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Woyanne says U.S. senators’ criticism “unwarranted”

By James Butty | VOA

ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA – A senior Ethiopian {www:Woyanne} regime official says his government has a responsibility to maintain law and order and would not be swayed by outside criticism. The official, Bereket Simon, an advisor to Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, was responding to a letter from four influential U.S. senators to the Ethiopian prime minister dictator.

In their letter, the four senators, including Russell Feingold, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Africa, warned that U.S.-Ethiopian relations could become more difficult because of the Ethiopian government’s actions against its opposition.

The senators said they were concerned about the re-arrest of opposition leader Birtukan Midekssa and the passage of a law restricting civil society groups.

Bereket Simon, advisor to the Ethiopian prime minister dictator told VOA the U.S. senators’ criticism and accusations are unwarranted.

“If anyone is breaking the law, it’s their problem and not our problem. Ethiopian government believes government has a mandate and an obligation to ensure the rule of law in {www:Ethiopia}. So it’s an unwarranted accusation and criticism,” he said.

The senators said in their letter that they were concerned about the re-arrest of opposition leader Birtukan Midekssa. Simon said the opposition leader broke the rules of her conditional pardon.

“First these opposition leaders had been tried and sentenced, and they asked for conditional pardon. Government granted them a conditional pardon which literally means if this person once again transgresses the law of the land, it would be a breach of the pardon, and that’s what she did. We don’t accept double standard here. We believe citizens who don’t have the backing of (U.S.) senators are equal to those who don’t have the backing of senators wherever. She has made mistakes and she has to account for it. Why should we be criticized by the senators?” Simon said.

The letter, dated January 16th, was signed by Senator Russell Feingold, chair of the Senate’s subcommittee on African Affairs. Other signatories are Senator Patrick Leahy, Richard Durbin, and Johnny Isakson.

The senators criticized Ethiopia’s recent law restricting civil society groups. Simon said foreigners do not have the same political rights as Ethiopian citizens to participate in Ethiopian affairs.

“The law differentiates between citizens and foreign-based NGO. Citizens have every right to participate in Ethiopian politics. In fact it is mandated by Ethiopian Constitution. So government cannot put a limit. On the other hand, those foreign-based NGOs who are here because of the privilege that is given to them by the government do not have the political rights to participate in Ethiopian affairs,” Simon said.

He said Ethiopia is not worried about the U.S. Senators’ criticism of the Meles Zenawi government, especially at a time when a new U.S. administration led by Barack Obama is about to take over the leadership of the U.S. government.

“No matter what the times might be, these Congressmen are telling us not to enact laws that are useful to Ethiopia. They are going to put pressure on us because we enacted our own laws. This Ethiopia; it’s a sovereign state. I don’t think any Congressman can tell us what to do,” Simon said.

7 thoughts on “Woyanne says U.S. senators’ criticism “unwarranted”

  1. Let me quote from Obama`s inaugural speech:
    ” To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history.”

    This is exactly directed to some leaders such as melles Zenawi, Al-beshir,Robert Mugabe, etc. I don`t think Melles will continue cheating Americans in the pretext of war on terror.Thus, all concerned Ethiopians in the diaspora should put aside their minor differences and come together to put a lot of pressure on the new American administration so as to take tough action on Woyane thugs.

  2. Actions speak more than words.
    We will see the outcome of this
    stupid mans’ “big mouth” response.
    One thing is inevitable. Weyane will be
    wheaped up in a short time.
    The opposition must unite to take power.

    God bless Ethiopia

    God bless America

    +++ Amen

  3. we are coming for you tplf, we are moving slowly but we are making the ground that we have lost a few years ago, long live EPPF, the world is with us and against you tplf, EPPF

  4. “If anyone is breaking the law, it’s their problem and not our problem. Ethiopian government believes government has a mandate and an obligation to ensure the rule of law in Ethiopia”
    This must be the joke of the day. Weyane given a mandate from the Ethiopian people to ensure the rule of law. The clear mandate given to weyane by the people of Ethiopia in the May 2005 election was to disappear from the face of the earth forever. Not to be seen ever again. What a pathetic bunch of theives.

  5. What a shameful response by Woyane to the US Senators.

    It is amazing that Ethiopia, the poorest nation of the world sends to her biggest doner, US, such a shameful response. Mr. Bereket, I don’t think you represent the Ethiopian people, if so you would clearly understand that the existence of the nation widely depends on donations from US government not on your arrogant attitude.

    I never liked the way you deal with issues. It is very rude and impolite of you to talk against the will of the people of Ethiopia and blindly broadcasting the woyanne’s interest.

    The new Presidient of the US clearly put on his inagural address what suits for you …….” To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history.”

    We are ashamed of being Ethiopians especially with this woyanne governance and a very embarassing person like yours!

    Thank you for the kind hearted US people and government who
    helped Ethiopians during difficult times. May God bless you! May God help Ethiopia and Ethiopians and May God bless them. ONE DAY WE MIGHT BE PROUD AS AMERICANS ARE PROUD OF THEIR NEW PRESIDENT AND THIER REAL DEMOCRACY.

    Good luck President Obama and we hope you will bring change not only to Americans but also to the poor and helpless Ethiopians suffering because of Woyanne regime.

  6. Yes G/Michael. I think Ethiopians all over the world should make our voice louder to adderess the adverse issues in Ethiopia to the new President of the US, Mr. Obama.

    I hope God help us to get lasting solution for the poor and humble Ethiopians who are suffering in one way or another.

    May God bless Ethiopia and Ethiopians!

  7. Berket came as a fighter in the bush – with a goal to distroy not to build. He will not udnerstand what law and order mean even if it hits him on the face. Furthermore, Bereket’s (his) statement sounds like a scared cat fighting back because he is aware that OBAMA is not the “bush” he used to hide behind.

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