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Insurgents seize seat of Somalia’s parliament


MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — Somali insurgent group Al-Shabab seized the seat of the Somali parliament and said Tuesday that it will establish sharia law in the city.

Al-Shabab took over Baidoa late Monday, a day after Ethiopian Woyanne troops who had been propping up the government ended their unpopular, two-year presence. Al-Shabab, which means “The Youth,” has been gaining ground as Somalia’s Western-backed government crumbles.

“We will establish an Islamic administration for the town, and appeal to residents to remain calm,” al-Shabab spokesman Sheik Muktar Robow said.

The takeover came as Somalia’s parliament meets this week in neighboring Djibouti to elect a new president. It appears unlikely the lawmakers will be able to return to Baidoa, 155 miles (250 kilometers) southwest of the capital.

There was a brief firefight between the Islamists and government-allied militias, who soon fled, witnesses said.

A nurse at the city’s main hospital, Ahmed Yarow, said two people were wounded during the clashes.

6 thoughts on “Insurgents seize seat of Somalia’s parliament

  1. Back to square. Why do all these Ethiopian soldiers had to die for more than two years. Some of them are still decaying on the streets of Mogadishu, denied proper funeral. Their mother’s are propably still waiting them back. Why ohhh why is Zenawi slaughtering our young ones for his own personal pleasure?? jero yalew yisma, Ethiopia is bleeding!

  2. I feel sorry for those Ethiopian soldiers who died and their bodies dragged in that chaotic land for nothing and their families who will have to live with that nightmare for the rest of their lives. To add insult to injury, the mouth piece of the criminal gang proudly said “mission accomplished”. Let it be clear to this criminal gang and it’s collaborators, the crimes it committed against the Ethiopian and Somali people will be treated as mass murder and is punishable by death. Remeber Sadam Hussein, he hanged countless of his opponents over the course of his reign. Finally it was his turn to wear the noose.

  3. I am happy that the Somali people fought out their independence. I have no objection if they opt for Sharia if that is the people’s choice, after all most counties’ laws originally came from their respective religions. However, what ever the Somali patriot organizations do should not disregard not only Somali people’s interest but also their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the interests of international players. What ever course the fighters take should be sustainable so that it will not expose the Somali people for further sufferings. I will also urge those who feel that power and strength are coming their way should show more accommodation, patience, compromise, and forgiveness. Play win-win. Those of us who are getting stronger should be ready to give, outreach rather than take or bully. After all true fighters die for the people not to size power.

    Good luck Somalia.

  4. Woyanne pulled out their mercenaries from Somalia not because they accomplished a phantom mission but because Jendayi Frasier and her minions told Melles the money spigot will shut down as of the 20th of January. Now I hope the Ethiopians who opposed calling the Woyanne army mercenaries will come back to their senses and understand why ER called Woyanne military mercenaries. This also shows you why Woyanne invaded southern Somalia in the first place, it was an order given to him by the discredited and defeated Bush administration.

    On top of this humiliation the Ethiopian economy run by Woyanne is on the verge of total collapse because it is wholly based on handouts from western nations and debt from their banks, that money train has screeched to a halt, next we will hear more about impending famine and the starvation of millions unless Woyanne is given urgent food aid. That’s the Woyanne economy that we were told was growing at 10% a year, I guess that 10% was the growth of aid money to Woyanne. I can’t wait to read Woyanne apologists answer to this post.

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