shameful to give such type of stupid “expert” analysis and trying to always condemn the government in all the problems the country faces. As a professional we all are required to do what the country asks us for. You better go to Ethiopia and try to teach the medical doctors in a standard way so that they will be up to the standard rather than staying outside and shooting in the dark and ready for criticizing the health system. To tell you the truth, and to give my professional comment, I met Tilahun here in New york just before he left and also checked his medical records in the hospitals he was having a followup. According to his condition, there is nothing to be done had he been anywhere in this globe, and he just died of his serious and chronic condition which is fatal. Please let’s not bias and confuse the lay people under the cover of an expert and mentioning two three medical jargon and leaving the lay people in confusion and dilemma. You mister or miss expert should really apologize for this and the person who is hosting this site should also be responsible for this type of crap on this site and will really jeopardize the credibility of the site.

  32. Mr # 38, what ever scientific thing you write its just part of the game which we all know what woyane and people like you who kill our professionals speak. we know you all are liars. be shameful for your contribution to woyanne, not for Ethiopians. by the way you said “You better go to Ethiopia and try to teach the medical doctors in a standard way so that they” bla bla bla… where are you? are you with those who need help in ethiopia or are you with those who destroy.

  33. Correct Elias! I agree with you 100 % if any thing goes wrong in one country system its the regime who got the blame… and EYERUSALEM KEBEDE and the rest # 10 and # 11 you guys are Woyanne butt lickers or Woyannes.

  34. Mr Wefu,

    I like to have words with you, but I couldn’t find the point of the matter in your comments. All I see is barking against individuals and commenting who they might be. You are using Meles style of argument. When he couldn’t make a point he start calling Neftegna. Instead of simply calling others Woyannes please come to the point. You and the rest of us are entitled to comment what we feel about the cause of Tilahun’s death.

  35. Indeed as Elias rightly put it, lack of First Aid, CPR, exemplifies the poor state of affairs in health services. Mourners should also use the ceremony to exert pressure on the regime to free our pop star Teddy Afro who’s languishing in malaria-infested prison. Birtukan should figure prominently in this occassion. Both are in my hearts.

  36. It is sad that we lost our legend. The fate of a person who is in an emergency room with heart attack or cardiac arrhythmia depends on his response to the immediate emergency treatment he got at the emergency room. My father died of heart attack 5 years ago at home he couldn’t make it to a clinic or hospital. Tilahun was able to make it to Betezata clinic, a very well known clinic at the center of the city with probably arrythmia as per the symptoms his wife described and the doctor waiting to see emergency patients couldn’t do anything and just referring him to another place, no oxygen no aspirin no EKG, nothing and just send him back, amazing. These days a lot of people are dying sudden death of heart attack in Ethiopia. the doctors should be able to initiate emergency treatment than just send patients to another place.

  37. Anonymous #38

    What would you have done to your patient if yow were at that clinic, Dr?

    What is the standard protocol you follow in dealing with suspected PE or MI, Dr?

    Is “heart racing” or SOB equivalent to ventricular fibrillation?
    How did you come to this conclusion that Tilhun had VF to begin with? What is the most common complication of MI if left untreated? Is it not VF and death?

    Please, don’t act like a cadre by defending indefensible. It will be a disgrace to your profession. The expert who wrote the article is based on international standard measures to deal with PE or MI. If in Ethiopia is done differently tell us your version of standard care.

  38. ‘Tilahun was able to make it to Betezata clinic, a very well known clinic at the center of the city with probably arrythmia as per the symptoms his wife described and the doctor waiting to see emergency patients couldn’t do anything and just referring him to another place, no oxygen no aspirin no EKG, nothing and just send him back, amazing’

    True (#43),
    You nailed it down and may be spoke what many people could find as a degraded health care, far from any common sense.

  39. woyanen bitelam, letilahun memot mikniat ye hagerachin health sistem min yahil wedehuala mekiretun yasayenal…gobez we need change on our health sistem…….. tazabiw.

  40. Tilea, RIP

    Woyanne is definitely accountable for all crises in Ethiopia for the last 18 years. Death to Woyanne, death to tplf, death to meles, death to bereket!! Long live and unity to beloved mama Ethiopia.

  41. I have always wanted to go back home with my 2 boys. But then again this is the exact reason why i can’t get myselgf to go. I am a health care provider here in the US. And when I heard Tilahun’s PREVENTABLE DEATH, I WAS BEYHOND SADDENED and at the same time frustrated. It is unfair to compare the US healthcare system w/ backhome’s but come on! the 1st MD should have initiated oxygyn, EKG, check Vital sign? Oh my GOD. This so called doctor is so incompetent. He could have saved Tilahun’s life . Et’s health care systems should be examined, and regulated and doctores should be held accountable for their actions. Also the nurses should be able to initiate emergency care. I hope this is a wake up call to all.

  42. To # 38. u are dead wrong defending the incompetent, doctor who should have started emergency medical treatment. U say “Even the nurses know” why in the hell didn’t the nurses initiated the Er managment? YES! YES AND YES Tilahuns life could have neen saved if he was here. And you have no bussiness disclosing his PROTECTED INFO. So stop criticizing people. You are the one not following regulations called HIPPA.

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