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Tesfaye Gebreab’s The Journalist’s Memoir available online

The genuine version of YeGazetegnaw Mastawesha (The Journalist’s Memoir) by Tesfaye Gebreab is now available online. To order, write to Selama Distribution at [email protected] or click here here.

In Atlanta, it is available at Merkato Ethiopian Grocery.
Tel: 404-320-9777

A forged version of the book with several chapters removed is being circulated online. The purpose of this thievery is to deny the author from earning money which he could use to write more investigative books that will expose the ruling party’s (Woyanne) secrets.

Don’t be party to this act of sabotage. Get the genuine book from the book’s official distributors.

Read review about the book here.

The Journalist's Memoir by Tesfaye Gebreab
The Journalist's Memoir by Tesfaye Gebreab

29 thoughts on “Tesfaye Gebreab’s The Journalist’s Memoir available online

  1. Habesha people are mean. They don’t want him to sell the book and get money, that is why they released it on line. Our people are weak. Every country has a government it deserves and we have a government run by idiots and ignorants. of course a country full of cowards can’t get a better government.

  2. Comment no.2 is very important for everyone to digest. The comment underscores that brutal fact that “Every country has a government it deserves and we have a government run by idiots and ignorants. of course a country full of cowards can’t get a better government”. You have to believe the fact that Hailu Shaul or anyone of them may not be better than our current government officials. There is no miracle that brings leaders who do not represent the majority but that could happen either domocratically or by force. We think of ourselves what we are not. We have a lot of self transformation that we need to work on. Most of all greed is the cancerous problem of Ethiopians at this time. I dont have time to go down the list of problems that we as citizens have but I have mentioned the major one.

  3. Thank you Elias

    Woyanne the enemy lost it again; they don’t even know how to play the game. I bought two of Tesfesh’s book one for me one for a friend. I even might buy some more books for my family living somewhere. By the way after I read the book I found aberha belai on the trash, yak. Thank you Elias, Thank you Tesfaye. God bless you both.

  4. Buy the book and support the writer. I think moral of the story of the book is that even amongst Woyane there are many who want out. We have seen this in 2005 election where Woyane members voted overwhelmingly for Kinijit in Addis Ababa as it was discovered from election tallies. The number just did not add up. Woyane was scared to death as the result. This is yet another proof. So dear Ethiopians open your minds and play good politics. Some of us blame the Tigre ethnic group in general. I suggest we call them Woyane leba as there are many Tigrean who oppose Woyane. There are also many Amhara and Oromo Woyanes. Even among Woyanes we should be open in talking to them so that they will deseret(Mekedate) their party. That is how Woyane played a game when they were fighting in Tigray back in the days. They will bribe the Derg Generals to abandon ship. They were also willing to talk, wine and dine with them as long as that served their interest. We should do the same and use tactics to destroy Woyane.
    God Bless!!!

  5. well… I read all of Tesfay’s previous books while i was residing in the remote parts of northern Ethiopia. The books took me every where ( i was imagining that i was part of the book…Behasabe ferese yasgalebalu ). To that extent i found Tesfaye one of the marvelous writer i have ever seen in Ethiopia. when i found out that he wrote a new book ( yegazetengaw mastawesha ) i was very eager too read it.

    i am residing in Toronto, Canada. it is not easy to find Amharic books….well one good friend of mine sent me an email attached with Tesfay’s book. Oh! god i missed one day work reading the book. so amazing! i sent Tesfaye appreciation e-mail for his marvelous work. i felt guilty reading from attached email, i had no choice. i am willing to pay for the knowledge i got some day.

    if there is anybody who distribute the book in toronto i am willing to buy the book. i don’t like buying things online…after all i dont have cr.card. i like to touch the book … smell it….

    thx for the good work

    keep it up

  6. I advise you only to read the comment of Egizo above again and again. We should have good politics to free the hodams, “TEMARAKIWOTCH” who are willingly or due to fear in “Woyane`s cage” like the lion`s of the Emperor who are unwillingly in cage and feed expensively with meat when the Ethiopians are hungry and begging.
    Whether we like it or not AEUP led by engineer Hailu is not to be ignored. They might not be perfect but I assure you they will not sell the Country and will be less corrupt and killer than Woyane.We should not expect to have a perfect leader or Government, it is most important to have a peaceful transition of power. If engineer Hailu is not better than Meles, he could be changed again after 4 years in a free and fair election.

  7. hi “Adnakie Tesfaye ” i am one of the peopple who have read the book online version because i try to get the book hard could not make it , but the problem is the online version which i got from a friend have at list 10 page misiing part it looks it looks Aberaha Belay is trying to cover himself by taking out part of the Artikel from the book . i hope some one will sue Aberaha Belay for this crime . Elias if you can please write the true story about Aberaha Belay we need to know the History of this person

  8. First of all I would like to appreciate the writter of the book and Elias for letting us know about the book and his dedication for his beloved country.

    I want to make a note to fellow Ethiopians that we should value and cretisize Ethiomedia editor in light of his current doing and position. We have to realize that someone whod did wrong in the past always does wrong. we have to avoid such sort of thinking and work together for the abolishment of this undemocrate mafia group from power. Enough of hatrade! I am honestly commenting not to defend and condemn anyone.

  9. Dear All,

    There is no doubt that the main culprit is ABREHA BELAI, Editor of EthioMedia. He should be investigated and brought to justice for the crime he has committed. My family members and I (we totally number 42 in the United States and Canada) have agreed to contribute $100.00 dollars each (if need be twice or three times a year) in 2009 to hire a private investigator to have Abreha Belai investigated.

    I will keep you posted on the developments as they unfold.

    Thank you.

  10. When I read the book I felt so sad. It is beyond belief how our country is run. What has been done by our arrogant and ignorant leaders is a shame. Woyane leaders look like Mafias. The participants for this distruction are journalists, judges, civil servants …to full their belly. We need a lot to change to our selves as individual.Then we can think about our society.
    Is there a democracy in the opposition camp? Is there a freedom of speach? Why we see the same faces in some opposision parties for decades. Let us count Hailu Shawl, Lidetu, Merara, Beyene, Eyasu…It is no their private company. We need to see a limit in their term. I have the impression the leaders of the Wayane or opposition think the parties are their own personal business.

  11. This is a rare and precious piece of history. When the judgement day (pay back time) comes for the Woyane hudlums, this book could be one of the several reference materials that would help the special prosecutor build a solid case against them- To mention some of the crimes- the brazen assasinations of Tesfaye Maru, Obo Derarra, and so many other Oromos and Amharas. The torture of so many people including the Oromo student who coordinated and helped the fight against the Bale fires. and on and on ………

    This is a big blow to the Woyane criminal gang. From Seko’s e-mail to the author, one understands how devastating the book has been to them. I suspect there had been negotiations with the author over the last 7 or 8 years since he fled Ethiopia. The author might have been offered some benefits if he kept silent. Whatever the case, Tesfaye is such a thoughtful human being that he chose helping the people by stripping naked his former comrades. Whatever his motive would be at this stage is irrelevant. His book is a treasure trove for all of us to whom TPLF/EPRDF has been at times so illusive. His first hand account of the criminal state of mind and actions of these so called “liberators’ leads so many ambuguites and dillemas to rest. Ethiopia is under the grip of unprecedentedly unEthiopian clique which has a long term plan to clinch to power.

    Those who bash Tesfaye G/Ab as orginally Eritrean, a fact he never hide, and as a Shabia agent, please understand that you are repeating what Woyane has accused him of.

    Those of you (the Shawel blind soldiers and the EPRP remnants) who are trying to convince us (by picking and twisting a paragraph here a paragraph there from his current book and on the basis of ‘Yeburka zmta’) that Tesfaye is a person with a mission to drive wedge between Oromos and Amharas, please open your eyes and see the reality. No one can escape from history. Unless the great Oromo peoples’ question is sincerely acknowledged and prperly addressed Ethiopia’s future will not be guaranteed.

    Tesfaye, beyond the information you offered us, you are a gifted author, your writing style is so beautiful. Thank you for showing us how Amharic is such a rich and beautiful language when it is in the rigfht hand! I thank you for that.


  12. The people that altered his book so people would not read the real writing of the author are as evil as the regime he has fled from. Shame on you people! Please post the real book on your site. I can’t afford to shell out any money in the situation I am in.

  13. I haven’t ready the book; from my understanding everyone is
    eager for revange for past deeds. Whatever happend in the past should be judged by history. We have to stop this nonsense and brain storm as to how we can move forward. rather than paying 100 for private investigator, you can use that money to save lives right at this moment.


  14. Who is this Abraha Belai who is being implicated with forging someone’s copyrighted publication? Where does he reside? If he did that and resides in the USA, it is going to very expensive for him. It is a very serious crime to steal or cannibalize a copy-righted publication. He can be prosecuted both in criminal and civil court. But it must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt to find him guilty. Can someone shed some light who this Abraha Belai is and what he does for a living? I am just curious. If he is back home working for the government, then taking him to court would be impossible. Whoever did this, it is really very demonic act.

  15. Elias,
    Why don’t you post the book on your website, and ask for voluntry donation. Belive me the author will be taken care of fro donations alone. This book must be read by as many Ethiopians as possible. This is historic book. I worry that most people end up reading the wrong version if you don’t post the offical version here. In the long run the author will benefit because it will launch him to a higher level. That should worth something.

  16. The very and most likely suspect is the Ethiomedia Editor Abraha Belay. There are strong evidences to belive this as the part of the book that discussed about his past deeds and the e-mail exchange he made with the Author-Tesafaye Gebreab has been inetentinally ommitted and cut out from the online book.

  17. This is such an explosive book! I just heard from 5 people who rade the altered version. We trust only ER, and you should put the PDF here, and the writer can put up a paypal account, so we can pay online. It will be injustice for the cause if this book is not read by all concerned. Arrange for this Elias.

  18. The beef among Ethio review (Elias Kifle) on the one side and Ethio media (Abrha Belay) and Abugida(who ever owns it) on the other side is as follows;
    1. Ethio review advocates end to peaceful struggle and the other two wants to continue to prepare for the next election and exhaust the option once for all.
    2. Thus, no activism and mention of Birtukan Mediksa in ethio rev.
    3. Ethio rev. chose Issayas as Ethiopian of the year. Which racked some peoples nerve.

    Elias was grilled on those two website for the above reasons. Ethio media was silly enough to remove Ethio rev link from its website. This book gives Elias roasted Abraha belay on a silver platter. Abraha is exposed of his Amhara chasing days and collaborating with woyane. Well go to ethio media and Abrha belay is quick to point out that the Author of the book is pure AMCHE.

    However, Most Ethiopians like Elias despite his temper tantrum and erratic moves. He is sincere and very democratic. He allows grilling criticism on his website while the other two website do not. 95% of the Diaspora I know at this point want to remove Woyane by force. Those two websites are seen as a cartoon jokes. People do not read them much. Elias thanks for staying focused and on message.

  19. Hello readers:

    I read, few of you are enjoying reading Ato Tesfaye’s book on line. Please Do Not be free loaders, it is unethical. Your reason for doing this is that you do not know where to get the book.
    If I remember correctly, Ethiopian Review gave us enough information on where to get this book. Using their information, I ordered the book and got it in a matter of a week.
    If you are US resident, the price of the book is $20.00, shipping and handling is $6.00.
    write to [email protected] and they will e-mail you back the link to paypal where you can pay.

    I hope this may help,

  20. I finished reading the book today. And I am more than happy to pay for it. It is a book worth reading. We are simply ruled by a gange of bandits and theives. I am shocked and sanddneed. Will there come a time Unity and diversity will be celebrated? Time will tell. Bravo Brother Tesfaye, keep up the good work and will look forward to read the next book!

  21. የ’ፍታ ቀማሽ ማስታወሻ

    ውድ ተስፋዬ ለድንቅ ሥራህ ምስጋናዬ በእጅግ እጥፍ ይድረስህ። “ደራሲ የሚወለደው አንዴ ብቻ ነው!…” የሚለውን እምነቴን ነው… እንደማተብ ያጠናህብኝ፡፡ አዎን ይሆንከውን ትሆነው ዘንድ ተወልደሃልና አንድዬን ስታገኘው ግምባሩን ሳመው። መባረክ ያለያም መታደል ማለት ይሄው ነው።

    ይህ ሥራህ ከቀዳሚ ሥራዎችህ ይልቅ ብስለትክን በአምንክዮ፥ በጭብጥ አመራረጥ፥ በአተራረክ ስልት፥ በቋንቋ ርቀት/ጥልቀት ረገድ… በብዙ ብዙ መንገድ ተልቋል:: እጅግ ግልጽነትህና ትህትናህ ያንባቢህን አንጀት እየበላ እንቅልፍ ለምኔ አድርጎ ያሳድራል… ገጽ በገጽ ሲያጣጥሙህ። ባንደኛ መደብ ትረካ አንጣር “እኔ…” እያሉ በንተኔን መተረክ ቀላል ፈተና አይደለም፡፡ ብዙ ጸሃፍት ይህን አንጣር አይፈቅዱትም … አልመች ስለሚልና የራስ ገመናን ካልሸሸግሁ እያለ ስለሚያስቸግር። አንተ ግን እራስክን እንደቢሾፍቱ ሰማይ ገላልጠህ አሳየህን፡፡ እንድናምንህም እንድንከተልህም እንድንሰማህም ያደረከውን ብርቱ ምጣኔ ያላንዳች ማወላወል እንድንቀበል ተገደናል። ልትማርከን በመቻልህም አሜን ብለን እጅ ሰተንሃል… ለተባው ብእርህ።

    ይህ ከኢልቦለድ አጣጣፍ ጥበብ ቤተኝነት የሚመደበው ድንቅ ሥራህ፤ “የሕይወት ታሪክ ማስታወሻ” (Memoir) ተሚባለው ምድብ የሚውል ነው። የሕይወት ታሪክ ማስታወሻ በባህሪው የጸሃፊውን የለት በለት ውሎ፥ ያለያም ያንድ ወቅት አጋጣሚ ፥ ያለያም ያንድ ዘመን ትውስታ ወዘተ… ገጠመኝ መደላድሉ አድርጎ፤ ባተራረክ ቴክኒኩ ረገድ አንደ ሞላ ፈረሰኛ ወንዝ ደንገላሳ እየጋለበ የሚፈስ ነው። የጸሃፊው አንጡራ ትዝታዎች እንደ ሃር ፈትል እየተደሩ ከምእራፍ ወደ ምእራፍ ይሸመናሉ። አጀብኛን ለተደራሲው እያስኮመኮሙ እኒያ ድንቅ ምእራፎች ወደፊት ይፎገላሉ። እንደጢስ አባይ ፏፏቴ እየተገማሸሩ ተውስጥ ህሊና ዘልቀው፣ እንደገና ተመልሰው ሽቅብ ይጎናሉ፥ ይጤሳሉ፥ ያርጋሉ… ውብ ያተራረክ ክሂልና ምናባዊነት እንደመልካም ባለቅኔ ሥራ ግዘፍ አንስቶ ይታያልና። ሥራህ ተዚህ ተዚህ ረገድ ሁላ ያንበሶን ድርሻ ያስመትራል።

    ተስፋዬና ጓደኞችህ (እነታምሩ ከፈኔ፥ የቀድሞው ገጣሚ የኋላው ዘመን የብሩሽ ምርኮኛ ጠቢብ) የቢሾፍቱውን ቆሪጥ አፈታሪክ በየለቱ ስንተዜ አኝካችሁ አላምጣችሁ ትውጡትና ትሰለቅጡት እንደነበር ተብእር ብርታትህ መረዳት ከቶም አያዳግትም። እንደቀዩ ዛፍ ዓይነቱን ምትሃታዊ ምናብ ያጠነጠነ ሁላ እንደምን የብእር ትሩፋቱ ከቶውንም ቢሆን ብሽቅ ሊሆን ይችላል? የትሩማን ትሪ ዛፍ ጥላው አድባር ሃድራስ መች እንዲህ ትክን ስክን ያለ የጣፈጠ ወጥ ከመሥራት ያስታጉላል? የሆራ ሃይቅና ያቦጋያ ጥንተ ዘላለም ቀርኝትና ቤተኝነትም ብዙ ብዙ ያናግራል፥ ያሳስባል፥ ያጫውታል።

    አንድን የኢልቦለድ ሥራ በተደራሲው ዘንድ ተአምኒ የሚያደርገው፣ የደራሲው እራሱ ለራሱ በቅድሚያ ታማኝ ሆኖ መገኘት ነው። ጸሃፊው በሕይወት አሻራው ደጃፍ ላይ ያለፈውን ገጠመኙን ሁሉ እንደመልካም ካሜራ በትክክል ቀርጾ ማቅረብ ከቻለ ሥራው አሸናፊነትን ይቀዳጃል። ከዚህ ካንተ ሥራ የምናገኘው እውነት ይህ የጥሩ ኢልቦለድ ሥራ ባህሪ ግዘፍ ማንሳቱን ነው። ግነትና አድሏዊነት፥ መረጃን ሰዋሪነት፥ ግልጸትን ማጠጥ ወዘተ… በዚህ ሥራህ ውስጥ ስፍራ ኖሯቸው አላየንም። እራስክንም ሆነ በታሪኩ ውስጥ ተጠቃሽ የሆኑ ግለሰቦችን ሁሉ በቀጥታና በቀጥታ ገልጽሃል። ይህም የቆዬ ደገኛ የግልጽነትና የነጻነት ውስጣዊ ባህሪህ ነጸብራቅ በመሆኑ፣ እኛን ተደራሲዎችህን በብርቱ ሰው ሰው ሸተህናል። አዎን በዚህ በዘመነ ግልቢጦሽ እንኳን ያንድ ደራሲ ሥራ ቀርቶ፤ የራስ ልብም አልታመን እያለ፣ ስንቱ ከራሱ ጋር ሞት ቀረሽ ግብ ግብ ገጥሞ ማየት የተለመደ ሁኗልና ነው። እናም ተባረክ… በካልአይ ሥራህም እንዲሁ እንገማሸርብህ ዘንድ ምኞቴ ነው።

    ማሳሰቢያ፤ ያብርሃ በላይ ዓይነቱ ድስት ጥዶ አልቃሽን ወዲያ በልልኝ። ይልቅስሞ ብልጥ ሁን በለው… “ ተሳስቻለሁና ይቅርታ አድርግልኝ” ብሎ ባራድኛ ሳይሆን በሥልጡንኛ ምላሽ ቢሰጥህ፣ ሁላችንንም በትህትናውና በጨውነቱ ምንኛ በታደገን ነበር። ኋላ ምን ያድርጋል ይቺ ቀርነት እንደግመል ሽንት የኋሊዮሽ እያለችን ይሄው ተጋዳላይ አብርሃን ሰንጋ ይዛ ክፉኛ ታናፍጠው ይዛለች። እስቲ እንግዴህ አሸናፊው የውስጡ አብርሃ ይሁን ወይም የውጪው ውለን አድረን እንያ እናንተዬ።

    በኢብሳ ኩራዙ (ተዲያስፖራ ተራ)

  22. Unfortunately I read the book. The book says a lot about how an idiot tesfaye has been all these years, than woyane.

    What a waste of time.

    Tesfaye you better get yourself an education before you get older.

    Hanging out with the country’s best writers won’t make you a best one.

  23. I heard and read a lot about Tesfaye
    Gebreab’s ” Yegazetegnaw Mastawosha ” book. What I tried and did not get is
    either the soft or hard copy of the
    book. I really want to read the book
    and make my own comment.

    Any one who has information about this
    Please email me at [email protected].

  24. ተስፋዬ መጽሀፉን አብቤዋለሁ አልዋሽም
    በሁለት ቀን ጨረስሁት በጣም ደስ ይላል
    እውነት ከሆነ ግን ምን ያደርጋል አዕምሮ ይነካል እኔ መጽሐፉን ካነበብኩበት ቀን ጀምሮ አዕምሮዬ በጣም ተነካብኝ ብል መዋሸት አይሆንብኝም
    እንደ ወረደ ባተጽፈው ጥሩነበር ከታሪኩ ይልቅ አጻጻፉ ማረከኝ አሁንስ ምን ልትለን ይሆን?
    ባህረጥበብ ከሲዳሞ ክ/ሀገር

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