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H.R. 2003 will not be considered by the full committee – Tom Lantos

Press Release
The United States House of Representatives
Committee on Foreign Relations

Washington, DC – To correct erroneous reports about the Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Accountability Act (H.R. 2003), Chairman Tom Lantos of the House Foreign Affairs Committee issued this statement today:

“The full committee did not consider the measure at today’s markup because I wanted to give Ethiopia’s elders, government officials, courts and opposition leaders an opportunity to work out a pardon arrangement for the more than 30 remaining political detainees. Late last week I notified other members of Congress, including the House leadership, of my decision. I continue to be concerned about the detainees, and hope for their release soon.

“This bill will not be considered by the full committee for now, but this does not mean the matter of progress in political and other rights in Ethiopia is closed. The United States relationship with Ethiopia will continue to be conditioned on Ethiopian support for human rights and the rule of law. We will continue to hold the Ethiopian government accountable for the way it treats its citizens.”

Lantos is the founding co-chairman of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus.

34 thoughts on “H.R. 2003 will not be considered by the full committee – Tom Lantos

  1. Whether or not the bill is dead, the struggle will continue. Now let us get the remaining prisoners out first, and then we will come back to bill.

    By then, We will make a huge campaign in the districts of these Majority leader and the house speaker, Polosi.

    We will win!

  2. I knew Professor Ephrem will be heard more than the crowd-out voice of democracy loving Ethiopians who paid most of their dearly times in candle light vigil and protest for the sake of rule-of-law in their suppressed country. I wonder how difficult it is for a so called “Democrat” state like the USA to understand the danger involved by supporting a single tyrant and producing a life long enemies (Anti-Americanism) in the hearts of peace loving, repressed Ethiopians. Ethiopians, who thought one day America would listen to its shouts, ended-up seeing its tyrant (A terrorist leader)being funded by the USA, being given a pardon to stay in power so that he, in reurn would give pardon for the jailed other leaders of the opposition. People, lets look at the bright side, America is no longer the saviour! Nor has been. Very sad to see everyone disorganized to get rid off one single empty backed governer of Ethiopia.
    Does anyone has any idea why Addis is back to the 16 years old Electricity by shift administration? Dear God, what are they doing.

  3. The ‘shimagle’ need to be watched carefully. He could not mention one single sentence from the bill which will convince any one. What’s going on prof.? Are you playing game? The most irritating is he is supposed to be ‘shimagle but he lied he did not know what the bill was saying when he stick his nose in!! Hard to believe you. Talking about being we Ethiopians don’t want any pressure or ‘barenet’ what do you thing it is happening now. Do you think Zenawi is using his brain to think? Is Ethiopia doing things what is better for its own people or pleasing the Bush administration especially going to Somalia? Why don’t you speak about it? Where were you when Zenawi kill our sisters, brothers and all sacrificed Ethiopians? Let me ask you one question. If there was no resistance against Zenawi after killing all the innocents and if by now he was stable with his power will you come for your ‘Shimglena’? Anyway you try to save hime or let him getaway with his guilt and sin and we keep fighting! Time will tell who wins.

  4. Dear Ethiopian Review

    Try to prevent your personal emotions vs. facts hence H.R. 2003 is not dead! a key point must be understood about H.R.2003 this bill focuses on Accountability i.e. the tyrant Woyane regime will be held accountability legally for all inhuman treatment of citizens.

    I agree with you that the struggle should focus at home yet, having a helping hand is not a bad idea either hence we should continue supporting this bill by all means

    Let’s give credit!
    We all should be thankful for a true Ethiopian Hero Pro Ale Mariam for his tireless struggle to bring the crimes committed by the TPLF regime into justice system to make a clear accountability

    Long Live Ethiopia

  5. Elias, is this wodeke seebal tesebere? Lantos stated it’s been postponed; no where did he say it’s dead!
    The saying “Zim Aynekizem” does not work in America. If you don’t say anything in this country, people assume you’re either happy or indifferent. So, as tax paying members of this society, we have to display our displeasures every step of the way!It’s your money people!
    Thank you all Ethiopians, I am sure ‘chiqunu hizeb’ will thank you later!

  6. Let’s take a deep breath first before we make statements under frustration. Some bills take years to pass in the US congress. What we’ve accomplished so far is simply miraculous. We’ve stood against Meles’s highly paid lobbyists and scored some success, don’t you guys find that a little encouraging. I am getting irritated by some irresponsible statements some make regarding HR2003 including the editor of this website.

    Do not for one second let it slip your mind that this is a process and it takes a long time and a lot of patience. Do not expect an overnight victory over a very well established enemy who is willing to use every resource at his disposal to effect his hateful ideology.
    Be patient and keep up the struggle. Power to the People

  7. The tittle, H.R 2003 is dead, is a discarouging one. You could have expressed your anger in a different way such as ‘we should not quit because of this repeated posponments. This is not a marathon fight. Remember, Woyane is being supported by the U.S government as in any other un democratic governments in its foreign policy. To change this policy, it takes fierceful campign to teach the American public and their representives in the government system. The pressure must go on even this seams to be helping Mr. Meles temporarily. One thing Mr. Meles and the ‘Shemagles’ should understand is that democracy and tradition do not always go side by side. Mostly, while Tradition opens for change at a very minimal pace, democracy opens for change at a fast pace. So, the democratic advocacy groups should not necessarily expect traditional ‘Shimagles’ will help to facilitate democracy at a fast pace. That is why Meles’s group is turning to the ‘Shemglina’ politics. In democracy, ‘Shemglina’ should be used to teach the society democracy as a new culture intruding the old culture in a progressive way and people in both camps should behaive in a peaceful manner during this transition. The target of my comment should be addressed to Dr. Ephrame Issaq to act in this manner that is leave the democratic struggle alone instead, tell Mr. Meles not to be guided under the influence of U.S international terrorism policy. The struggle for democracy continues!

  8. I am so dismayed by such wrong footed “Ethiopian Review” for its lack of accuracy and misinformation. H.R.2003 is not dead. Please re-read congressman Lantos’s statement, or ask for help from the editors of Ethiomedia to get it right. Delaying a bill to give time for negotaiting the release of more hostages from Kaliti is not tantamount to killing it!

    With Ethiopiawi respect,


  9. You should have known from the start! that H.R. 2003 is dead on Arival. Try to be constructive or else what ever you start will die before it even starts.

    dead on arivals

    0. dergue….
    1. Cud, kinijit
    2. H.R. 5680
    3. h.R. 2003
    4. AFD, OLF, ONLF
    5. Eritrea and Isayyas

  10. Elias is angry, bitter and hopelessly losing it. In addition to insulting elderly man, meto aleka Girma like a wicked child he is offering unsolicited advise to CUD leadership. Here he goes again misinforming the audience about HR2003. Elias, take a sabbatical for few weeks, please. Preferably for ever

  11. Ato Elias,

    You never cease to amaze me. So now you have decided on a new way for the struggle, Wow… You do have a blotted sense of self. I have always wondered what your agenda is from as far back as the early 90’s. Either you are naive or you have done a great job of bambuzling quite a lot of people.

    Slow down brother, if you really are working for the intrest of Ethiopia you would be wise to slow down

  12. This is a confermation to the poletical strugle of the Ethiopian people at home and in the diaspora. Let’s give time to ”give Ethiopia’s elders, government officials, courts and opposition leaders an opportunity to work out a pardon arrangement for the more than 30 remaining political detainees.” Lantos continue siding us the people ”The United States relationship with Ethiopia will continue to be conditioned on Ethiopian support for human rights and the rule of law. We will continue to hold the Ethiopian government accountable for the way it treats its citizens.” Afterall Kinijit is Menfes. Even the American parlament has this spirit and who knows if Meles catch also the spirit? The rest of Woyane cadres who don’t catch the spirit will be victim of their bad spirit (Tebabenet segebgebenet).

  13. ofcourse,

    In the first place there is nothing says H.R 2003 is dead.The truth is you weyannes’little mind could not understand what exactly in the text is.”OFCOURSE”What you listed misses one thing,to add Weyanne.Then it will be perfect.

  14. O, God what is going on here.

    After reading the report you will not find a single word about “dead”. It says clearly postponed for reasons which are good for Ethiopia.

    Congressman Tom Lantos, chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs said postponing HR 2003 from markup on Tuesday was only a temporary measure aimed at giving Ethiopian elders and opposition leaders an opportunity to map out a strategy for the release of the remaining 30 officials.
    “the United States relationship with Ethiopia will continue to be conditioned on Ethiopian support for human rights and the rule of law. We will continue to hold the Ethiopian government accountable for the way it treats its citizens.”
    Congressman Lantos issued the statement after his office received erroneous reports about the Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act or a bill known as H.R. 2003.
    “The full committee did not consider the measure at today’s markup because I wanted to give Ethiopia’s elders, government officials, courts and opposition leaders an opportunity to work out a pardon arrangement for the more than 30 remaining political detainees. Late last week I notified other members of Congress, including the House leadership, of my decision. I continue to be concerned about the detainees, and hope for their release soon,” the statement quoted Lantos as saying.
    “This bill will not be considered by the full committee for now, but this does not mean the matter of progress in political and other rights in Ethiopia is closed. The United States relationship with Ethiopia will continue to be conditioned on Ethiopian support for human rights and the rule of law. We will continue to hold the Ethiopian government accountable for the way it treats its citizens.”
    Websites affiliated to the government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi had circulated a story that HR 2003 has come to an end, and the press release by Congressman Tom Lantos says that is false.
    Congressman Payne Fights ‘Tooth and Nail’ for H.R. 2003 Mark-up
    In a moving speech during Committee deliberations today, in which Cong. Payne was given first priority to speak, Cong. Payne told his colleagues on the Foreign Affairs Committee that H.R. 2003 is not just about the release of a handful prisoners. He said while the release of all political prisoners in Ethiopia is of the highest priority and importance, there are many other equally important issues. He asked his colleagues to focus on the facts in Ethiopia, the massive and continuing violations of human rights, the lack of accountability by the regime for the lives lost during the regime’s killing spree in the post-election period and the massive number of arrests of political opponents. Payne reminded his colleagues that the mark-up of the bill was delayed last time to give the regime an opportunity to do the right thing and release all political prisoners. Yet the same delaying tactic is being used to further delay the mark-up. H.R. 2003 “has many good ideas in it.”
    Prof. Ephrem says H.R. 2003 “has many good ideas in it.”

  15. Please guys never give up!. Let’s keep continue our struggle and Follow our leaders,like Pro.Alemayehu(great guy),you are one of our heroes,God bless you!.

  16. HR 2003 slowly but surley dead!!!

    Put aside the diplomatic niceties, he has basically told us that the bill will not go in to the full committee.
    if we are celebrating this news as victory, we are naive, or we are not fluent in deplomatic lexicon! The version of Lantos statement is the bill is on its way to Cemetry!! the bold Ethiopian Review editor has declared it is DEAD.a spade a spade!!

  17. Dear Ato Elias,

    The ice is broken.
    “Manner reveals character” says an english man. I came to realise gradually who you are.
    Firstly) You are against the passage of Ethiopia-Democracy & Accountability Act 2007. You were wishing that the bill would be discarded. So you gave a title to disappoint the pro-democracy readers: “H.R.2003 is dead”. Although the responsible gentlemen put their arguement properly that they uphold the bill for the passage sometime in September.
    This is good news.

    Ato Elias wishes violence to be rekindled in Ethiopia by using the terms civil disobedience, strike, etc. This is very fatal at this time since diplomatic efforts,elders efforts still underway.
    The month of August and September is not appropriate to undertake such moves as Mr. Elias thinks.
    August- Fasting time for christians
    September- New year, Meskel
    One has to think twice before forwarding emotional actions.
    The struggle should continue both at home and abroad accordingly.
    Those who live abroad do their own job. Those who live in Ethiopia pursue their peaceful struggle according to their own capability.
    “Shema beyeferju yilebesal”.
    No confusion please.

  18. OK the bill it didn’t pass so, do you think OLF, ONLF…are better than this government? Or you just don’t need any peace in Ethiopia. Please change your system.Think…world is in 21st Century.

  19. Elias Sir,
    Whatever the case is with HR2003 it should not affect our outlook in the process of removing TPLF from power. Hence we should not either be feeling good or bad because of HR2003. If it passes we won one small battle and not the war. If it fails to pass we lost a small battle and not the war.
    The excitement that is generated because of HR2003 should be limited since the outcome of the bill depends mostly on the US congress and not the Ethiopian people. We should be more exited about the type of fight that we Ethiopians will be in control and in charge of. That is the kind of fight we should work towards. We shouldn’t expect another country to fight for our freedom. The US itself has paid and is still paying a huge sacrifice to have a sustainable freedom and democracy. We as Ethiopians should also be geared to live free or die fighting. Thank you for high lighting the need for an all out war by Ethiopians against weyane.
    Let us keep in mind that the individuals that are working on HR2003 are doing their part to break weyane, they should be encouraged and supported. The rest of us also should be organizing to make weyane history

    Stop the Struggle and Start the Fight

  20. One of the problems Ethiopians who reside in U.S.A consistently demonstrate is the lack of knowledge how the American political system functions. Trying to sway Congress to pressure the Ethiopian government, many seem to believe, only does require gaining the support of the chairman of a particular commitee. That is a fallacy of greater proportion. Even if the American government believes democracy is not prevailing in Ethiopia, it does as well believe there is no potential alternative to the current government. Those who cry foul for everything the government of Ethiopia does fail repeatedly to demonstrate a vision. Stripped away their blind hatred for the government,demonstrated invariably, they have nothing to offer. In fact, overtime, I believe, the American government would be compelled to question wether we Ethiopian immigrants do have a conviction of our own. Calling demonstrations, asking petitions and trying to win over the sympathy of commitee chairmens might elevate passions. In American political system, however, reasons insistently tramps upon passions. Do Ethiopians Who live in U.S.A., despise the existing Ethiopian government, have ever display a well-thought-out notions which are contigent upon reasons? Only novice politicians might agree. The U.S.A. Congress, however, is not a place where many clueless politicians one could find. Give it up guys. I bet the last penny I have that the U.S.A. government of any political persuasion does never take seriously any Ethiopian opposition that emanates from U.S.A, if the political trends remains the same. My guess is as times goes by, if the opposition remains unwilling to learn from past mistakes, it would be troublesome to call demonstrations that target Ethiopians, who have been brainwashed to be their national obligation, leave alone persuade congress to agree with them. By the way, I am not a puppet to any political party. I know it might seem stange for some because Ethiopians who opt to think independently regarding Ethiopian politics should not be “absolved” from being a suspect. Do I really care? Never. In fact, I value my independent thinking; it is a result of persistent desire to learn.

  21. Dear all,

    H.R. 2003 is dead. If the congress does not bring it into action now, it will be dead since another route is needed to bring similar bill to the floor. Read Lantos’ statement between the lines. He said, “This bill will not be considered by the full committee for now, but this does not mean the matter of progress in political and other rights in Ethiopia is closed. The United States relationship with Ethiopia will continue to be conditioned on Ethiopian support for human rights and the rule of law. We will continue to hold the Ethiopian government accountable for the way it treats its citizens.”

    Lantos told us diplomatically but candidly that the bill is dead. But so what? Is this bill the only means to democratize our country? Do you guys believe that USA is the only hope we have for change? I say our people and CUD leaders and the ones who are determined to follow their footsteps are our hope.

    Surely, Elias stated what Lantos said. Unless we want him to misstate what Lantos said, the truth is HR 2003 is dead, but the struggle for change has shown its strength in the past couple of days as numerous Ethiopians pushed for reconsideration of the bill.

  22. Weather HR is dead or alive it doesn’t matter as long as we are not stopping killing each other. How can you worry much about while monsters like Shalega yoseph and his associate moges Biruc (LA) are raping financially, badly hurting emotionally and killing politically the whole Diaspora and the Ethiopian people back home.

    What I have heard from ER at EMF site about Shalega’s crime, I couldn’t believe for a while even though all of it was crystal clear and true. The level of the crime committed by this disgraced individual against the Entire Diaspora and the people back home takes time to digest because of no one expects from any human being this kind of crime to be committed against the innocent and hard working people.

    I highly recommend every one to listen the Radio interview with the very respected Ethiopia Ato Tesfaye Asmamaw done by Ato Elias and Dawit. This interview needs to reach to Dr. Taye, and the entire Kinijit committee members back home in the form of cassette or CD if it is possible in paper.
    This is not the time to be sad but happy and celebrate together for new and clean start, which is the only option. This is the time the patient is operated from the very bad sickness that took time, effort and cost lot to identify it. Shalega and his associate Moges Biruk (LA) will be in a heel look like prison the rest of their life. Their associates also are already identified and they will not use us for their benefit. Again, Individuals like Dr. Taye have no idea about the shalega crime and the so called shemagles that are disgraced. I’m saying here Bezabeh and his like. They know what was going on. But still they allowed Shalega to be part of KIC to destroy kinijit further.

    Every one must be bold and brave bringing all crimes public to clean the big mess inside Kinijit.

  23. Is democracy killed by the congress? I hope this is not what I am hearing. Regardless to what happen to HR 2003, the struggle for democracy will continue and we shall see the light at the end of the tunnel. Long live Ethiopia.
    To those best children’s of Ethiopia who brought HR 2003 before the congress I congratulate you on your best effort. Continue on your struggle and Ethiopia is proud of you.

  24. armed struggle is the best weapon to support our struggle at home for freedom and democracy. LET US PUSH ALL FREEDOM FIGHTERS LIKE EPPF, OLF, AND ONLF TO FORM ONE well organize front together and give all ethiopians to join the front and talk with weyane in language which weyanes understand. other wise weyane will continue killing us one by one separately. we should stand together hand in hand to die or to alife. God bless ethiopia and it’s peacelover children. amen

  25. WOW!! HR 2003 is dead, what a relief!! Let it be dead… Amen to that bill!! Let it buried somewhere at Arlington cemetery near by where Elias Kifle lives!! Let the coffin of this bill will nailed with 12inch fat nail. Let the top of the casket will cover from basaltic Iron – rich Rock!! Let volcano erupt underneath of it, and the 8000-Celsius molten magma like a hot furnace will melt this bill all the way down and turns it into ashes!! Yes! Let that day comes!!! Let no resurrection for this bill to come out from the dead for three thousand years! O halleluiah!! I feel like I am fired with holy sprit!!! AMEN!
    Back to the saddle! You might think I am very naive, but I would like to see this day as a day of Yohannes ,Thwedros and Menelik, I want them to celebrate this day as their birth day!! . Ethiopia was not and will not be administer by any foreign policy makers!! Certainly, we need their financial and material support; sometimes we throw ourselves deep to their pool! But we don’t need whatsoever proxy administration!
    , Let alone Senator Payne, Who gave even the US , authorization to impose democracy to other sovereign countries? As far as concerned human rights, America is one of the major countries who abuses civil rights and their privileges around the globe. . What is going on in Guntanamo? What is the story about the underground prisons of CIA all over the world? Where do they get the direct instruction? Is it not America, which refused to sign the Global warming treaty? Does America demand the standard to promote democracy to other countries?
    Lately we all are witnessed an amazing historical event. This was not even thought in the Derg regime. With out any reservation, I will give my kudos to the Government of PM Meles Zenawi, had this been in the Mengestu time, let alone forgiveness we wouldn’t even know, the where about their Prison cell would be. Possibly their story will be indeed with one of the favorite Derg song Yefyel wetete!!
    Thanks to the lord of heaven and earth, we are now in a different era. Is better than Derg time? You bet! Is it perfect NO! But the early morning democracy is shinning around the country. The good days are yet to come!! We need to be appreciative and grateful the way the Ethiopia democracy gets its momentum. The likes of Instructor Al and others need to think to invest their time and energy to help our elders led by Professor Efream , rather than splitting hairs. Our elders are absolutely changes the dynamics of the Ethiopian politics. This is practically proved and seen.. The elders have repeatedly said, they just started their work , their mission is not yet accomplished! If we can’t help at least don’t be a slander, stay away!!!! The way to the Promised Land is in Ethiopians hand, not in the outsiders!!

  26. Ato Elias:

    I do not intend to give you an advice for you have convinced yourself that you know everything. From time to time, I visit this site for news and information. You never fail to surrise me. You are a political master who can give unsolicited advice and directives to CUDP leaders how to lead, structure and organise the party. Not once, you have done this more than once. Now, you telling the thounands of ethiopians and over four scores of law makers that they are stupid, their effort is all but in vain. DEAD.

    I wish you know your palce.

  27. Prof. Ephrem
    The Freedom loving people of Ethiopia will never forgive you.You talk about Shimgilina, but what you are doing is not “Ye Shimagile Sira”

  28. The solution for our problem is not in the hand of HR 2003 or any other body. It is in our hand. Let leave our differences a side and stand together as one.Only through this way we can topple tplf from east africa and free our ppl even east africa.. Let us push all freedom fighters like EPPF, OLF ,TDM AND ONLFto form one united and strong front together. THIS IS THE ONLY AND THE ONLY WAY to free our selves from TPLF. SHAME ON, SHAME ON ,SHAME ON US.TPLF IS laughting at us. any ways, may God bless ethiopia and it;s victumazed children. amen

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