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Eritrea rejects mediation on Ethiopia border row

NAIROBI (Reuters) – Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki has rejected any effort to mediate a border dispute with Ethiopia’s tribalist regime led by Meles Zenawi (Woyanne), calling it a “wicked ploy”, state media said on Saturday.

Last week, Ethiopia’s dictator Meles said he supported efforts by Libyan leader and new African Union chairman Muammar Gaddafi to arbitrate between Addis Ababa and Asmara, but doubted the maneuver would be successful.

“The political and diplomatic campaigns undertaken by ({www:Woyanne}) … are but wicked ploys designed to appease the Eritrean people and international community,” state media quoted Isaias as saying.

“He further underlined that as long as sovereign Eritrean territories remain under occupation, engaging in dialogue about any issue is totally illogical,” it said on the government website,

A 2002 border decision gave the flashpoint town of Badme to Eritrea, but Ethiopia Woyanne initially rejected it. Addis Ababa Woyanne has since said it wants more talks.

Eritrea is also involved in a border dispute with Djibouti. The two sides clashed last year and tensions have remained high.

3 thoughts on “Eritrea rejects mediation on Ethiopia border row

  1. This is not really any new news. The Eritreans have made it very clear that they were not interrested in the “Dialogue” package which was meant to sustain the illegal occupation of Eritrean lands and the equally illegal power usurption by stealing the votes from the Ethiopian people. The Weyanes are illegal and nobody in their right mind should “Dialogue” with such criminals and thugs!

  2. President Essayas and all eritreans had make it clear that the gangsta weyane will never be trusted.What ever it costs us we will never compromise the integrity and sovereignity of Eritrea. Eritreanism is not an ethnic strugggle it is a national struggle that comprises all eritrean ethnic groups under the umbrella of nationalism.Peace with Ethiopia is peace with all ethiopians not with tigrayans for that matter abay tigray the evil intention of meles,sebhat nega and all the weyane tugs.

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