ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA – The plan by Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ) to hold a march in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa this coming Thursday to protest the arrest of their leader Wzr. Birtukan Mideksa has been banned by the Woyanne regime.
Vice-Chairman of UDJ, Dr Hailu Araya, told Awramba Times today that the authorities have denied them permission to march.
The UDJ leaders had taken extraordinary measures to make sure that the march would not be banned by the dictatorial regime. One of the measures they took is to limit the number of participants only to 250 registered members of the party who are in leadership positions. They also requested the Federal Police (the notorious Meles Zenawi’s death squads) to help them make sure that only those who have badges to participate in the march.
Woyanne was not impressed by UDJ’s tail wagging. Under the Meles regime any march by UDJ is going to be a march to Kality.
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9 thoughts on “Woyanne bans UDJ’s 250-man march”
if you got the balls ..go march and march to kaltie…it is your constitutional right…then where is the detrmination? Peaceful demonstration includes defiance and marching to jail…hunger strike…all that otherwise ..just join the Eprdf and leave us alone!
The opposition parties are running to win the next national election. We all know what happened during the last election and we all know what is happening since then in the country. Innocent civilians have lost their lives, citizens have lost their property, citizens have became disabled, still others including Andnet party president judge Birtukan are in prison.
However, the dictatorial regime led by Meles Zenawi and Bereket Simon is preparing to win the coming election and to prolong it criminal, dictatorial, and inhuman regime for the next five or so years. Please remember what Bereket Simon recently has said on a meeting at Ethiopian Embassy in London.
With this, I don’t expect some thing positive from the coming election. So we have to stop and start to think critical. Let us start to ask ourselves what we have done so far? What we have achieved so far? Remember, if we can’t (democratically) win the election or if we can’t at least contribute for the existence of democratic government in Ethiopia, our peaceful struggle has no meaning at all.
What is happing after the last election is: 1) the opposition parties did not win the election and 2) The Meles regime is becoming more dictatorial
So, why we are fighting for? Why opposition party members and judge Birtukan are in prison?
ጉድ ሳይሰማ መስከረም አይጠባም ማለት ይሄ ነው !
አንድነት ፓርቲ በሚያካሂደው ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ አመራሩ ብቻ ይሳተፋል
በኃይሌ ሙሉ
በአዲስ አበባ የሚገኙ የአንድነት ለዴሞክራሲና ለፍትህ ፓርቲ አባላትና ጥቂት የአጋር ፓርቲዎች መሪዎች ዛሬ በሚያካሂዱት ሠላማዊ ሰልፍ ሌሎች ሰዎች እንዲሳተፉ የማይፈቀድላቸው መሆኑን ፓርቲው ለጋዜጠኞች በሰጠው ጋዜጣዊ መግለጫ አስታወቀ፡፡
ፓርቲው ከትናንት ወዲያ በሰጠው በዚሁ መግለጫ ላይ እንዳስታወቀው ለአንድነት ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር ለወ /ሪት ብርቱካን ሚደቅሳ ቀደም ሲል የተሰጠው ይቅርታ መነሳት የሕግ አግባብነት የሌለው በመሆኑ ይቅርታው እንዲፀናና ወ /ሪት ብርቱካን ከእስር እንዲፈቱ የአገሪቱን ፕሬዚዳንትና ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ለመጠየቅ ዛሬ በሚካሄደው ሠላማዊ ሰልፍ ለቁጥጥር እንዲያመች በሚል ሌሎች ደጋፊዎች እንዲሳተፉ አልተደረገም፡፡
በጉዳዩ ላይ ማብራሪያ የሰጡት የፓርቲው ም /ሊቀመንበርና የህዝብ ግንኙነት ኃላፊ ዶ /ር ኃይሉ አርአያ “በሠላማዊ ሰልፉ የፓርቲው አባላትና ደጋፊዎች ይሳተፉ” ወይስ አይሳተፉ የሚለው ብዙ ያከራከረና ብዙ የታሰበበት መሆኑን ጠቁመው “ሠላማዊ ሰልፉን ለመቆጣጠር እንችላለን ወይ ?” የሚለው ጉዳይ በጣም አሳሳቢ ስለሆነ 250 የሚደርሱ የፓርቲው አመራር አባላት ብቻ በሰልፉ እንዲሳተፉ መወሰኑን ተናግረዋል፡፡
ዶ /ር ኃይሉ እንዳሉት ፓርቲው በመቶ ሺዎች እና በሚሊዮኖች የሚቆጠሩ ሠላማዊ ሠልፈኞችን ማሳለፍ የሚችል ቢሆንም ሰልፉን ለመቆጣጠር እና ተምሳሌታዊ የሆነ አሰራር ለመከተል ተሳታፊዎቹ በቁጥርና በአይነት እንዲወሰኑ ተደርጓል፡፡
It is very sad indeed to witness the once mighty Kinijit reduced to the lowest level.
Let us see how long it will the opposition parties and Ethiopians in general to understand that peaceful political opposition will not bring about democratic and regime change in Ethiopia.
TPLF and its frontman, Meles Zenawi, neither came to power through peace and democracy nor it sought the permission of Ethiopians to rule them. Furthermore, they became more ruthless and blood-thirsty, more undemocratic and more arrogant.
Against this background, one wonders what makes these guys (UDJ)think that they stand any chance in winning anything from the Woyannes.
Loool @ Woyanne was not impressed by UDJ’s tail wagging
if UDJ was a true oppostion they could not even join “Mederk” belive me they will continue for 10 years like that . thye peopple are fade up by the hole thing enough is enough /
The loyal opposition parties including the UDJP are not serious when it comes to challenging the ethnic dictatorship of Meles Zenawi. The current leaders of the UDJP, especially persons like Dr. Yacob Hailemariam do not want to get into trouble by being genuine opposition. Dr. Yacob Hailemariam has come back home to make business and earn money. His previous associations and contacts with the TPLF have become obvious and many of us do not trust him as a genuine opposition. The leaders of the UDJP fear and respect the weyannes very much even more than the weyanne members do. They tell the public to respect the jungle laws of Meles Zenawi as the laws of the country.They see the judicial system as an institution which is free from the control of Meles Zenawi. Their loyalty to the regime of Meles Zenawi has no bounds but Meles Zenawi is just ignoring them since he knows their motives of getting
some seats from him.
The UDJ leaders have won moral victory in the eyes of the world. That is what really counts.
It is a shame that nobody followed her foot step in the hunger strike..Dir Biyabir Anbessa Yasir!!!