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U.S. investor believes Ethiopia likely to break apart soon

EDITOR’S NOTE: U.S. investors don’t need to tell us that. The plan to break up Ethiopia into 9 small countries has been in the works for a while. It is clearly stated in TPLF’s manifesto that calls for the creation of Greater Tigray. To prevent that from happening, every Ethiopian must rally around resistance groups that stand for united Ethiopia, such as EPPF and Ginbot 7.

By Javier Blas and William Wallis | Financial Times

A U.S. businessman backed by former CIA and state department officials says he has secured a vast tract of fertile land in south Sudan from the family of a notorious warlord, in post-colonial Africa’s biggest private land deal.

Philippe Heilberg, a former Wall Street banker and chairman of New York-based Jarch Capital, told the Financial Times he had gained leasehold rights to 400,000 hectares of land – an area the size of Dubai – by taking a majority stake in a company controlled by the son of Paulino Matip.

Mr Matip fought on both sides in Sudan’s lengthy civil war but became deputy commander of the army in the autonomous southern region after a 2005 peace agreement.

The deal, between Mr Heilberg’s affiliate company in the Virgin Islands and Gabriel Matip, is a striking example of how the recent spike in global commodity food prices has encouraged foreign investors and governments to scramble for control of arable land in Africa, even in its remotest parts.

In contrast to land deals between foreign investors and governments, Mr Heilberg is gambling on a warlord’s continuing control of a region where his militia operated in the civil war between Khartoum and south Sudan.

“You have to go to the guns, this is Africa,” Mr Heilberg said by phone from New York. He refused to disclose how much he had paid for the lease.

Jarch Management Group is linked to Jarch Capital, a US investment company that counts on its board former US state department and intelligence officials, including Joseph Wilson, a former ambassador and expert on Africa, who acts as vice-chairman; and Gwyneth Todd, who was an adviser on Middle Eastern and North African affairs at the Pentagon and under former president Bill Clinton at the White House.

Laws on land ownership in south Sudan remain vague, and have yet to be clarified in a planned land act. For this reason, some foreign experts on Sudan as well as officials in the regional government, speaking on condition of anonymity, doubted Mr Heilberg could assert legal rights over such a vast tract of land. The deal is second only in size to the recent lease of 1.3m hectares by South Korea’s Daewoo from the government of Madagascar.

Mr Heilberg is unconcerned. He believes that several African states, Sudan included, but possibly also Nigeria, Ethiopia and Somalia, are likely to break apart in the next few years, and that the political and legal risks he is taking will be amply rewarded.

“If you bet right on the shifting of sovereignty then you are on the ground floor. I am constantly looking at the map and looking if there is any value,” he said, adding that he was also in contact with rebels in Sudan’s western region of Darfur, dissidents in Ethiopia and the government of the breakaway state of Somaliland, among others.

The company was embroiled in a dispute with the south Sudan government over its claims to exploration rights for oil.

Mr Heilberg said Jarch had no expertise in agricultural development but would be seeking joint venture partners to cultivate the land, which is in one of the remotest parts of Sudan, in a region bordering the Nile river but with no tarred roads.

30 thoughts on “U.S. investor believes Ethiopia likely to break apart soon

  1. who is going to fight for him to secure the land those days are over when western can go africa and exploit africa. New super power in town CHINA. Good luck with your investement you might loose it.

  2. The “Liberators” are trading with the life of their countrymen just for their personal gains. This is also clearly seen in Ethiopia from Azeb, Meles and co. who are multi-millionaires at the expense of their comrades who gave their lives to enrich these so-called “Liberators”

  3. Habtamu=you got it.

    Slavery and colonialism is the source of modern society/capitalism. Slave trade (trading Africans as mass products) was the first international trade. Sugar and cotton that was produced by slaves for free was the second international commodity. To catch a slave helpted to improve the weapons industry. To transport slaves improved the ship industry and other industries also grown because of slavery and colonialism including by having free raw materials and free work forces.

    The world Economy is right now in trouble never faced before. Even in the 1928-1933 economic crises, it didn’t face this way. Because the economy was that time in the hands of few nations namely Europe and USA. But this time the economic power is dramatically changed. Every one would fight for own survival. But during the 1930+ except Ethiopia, Africa was under colonialism; much of Asia was also under colonialism. That means all resources from Africa and Asia were in the hand of the colonizers. And as a result they survived that crisis.
    But this time is different. Many African if not all are working with nations that are benefiting them, not the west has done bad in the past for many years. They are creating conflicts to sell weapons, to exploit resources, to get markets and to stop development in Africa. It did work for them till now. But will not work any more. The Africans are already awake after many years of deep sleep.

    What we will see from the western side is as usual to create conflicts in Africa. They also will concentrate on countries that are heading towards development to stop them before being examples. Business people and some in the name of aid organization would play those rolls to destroy Africa pretending to help.
    Why Ethiopia? Because Ethiopia is the symbol of black people with her old and long history including by having the only black people alphabet which is a pride to Africa and treasure to the world. Remember BBC’s action in 1984. They had no even the slightest feeling of respect to blacks when they shown the bad picture all over the world with song and dance by world knows singers. Yet, still their mouth was talking saying ‘we are doing this to help.’ For the money worshipers like them country and people have no values at all. That is why this money worshiper is dreaming and wishing bad about Ethiopia and all over Africa. But this time will not work.

    It is very important to differentiate between the people and the criminals so called secret services, business people and aid organizations. I personally think, Ethiopians need to have good relationship with the USA Citizens. The people have no idea what is going on behind around the above mentioned institutions and orgs.

  4. “A U.S. businessman backed by former CIA and state department officials says he has secured a vast tract of fertile land in south Sudan from the family of a notorious warlord, in post-colonial Africa’s biggest private land deal.”

    Are this money worshiper saying, Sudan is already broken apart?
    Former “CIA and State departments”. Yes they are formers. They have no job. To get a job, they have to use their past knowledge to destoy Africa. This is a funny world.

  5. Sad story to read the above artice. Woyane is fast moving our country to the path of disintegration. :-( . :(


    እንዴ በጣም እኮ ይገርማል::

    መቼም ጠዋት ጠዋት ተነስቼ ከተለያየ የዜና ምንጨችን መጎብኘት የተለመደ ስራዬ ሆናል::

    እናም እስኪ ዛሬ ደግሞ እነዚህ ኢህፓዎች ምን ብለው ይሆን በማለት ከኢህፓዎች website አንዱ የሆነውን Ethiolion የሚባለውን ስጎበኝ ”ትግላችን መመራት ያለበት በማን ነው? በወያኔና በውጭ ቅጥረኞች ወይስ በሀቀኛ ታጋዮች?” በሚል አንድ ጽሁፍ አየሁና ከፈቼ ማንበብ ጀመርኩ:: ሳነብም ብዙ የሚገርሙ ነገሮች አየሁና በጣም ገረመኝ:: ጽሁፉም አብዛኛው በውጭ የሚኖረውን ኢትዮጵያዊ ምንም እንደማያውቅና በደመነ ነብስ የሚመራ አስመስሎ በዋነኛነት ጠንካራ ግለሰቦችን እንደነ ታማኝና ሌሎችንም በስም በመጥቀስ ያወግዛል:: ከመገናኛ ብዙሃንም እንደ ETN/Ethiopian Televison Network/, ECADF/Ethiopian Curent Affairs Discussion Forum/ ወያኔ በጀት መድቦላቸው የሚሰሩ አደርጎ ያቀርብና ለኢትዮጵያ የሚታገሉ websites ብሎ ethiolon, debteraw and assimba. ብሎ ይዘረዝራል:: እኔም በጣም በመገረም እነዚህ webesite ማ ማለትም ethiolon, debteraw and assimba የEPRP ናቸው:: EPRP ደግሞ አሁን በቅርቡ 36ኛ አመቱን ያከበረ ግን ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ከመከራና ከስቃይ በቀር ሌላ ምንም ያላመጣ እንዲያውም ለወያኔና ለሻብያ መመስረትና ሀገራችን አሁን ካለችበት ደረጃ እንድትደርስ ያደረገ በታሪክና በትውልድ ተጠያቂ ድርጅት ነው::

    እረ ለመሆኑ EPRP ብቻ የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ብቼኛ ታጋይ ሆኖ የተመረጠው መቼ ነው??? በተጨማሪም ደግሞ የdiaspora ትግሉም መምራት ያለበት EPRP ብቻ ነውን ያለው ማን ነው???.

    በውጭ የሚኖረው ኢትዮጵያዊ ሁሉ እኮ ስለ ዲሞክራሲ ከሞላ ጎደል በመጠኑም ቢሆን የሚያውቅ ነው:: በመሆንም ማነን መከተልና የሚመራውንም መምረጥ የሚችል ኢትዮጵያሚ ነው እኮ:: ስለዚህ እንደ EPRP ዎች አባባል በEPRP ስር ያልተቀላቀለና ከEPRP አማራሮች መመርያ ያልተቀበለና EPRP የሚርጡለትን አመራራ ያልተከተ ሁል ለኢህፓ ወያኔ ነው ማለት ነው::

    አይ EPRP ዎች. በጣም ትገርማላችሁ:: በውጭ የሚኖረው ኢትዮጵያዊማ ስለናንተ ታሪክ ብዙ ያውቃል:: እናንተማ እና/EPRPs/ እንኳን በውጭ የሚኖረው ኢትዮጵያዊማ በእናንተ ስር ልታሰባሰቡ ቀችቶ እርስ በርሳችሁ መከፋፈሉና በወያኔ ላይ ሊሰባሰብ በሚሞክረው ኢትዮጵያዊ ውስጥ ጣልቃ እየገባችሁ በትግሉ ላይ ቀዛቅዛ ዉሃ የምታፈሱበትብ ብታቆሙ ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ እንድ ትልቅ ውለታ በተቆጠላችሁ ነበር::

    የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብማ እናንተነ >36 ዓመታት አያችሁ እኮ:: 36 አመት ደግሞ የአንድ ጎልማሳ እድሜ ነው:: አሁን ባለው የኢትዮጵያ lifespan ደግሞ ከ36 ዓመት በታች ነው:: በመሆንም አሁን ያለው ትውልድ እናንተን የሚያያችሁ እንዳለፈ ታሪክ እንጅ ከእንግዲህ EPRP ታግሎ የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ ከወያኔ ነጳ ያወጣናል ብሎ 1% እንካን ተስፋ አያደረግም::

    በመሆም በውጭ የሚኖረው ኢትዮጵያዊ ኢትዮጵያዊ ማን እንደሚመራው መምረጥና ማንን መከተ አያውቅም ብሎ መናገር የ አናንተን ደንቆሮነትና EPRP የሚባለው ድርጅት ምን ያህን አሁን ካለው ዘመን /21th century / ወደ ኋላ የቀረ ድርጅት መሆኑን የሚያሳይ ነው:

  6. Isaias Afewerki stated it on his recent interview. He elaborated how the CIA is working to divide Africans and the people in each country. The translated version in Amharic is coming soon. I think after hearing this interview, you´ll all be enlightened just like I am. For the English version of the interviews part 1, here is the link

    This is the only one man who is facing the Super Power CIA in time. Let´s help him.

  7. Dear Elias,
    I m in Ethiopia.
    Even though, the country is in some type of poverty, particularly among the middle and low income earners, I do not think it will break apart.
    Governement is now building roads, power dams, telecom infrastructure to expedite economic growth and development.
    I know the foreign currency reserve is now nil. However, we are growing at rate of 10 percent. Our export is also growing. There is relative peace and stability as you drive across the country.
    Therefore, the American investor is telling us what he wishes. This is a country of 3,000 years of history. It will not break apart.
    We wish for more political freedom to exist in this country, not any other chaos as the american investor tries to tell us.

  8. The American is absolutely a realistic guy.Hey,look what’s going on in Ethiopia each and everyday.Maybe you guys live far away from your homeland.TPLF and its creation OPDO (most of whose members work for OLF )are destroying our country’s unity.Who’s going to stop them?The so called opposition melted away by personal greed and bickering.Those of us who live outside spent our money,energy and time on propaganda rather than on_____ you know what I meant to say.Therfore,all anti unity forces have a free lunch to do their dirty job. Blame me because I told the truth.Atleast I’ve to tell you all what you expect to happen and don’t have the gut to admit it.Ethiopian Review,please don’t block my honest assesment,publish it so that everyone can wake up and do something about it soon.We don’t have time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From Debritu

  9. This guy has a deranged brain and spits deranged words. He is a lunatic. He is high on drug Ithink. tell him not to mess with Ethiopia he will have Mussolini’s luck

  10. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
    John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
    35th president of US 1961-1963 (1917 – 1963)

  11. We told you people!!! We need Issaias Afwerki to lead in the whole horn of Africa. He is the only president in the whole Africa knows what is going on and the agenda behaind the western. The rest of the so called leaders of Africa are loosers and no use.

  12. It takes no brainier to know where Ethiopia is leading. The work on Ethiopian disintegration was completed when Ethiopia became ethnic based federation. No doubt that Ethiopia’s fate was designed by CIA and British. Weyane and Shabia were used as instruments. Shabians realized finally how these foreign powers used them. Now, they are struggling to keep Eritrea as viable state. Weyanes, on the other hand, have no clue where they are heading. Their mercenary leaders have no choice but implement the commitment they had to their backers. If they break this contract, Sadam’s fate await for them.

    Weyane and its mercenary leaders, not only destroy Ethiopia but they are also commissioned to destroy others. Two missions have already accomplished; Ethiopia and Somalia have changed irreversibly. The next move with the help of the same players is to implement the same policy on Eritrea; creation of ethnically federated Eritrea.

    That is why it is so much important the cooperation of Eritreans and Ethiopians in the removal of this cancerous regime once and for all. There is no guarantee that Ethiopia may survive even after Weyanes removal. But at least, our kids will not inherit the break up mess in their life time and they will get a chance to decide what is best for them.

  13. If I were you, I will take a heed on what this former CIA is saying. That is the problem with us, we just say how dare he, but it is action we need not just insults. Globalization means Western’s incursion on other countries for resources especially corporations. When they talked about “Save Darfur” do you think they care for Darfurians, no, it is an advantage that the West is using because of the climate change that is affecting in Sudan region, by calling it persecution by Sudan government so that to Weaken Sudan, break it so that they [West] can get hold of the oil and other resources. It is also strange this “save Darfur” idea came from most Jews in the West, I wonder if Israel has interest in this.

    The bottom line is that while on our [we the people]watch, Wyane divided our people, we gave them 17 or more years to strengthen their own military so that we get oppressed, without debate Eritrea broke away, pieces of our land was given to Sudan. We are now waiting for this government to break our country apart and we are still watching. In fact there has been secret meeting between TPLF and OLF. Why do we think that is, it is probably to make a deal with OLf about the breaking apart. Remember, the West doesn’t give hoot about us if TPLF and OLF offer them some kind of deal such as land etc. The West, as long as it gets something that is useful, morality, humanitarian, support especially to non Western countries, etc is not their priority.

    The sooner we wake up the better.

    For instance what we can do:
    1. how can we change the anti Ethiopian minds of Weyane/TPLF/EPRDF
    2. How active are EPPF and Ginbot 7
    3. Why are we trusting Eritrea, what guarantee are there and why should they support us?
    4. What do the diaspora are doing: how active are we to influence American government about Ethiopia, how do we influence to free our hero Birtukan, how do we develop our mind from tribalism, resentment to unify us and work towards common goal
    5. How Ethiopians despite oppression they face can sacrifice, and be active in freeing leaders and others who have been imprisoned? What sacrifices can they make to protect and influence the betterment of Ethiopia?

    We need to unify first.

    Peace and love for Ethiopia

  14. “You have to go to the guns, this is Africa,” Mr Heilberg said by phone from New York.
    The article has truth in it about fragmentation of African countries specialy Ethiopia by TPLF. As the same time only Ethiopia with the help of Eritrea of course, can save Sudan from disaster by blocking US interference in the region. The Sudan situation will be out of reach for neocons. Who will they send to do their dirty work when TPLF is gone.No one. And for those people who are depressed about Birtukan imprisonment,i like to remind you to think Ethiopia the country as a whole. It is pathetic of us to shout for her release as a poletical rally knowing she was not a decent politician( Case point-
    1, she kept the pardon fiasco for her self letting people disoriented and disfranchised for the last three years,2 Her association with Disgruntled criminal TPLF thugs) why didn’t she say it back then when people were out raged for accepting the pardon while the mothers of slain students got nothing to say about it. The resistance was not her or Kinjits idea, we just wanted change- No one cared what Kinijit has for Ethiopia after the election but they took it as if they were Nelson Mandela the creator and the Master mind of the resistance.It was repeatedly asked to her and all Kinijit leaders but they go around the bush because they were afraid of TPLF. People who are afraid of TPLF and take humiliating treatment cant be our leaders,period. Join G7 to free Ethiopia other than that it is a wast of time.

  15. this is not a new discovery or he is not the first and probably the last person to say about the ethiopian SIMNT SHI ZEMEN.bcs the TPLF has been spreading the fears among ethiopians that the country would be…no country if the so called SHIFTOCH,OLF,ONLF….won the game in the battle. the message is crystal clear IF PEOPLE OPPOSE TPLF THEN ETHIOPIA WOULD BREAK INTO PIECES.when this has been expired then they turned to the so called foreign supporters like mr.phillipe to inject their venemous fear and skeptisisim among the public and the growing oppositions to the TPLF regime for the sak of their interests.
    on the other way i am not hiding the wounds we have, rather than i believe that by acknowledging our weakness we can be more aware and extend our commitment more to the unity of the country by any means available to our advantage.
    we should first and formost make a radical change in our reading to the geapoletics of our region.WE SHOULD READ MATTERS IN THREE DIMENTIONS RATHER THAN IN TWO,WHICH IS THE OUTDATED, AND EXAUSTIVE WAY OF READING..
    and remmember mr.phillipe has made a point which is how the CIA deals with conflicts in AFRICA. HE CLEARLLY UNDERLINED THAT THEY NOGOTIAT WITH THOSE WHO RAISE A GUN FOR THEIR CAUSE.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a surpris for most of us,i believe!!!!!!!
    bye for now.

  16. Ethiopia and the other African countries mentioned in the article would disintegrate only if the people and their political leaders allow that to happen or work towards that end.
    Most African countries are vulnerable because civil societies and other institutions necessary to keep the country together are either weak or non-existent, thus lack of internal cohesion. Otherwise, the influence of foregners is, in fact, very limited. For instance, what particular power Mr. Heilberg and his associates have unless Sudan is already on the verge of collapse?.

  17. Weyane’s aim of destroying ethiopia and its people historical unity, so that it will build greater Tigray with out any challenge from the disintegrated weak Ethiopia is not a cheap propoganda that is being played by Ethiopian patriots or weyane enemies specially by E.P.L.F leaders.It is the unrealistic dirty dream that was manifested by the criminal weyane elites long time ago in Dedebit the evil place that gave birth to the wicked weyane.Look what happened in Dire Dawa last few days whn the evil plots of weyane comes up in action.Wake up Ethiopian patriots before it is too late.Confront Meles the midget and his gangs whenever they kill one of your kind whether he/she is moslem,christian ,harare,oromo,tigray,amhara etc.

  18. As it was mentioned in your website recently we need leaders like President Isaias Afeworki who are strong and who care for the peace of the whole East Africa. All these years our region has been influenced and dictated by outsid
    western policies… is time for us to Stand up for our people and our region. We can live in harmony and peace with out dividing our countries in to small pieces if we have such visionary and fearless leaders like Isaias.

  19. Yigermal!!!
    Am asking the superpowers..God is watching down, leave Africa alone…Africa is tired of all the complicated challenges and problems..will never afford any other problems….and it’s given that who is the master mind of all the evil….Do you think the evil would not come to you???

  20. it was my great fear that the plan to destroy Ethiopia and disable the country was the plan of the surrounding countries especially Egypt in the concern of the Nile river trust me they do not sleep day and night to disposes the country and be able to make us their slave.if you ask me how we can stop this i do not have the answer since i am 19 and unable to be part of the decision making.

  21. Dear ethiopian family,don’t even worry about their evil prediction,they are telling us what they wish to our mother ethiopia for the last 100 years,but i will give every ethiopian family a very important prediction in the bible about ethiopia and the current event in the horn of africa,recently the most powerfull nations on earth deployed and dispached their navy ships in order to fight somalia piracy which is funded and supported by the same superpowers but truth is they have a hidden agenda to control the intire sub-sahara and the middle east and the most shocking of all most african leaders are their puppet(slave)and they are a part taker on this issue,please go see the bible concerning this event,RAI ESAYAS chapter 18,1-20 you need to understand when the bible say ships with wings it means fighter get or airplane,GOD IS THE FATHER AND ETHIOPIA IS THE MOTHER and we are their children.

  22. In its Somalia Adventure Woyane learned the limitation of military power in solving regional confilicts as Shaebia learned the same lesson during the 1998-2000 boarder war.
    I predict that in 2009 Woyane will accept the EEBC ruling and allow border demarcation with Eritrea to go ahead. It Might take some time but in the end Woyane and Shaebia will normalize relations.

  23. Yonas,
    I differ with your prediction that Woyane and Shaebia will normalize relationship. Let me give you two simple reasons. First, Shaebia and Woyane have nothing, repeat NOTHING in common. While one is a most discplined organization with selfless visionary leaders who put the ordinary people’s interests before them, the other one is comprised of the world’s most notorious, corrupted, deceitful, ethnic-centered and viscious leaders who sell and enslave their country and people for some change. What people should remember is that EPLF and TPLF differed in almost everyhthing you can think of from get go. While EPLF believed in self reliance both in principle and action, the Woyanes mastered in begging. TPLF’s grandeous plan to establish “Greater Tigray” was one of the major disagreements between the two movements. EPLF strongly opposed to such expansionist and selfcentered idea and instead called for a unified Ethiopia. At the height of the 1998 war when the TPLF thug leaders inhumanely deported over 80 thousands babies, elders,women, the very sick Eritreans and Ethiopians of Eritrean origin, the EPLF leadership restrained itself from taking such reckless and irresponsible action, and instead called on its citizens for calm for it knew that governments may come and go, but the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea will always live as neighbours. In contrary to the Woyane’s propaganda machine (WIC),I can confidently say that most Ethiopians who were residing in Eritrea left willingly and under the supervision of ICRC.
    The second reason why I don’t see a normalization of relations between EPLF and Woyane can be summarized as such. People of Ethiopia are sick and tired of how their country is being used and abused by the TPLF bandits and are on the verge of working out a plan to demise it and its evil schemes once and for all. TPLF’s humiliated defeat in Somalia by a small number, ill-equiped but determined fighters is an eye openning to freedom-loving people that TPLF is not as invincible as it thinks it is and its misadventurism and hollow” military might” is in a state of collapse as we see it. In the nutshell, while the prospective for a peacefull coexistence between the people of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Sudan is inevitable and near, there would be no Woyane per se to talk about in significance let alone normalization of relationship.

  24. To Yared,
    Ofcourse the USA and Europe prospered at the expense of the people and land they enslaved and later colonized and now being neo colonizing via those brutal-coward dictators like meles Zenawi, Maputo Sese-Seko, Pinochet and many more.
    One thing you misrepresented the history is that you mentioned that the “West colonized Africa except Ethiopia”. Ethiopia was colonized by italy from 1935 until General wingate and his Indian contingent army liberated Ethiopia in the late 1941 and reinstated Haileselassie to the throne after his exile in England for nearly 6 years.
    On the top of this factual history, ethiopia played a part in the scrambble for africa when Minelik solicited arms from France to colonize Oromia. All the evils that the west perpetrated on the people of Africa, Asia and latin America can squarely be blamed on the brutality of Minelik on the people of Oromia he colonized. That is not teret-teret – It’s a fact that you have to get in terms with so that the healing process can start. Denial of history can cause hatred to breed that the Zenawi tyrant is wxploiting at the moment.
    CIA and the state department have made exploitation central to their progress but we should not be complicit to their evil acts.

    God bless all.

  25. Some of you come here and write absolute rubbish. US or any other western power does not have any interest in the break up of Ethiopia. In fact it is the other way around. US will be forced to feed more hungry Ethiopians if that country descends into mayham and chaos. Therefore, the assertion that CIA is working day in and day out to break up Ethiopia is as absurd as someone trying to convince you that earth is actually flat.

    One of the reasons why we are so miserable and in this permanent crisis is we have never taken responsiblity for our own actions. It has always been some one else’s fault for every ill we suffered.

    I totally agree with the person who predicts our future that we will break up. It will be because of the lack of democratic system in the country than any thing else. It will be because of the rampage on human rights abuse. It will be because of such perception that someone else is going to destroy us. We will destroy ourselves.

    Meles Zenawi does not have any sense of goodwill toward that country. He will do anything to protect his power, even at the cost of the existence of that country. Look how the unity, future prospect, and general wellbeing of that country deteriorated since he declared war on human rights in that country in 2005. Because of such inhumane acts by this Nazi gov, the ONLF is stronger than it has ever been. So is OLF. The emergence of new fighting forces such as Ginbot 7 and EPPF are the result of rampant human rights abuse and lack of democratic process in the country. On top of that, look at the old EPRP agents’ war on non-Amhara Ethiopians. I don’t think EPRP’s vilification of non-Amhara Ethiopians will be helpful to keep the country united.

    We are destroying our own country. Ethiopia is not that important a country for the CIA to lose sleep over.

  26. True, I have said many times and I still to my prediction that our beloved mother, Ethiopia, will disintegrate not because of CIA as some has claimed but because of Egypt and its pupet regime EPDRF of Meles. Because I have no power to stop this, I just pray day and night!

  27. Now , it is the responsiblty of ethiopans out side the country to make appeal to international comunity and international crime cort for investigation to meles zenawi crimenal poltics applied to ethiopians that cause of genociode and repressive

    ethiopians must rally around in every country , specially in USA.they must submit their information for investigation of criminal policy and poltics of meles zenawi. it is fooleshness to hope the next parlamentery election of 2010 . it more civil war and religous intation by tplf

    meles zenawi as a prime minster of ethiopa and as president of the separetist front tplf , this is a poltical crime that ethiopians has to appeal to international community

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