The Unity for Democracy and Justice Party (UDJ) leaders and members held a protest rally in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa demanding the release of their leader Wzr. Birtukan Mideksa.
The demonstration took place in the form of a candle light vigil and listening to music inside the party’s office. [This is not a joke. It is true.]
It has now been 1 month since UDJ chairperson was thrown in jail for refusing to retract a statement about pardon and apology.
Read more in Amharic about today’s candle light vigil as reported in Amharic by
‘የሻማ መብራት ስነሥርዓቱ የተሳካ ነበር’ ዶ/ር ኃይሉ አርኣያ
Ethiopia Zare (ረቡዕ ጥር 20 ቀን 2001 ዓ.ም. January 28, 2009)፦ የአንድነት ፓርቲ ሥራ አስፈጻሚ አባላት፣ የብሔራዊ ምክር ቤት አባላትና የሀገር ውስጥና የውጭ ሀገር ጋዜጠኞች የተገኙበት ወ/ት ብርቱካን ሚደቅሳ ለእስር የተዳረገችበትን አንደኛ ወር በማሰብ በፓርቲው ጽ/ት ቤት የሻማና የጧፍ ማብራት ስነሥርዓት ተካሄደ።
የፓርቲው የህዝብ ግንኑነት ኃላፊ የሆኑት ዶ/ር ኃይሉ አርኣያ በተለይ ለኢትዮጵያ ዛሬ እንደገለጹት ከ200 በላይ ሰዎች መገኘታቸውንና ስነሥርዓቱ የፓርቲውን ሊቀመንበር ወ/ት ብርቱካንን በሚያወሱ ስነጽሑፎችና ግጥሞች የተካተተ ከመሆኑም በላይ ወቅታዊ የሆኑ ሙዚቃዎች መሰማታቸውን ገልጸዋል።
“ተንበርክኮ ከመኖር ቆሞ መሞት” በሚል ርዕስ ጽሑፍ የተነበበ ሲሆን፣ እውቁ ድምጻዊ ሻምበል በላይነህ ለወ/ት ብርቱካን ያበረከተው ዜማ መሰማቱና በአንዲት ድምፃዊት የተዜመ “ይነጋል” የሚል ሙዚቃም በስነሥርዓቱ ላይ የተገኙትን ሰዎች ስሜት ተቆጣጥሮ እንደነበር ሪፖርተራችን ዘግቧል።
የድርጅቱ መሪ በእስር ላይ ብትሆንም ፓርቲው መሪዋ ከመታሰሯ በፊት አንግቦ የተነሳውን ዓላማ ያላቋረጠ መሆኑን የሚናገሩት ዶ/ር ኃይሉ፤ በዶ/ር ያዕቆብ ኃይለማሪያም የሚመራ ቡድን በጎጃምና በጎንደር አካባቢ አዳዲስ ቢሮዎችን በመክፈትና ቀደም ብለው የተከፈቱ ቢሮዎችን የሥራ እንቅስቃሴ በመጎብኘት የጎደሉትን በማስተካከልና የተሟሉትን በማበረታታት ላይ የሚገኙ ሲሆን፣ በስድስት ወረዳዎችና በአንድ ዞን በጠቅላላ ሰባት ጽሕፈት ቤቶችን ከፍቶ እንደሚመለስ ገልጸዋል።
ዶ/ር ያዕቆብ ስብሰባችሁን አላሳወቃችሁም በሚል ለሰዓታት ታስረው የነበረ ሲሆን፣ በአሁኑ ሰዓት ተለቅቀው ተልዕኳቸውን በመፈጸም ላይ መሆናቸው ታውቋል።
በሌላ በኩል በአቶ ተመስገን የሚመራው ቡድን በሀገሪቱ አንድነት ፓርቲ በብዛት ቢሮ ወደ ከፈተበት ደቡብ ክልል በመጓዝ የሥራ እንቅስቃሴዎችን የጎበኙ ሲሆን፣ በአካባቢው የሚገኙ የድርጅቱ አባላቶችና ተመራጮች ሥራቸውን በሚገባ እየተወጡ መሆናቸውን ያረጋገጡ ሲሆን፤ በወላይታ ዞን ቦዲቲ በተባለ ቦታ የነበረው የአንድነት ቢሮ በኢህአዴግ ባለሥልጣናት ተጽዕኖ የተዘጋና የድርጅቱ ማስታወቂያ ቦርድም ከቦታው እንደተነቀለ አረጋግጠዋል።
በአቶ ተመስገን የሚመራው ቡድን ሥራውን አጠናቆ አዲስ አበባ የተመለሰ ሲሆን፣ ሪፖርቱን በቅርቡ ለሥራ አስፈጻሚው እንደሚያሳውቅ ለመረዳት ችለናል።
በተያያዘ አንድነት ፓርቲ በአዲስ አበባ የብርቱካንን እስር በመቃወም የሚጠራውን ሰልፍ አስመልክቶ የተጠየቁት ዶ/ር ኃይሉ አርኣያ ሥራ አስፈጻሚው እየተወያየበት ያለ ጉዳይ መሆኑን ገልጸዋል።
26 thoughts on “UDJ held protest demonstration in Addis Ababa”
its better than to be quite
I support as long as it is peaceful.
“[This is not a joke. It is true.]” Why you said this? Are you trying to persuade your readers like this instead of writing balaced and trusted reports?
This is not a joke. It is true.
ምንድነው ትክክልኛው አማራጭ አቶ ኤሊያስ? አደባባይ ወጥቶ በጥይት መደብደብ? አይፍረዱባቸው እነሱ እንደርሶ የአንበሳ ወኔ ባይኖራቸው::
you are a crazy person. I long for the day you disappear from this country
It would have been better for every body to stay at home – close their house firmly and hold hands with their family and protest to God.
They have no purpose and they don’t know what protest means. All this is done for the consumption of stupid diaspora. What a shame.
kkkkkkkk… please elias tell me what music they were listening too? was it beyonce’s? This guys are wasting their time! Next time, they will do peaceful demonstration by organizing a dinner event in Hilton or Sheraton.
Elias thank for your valuable insight. If these rubbles can’t safe themselves nobody should expect them to save ethiopia or ethiopians. The ethno-fascists of Abay Tigray are in firm control of this great nation and are looting the resources minute by minute. Only the power of the gun can dislodge these racist thugs.
For every poor strategey the udjp are doing we could only say they are just a chicken afraiding what weyeane could do to them. Just like what Aseye aberha said he is convinced peace full stragle will change the govenement of the current regim. However, the peace full stragle still needs a hero to lead it. That is what a udjp luck so far. By contraray it does not mean Ginbot 7 will bring a change of government to Ethiopia, it is postioning it self to capture the moment of disapointemnet of the people need a change of a complete replacement of the govenement. Ginbot 7 is a modern (21st. centery eprp) talk about the fellers of udjp and collect money money money to feed themself. At the end of the day, they just simply replace a few indviduals in eprdf and continue a half woyane govenment in Ethiopia. Just becare full All Freedom lover Ethiopians!!!!! Ginbot 7 is a complete scam!!! Some of them in the leaderships are a very close familes of the woyane. They just want a quick fix to let them live the killers freelly untouch the big majority of the woyane’s familly circle!!!! Keep on fighting the woyane to the bottom donot be full with a speech they make!!!
Abeba, I thought it was your woyane high priest Abba Gebremedhim aka “Abuna Paulos” who listens to Beyonce and even perhaps masturbates thinking about her. Last we saw him he was taking pictures with her!! kkkkkk
I bet UDJ supporters got excited with the title of the news only to find out that UDJ demonstrated in their office UDJ’s DJ playing some music. And i can see their anger since they found out the news different from their expectation.
This news is a trigger happy news for hodams and it makes me crack with little lough since i have no respect for UDJ supporters. one need to live a normal life rather than being a UDJ supporter (slave and weak mental second class citizen)
yichi nat, democracy. what a country!hummm. ethiopian citizen even don’t have the right to protest peacefully?
Abeto telemenene
Elias ( Mr. Cult) ,
Sorry, for the nick name, since I use this special nick name for EPRP eyasu destructive groups. I hope you would post my comment, since nothing wouldn’t stop me from addressing my idea, but real evidences.
When did you become a member of the cultish and insulters group of retiree elements of EPRP eyasu wing? This is exactly what they use “cult” their best sophisticated weapon that they have ordered with a special custom made from one of the dirty corner, commonly known as “ KUCHIRA SEFER”.
By the way do you know the difference between vigil light and demonstration? You see you just jumped to attack UDJ, without finishing what they had planned. This is their vigil light, and eventually they will call for a demonstration in release of their chair women Birtukan Midekessa, which they even did not mention when it’s going to be, while they have already planned to do so.
You can disagree with UDJ, but you cannot simply attack udj using a confused allegation that did not hold water.
I think EPRP is has to be a Satan or “Dabilos” that affects individuals who fail to understand the truth and makes them to attack their friends(life savers) rather than their enemies. Look the elements of EPRP are attacking those who are saving their lives and the lives of their families from the weyane criminal and evil group, i.e. EPRP always targets genuine oppositions.
So, you may need a holly water ( TEBEL) as same as most retiree members of EPRP. Unless, you are sick with UDJ as most destructive members of EPRP and weyane, you would not sink your idea on this thing.
Finally all I say is that may god will give you the those strength that you used to have before you affected with EPRP SATAN,
Death to all weyane members, blind and racist supporters and HODAM servants!
Ask yourself if you really helping or hurting the struggle of the Ethiopian people for freedom, democracy and justice. If you intention is to hurt it, you are on the right track and keep it up. If you are trying to help, you are not doing that, and to the contrary, your effort has theoretically the potential of hurting it. Everyone of us has the inalienable rights to fight terrorist TPLF in any way we see it fit either as an individual or organized with others. Nobody ought to seek any approval from anybody for exercising his/her rights including you. These people in UDJ are just exercising these rights of theirs whether you approve it or not. Why don’t you just mind your business and let these people alone? You do not even dare to step in a plane destined to Addis let alone holding a vigil for a heroin in a city infested with terrorist TPLF.
come’on people, he is write what kind of protest goes in the house….it sounds like a protestant gathering back in DERG leadership…
its ether it or not….It shouldn’t be called a protest but rather a gathering of supporters at the head quarter for a vigil lighting…
Elias loool u keep tickin ppl
ha ha
U make me sick elias. You know ‘letekemache semai qerbu new aydele yemebalew’. For you and people like you what the guy did is so funy. You try to laugh on those who are doing and dreaming nice things to the country living the best worst place. Let alone supporting them and is it really hard for you to ignore posting anything related with this party. I really wonder on your hated attiuted towards those who prefer to stay and work on stategy different from yours.
ምንድነው ትክክልኛው አማራጭ አቶ ኤሊያስ?
I really need to c this posted. (knowing u will not put it like always)
I hope atleast they turned off the bulb lights so that the candlelight could be seen from the streets … ayeeeeee …. min aynet sewotch nachew inenjih
They should have done the following:
1)Organize a mass demonstration and go to the streets weather permitted or not .
2)Head to the palace,Meskel sq and,shout death to Facist Woyane,death to Meles.
3)Then 100 young men will die ,50000 innocent peolpe will end up in jail.
4) Elias will be happy from the comfort of his DC home,he will start praising the UDJ leaders as heros,their names and photos will be everywhere for two weeks.
5)After two years another group will emerge with new name ,new political program, Elias and the diaspora intelectuals will start educating us with new terminologies to support the struggle.
Here is the beauty of Birtukan’s mathematical expression ,0+0=0
UDJ will do the math right.
UDJ leaders are just cowards!
Weyane will never shoot on peaceful demonstreators ever again!
They still did not recover from the 2005 debacle consequences and massacre scandals.
Mind you, there are about 30 UDJ members led by Temesgen Zewde in Weyane Parliament now. They should have boycotted when their leader is sitting in Jail.
It’s a pity to see that democracy has been trampled down by Woyane in Ethiopia.I’m heart broken by the current level of oppression and intimidation by Meles Zenawis’ regime.
The problem in our homeland is lack of unity among the general public.Some are concious-they know Woyanne’s a Mafia organization hell bent on plundering the resources of other regions while promoting devision on ethnic basis.
The other section section of the society is a victim of the ethnic policy of the regime.In such a situation it’s difficult if not impossible to bring a change for a democratic system in Ethiopia.
With regard to the in-office-demonstration made by UDJ leaders and members,it’ a good start,and should be boosted by mustering the wholehearted support of the entire people throughout the country.How by phone-cellphone,through personal communication.I know it’s not easy to do the job,but ther is no other solution to my mind.
In terms of priority,I think,the UDJ officials should concentrate on the release of Birtukan,not on the opening of offices.Woyane can lock and unlock these offices and arrest guards or secretaries as it’s done in the past.It would be a futile exercise to repeat past mistakes.
On my part I will do my level best to support the struggle made to realize liberal democracy in Ethiopia.Ethiopia should deserve the leadership it has now and the level of development of the country is indeed shameful to us all the current generation.
Let’s not relent our peaceful struggle for a democratic Ethiopia against the ethnic-based,divisive Revolutionary Democracy, the hodge-podge political system architcted by Meles Zenawi and his cohorts.
Can you afford to sit one night in Kality?
What you will do had you been in ethiopia? or your so called armed struggle brought nothing for the last two decades . so will be for the next two decades…
so Non violence
UDJ were you listening to Michael Jackson song JUST BEAT IT?
This gathering symbolizes the history of heinous crimes against mankind. The genocide in Catacomb against the early Christians, where open mourning was punishable by death. And the Holocoust against Jews where mourning was used to ID other Jews only to send them to the gas chambers. How about the barbaric Mussolini, the inhuman Khmer Rouge, the irreprehensible Interahamwe of Rwanda or today’s Darfur, just to list a few. Even closer to home is the savage massacre of students by the dreadful Derg, followed by its decree in disallowing official mourning by the victims parents.
No matter when or where they happened, all these crimes committed against fellow human beings have one thing in common, savagery beyond human comprehension. But one undying truth is all these despotic criminals have ultimately perished by the will of God and the people.
To me this picture shows more to the world the plight of the people of Ethiopia than all protest in Diaspora put together. It affirms once more the absolute evility of Woyane that it cannot even allow a peaceful candle light vigil to protest the illegal incarceration of the only female political leader in all of Africa. I am not a politician but I cannot find the words to describe those who cast the stone against the victim of Woyane no matter how repugnant their ideological bend may seem to them. Please remember we are all passengers of a sinking ship which the culprit of our demise is the evil monster known as MELES ZENAWI. Save your zeal, and fight the fight with ‘that one’ the sworn enemy of the vessel you are on.
The rest, time will hold its place in history.
God save Ethiopia
This is the time to cry for Ethiopia. These old traitors, are making a mockery of the lives lost and blood spilled, of our gallant and heroic Ethiopian youth, who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the noble goal
I am an Oromo Ethiopian so is Birtukan Midekssa. Unfortunately “Birtukan” is a dispppointment among Oromos. The reason for this is that during her appearrance on the US Congress hearing on the political condition in Ethiopia, she was asked to provide anestimate of the number of political prisoners in Woyane dungeons, she proclaimed only 100.
That is indeed ignorance or God knows what – when it is a public domain information that tens of thousands of Oromo political prisoners are held in Woyane prisons over the last 18 years of Tigre occupation of Oromia. Now that she is back in Woyane prison, hope she will have plenty of time to apologize to Oromos without whom she is and will remain insignificant in the future of democratic Ethiopia!!!