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16 thoughts on “Video: UDJ honors Negasso, Beyene, and Siye

  1. This is great news for all Ethiopians. Please Elias give them UDJ a chance if they can suceed for peaceful struggle. I know its too early to jump on the board but at least its a good start for now.

  2. Elias is right!
    How one can expects some kind of tangible program which will be able to use as instrument, from such opportunists. The meeting was clearly held (as Editor’s note) looks farewell to loyal (hodams) the so-called Opposition members. Please don’t waste time, this Andent group will never capable of being understand and evaluate, and therefore regard as real leader of Ethiopian people who emancipate the citizen.

    They should use that golden period, what they have done in the past and what they will do for the future… and ask the people to rally around them, and also as a political party they should inspire and generate enthusiasm among those present and who watch this video.

  3. NEGASSO GEDADA said to day in ethiopia there r 30,000 or more poletical presoners,but THE UDJ leader bertukan said in front of USA congress, there r only 100 poletical presoners in jail,why she lied? think about it

  4. Ayeee gim legem abrhe azgem!!! betam yegermal kehadi Le kehadi yegbabezale!! Those are actors playing the roll play what woyane ask them to play. Beyene, Negaso, Asye Abrha….what a joke!!! Beyene claim some vote to be taken away from kinijit vote count to be taken away and give it to him.
    Look guys the first mistake kinijit made 1) abanding the first people mass dimonistration right after the vote stole. 2) they got tricked and fulled to signed the peace of paper (so called the shimagles played roll to save woyane from international condmination) 3) As soon as they got released from jail they went a head start colaborating with the group in parlament. 4) they decided to give up the name Kinijt so quick. 5)They waited to long to express clearlly or they chose to kept under the carpet what divided the kinjit’s leaders. specially the damage has been done by Hailu Shawel’s supporter and eprp gungs in diaspora. That problem of luck of clarity continued to divide the Ethiopian people at home. 6) They simply chose to mingle with anybody had not been arested by woyane once they got released from jail. (big number of woyane agents walked and admitted in the new UDJP party freelly without any investgation of their past role. Because of those under cover agents within UDJP, the leadership only talked about peace strugle as a lip service. They also chose carefully the party plan without upseting the ruling party (woyane) 7)
    By delaing the peace full strugle, they manage to draw an income from diaspora supporters, wait and see if any super power countries force woyane to allow them greater freedom and a financial assistance with the new US administration (Hoping a such a bill like HR2003 will pass). The saddest thing we see now while they are playing the above game, they are losing the big majority of the Ethiopian people support day by day. 8) Not to mention the lack of understanding of the plan behinde preparing for the election 2010 while everything eles is so doom and dark to run the election again without any change from the past.

  5. Let us give them another chance. May be these Parties can build a stronger political party like the 1997 Kinjit. Remember Kinjit was a strong party but it went south due to some members of the coalition betraying what they stand for. These guys may be different and stronger. So, let us give them another chance. Siye knows the ins- and-outs of Melse and he may be in a better chance of establishing good base to fighting EPRDF

  6. Great speach by all of them but Negasos and Siye speaches more like moderet speach. Theire speach were like American poletican. They were funy, on message and well done.Hopefuly, those kinds of poletican will appreas for the future generation.
    Me personaly, i strongy agree with Siye Abriha’s idea. He is absolutley 100% percent correct. We must minimaz those poletical party nembers before go the further step. Can you believe it 82 oposition parties for the small country like Ethiopia? once again, Siye heats the nail on the head. Even two partis are too big to fail.Those so called poleticains, if they can not solve this kinds of problem, they can not be able to lead.
    Thank you.

  7. Elias, what is wrong with you man. I didn’t find anything wrong in the speech of the all of the stated political figures. As per Siye, u are right the people were appreciating whatever he is saying that is so because he was saying the truth and you should appreciate that as man of principle and some one honest. I am really amazed by his speech, i underestimated him as one of the ‘gorella’ or dull TPLF leaders. Now I guess i was wrong and u have to honest and try to think of that for a while.

    So please don’t try to force others to look of extrime negativity on the issue. At least this is not the time to say anything negative. Be positive and don’t indulge your self in the business of others.

  8. dear brother Elias kifle
    we know you are great ethiopian man we know
    you work hard
    we love you please dont attack one poor one ethiopia woman
    burtukan midekksa
    if thear is a problen just ask her
    give her advise
    she is ready to learn from you

    motbay nor

  9. Negasso and Siye at this time pushing any idea that leads to the unity of Ethiopia,they should be appreciated for what they are doing now regardless of their past,other wise there is no angel expected to come for Ethiopia’s rescue.Unless we welcome Citizens with different views to any forum, who else do we expect to struggle?This are the people that Ethiopia had produced for the last 50years of modern history.Are we wishing to harvest what we never planted?

  10. Dear friends
    if we were united and have respect for each others views we would have defeated Woyane on his own platform in the coming election,But disunited unpractised politics leads us nowhere.NEGASO,BEYENE AND SEYE ARE ENTITLED TO THEIR VIEWS WHICH ARE SO FAR ACCEPTABLE BY ALL ETHIOPIANS,

  11. በሃስብ ደረጃ ይሁልም ቃላት መሬት ጠብ የሚል አይደለም!
    ነጋሶ እና ስዬን ሳዳምጥ ከማድነቅ አልፎ ከነኝህ ጠባብ ፖለትከኞች ጋር ተባብሮ መታገል ከተቻል ድል ማግኝት ይቻላል ብዬ አምናለሁ
    ችግሩ እነኝህ ፖለቲከኞች ወይም መሪወች
    እርስ በርስ ስለማይተማመኑ ምርጫው ሲቃረብ እንደሚረግፍ አበባ ቅስ በቀስ ተራ በተረ ይረግፉና ህዝቡን ዉሃ አስጨብጠውት ለራሳቸውም ለህዝቡም ሳይሆኑ ሜዳ ላይ ጥለውት ይቀራሉ
    መጀመርያ መስራት ያለበት ስራ መተማመን,ቅድምያ ለአንድነት, ለሚያቀርቡት የትግል ነጥቦች 100% የሚይምኑበትና የሚታገሉበት እንጂ ምርጫ ሲቃረብ የሚንጠባጠቡበት መሆን
    ስዬ ቲፒለፍን በደንብ ስለሚያውቅ ብዙ ውጤት ሊያመጣ ይችላል ብዬ አምናለሁ
    ግን ብዙ መስረት ያለባችው ስራወች አሉ ብዬ አምናለሁ
    ስዬ በኢትዮጵያውያኖች አምነት እንዲፈጥር ከፈለገ ስልጣን ላይ በነበረበት ጊዜ ታስረው የጠፉትን ስወች የት እንደደረሱ ይጠቁም, ለምሳሌ ጸጋዬ ገ.መድህን(ደብተራው), ሞተውም ከሆነ ይንገረን, ለተደረገውም ይቅርታ ይጠይቅ.

  12. በምን ያህል ስዬዎች እንደተወረርን አሳይቶኛል ኢትዮጵያዊነት መንፈስ የተሞላባቸው እንግዶች በስብስባው መዝጊያ የቀድሞው ፕሬዝዳንት ጭምር ሲያጨበጭቡ ኢትዮጵያን መጠቀሚያ ብቻ አርጎ የሚያስበው (ንግግሩን) ስዬ ቆሞ ማየት በየትኛውም ባህል ሲታይ ምን እንደሚጠቁም ይታሰብበት:: የባሰው ዘረኛ መጫወቻ መሆን በጣም ያሳዝናል::

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